Autopsy Results 'Indefinitely Delayed'


I'm just PRAYING this means they have something on Murray and are closing in on him. This is turning into a freakin joke. No respect in life and no respect in death.
Yes - Anderson Cooper said it. I watched him and Toobin's conversation and I was disgusted.

Anderson Cooper made some comment about how everyone is always talking about how great a father Michael was. To paraphrase, Anderson asked how great must Michael have been as a father if he was popping all of these pills and getting prescriptions in his son's name. I was so livid I don't even know if he used the word "allegedly". Grrrrr!!!!!

Then Toobin chimed in that this is what drug addicts do - they lie, they steal from people, yada yada yada. He stated that Michael had a lot of money, so he didn't have to steal, etc. You get the picture.

I literally became sick to my stomach when I heard that conversation.
Yes - Anderson Cooper said it. I watched him and Toobin's conversation and I was disgusted.

Anderson Cooper made some comment about how everyone is always talking about how great a father Michael was. To paraphrase, Anderson asked how great must Michael have been as a father if he was popping all of these pills and getting prescriptions in his son's name. I was so livid I don't even know if he used the word "allegedly". Grrrrr!!!!!

Then Toobin chimed in that this is what drug addicts do - they lie, they steal from people, yada yada yada. He stated that Michael had a lot of money, so he didn't have to steal, etc. You get the picture.

I literally became sick to my stomach when I heard that conversation.

Was this tonight? See? You gon make me head over to CNN's offices with my bologna sandwiches in hand ready to throw at him!!! GRRRRRR!!!!! I actually liked AC. He's gonna eff around and lose me, he will. Nobody effs with MJ!
The so called fake autopsy report... which tabloid was that published in? I have a hunch that the report in that tabloid was leaked by the coroners dept and it is true and accurate. LAPD and the coroner dept have been leaking to Harvey Levin/TMZ left and right but not able to release an official autopsy... blah it's all fake to me now. Lies, lies and more lies are being fed to everyone.

Poor Michael. He does NOT deserve this shit.

That originated from The Sun... What a farce this entire ordeal has become.

The coroner's office officially said of the leak:

The assistant chief of the Los Angeles County coroner's office today dismissed as inaccurate a British tabloid report that last week's autopsy showed Michael Jackson had shrunk in weight to about 112 pounds and had lost his hair.

The report in The Sun said details about his condition were based on "leaked autopsy details."

"The report that is being published did not come from our office," said Assistant Chief Ed Winter of the Los Angeles County coroner's office. "I don't know where that information came from, or who that information came from. It is not accurate. Some of it is totally false."


"The (Sun) report did not come as a result of our autopsy, or of the private autopsy," Winter said.
Yes, this is what I'm wondering. From what I understood they already have them, yet it's their choice as to whether or not they want to make them public. *sigh* I just wish we'd get some indication...something to varify that things are coming to light. There's enough suspicion and innuendo taking place.

This is not looking good to me! I hope they surprise me and are onto something big.

I heard that anderson cooper and toobin think michael was the worst father ever because supposedly one of the prescriptions was in prince's name.

I really hope this is not true. :(
I like the rest of you am so totally pissed about this..I am so mad that I have blurry eyes....usually means blood pressure is to high. They may of found something in that raid yesterday that not only linked Murray to more drugs in the MJ case but may of linked Murray to other patients. They maybe are trying to build such a hugh case against him that they feel if they release the report about Michael they may jeopardize the other cases as well. I dont know. or maybe they found someone evidence of someone else linked to the case, maybe on cell phone records, e-mails. receipts. maybe something related to Grace..Jermain....who knows but the silence means something. Like someone stated the world is watching and I think they need to get this right.
for me, it says they are on to the scent of something. for whatever reason, releasing the results would put those responsible for his death in a better position. allow them time to mount a defense...create more spin in the media etc. It is my deepest desire that this is the reasoning they are with holding the tox results. Dude, i am not ready to except that we will never get a clear answer. That idea makes me want to vomit and then kick some azz. way more healthy for me to think in a positive light :D

just because they have a history of screwing up is no reason to count them out. This could be a jewel in their crown if they do their jobs better than they have ever done. Hell, I double dawg dare them to prove everyone wrong and bust this shit wide open :zformation:

GO LAPD :sarmoti:

GO DEA :imbad

**enter RuPaul**
:zformation: YOU BETTA WORK :zformation:

BWAHHHH! 3 words for u Chi:


lolololol :tease:
Yes - Anderson Cooper said it. I watched him and Toobin's conversation and I was disgusted.

Anderson Cooper made some comment about how everyone is always talking about how great a father Michael was. To paraphrase, Anderson asked how great must Michael have been as a father if he was popping all of these pills and getting prescriptions in his son's name. I was so livid I don't even know if he used the word "allegedly". Grrrrr!!!!!

Then Toobin chimed in that this is what drug addicts do - they lie, they steal from people, yada yada yada. He stated that Michael had a lot of money, so he didn't have to steal, etc. You get the picture.

I literally became sick to my stomach when I heard that conversation.

That is what I am saying we know that michael was a wonderful and present father so how much popping pills could he have done. Plus they just disregard his lupus. On my local news they did a segment on lupus which they said was due to surge in interest since michael jackson's death. They profiled a woman who too 7 different pills a day to manage lupus symptoms.
I do not know if I can trust the autopsy report because I believe they are going to say that he had a lot of drugs in his system and so it is his fault and not charge Murray. This could all be a charade going after Murray because the LApd has always tried to mess with michael's reputation. As for the private autopsy report I don 't know what to say about that because I don't know if a private firm is going to want to go head to head with the lapd so that report could be tainted as well.

I agree,

That doctor had a good three hours to do what ever he wanted to do to MJ. NO one was allowed to come into the room except the doc. I truly believe MJ died hours before 911 was even called. That doc doing what ever he could to cover his ass. H f'd up. He was doing some illegal sh** and knew it. When he saw MJ was dead he panicked & went into cover up mood. I read that all the meds where found in his room. So he most likely pumped MJ up with a lot a sh** to make it look like he was a junkie or something to take the blame off of himself. All the talk about Needle tracks, please.

Has anyone ever heard of MJ walking around with track marks?
I heard that on Anderson Cooper. And it was evil and sickeningly disgusting. i looked at his face and saw just hate and evil I never saw before. Then he went on to question if money was involved in the deal with Debbie. So much for the care of the kids. You would think an agreement is reached, so fine, that's good, but no, he wants to get all dirty adn gossipy. He's just slime, real slime.
So, the autopsy and all of the tox reports are back, that is a fact. I do autopsies as part of my job. The tissue that was taken at the time is still useable and could provide DNA evidence that it may have been hard to get from the blood work. Some drugs have such a short half life that by the time they got around to taking blood in the ER or at the time of autopsy they were already eliminated by the liver.I have heard this is true of diprovan. Some drugs go to other parts of the body and can be found in hair or finger nails etc. Second the blood samples they took they have either used up or are too degenerated to use at this point. There is a chance that they froze some blood but that would limit what they could do as far as testing is concerned now as they changed the physical component of the blood by freezing.

I think at this point they are looking into all of the doctors and drugs that have been indicated in not only the autopsy but in what they have taken from Murray. They need to follow all of the leads they have to the end. If more than Murray are inciated then they need to follow that to the end as all of the people involved need to be looked into. Remember these people treat other patients than just Michael and they have to make sure that they aren;t over medicating others. By releasing the autopsy report to the public they are releasing it to the medical commuinty as well and this will give any doctor the lead time they need to cover up their involvement. I really don't think that they have a big bomb shell piece of information to drop when they do release the results. I think they just really need to get this right and that is why they are taking the time.

Points taken.

Getting it right is exactly what they had better be doing.
Hello Knots and Fantam (I love to 'see' the old faces)!!!

I said to myself that very thing. Well, duh, if all the world is saying what a good and present father he was then really, think nutheads, how much pill-popping could he be doing??

I really couldn't believe what Anderson Cooper said, and I think they both knew they definitely crossed the line with their comments.
So, the autopsy and all of the tox reports are back, that is a fact. I do autopsies as part of my job. The tissue that was taken at the time is still useable and could provide DNA evidence that it may have been hard to get from the blood work. Some drugs have such a short half life that by the time they got around to taking blood in the ER or at the time of autopsy they were already eliminated by the liver.I have heard this is true of diprovan. Some drugs go to other parts of the body and can be found in hair or finger nails etc. Second the blood samples they took they have either used up or are too degenerated to use at this point. There is a chance that they froze some blood but that would limit what they could do as far as testing is concerned now as they changed the physical component of the blood by freezing.

I think at this point they are looking into all of the doctors and drugs that have been indicated in not only the autopsy but in what they have taken from Murray. They need to follow all of the leads they have to the end. If more than Murray are inciated then they need to follow that to the end as all of the people involved need to be looked into. Remember these people treat other patients than just Michael and they have to make sure that they aren;t over medicating others. By releasing the autopsy report to the public they are releasing it to the medical commuinty as well and this will give any doctor the lead time they need to cover up their involvement. I really don't think that they have a big bomb shell piece of information to drop when they do release the results. I think they just really need to get this right and that is why they are taking the time.

I concur with this post. The world is watching this, and with as many "angles" we and everyone else are reading about, absolutely no stone can be left unturned. And especially giving the defense/offense anything other than the absolute facts to work with or cause difficulty in either side from effectively or erroneously presenting their case.
I have been thinking that the autopsy report is inconclusive and they are running with the Diprivan theory because it seems likely.
Hello Knots and Fantam (I love to 'see' the old faces)!!!

I said to myself that very thing. Well, duh, if all the world is saying what a good and present father he was then really, think nutheads, how much pill-popping could he be doing??

I really couldn't believe what Anderson Cooper said, and I think they both knew they definitely crossed the line with their comments.

Hi Lisa

I just wonder how low are they gonna go they are going to pick this man's bones clean
Anderson Cooper needs to less time judging Jackson and more time fixing his tutu. Toobin is a dufus. And yes, the LAPD muffed the entire investigation up.
Was this tonight? See? You gon make me head over to CNN's offices with my bologna sandwiches in hand ready to throw at him!!! GRRRRRR!!!!! I actually liked AC. He's gonna eff around and lose me, he will. Nobody effs with MJ!

Yes, this was tonight. I think AC360 comes on at 10 pm ET and replays again at 11 pm ET (I think) - so if you wanna catch the replay, watch at your own risk.

I liked AC a few years ago - I thought he did great reporting during Hurricane Katrina. He has gotten to be really sarcastic, snide and nasty though. I have been thinking for a while that he fell off. He confirmed it for me tonight.
Hello Knots and Fantam (I love to 'see' the old faces)!!!

I said to myself that very thing. Well, duh, if all the world is saying what a good and present father he was then really, think nutheads, how much pill-popping could he be doing??

I really couldn't believe what Anderson Cooper said, and I think they both knew they definitely crossed the line with their comments.

Hi LisaB!:D

I agree - it is great seeing all the old folks! I have been missing for a while, but you know how it is when tragedy strikes - folks come together back home. How I wish I had returned under different circumstances...

And Yes - Anderson Cooper did cross the line tonight IMO - I can't believe he went there.
Anderson Cooper needs to less time judging Jackson and more time fixing his tutu. Toobin is a dufus. And yes, the LAPD muffed the entire investigation up.

yes, if my hands could have reached thru the TV I would have slapped the sh*t out of Anderson Cooper.... that white hair would have turned colors in a split...
rude, ignorant azzz.

we need to let our comments be known to CNN..


contacting CNN

in their time of trama and saddness... I am sorry but I wish for these people in the media like Anderson Cooper the same
treatment that they give Michael
Yes, this was tonight. I think AC360 comes on at 10 pm ET and replays again at 11 pm ET (I think) - so if you wanna catch the replay, watch at your own risk.

I liked AC a few years ago - I thought he did great reporting during Hurricane Katrina. He has gotten to be really sarcastic, snide and nasty though. I have been thinking for a while that he fell off. He confirmed it for me tonight.

I'm watching it now luv, they just made the comments. Unreal. They just LOVE to vilify this man, the media just CANNOT help themselves. No words. I have NO words. I'm so over AC. Over him.
yes, if my hands could have reached thru the TV I would have slapped the sh*t out of Anderson Cooper.... that white hair would have turned colors in a split...
rude, ignorant azzz.

we need to let our comments be known to CNN..


contacting CNN

in their time of trama and saddness... I am sorry but I wish for these people in the media like Anderson Cooper the same
treatment that they give Michael

They closed comments so I'm sending an email to the other link...
and yeah I'd hold off on the AC said this and that. I'll believe that when I hear it but that doesn't sound like AC to me.

I heard the conversation on Anderson Cooper. The questioning of Michael's parenting came after the mention of getting prescription's in Prince's name, but the comment was more along the lines of "We've heard about what a good parent he was, but how much parenting could he have done if he was taking all these drugs?" The transcript isn't up yet, so I'm paraphrasing ... but the dismissive comments about his parenting were in contrast to the picture given by the chef - of Michael and the children having lunch together every day, laughing and telling stories ... that together with Michael's interest in eating healthy just doesn't fit the drug addict meme.
That is what I am saying we know that michael was a wonderful and present father so how much popping pills could he have done. Plus they just disregard his lupus. On my local news they did a segment on lupus which they said was due to surge in interest since michael jackson's death. They profiled a woman who too 7 different pills a day to manage lupus symptoms.

Yeah I know, nobody wants to bring this up or any vitiligo medications either.... You start with a drug meant for the skin has strong side effects...they start prescribing medications for the side cascades....he can't sleep, gets fidgety, anxiety, migraines, discolored finger nails, even more sensitivity to the sun...all side effects of known auto immune disorder medications... so then he gets more desperate for sleep...and in the end - here we are.

Seriously, I know people on drugs for more than one auto immune disease. They are really strong with just as strong side effects. Nobody on tv wants to talk about that though. :no:
That is what I am saying we know that michael was a wonderful and present father so how much popping pills could he have done. Plus they just disregard his lupus. On my local news they did a segment on lupus which they said was due to surge in interest since michael jackson's death. They profiled a woman who too 7 different pills a day to manage lupus symptoms.

that is what pisses me off... the media purposely leaves out that he suffered from various conditions...

my Mother was diabetic and a heart patience.... you should see the amount of meds she had to take day...

AC 360 pissed me off sooooooooooooo bad... I am staying away from cable news for a while....sticking to my local news ....or no news...

in any case I am glad that someone is getting those private movies with Michael and his kids out... and showing the personal side of Mike....
those videos speaks volume of the type of man he was....

it just comes to fruition that those who didn't like him in the 1st place
show no understanding and those who liked him.. will always love/like him...its just the way it in.... and in end the ...after all of this.. the music
will always prevail...

have faith....stay strong and focused....
Was this tonight? See? You gon make me head over to CNN's offices with my bologna sandwiches in hand ready to throw at him!!! GRRRRRR!!!!! I actually liked AC. He's gonna eff around and lose me, he will. Nobody effs with MJ!

take these 2 pieces of fried bologna.

Now AC is getting out of hand with his comments.. See that is why I can't really give AC all my love like I can to Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Now that lil whippa snappa is a cutie.. But MJ has my love always..

Back on Topic.. I really hope the DA doesn't drop the ball on this, like I said b4 I hope all this leaking of info doesn't give the defense lawyers ground to have the cases thrown out. If they go after Murray they need to go after all the other doctors, not necessarily for murder but for giving MJ these prescriptions and he didn't need them.

The AMA needs to wake the hell up and revoke these doctors licenses and prescription pads. Those mofos shouldn't be able to examine a dead roach if you ask me..
I heard that on Anderson Cooper. And it was evil and sickeningly disgusting. i looked at his face and saw just hate and evil I never saw before. Then he went on to question if money was involved in the deal with Debbie. So much for the care of the kids. You would think an agreement is reached, so fine, that's good, but no, he wants to get all dirty adn gossipy. He's just slime, real slime.

yes, I just saw him in a totally different light as well................I am still fuming...

they are trying soooooooo hard.........dishonor and smear Michael....and its not about being addicted to prescription drugs....becuz Jamie Curtis confessed about 2wks ago that she had a problem and CNN have never even mentioned it...

but when it comes to Michael.........they are licking their lips... and I have to say I have been contributing to those high ratings they are getting with the MJ coverage...........but no more
I said to myself that very thing. Well, duh, if all the world is saying what a good and present father he was then really, think nutheads, how much pill-popping could he be doing??

I really couldn't believe what Anderson Cooper said, and I think they both knew they definitely crossed the line with their comments.

Agreed. Isn't CNN connected with that Nancy Grace network? It's like NG and that gang do it no holds barred, and CNN pretends to be not tabloid driven, but they're one step behind, covering the same themes.
not happy with the delay, of course. But I'm thinking that once the autopsy results are finalized, the coroner must sign off on the cause of death. If he does feel it IS homicide - whether negligent, manslaughter, whatnot - then the hand of the police will be forced to move in on Murray - and I say Murray because he seems to be the focus. If they don't have all the investigations done or all the evidence in order, he could get off - and if he is guilty, we sure don't want that to happen. I hope and believe that they are waiting until they have what they need for a solid arrest, then will release the results with the coroner stating homicide as the cause of death. We'll just have to wait and see.
take these 2 pieces of fried bologna.

Now AC is getting out of hand with his comments.. See that is why I can't really give AC all my love like I can to Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Now that lil whippa snappa is a cutie.. But MJ has my love always..

Back on Topic.. I really hope the DA doesn't drop the ball on this, like I said b4 I hope all this leaking of info doesn't give the defense lawyers ground to have the cases thrown out. If they go after Murray they need to go after all the other doctors, not necessarily for murder but for giving MJ these prescriptions and he didn't need them.

The AMA needs to wake the hell up and revoke these doctors licenses and prescription pads. Those mofos shouldn't be able to examine a dead roach if you ask me..

Uh huh! AC keep acting up and he'll have a forehead full of warm mayo and some bologna and white bread slices stuck to his forehead he keep messing with me.

But really, I'm sure they have the results, they are just proceeding with caution. I HOPE. As long as all this delay delay delay results in someone taking the fall for MJs death then I'll be happy. Murray I'm looking right at YOU.

I mean these so called doctors aren't anything new, they are drug pushers and that's been going on in Hollywood for YEARS. But I can't lie, the alias thing is scary and very upsetting to me. I am saddened by that I really am. :( I'm not upset at MJ... I'm just sad.
I feel you Rasta.. The media acts like once a person becomes a celebrity they no longer have feelings or family members with feeling.. MJ was 2 nice, cuz had I been in his social circle, many a folks would've gotten their asses handed to them. I would've gone on every show and dared those reports and news anchors to repeat that negative shit they say/said about MJ to my face and see if they still got taste and feeling in their mouth.