Autopsy Results 'Indefinitely Delayed'

I'm watching the repeat of the chef on Larry King and I am trying VERY hard not to cry. She's seems so sweet, has nothing but nice things to say, and her recount of what happened in the house that morning/afternoon is heartbreaking... I see you Larry.. trying to find out if MJ was eating (but he's not doing it in a tabloid-ish nasty kinda way. Larry is on the MJ train)... she's confirming that he was... he asked her to feed him healthy stuff.. Just heartbreaking.. I can't stand it.
Oh Gosh you guys!!! Did you see the Box of Happiness!!! How adorable is this? How beautiful!!! I've decided that I like this chef.
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Isn't it possible that releasing the information could jeapordize the investigation especially if the scope of it is wider then we anticipate?

It would be nice to know everything now but waiting may infact be better for the truth to be served. If they never release the info - I don't know. What I do know is nothing in that report will change the fact that Michael is gone so... :(
ima go w/ shamika on this one.

it looks like they got hella fish to fry and if they release what all was in him, if any doc prescribed that, they're gonna run

also, on *shudders* et they said that they're even looking at hospital staff who may have illegally removed diprivan from the hospitals.

so murray ain't the only one nor is he just being looked at for manslaughter
Was it confirmed that he was getting medication in Prince's name?

I LOVE Anderson, and he seemed to be doing a really good objective job with this whole thing. Every time he spoke about Michael, he genuinely seemed really sad. I'm upset to see him turn like this.

Isn't good, unbiased reporting all about leaving your opinion out of it? :rolleyes2:
Oh really is this the same Anderson Cooper who said tonight Michael was a bad father because he was always high and said he got pills in his son's name?
Not the same Anderson Cooper who said Michael was a bad father because he was popping pills and getting pills in his son's name?
she was trying not to cry when they played the 911 call

Yeah I peeped that. I tried as well. Unsuccessfully. I hate hearing that call cause in my mind I see that POS "doctor" doing CPR on the damn BED! UGH!
I'm watching the repeat of the chef on Larry King and I am trying VERY hard not to cry. She's seems so sweet, has nothing but nice things to say, and her recount of what happened in the house that morning/afternoon is heartbreaking... I see you Larry.. trying to find out if MJ was eating (but he's not doing it in a tabloid-ish nasty kinda way. Larry is on the MJ train)... she's confirming that he was... he asked her to feed him healthy stuff.. Just heartbreaking.. I can't stand it.

What's kinda funny about that is how in another interview she said despite all his health consciousness MJ was still eating that KFC on her day off (Sunday). She would come in on Monday morning and find empty KFC buckets of chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy.

But yeah, it sucks that he seemed to be trying to do all the right things and things somehow still went wrong. :(
no one should be getting angry over the doesn't necessarily mean that they messed up. would you rather they rush through this and really mess things up? trust me, there is much more to this than we are allowed to know. i can't get into specifics, but i am led to believe that there are going to be a few doctors who are gonna be in some serious shit when this through
Hey, I'm new to this site and having been reading for a while. This post made me want to join. When I was in high school I worked with a nurses program and one of the drugs I learned about was Propofol/Diprivan, it takes a total of 40 seconds to put a person to sleep. This drug is unlike very many drugs, it stays in the blood stream for only hours. From all the warrants what the DEA/FBI/LAPD are looking for is Propofol. So more than likely that is what did kill him. Anyways, here's the thing, it would not show up in a toxicology results if he had been dead for hours. More than likely they have had to take hair samples, which would show all drugs that he has taken in the last 90 days. Which could possibly include the Propofol. Another thing about Propofol is, it will break down into the fatty tissue/cells so it could possibly be there, it really just takes times. It's a hard drug to explain, and one more thing that you would have to take into consideration is it's a fact that there has only been maybe 3 or 4 deaths from Propofol. So more than likely, this is a first for this coroner which would mean he has to back track, reread, and prove EVERYTHING before he can confirm the cause of death. I really hope this makes sense lol.
Thanks for that information, EllaBella. If it's really true that there's hardly any deaths related to this drug, then it gives a whole new spin to it. I'm sure that makes the investigation even mor delicate and consuming.
We have to be patient. If the investigation is on going then this mean that the police are really looking into what happen to Michael. I heard on a local news report that the Jackson family were told of the results. We as fan have to wait.

Also I saw one news report that said that if Michael had other drugs in his body besides Diprivan based on the autopsy reporty, then the prosecutors really have to be careful if they are going to charge Dr. Murray for manslaughter because the challenge would be what killed Michael? Was it the Diprivan or was it a combination of other drugs? Was it something else and not Diprivan?

The investigators have to try and tie what drug to what doctor if it is determined what drugs killed Michael.
I agree that they are trying to make sure all their info Is correct b/c people r watcing them to make sure it's done right. I don't think he had many drugs in his system because they would nit hesitate to release that info proving him an addict. If there was a cocktail wouldn't they say outright since everyone is calling him an addict for25 years. I believe they want to connect Murray with the dipravan before making an announcement & since the coroners office is being investigated they need to be careful how they release information. Just my thoughts
watch the results be revealed like next year :rolleyes2:

i understand it takes time & investigation ...but waiting to find out what and who killed michael just sickens the crap out of me.

i can't believe i had to write that.
This is exactly why the Jackson Family hired their own pathologist...but obviously that report isn't being released either...and there isn't any obligation on their part to publically release the findings from the second.
The local news here in Los Angeles just reported that the autopsy report will be released next week. And they also said that it showed that Michael had other drugs in his system. The news also reported that there were prescription drugs in 19 different aliases and some of the names were Prince and Paris's. The news said that the investigators are going through all of the various doctors that prescribe drugs to Michael.
I heard that anderson cooper and toobin think michael was the worst father ever because supposedly one of the prescriptions was in prince's name.

I heard anderson and that bias Tobin guy. I believe that they did not find the so call cocktail of drugs in his autopsy so they holding back the report.

Lets face it LAPD is in cohorts with The MEdia anytime they fine something negative mysteriously a source gaves it to the media. And trust me if they found numerous drugs in the autopsy the media would of been leaked about it.

My guess is the same as victoria83 they found nothing and don't know what to do now.

Anderson Copper is really making me sick right now with his albino looking self. How does the fact that Prince name make mj a bad dad.may be it was being used because the medicine could of been bought for prince.

Notice the MEDIA IS ONLY SAYING THAT MJ USED ALIAS BUT NOT SAYING WHAT DRUGS WERE BOUGHT. Why so because maybe the drugs were not addictive and were being used for legit medicall issues.
This is exactly why the Jackson Family hired their own pathologist...but obviously that report isn't being released either...and there isn't any obligation on their part to publically release the findings from the second.

Because the Jackson family hired their own pathologist doesn't mean that the results are going to be any different.
IDK! My guess it that they found something big and don't want to release it to protect the investigation or they haven't found the cause of death and need more time to check things out. OR (and I hope it ain't this) somebody tampered with something or messed up.

I just want to got back to june 24th, Im sick of coming on this board and being confused. Im sick of michael all over the tv and ppl lying. It just don't make since anymore!
My head hurts with all the BS and different stories flying around :( I just want the truth is that too much to ask for?!?!?

As for not releasing the autopsy results. Do they ever do grand juries for such cases in the States? Anyone know. Would that be a resaon for not releasing the info?

I have no idea *bangs head against wall*
OK... :perrin: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: I hope the results will come out eventually and it will not take months... I don't know what else to say.
I think we were all expecting to get some answers to Michael's death this week, and now it's been indefinitely delayed. It is only natural that we will all feel dismayed and angry.

I'm hoping too, that the delay means that they are doing a thorough investigation, and making sure they have all the information, before reaching a conclusion.

It's going to be an agonising wait for all of us, though.
I think releasing the results publicly now could compromise the investigation they're doing. That's probably the reason. They're just being cautious.
I guess we'll just have to wait ...indefinitely. I only hope that after all the waiting , the results will come as they should, no more lies or half-truths.
If we don't have hope, what else is left there for us, now, at this final moment?
When you guys say they could have messed up, what sort of thing do you mean?
I'm hoping so bad that it's just not to mess up the case they are building. If this wait eventually leads to people having to pay for this, then brilliant. Patience is a virtue. I am scared of what might come out though. :(
I'm still hoping for answers but the longer it takes the more I'm believing they will never release it for the public.
I certainly hope they found something big like some of you say.