Autopsy Results 'Indefinitely Delayed'

I can't believe this! I wonder how long it took the family's autopsy results to come back.

Yes, this is what I'm wondering. From what I understood they already have them, yet it's their choice as to whether or not they want to make them public. *sigh* I just wish we'd get some indication...something to varify that things are coming to light. There's enough suspicion and innuendo taking place.
I know that they are building a case against Murray and other doctors.... but reading the autopsy report shouldn't hurt nor delay their fact finding mission - unless something didn't add up in the report. Maybe the evidence they have indicates more than Dr. Murray? Or maybe they don't have enough physical evidence to implicate Dr. Murray. Either way, I've seen autopsy reports come out way sooner (Anna Nicole Smith and Heath Ledger) and both were considered criminal investigations.

I smell bullshit....
The only thing that I can think of is that the DA's office may have made it clear what they needed to bring forth a case and perhaps the information was not to their standing. Maybe they FOUND something important and they need other evidence to make the case.

Hell I dunno anymore. I hope to hell they ani't covering anythng up... They ani't never exactly been friends of MJ's either.

the way it seems like they are dragging this on and on, by the time D-day comes they better have an airtight case.. I have known the DA's office to have 1 piece of evidence and make an arrest and conviction.. Well they need to jump on it if they are going to get these other doctors cuz they have given them ample reason to start burning stuff that concerns MJ..
They better have more than an airtight case. They better be prepared to explain what the hell has happened here.
Isn't it possible that releasing the information could jeapordize the investigation especially if the scope of it is wider then we anticipate?

It would be nice to know everything now but waiting may infact be better for the truth to be served. If they never release the info - I don't know. What I do know is nothing in that report will change the fact that Michael is gone so... :(

Agreed. :(
"Indefinitely" is one helluva wait. I smell fish, or worse. Sure, it could mean an investigation is continuing. It could also mean that they found absolutely NOTHING and that the "addict" label all over CNN now is slander. No way to know, at this point. I sure wish the family will release the results of the private autopsy?

I can think of no way that releasing the results would impede an ongoing investigation. We already know they are looking for prescription drugs so wtf? Or, maybe they found a drug or even a poison that they didn't expect? They could release partial results? I stand by my position that the delay is outrageous. LAPD are not known for being "friends" of Michael Jackson. . . . . . and please everyone remember that?
proper scaring me now. sounds like something big huh. something they dont want suspects to know they know.
Oh Jesus. Look at this:

ET has obtained the search warrants served Tuesday at the Las Vegas home of Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, which reveal that investigators believe that Jackson was an addict. Read on for details...

In the documents obtained by ET, investigators say they were seeking evidence supporting a manslaughter charge and a medical infraction of "prescribing to an addict."

The warrants, filed in court Thursday, indicate that investigators were seeking evidence about the sale and shipment of propofol, an anesthetic.
Keep checking back here for the latest on this developing story.
It's difficult for me to put into words what is going through my head. But the longer they put the autopsy results off, the harder it is for attorneys to come up with "defense" motions/statements. Folks don't know what is found, so it slows up issuing statements, forming defenese tactics, etc.

Hard for a defense attorney to come up with a strategy/press release, etc., if they don't know what they're up against, irregardless of what Murray might have told his attorneys.
LAPD and Coronor's office can't seem to get the reports together regarding the TRUTH about Michael's death, but they're able to act as 'sources' to TMZ and CNN and other media.

I DO NOT trust and NEVER HAVE trusted any LA County government regarding Michael Jackson. They have a history of screwing with Michael (remember 1993 child molestation allegations?). Despite taped evidence of Evan Chandler saying he was going to 'ruin' Michael Jackson, we didn't here anymore about it. Of course LAPD claimed they were investigating the extortion claims against Evan Chandler--but it was all bull and all for show---just like what's happening now. Even though the Chandlers filed a lawsuit just 1 MONTH after the criminal investigation was started against Michael, LA authorities NEVER took the extortion claims seriously. Yet they wasted tax payer's money by having a so-called indefinite investigation (which lasted for just about close to a year). And all during that time, there were among them, the loose-lipped 'sources' claiming what they found in the raid of Michael's homes, claims of other 'victims' etc. And now they're doing the same thing...acting as 'sources' claiming Michael Jackson as an addict. Unlike with the child molestation allegations which were dreadful for Michael, at least he was alive to be able to strongly deny and defend himself against those lies. Now, he no longer has a voice. And what's even worse, some of his 'fans' are falling for the hype and these newbies are trolling MJ boards with their ever-reliable 'objectivity' which is really nothing but a thinly disguised sick joy they have in 'rubbing MJ's demise in the fans faces' with their 'I told you so' and their favorite theme of "You need to face reality that Michael was not perfect and not a God" crap.
This REEKS of bullshit. I just don't know what to think anymore. Best guess is that the "evidence" was violated/compromised and they don't know WHAT they've got. I have no idea why they can't just release his weight (which in itself would tell us something), if he did or did not have a heart-attack, or whatever else.

For those of you still counting on some sort of "official" statement, please remember that LAPD has already f--d up. They failed to secure the scene immediately after Michael was taken to the hospital. Anything could have been taken out, or brought in. They waited a MONTH to raid Murray's office and home? Ample time to destroy anything. This has been an incredibly shoddy investigation full of too little, too late . . in my opinion. Because of the mistakes, either some people don't want the public to know the truth, or it was just too messed up from the get-go. Or, the LAPD simply do not CARE what happened to Michael?

We may never know. . . . . . . and that is outrageous!

Ummm... what if.... the initial report... was incorrect...
The so called fake autopsy report... which tabloid was that published in? I have a hunch that the report in that tabloid was leaked by the coroners dept and it is true and accurate. LAPD and the coroner dept have been leaking to Harvey Levin/TMZ left and right but not able to release an official autopsy... blah it's all fake to me now. Lies, lies and more lies are being fed to everyone.

Poor Michael. He does NOT deserve this shit.
Isn't it possible that releasing the information could jeapordize the investigation especially if the scope of it is wider then we anticipate?

It would be nice to know everything now but waiting may infact be better for the truth to be served. If they never release the info - I don't know. What I do know is nothing in that report will change the fact that Michael is gone so... :(

I agree and completely understand this....still doesn't make it any easier.


Indefinitely is not the word I was hoping to hear! This is ridiculous. Now they've given themselves an excuse to sit on their thumbs and do jack all while we speculate ourselves into oblivion during the wait. Nice.
This is so weird how it's taking them over a month to do an autopsy. The only thing I can think of is that the autopsy is finished but they are building a case against doctors. There may be a surprise element that we do not know. But one thing for sure...something is up.
Just great!! WTF?? I swear this is a joke! Do these people even know how to do their jobs?? It shouldnt be taking this long to finally get the results so we all finally know what happened to Michael and how he died. these ppl are morans! They must be covering something up or they are really trying to build up a major case bc this is a complete joke! Its high time they give the family some closure and the fans bc this is just ridicoulis!
for me, it says they are on to the scent of something. for whatever reason, releasing the results would put those responsible for his death in a better position. allow them time to mount a defense...create more spin in the media etc. It is my deepest desire that this is the reasoning they are with holding the tox results. Dude, i am not ready to except that we will never get a clear answer. That idea makes me want to vomit and then kick some azz. way more healthy for me to think in a positive light :D

just because they have a history of screwing up is no reason to count them out. This could be a jewel in their crown if they do their jobs better than they have ever done. Hell, I double dawg dare them to prove everyone wrong and bust this shit wide open :zformation:

GO LAPD :sarmoti:

GO DEA :imbad

**enter RuPaul**
:zformation: YOU BETTA WORK :zformation:
Oops my bad, y'all.

Why I don't get though, is WHY would they be fucking up on Michael's case? The world world is watching this, if anything they would wanna make sure they didn't fuck up. Why would law enforcement have bias in this? That's what I'm wondering.


1993: 2 Grand Juries, one in LA County, one in Santa Barbara County, strip search of MJ, raid of NLVR, indefinite opened case file;

2003: NLVR raid, grand jury, pre-trial hearing, arrest, trial...

It's like MJ said: 'All I Wanna Say Is That They Don't Really Care About US'...

They tried to close the book on this one June 25, 2009 and Dr. Murray's antics let them off the hook. They would have certainly had to open an official death investigation had MJ been called at his home. But NOOOOO. Murray insisted that MJ be taken to UCLA. Even Frank Dileo says:

How did you originally hear about Michael falling ill?
A fan called and said there was an ambulance in front of Michael’s house. I had just sat down to lunch. I called Michael’s assistant and asked what was going on, and I was told there was something wrong and he was on his way over there. So I got in my car and drove over. When I got to the gate, they told me everyone had already left. I turned around and went to UCLA Medical Center, and while I was in the car, Katherine called and I told her she should meet us at the hospital. So we went in the back, and they were working on him in the room. So I thought he was going to be OK. Then the nurse came out, she looked at me and I looked at her… I almost fainted. The look told me it was over, but they would keep working on him until his mother arrived.

He was gone before his mother got to the hospital and he was gone before HE got to the hospital.

And the po-po fukked up.

Didn't count on the family getting that second autospy.

Someone else fukked up or tried to cover up.

All I know is that it's way messed up.
I'm not really sure what to make of this. All I know is that I'm glad the family had an independent autopsy done.
I do not know if I can trust the autopsy report because I believe they are going to say that he had a lot of drugs in his system and so it is his fault and not charge Murray. This could all be a charade going after Murray because the LApd has always tried to mess with michael's reputation. As for the private autopsy report I don 't know what to say about that because I don't know if a private firm is going to want to go head to head with the lapd so that report could be tainted as well.
I heard that anderson cooper and toobin think michael was the worst father ever because supposedly one of the prescriptions was in prince's name.
I heard that anderson cooper and toobin think michael was the worst father ever because supposedly one of the prescriptions was in prince's name.

Did they actually say that? There are going to be tons of rumours being swirrled around. They even mentioned that the chef may have had some prescriptions in her name. Ya never whats true when the haters wanna start s*it.
Isn't it possible that releasing the information could jeapordize the investigation especially if the scope of it is wider then we anticipate?

It would be nice to know everything now but waiting may infact be better for the truth to be served. If they never release the info - I don't know. What I do know is nothing in that report will change the fact that Michael is gone so... :(

This is what I think as well.. something bigger than anything WE know is happening and releasing the tox reports might jeopardize the case.. I hope that this is the case and not some crazy screw up. Although from the sound of these news reports it seems that they already have the results and just want to wait before releasing them, plain and simple.

It's not gonna bring him back, you are certainly right about that. The past two days have been probably the most difficult for all of us since his passing. The waiting is so intense. But we have no choice. Even though it won't bring him back, but maybe it will bring us a little peace, you know?
So, the autopsy and all of the tox reports are back, that is a fact. I do autopsies as part of my job. The tissue that was taken at the time is still useable and could provide DNA evidence that it may have been hard to get from the blood work. Some drugs have such a short half life that by the time they got around to taking blood in the ER or at the time of autopsy they were already eliminated by the liver.I have heard this is true of diprovan. Some drugs go to other parts of the body and can be found in hair or finger nails etc. Second the blood samples they took they have either used up or are too degenerated to use at this point. There is a chance that they froze some blood but that would limit what they could do as far as testing is concerned now as they changed the physical component of the blood by freezing.

I think at this point they are looking into all of the doctors and drugs that have been indicated in not only the autopsy but in what they have taken from Murray. They need to follow all of the leads they have to the end. If more than Murray are inciated then they need to follow that to the end as all of the people involved need to be looked into. Remember these people treat other patients than just Michael and they have to make sure that they aren;t over medicating others. By releasing the autopsy report to the public they are releasing it to the medical commuinty as well and this will give any doctor the lead time they need to cover up their involvement. I really don't think that they have a big bomb shell piece of information to drop when they do release the results. I think they just really need to get this right and that is why they are taking the time.
Did they actually say that? There are going to be tons of rumours being swirrled around. They even mentioned that the chef may have had some prescriptions in her name. Ya never whats true when the haters wanna start s*it.

Wait. I thought the chef was a guy? He was on Good Morning America this morning. Although I guess he coulda had more than one...

and yeah I'd hold off on the AC said this and that. I'll believe that when I hear it but that doesn't sound like AC to me.

Oh and THANK YOU Cytotech for your above post. That's comforting for some reason. I hope that really is the case. Because at the end of the day if there were other doctors involved, I'd want them to go down too, not just for MJ, but for the other patients that these crap doctors are treating.
Oops my bad, y'all.

Why I don't get though, is WHY would they be fucking up on Michael's case? The world world is watching this, if anything they would wanna make sure they didn't fuck up. Why would law enforcement have bias in this? That's what I'm wondering.

Why? The LAPD are a bunch of pricks. See how they treated him during the whole trial BS. What make you think they are going to do right by him now.
anderson Cooper of late has been really crappy. I saw him on regis and kelly and he made a sorry joke about mj and kids. Also,many celebrities uses alias because they don't want someone running to a tabloid about their prescription.
I do not know if I can trust the autopsy report because I believe they are going to say that he had a lot of drugs in his system and so it is his fault and not charge Murray. This could all be a charade going after Murray because the LApd has always tried to mess with michael's reputation. As for the private autopsy report I don 't know what to say about that because I don't know if a private firm is going to want to go head to head with the lapd so that report could be tainted as well.

I agree with this. I posted the following two weeks after Michael died:

I have no faith in anybody at this point. They're just going to twist it and make it Michael's fault even if it wasn't. Alot of the media can barely contain themselves waiting on those autopsy results because they want to do just that. It's already started. Just look at all the crap we've been hearing about this for the last two weeks. It's sickening.