Autopsy Results 'Indefinitely Delayed'

I think for a doctor to give Propofol without the EKG and oximeter, a ventilator, narcan and a trained assistant, it goes beyond carelessness and incompetence, he didn't even have the address or a cell phone in case of an emergency. He would have known what he was doing was dangerous, especially as it seems he was giving Michael this drug for god knows how long, it wasn't just the once. The fact that he would have known is suspicious.

Maybe they are watching Murrey, maybe even tapping his phone, if they think this was murder, they are maybe wanting to keep him on the streets and get more conclusive evidence. Eventually we will get answers.
ugh i was watching tv last night, couldn't sleep, and some said that mj was dead long before murray called. one show even said he cuold've been dead as earlier as 830, makinghis phone call to his employees even more suspicious
ugh i was watching tv last night, couldn't sleep, and some said that mj was dead long before murray called. one show even said he cuold've been dead as earlier as 830, makinghis phone call to his employees even more suspicious

this better not be true i swear 2god this better not be true
JBJB it's looking more and more like that is the issue.

y the HELL would u do cpr for 30 mins THEN call 911 and THEN FORCE THEM TO work on mj for another 43 minutes? and then they go to the hospital and then is worked on even more? wtf?

stranja in muscow
ur right. i see im going to have to make a personal trip 2vegas.

and hahaha we tawkin danga!!!
like a stranja is muscoooooooooow! lol

boo boo ima move to vegas. gonna go to unlv after i get my degree in crim justice. bump la...come w/ us!

and murray is in deep kimchi
I honestly think that may be the truth. Bells really went off when Kai Chase said he had a routine, at 10-10:30 he would come down for breakfast, why didn't Murray come down? Ideas have been tossed around that maybe Murray fell asleep himself, woke up ad found him dead then panicked.
ugh i was watching tv last night, couldn't sleep, and some said that mj was dead long before murray called. one show even said he cuold've been dead as earlier as 830, makinghis phone call to his employees even more suspicious
like a stranja is muscoooooooooow! lol

boo boo ima move to vegas. gonna go to unlv after i get my degree in crim justice. bump la...come w/ us!

and murray is in deep kimchi

what station were u watching,if u remember lol and u have the best siggy! :p and noo u guys move to cali wit me lol i love it soo much,its home.
Meanwhile, there are leaks from the LAPD to CNN that Michael was an addict. So it's HIS fault, only, and not Meanwhile, there are leaks from the LAPD to CNN that Michael was an addict. So it's HIS fault, only, and not Murray's? Murray's?

Whatever you say, I am 100% agree because you are being very detailed. But I want to focus on another little detail. When paramedics took Michael’s body to the hospital MJ ex-friend Uri Geller suddenly showed up in Michael’s house and in 1/2 hour he gave numbers of disgusting interviews to media creating a terrible image of King of POP saying that he was drug addicted and so on. It looks like everything was fixed before (doctors, media, ”friends”).
Personally I believe that Uri Geller was using his paranormal abilities to keep Michael under mental control or mental arrest. There is a picture number 10 from the top which clear indicates how it looks like. Michael looks at this picture like he is being controlled IMHO.

Investigators never will pay attention to this staff. I hope that at least autopsy reports will be done properly.
Larry is on the MJ train.

Yeah, surprisingly he is. You could tell he got all choked up when talking with Jermaine at Neverland. I guess I can sort of forgive the fact that he asked Jermaine about Diana Sands (instead of Diana Ross), that he said Michael won 13 Emmys, and that he called him "Mee-kay-il" before showing the rehearsal clip.
Yeah, surprisingly he is. You could tell he got all choked up when talking with Jermaine at Neverland. I guess I can sort of forgive the fact that he asked Jermaine about Diana Sands (instead of Diana Ross), that he said Michael won 13 Emmys, and that he called him "Mee-kay-il" before showing the rehearsal clip.

Larry's just like that. He forgets things all the time. He'll be talking... then stop... cause he can't remember... and the guest will just finish up the sentence for him. :lol: U see him. That's an old ass man.. I'm surprised he can remember the things he DOES remember.
the way it seems like they are dragging this on and on, by the time D-day comes they better have an airtight case.. I have known the DA's office to have 1 piece of evidence and make an arrest and conviction.. Well they need to jump on it if they are going to get these other doctors cuz they have given them ample reason to start burning stuff that concerns MJ..

I agree
i sometimes wonder if the report will make any difference because some fans believe what they want to no matter what the official report says. remember marilyn monroe. probable suicide - but to legions of fans they still believe the kennedys had something to do with her death even though theres never been one shred of evidence linking the two. many will likely believe michael was murdered regardless of what the report says.
i sometimes wonder if the report will make any difference because some fans believe what they want to no matter what the official report says. remember marilyn monroe. probable suicide - but to legions of fans they still believe the kennedys had something to do with her death even though theres never been one shred of evidence linking the two. many will likely believe michael was murdered regardless of what the report says.
Well so far there is no proof that Dr. Murray intentionally murdered Michael. That is why the autopsy report needs to be delayed so that the investigators can establish a timeline from the time Dr. Murray met Michael until Michael's death to see if there was any kind of motive to committ murder. By most accounts it's going to be an accidental overdose I bet and Dr. Murray will loose his licenses to practice medicine for life.
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the autopsy is ready...they are just pospoting the release of the results...
which still worries me but....
I saw AC360 and Jami Floyd was on there and said that the report MIGHT be Inconclusive. She said that because of ALL of the reports delay.... When she said that it got me start to think that may be ONE of many reasons of the delay???
i've heard reports too the results could be inconclusive if only because some of the drugs mentioned only show up in the body a short time. i hope they arent inconclusive personally because it will only fuel the murder/assasination theories some fans are talking about. ive heard the report is ready but one of the investigators is out of state so theyre waiting for the man to get back and the working theory is that if/when charges are laid they can be done the same day the results are made public. then again the results could be made public and no charges are laid. either way people on various networks are saying it will now be next week when the results are made public.
Everything surrounding Michael's death is just suspicious and sickening. I don't like to judge before I know for sure, but if it's true that Murray did it because of money problems, in other words that he killed Michael on purpose, then I will get so angry that I don't know what I'll do. I haven't been able to take the anger in yet, just sadness, but I can feel it building up for every day.
shaun, it was et. marcia clark said it...or diane dimond they had both on and we all know those two look alike....

i don't think it's inconclusive. i think theyre holding on to it so that they can push something all at once. we all saw the massive slip up of the houston raid then six days later the raid in lv. they don't want that happening.

as it stands, all the docs being investigated can still leave the country, they're not being officially told they're a suspect, so y would they release info and then give those docs the time to leave the country LEGALLY?
I would think that the report would stand on its own. It's not like there's any mystery about what they are looking for? Opiates and Propofol? Did they find an unrelated toxin, i.e. a poisoning? Somehow I doubt it. And then there is the family's independent report. LAPD has put a lid on all that, for someknown reason that reeks of herring. They have stalled and have delayed. Did not secure the "crime scene." Delayed searching Murray's office and residence to the point it's doubtful they'd find anything useful. Delayed/postponed the tox-report. When "the nurse" went on CNN to tell what she knew, several times, she said that she had not been contacted yet by LAPD. Why not? Eventually they did, but after sufficient time so any evidence of Propofol in Murray's possession could have been destroyed. Meanwhile, there are leaks from the LAPD to CNN that Michael was an addict. So it's HIS fault, only, and not Murray's?

In my opinion the LAPD has been foot-dragging, and they do not CARE about Michael. When the "report" finally comes out, I won't necessarily believe a word of it.
Well said Victoria83!
Thank you!
the coroner is supposed to be an independant avenue. they cannot keep it sealed forever.

and trust, if they try, someone in the family will eventually leak what THEIRS said
the coroner is supposed to be an independant avenue. they cannot keep it sealed forever.

and trust, if they try, someone in the family will eventually leak what THEIRS said

Yeah, it's "supposed to be independent." This is LAPD dealing with them, though. They can put the squeeze on whoever they want, IMHO. Including the coroner's office AND the Jackson's independent report. I see no way the cops can block that report from coming out, yet they seem to have done just that.

I think it's likely that Murray was successful in his delaying tactics and they found NO Propofol and have no idea what to do next. This continues to reek of herring. . . . .
they allege he said he gave it to mj. just that alone would bring him up on bigger charges. hell, w/ the dea involved....he may get more time by getting drugs illegally, showing no regard, obstruction of justice etc...than he would've gotten for manslaughter which is typically like 3-4 yr sentence.

and the family is willingly holding back what they have. again, for the same reason i would suspect the lapd has asked the cornoner to do.
imho.......the net is widenng.

According to the chef, the doctor didn't come down @10am for breakfast as he usually did. To me it is obviously because Michael was already dead and Murray spent the next 2 hours in a panic trying to figure out what the hell to do about it...thus he called for Prince as a witness to his botched up CPR, turned the heat up.......conveniently forgot the address so he couldn't make 911 call etc..........

Meanwhile all this happens just a week or so before Michael was due to arrive in London for his concerts........and just after AEG had on tape a "brilliant" rehersal that they could release on DVD.............

.........more evidence needed?................
would all that footage be a normal thing when someones doing rehearsals,
seems very strange to me.
LAPD and Coronor's office can't seem to get the reports together regarding the TRUTH about Michael's death, but they're able to act as 'sources' to TMZ and CNN and other media.

I DO NOT trust and NEVER HAVE trusted any LA County government regarding Michael Jackson. They have a history of screwing with Michael (remember 1993 child molestation allegations?). Despite taped evidence of Evan Chandler saying he was going to 'ruin' Michael Jackson, we didn't here anymore about it. Of course LAPD claimed they were investigating the extortion claims against Evan Chandler--but it was all bull and all for show---just like what's happening now. Even though the Chandlers filed a lawsuit just 1 MONTH after the criminal investigation was started against Michael, LA authorities NEVER took the extortion claims seriously. Yet they wasted tax payer's money by having a so-called indefinite investigation (which lasted for just about close to a year). And all during that time, there were among them, the loose-lipped 'sources' claiming what they found in the raid of Michael's homes, claims of other 'victims' etc. And now they're doing the same thing...acting as 'sources' claiming Michael Jackson as an addict. Unlike with the child molestation allegations which were dreadful for Michael, at least he was alive to be able to strongly deny and defend himself against those lies. Now, he no longer has a voice. And what's even worse, some of his 'fans' are falling for the hype and these newbies are trolling MJ boards with their ever-reliable 'objectivity' which is really nothing but a thinly disguised sick joy they have in 'rubbing MJ's demise in the fans faces' with their 'I told you so' and their favorite theme of "You need to face reality that Michael was not perfect and not a God" crap.

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!

For this I have thought the exact same thing from day one. I think his system is clean of drugs and there was a poison used for the kill.