ALL News And Mentionings Relating To Neverland

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Where did we first hear about this alleged oil under Neverland?

during the case. when dr sundaram was giving interrviews and what not
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

what are you talking about i'm lost in here :(

here is the new news of MJ:


A Welsh businessman is planning to put in a £25m bid to buy Michael Jackson’s Neverland estate.

Young millionaire James Norvill (27) wants to turn the 2,500-acre home into a theme park to rival those owned by Disney.

James, last year’s Western Mail Young Business Achiever of the Year, says he has contacted a group of business partners about raising the £25m, as well as the £2m-a-year upkeep needed to buy the giant ranch.

The Newport-based waste recycler and property developer says Neverland, which contains a private fairground and a zoo, would be another profitable asset to his growing business empire. James, who took over his dad’s drains company while in his early 20s, said:
“Having visited theme parks all my life I have always been a thrill-seeker.

Having read about the possible sale of Neverland, I have been in touch with a few business partners about a potential buyout.

I have always been someone who thinks outside the box. If I was to successfully purchase the Neverland ranch I would create thrills that would surpass the Disneys of this world.

My ambition would be to create the world’s greatest theme park.

We are looking to put a Welsh consortium together worth around £25m and then appoint an American team to run it.

For somewhere that has never been open to the public, this has real brand value and we want to capitalise on it. I have the contacts to make this work and I am determined to do it.”

James has previously hit the headlines for a host of colourful, publicity-raising stunts. He once drove across the Sahara in a jeep, and is also known for his Skipcar – a vehicle spliced from a 140mph Subaru Impreza and a skip - which is claimed to have set the first ever landspeed record for a skip.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

He should have sold it a long time ago. It's time to move on.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Now here is my theory on thisNeverand business. MJ had a lot of greedy jealous people suing him, each threatening him that they will own Neverland when they win. MJ was adviced to take out a mortgge on the property. I am assuming that he used that money to buy Branco's share of catalogue. MJ's catalogue is safely tucked away in a Trust fund. Nobody can touch it Neverland was not so secure. Any case that comes up with the intention of winning Neverland will only be greeted with a huge debt. Think, people think. Who among others would want to sue MJ within a cetain time frame?

Wow, I'll have to ask you for any news that I miss. You seem to keep abrisk of things better than I :p

...btw...I'm thinking.........God, there are too many possibilities...vultures are everywhere these days....:mad:-_-
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Wow, I'll have to ask you for any news that I miss. You seem to keep abrisk of things better than I :p

...btw...I'm thinking.........God, there are too many possibilities...vultures are everywhere these days....:mad:-_-

Yes, well there is a certain family from hell who lost the biggest case in history, but still have the right to sue in a civil court. Usually, a case would have been brought already, but T-Mez Vowed that he would be on their a/s/s if they tried. There is a time expiry date for them. It is fast running out, but if they did sue within that date, and God forbid, that they won, there would be nothing for them to get when it comes to Neverland cause it is mortgaged up to its wazzooo. :huh: MJ's catalogue is tucked away in a trust fund, NOBODY can touch it. :eek:
You get where I am going with that?:p
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

:no: i not what MJ to sold neverland it's his home that's his place :cry:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I dont' have time to read through 17 pages but I will say this. There was a Michael Jackson long before Neverland and he will be there regardless of what happens to the property. It is absurd to say that Neverland is Michael. He is the magic, not the house he's in.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

:yes: :yes: i believe in you that's true

is all about his magical of the world of him
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Yes, well there is a certain family from hell who lost the biggest case in history, but still have the right to sue in a civil court. Usually, a case would have been brought already, but T-Mez Vowed that he would be on their a/s/s if they tried. There is a time expiry date for them. It is fast running out, but if they did sue within that date, and God forbid, that they won, there would be nothing for them to get when it comes to Neverland cause it is mortgaged up to its wazzooo. :huh: MJ's catalogue is tucked away in a trust fund, NOBODY can touch it. :eek:
You get where I am going with that?:p

and that's why these 'he's broke stories' work in his favour....>>>wink>>wink
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

and that's why these 'he's broke stories' work in his favour....>>>wink>>wink
Yes, indeed. And if I were a financial advisor of a man that was being sued ever 2 months, I would advice him to remove his assets to a safer place and put a 'lock and key' on it so that no one can touch it. :eek::lol:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Yes, indeed. And if I were a financial advisor of a man that was being sued ever 2 months, I would advice him to remove his assets to a safer place and put a 'lock and key' on it so that no one can touch it. :eek::lol:

I think thats what McMillan assisted Michael with.. especially after that $48 mil case with Damon Dashes' cousin.. I believe that is why the new trust was set up the way it was... to protect Michael's finances.. and the quote from McMillan..was that the catalog is "safe"...

and maybe this is why Michael is reluctant to make any statement to reassure - he is not broke... it would not be in his greatest interest to
prove that to the masses...

how I see it.. the more peep's believe he is broke.. the more it works in his advantage.. he can keep his business dealings going..without the devils..knowing anything...
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

the statue of limitation has run out for the piece of s**** only his pie eating brother can sue and his time will run out soon enough
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

the statue of limitation has run out for the piece of s**** only his pie eating brother can sue and his time will run out soon enough
:lol::lol::lol: Chile, hush you mouth.:p I know that. I was referring to the pie eating brother.I knew they were all planning to sue, so he is the only one left, yet god knows what his claim was going to be.:mello:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

mj forced him to eat all the pies of course lol

dats do u have any articles where its mentioned about mj getting a set wage from sony/atv. never heard of that until u mentioned it. its real intresting
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Published: March 18, 2008 6:00 a.m.

Neverland stays in Jackson's handsSinger's absence leaves ranch's future in doubt

By John Rogers
Associated Press/LOS OLIVOS, Calif.

Associated Press
Pop star Michael Jackson refinanced his Neverland Ranch in central California and retains ownership of it, his lawyer says. Jackson has not been at the ranch since his 2005 acquittal of molesting charges.

LOS OLIVOS, Calif. – Michael Jackson still has Neverland, having cut an 11th-hour deal to keep it off the auction block – for now.
But the magic that once made the financially troubled entertainer’s 2,500-acre paradise in the rolling hills of central California’s wine country one of the most talked-about places on Earth seems to have vanished along with its reclusive owner.
Jackson hasn’t been seen in this bucolic area of oak-studded hills since he was acquitted in June 2005 of molesting a 13-year-old visitor to his estate, and his absence leaves the future of Neverland, a sort of Hearst Castle for 12-year-olds, in doubt.

“We’re all, of course, wondering what’s going to happen. We’ve heard rumors but we don’t know anything,” said Kim Morrison, one of the administrators of a private school located just across the road from Neverland.
One of those rumors has soccer star David Beckham interested in the property.
“I wouldn’t mind having a new neighbor. It would be nice to have Beckham there,” said Morrison, laughing, although she quickly added that Jackson “was always a good neighbor.”

The pop star’s attorney, L. Londell McMillan, said his client has worked out a confidential agreement with Fortress Investment Group LLC allowing him to retain ownership of the estate.
Whether he’ll keep it for long remains to be seen.
A public auction of Neverland was postponed until May 14 by “mutual agreement” of Jackson and his creditors, said Julie Wagner of Financial Title Co. of San Francisco, the firm that filed the default papers.
“That allows us to refinance or sell the property,” Jackson’s attorney, L. Londell McMillan, said Friday. He added that Jackson is looking at both options.
“We expect to have this matter resolved well before May 14,” said McMillan, according to .
Meanwhile, Jackson is said to be living in various places, including overseas, and his family has said that when dozens of sheriff’s deputies raided the place in 2003 they destroyed the fond feelings he once had for Neverland.
Jackson, then just 29, was at the height of his career when he bought Neverland, naming it after the mythical land of Peter Pan – where boys never grow up. He had become a pop superstar before his 12th birthday, and he has said he created Neverland – bought from real estate baron William Bone in 1988 – in an effort to obtain the childhood he never had.
Soon he had installed a merry-go-round, bumper cars, a Ferris wheel, roller coaster, a game arcade and a private train to rival that of Disneyland’s. He brought in a zoo that included flamingos, giraffes, elephants, orangutans and reptiles and brought in a veterinarian and snake handler to care for them.
“It’s like stepping into Oz,” he once said. “Once you come in the gates, the outside world does not exist.”
These days all is quiet at Neverland except for the squawking of a few of exotic birds that continue to roost in the trees. The other animals are gone, and the only outward thing to distinguish Jackson’s home from any other is the guard shack with its satellite dish just inside the locked front gate.
“Nobody is living here,” says a friendly but otherwise reticent guard who has been ordered not to talk to anyone.
The shuttered amusement park sits out of sight, but recent aerial photos show it beginning to fall into disrepair.

It’s a far cry from Jackson’s heyday in the 1980s and ’90s, when hundreds of children might be playing there.
“People would line up for a quarter mile or more just to get in the gate,” recalled longtime resident Carol McCarley, out for a morning walk past the ranch.
Although he was rarely seen around town, many say Jackson always gave off the impression of a friendly neighbor.
When a rattlesnake would get into a classroom at The Family School, Morrison said, a call to Neverland would bring the snake handler over to dispose of it. If a child got hurt on the playground, the ranch doctor and Neverland’s own fire department would arrive sooner than the local paramedics.
Jackson, meanwhile, would invite children by the thousands to enjoy the ranch.
Many were disadvantaged or seriously ill. Some were simply local school kids lucky enough to be granted a field trip to Neverland.
“My son knew Michael’s nephews and would hang out at the ranch a lot. It was a wonderland for kids,” said Skip Biolley, taking a break from putting a fresh coat of paint on J. Woeste’s knickknack shop in the heart of downtown Los Olivos, an area that stretches all of two blocks in one direction and two in another.
“He had nothing but good experiences there,” Biolley said of his son, adding the family remains friendly with one of the nephews.
Jackson’s presence in Neverland and his financial empire began to unravel when one of his visitors accused the pop star of molesting him.
His trial, coupled with his often bizarre public behavior, turned him into a pariah in the eyes of many.
But not in this town of 1,000 residents 150 miles north of Los Angeles. Here, it is hard to find anyone who will say a bad word about Jackson. Some, like Fred Chamberlin, whose ranch abuts Jackson’s, believe he was the victim of an overzealous prosecutor and are quick to note he was never convicted.
Now that he’s gone, people are torn in trying to decide who their new neighbor should be.
Although Jackson’s presence sometimes brought in gawkers who were a nuisance, Biolley noted that having a pop superstar does add a certain cachet.
“Maybe Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will buy it for their kids,” he speculates.
Copyright © 2008 The Journal Gazette
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

This is just a rehash,cut and paste article coming from the same source. Nothing new.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

mj forced him to eat all the pies of course lol

dats do u have any articles where its mentioned about mj getting a set wage from sony/atv. never heard of that until u mentioned it. its real intresting
This information was leaked to that scunk at the same time of the refinanced and Aveeno did have an article on it. I think he would get $8 million plus $2 million was how it was laid out,. It was neant to be an annual income.:)
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Apparently, John Rogers just cut and pasted pieces from last weeks articles and put them together in his. Then he is headlining that Michael has refinanced. Nothing is new in his article.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

hm...I hope, and bet Michael would figure out something!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

This is just a rehash,cut and paste article coming from the same source. Nothing new.

The new part is that Michael's neighbors in Los Olivos, California
continue to think well him,
and they miss him, and would not mind if
Michael Jackson returned to Neverland. :)
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

This information was leaked to that scunk at the same time of the refinanced and Aveeno did have an article on it. I think he would get $8 million plus $2 million was how it was laid out,. It was neant to be an annual income.

thanks. i dont go near his articles so sometimes tend to miss out on tidbits. take it u mean the sony/atv refinance? so he gets an annual income of 8mill.kinda makes me wonder even more why there should be such problems if u are getting a set income. u could undertand it if the only incomce was the neverland cows lol
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Michael Jackson will kick ass to all who is mean to him go Michael Jackson kick ass to who ever is blame everything on you
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

thanks. i dont go near his articles so sometimes tend to miss out on tidbits. take it u mean the sony/atv refinance? so he gets an annual income of 8mill.kinda makes me wonder even more why there should be such problems if u are getting a set income. u could undertand it if the only incomce was the neverland cows lol
I would assume that money pays his top notch lawyers and all he other top notch employees as well as his ex wife alimony and his children's upkeep. Body guards also get payed. That money goes very quickly, but it is still enough for him to function.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I wish that someone can find Aveeno's article about this agreement/refinancing between Michael and Sony. She posted a detailed account of what transpired and what was agreed upon and it was very good. She explained everything very well.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Apparently, John Rogers just cut and pasted pieces from last weeks articles and put them together in his. Then he is headlining that Michael has refinanced. Nothing is new in his article.

Right. I read the article and I was like, "didn't I read this article last week?" LOL.

The new part is that Michael's neighbors in Los Olivos, California
continue to think well him,
and they miss him, and would not mind if
Michael Jackson returned to Neverland.

That part isn't new. I remember reading that last week.

All of this talk is interesting. I found out about things that I must have skipped reading.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

this good news :clap:

Jermaine Jackson claims brother Michael’s Neverland ranch will be sold “over my dead body”.

Jermaine – who performed in The Jackson 5 with Michael – says there is no way the 2,800 acre Californian estate will ever leave the family.

He told gossip website “It’s not for sale and it never will be. Over my dead body will it be sold.”

Jermaine also rubbished claims Neverland was due to be auctioned unless Michael could raise a staggering $24.5 million.

He said: “That’s a myth.”

Despite Jermaine’s protestation, it was recently revealed Michael agreed a deal with Fortress Investment Group LLC to refinance the property.

Michael's lawyer L. Londell McMillan said: "They've sorted out a confidential agreement. Neverland and Michael Jackson are fine."

Fortress Investments originally loaned Jackson $300 million to settle his debts.

Jackson hasn't lived at Neverland since June 2005, when he moved to Bahrain.

Last week, it was revealed Michael and his family are moving to Devon after finding a hideaway in the quaint town of Barnstaple, in the South West of England.

Michael’s brother Tito said: "My family love North Devon and the wonderful countryside and friendly people, I'm really looking forward to buying a home here. Michael likes it here too, as no one bothers him.”
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I have always wondered why the Jackson family don't rally round and help out if there was a real need for funding. Surely they should be able to raise the money.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

shut up jermaine. lol mj and janet are the only ones with money. why do you think mjs so broke paying for everyones else houses and child support lol j/k
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

shut up jermaine. lol mj and janet are the only ones with money. why do you think mjs so broke paying for everyones else houses and child support lol j/k
Jermaine knows a lot of very rich people. he was friends with the prince of Bharain.:)