ALL News And Mentionings Relating To Neverland

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I just think we have to wait to see what happens and not speculate what we think is going on. none of us can know for sure whats going threw Michael,s mind right now. It is heart breaking i know and i wish it wasn,t happening but we know something is up . After all he has been threw and now this is to much . Does anyone think no matter how much he love,s Neverland he has had enough. I don,t know what he,s doing but i hope it all works out the way he wants it to, not what others want it to be. Like i said heart breaking , i feel so bad for him.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I think if Michael sells it, that the new owners don't turn NL into a "I Sleep in MJs old Bedroom" circus. Making the rounds on the TV morning shows, and MSNBC, Fox, etc. I'm just having horrible visions of opportunistic persons buying NL. If he does sell it he should give it to like nature preservation organization or some company that will completely level the place and just use it for idustrial stuff. I just don't want some b****d profitting off of MJs "former" home. If he keeps it, I would love to see it become a beautiful "Graceland" type place, like a memorial park to all the ideals that Michael holds dear...with like gardens, statues (which are already in NL but add more), sundials, all in different places over the entire property where people can come and visit but MJ doesnt live there..Lord, it could be sooo beautiful.

Do what is best for you Mike!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Genie, you bring up the very reason why I don't want to see him sell it.

A lot of fans want Michael to sell it, but Michael has to be very careful about who he sells it to. Any real estate investor is not going to buy Neverland unless they can see a way to make money off of it. That would be the reason they would buy it. And right now is not a buyers market, so that investor will not be trying to sell NL to some private family. And don't believe for one second that that investor will change anything. They will leave the house and the rides just like they are. And instead of Michael's children profiting off of NL, this investor and his family will be profiting off of it and changing history at the same time.

What do I mean by changing history? Well, do you think that the investor will shed Michael in a positive light? Hell no. He is gonna set the place up to rep Michael in the same way that the media has rep him. The investor will have no incentive to portray Michael fairly. None whatsoever.

I don't care what any of you guys say, I can see the handwriting on the wall if Neverland ends up in anyones hands accept Prince, Paris and Blanket.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

What do I mean by changing history? Well, do you think that the investor will shed Michael in a positive light? Hell no. He is gonna set the place up to rep Michael in the same way that the media has rep him. The investor will have no incentive to portray Michael fairly. None whatsoever.

I don't care what any of you guys say, I can see the handwriting on the wall if Neverland ends up in anyones hands accept Prince, Paris and Blanket.

I know! People are trecherous when it comes to Michael Jackson, they lose all sense of dignity and sell it to the highest bidder. I totally understand Mike not wanting to live there and selling it. But he can chose not to live there and keep the place as well. Then decide for a better use of the place. In my opinion there are just tooo many things that can go Sour if Mike sells it...we have seen it so often in the media. "J**** sells Neverland"..."Neverlands New Owners"..."J****s loss"..."The end of an Era" ..."Where's J**** Now?"...and the latenight jackals will have their claws out from Leno to will distract from his MUSIC and that is exactly what I do not want, especially right now when I'm hearing Human Nature being blasted out someones car driving down the street:punk:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I don't like the graceland idea at all. I do think he should turn it into something that generates profits. Lets face it, that house was and still is a BIG LIABLITY. Every house is but neverland became an emotional one. If michael isn't gonna use it then he should most definitely get back all the money he put into it. I mean he can still keep the house if he wants to and expand the rest of the land into a small amusement park. And allthelovelyflowers I don't think he has to keep the house just to celebrate his legacy, for the simple fact that while the house did bring good times it has also brought bad times to his legacy. I mean michael could start over with another house some where else and make that place his legacy and it be for his kids. Neverland isn't a done deal where if michael don't keep that house he can't have another magical house to leave to his children. But what I don't want is for michael to sell it and allow some one else to come in and exploit it all over the news. That's what I don't want to see.

I also don't want him to sell it cuz to me to would seem like sneddon and co. did win, in a way. I don't want michael to sell it because they have been trying to run michael away for the longest and I don't want them to win it that aspect. So I really think that he should generate some type of profit off of it regardless if he lives there anymore or not.

J5master I do agree that we really don’t know how Michael is feeling. Its been plenty of times a person will feel a certain way about something. Then as time goes on they get ok with that certain situation and don’t resent it anymore or as much as they used to. They get ok with it, so to speak. Time heals all wounds and maybe Michael hasn’t had enough time or maybe he has, but that still don’t mean that he wants to get rid of it just because he don't want to live there anymore.

So that's why he should do both. Change it into something that he can come and visit without getting sick to his stomach thinking about what happened to him. But it makes NO SENSE in keeping it and wasting money for something he don't use while it sits there and rots.

Like J5master said, we don’t know how Michael is feeling and we don’t know what’s in head. But I hope to GOD he don’t just sell it. Cuz that would be a straight up recipe for disaster. The buyer will straight up exploit neverland. You can bet on that.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Genie, you bring up the very reason why I don't want to see him sell it.

A lot of fans want Michael to sell it, but Michael has to be very careful about who he sells it to. Any real estate investor is not going to buy Neverland unless they can see a way to make money off of it. That would be the reason they would buy it. And right now is not a buyers market, so that investor will not be trying to sell NL to some private family. And don't believe for one second that that investor will change anything. They will leave the house and the rides just like they are. And instead of Michael's children profiting off of NL, this investor and his family will be profiting off of it and changing history at the same time.

What do I mean by changing history? Well, do you think that the investor will shed Michael in a positive light? Hell no. He is gonna set the place up to rep Michael in the same way that the media has rep him. The investor will have no incentive to portray Michael fairly. None whatsoever.

I don't care what any of you guys say, I can see the handwriting on the wall if Neverland ends up in anyones hands accept Prince, Paris and Blanket.

You're exactly right, and I hadn't thought of that! If he does sell it, then someone will buy it with the sole purpose of exploiting him and his name. They will use it as a way just to make money. I don't like the thought of that at all. I think that if he didn't really want it, then he wouldn't have struggled so hard to keep it all these years. I think he's maybe just trying to figure out what he wants to do with it. I support whatever he does, and I hope it turns out in a good way for him in the long run.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

And that is why I think Michael needs to try and keep Neverland. Cause nobody but his children are gonna do what is right by that place and what properly honors their father. Anybody else aint gonna give a damn. It is too big of a risk.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

is this true that MJ is sell neverland can't be for real this story is not true come on is all the lie to make all the fans to get scary and to be sad come on the news people have no idea what MJ is doing
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

is this true that MJ is sell neverland can't be for real this story is not true come on is all the lie to make all the fans to get scary and to be sad come on the news people have no idea what MJ is doing
I don't see an article here saying he is selling. It just says he is looking at both options.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

are they tryying to make MJ to sell it but the true is that MJ really what to keep neverland but the news people what him to sell it
it that right or wrong that's way how i feel in way

o.k i find this news at mjjcomunity at the front of the website were they do news and are otherthings we do o.k
here it is:

Last nights news about Michael saving Neverland from foreclosure had everyone sighing a relief. Now on another twist of events today it seems as though Michael wants Neverland sold. According to the AP, report states that the mutal agreement between Michael and his creditors have two options, which Micheal could refinance Neverland or sell Neverland.

"That allows us to refinance or sell the property," Jackson's attorney, L. Londell McMillan, told The Associated on Friday. He added that Jackson is looking at both options.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

are they tryying to make MJ to sell it but the true is that MJ really what to keep neverland but the news people what him to sell it
it that right or wrong that's way how i feel in way

o.k i find this news at mjjcomunity at the front of the website were they do news and are otherthings we do o.k
here it is:

Last nights news about Michael saving Neverland from foreclosure had everyone sighing a relief. Now on another twist of events today it seems as though Michael wants Neverland sold. According to the AP, report states that the mutal agreement between Michael and his creditors have two options, which Micheal could refinance Neverland or sell Neverland.

"That allows us to refinance or sell the property," Jackson's attorney, L. Londell McMillan, told The Associated on Friday. He added that Jackson is looking at both options.
Oh. I see where you are getting your information from. I hadn't seen that. Well that is just the way the paper is reporting it. McMillan only said Michael is looking at both options. He didn't say Michael wants it sold so I think you can take that with a grain of salt.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

yes you can saw that so i hope he keeps neverland cause my bday wish is that going to see neverland
i hope neverland still be there :)
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Genie, you bring up the very reason why I don't want to see him sell it.

A lot of fans want Michael to sell it, but Michael has to be very careful about who he sells it to. Any real estate investor is not going to buy Neverland unless they can see a way to make money off of it. That would be the reason they would buy it. And right now is not a buyers market, so that investor will not be trying to sell NL to some private family. And don't believe for one second that that investor will change anything. They will leave the house and the rides just like they are. And instead of Michael's children profiting off of NL, this investor and his family will be profiting off of it and changing history at the same time.

What do I mean by changing history? Well, do you think that the investor will shed Michael in a positive light? Hell no. He is gonna set the place up to rep Michael in the same way that the media has rep him. The investor will have no incentive to portray Michael fairly. None whatsoever.

I don't care what any of you guys say, I can see the handwriting on the wall if Neverland ends up in anyones hands accept Prince, Paris and Blanket.
Thank you, you took the words right out of my mouth. :D :flowers:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Genie, you bring up the very reason why I don't want to see him sell it.

A lot of fans want Michael to sell it, but Michael has to be very careful about who he sells it to. Any real estate investor is not going to buy Neverland unless they can see a way to make money off of it. That would be the reason they would buy it. And right now is not a buyers market, so that investor will not be trying to sell NL to some private family. And don't believe for one second that that investor will change anything. They will leave the house and the rides just like they are. And instead of Michael's children profiting off of NL, this investor and his family will be profiting off of it and changing history at the same time.

What do I mean by changing history? Well, do you think that the investor will shed Michael in a positive light? Hell no. He is gonna set the place up to rep Michael in the same way that the media has rep him. The investor will have no incentive to portray Michael fairly. None whatsoever.

I don't care what any of you guys say, I can see the handwriting on the wall if Neverland ends up in anyones hands accept Prince, Paris and Blanket.

I am not sure how it works in the USA, but I know that property owners (of substantial properties belongs to celebrities) can dictate to the new buyer what he should do with the property and what should he build on it or which project can be developed. Based on that the seller can choose who to sell it to. I do agree with you that it should not be sold to someone who will use it in a very negative way on the expense of Michael’s history in Neverland, they can carefully and thoroughly select investors based on past projects, capacity, reputation... Even the new owner(s) cannot re-sell it to someone who will use it for the reasons which you mentioned since Michael may hold an MOU against them and I believe he have the right to do that since he is a celebrity and a powerful person in the media especially that his name will be used to generate profit so he should be in control.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I don't like the graceland idea at all. I do think he should turn it into something that generates profits. Lets face it, that house was and still is a BIG LIABLITY.

So that's why he should do both. Change it into something that he can come and visit without getting sick to his stomach thinking about what happened to him. But it makes NO SENSE in keeping it and wasting money for something he don't use while it sits there and rots.
Exactly this is what I am thinking.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I don't like the graceland idea at all. I do think he should turn it into something that generates profits. Lets face it, that house was and still is a BIG LIABLITY.

So that's why he should do both. Change it into something that he can come and visit without getting sick to his stomach thinking about what happened to him. But it makes NO SENSE in keeping it and wasting money for something he don't use while it sits there and rots.
Exactly this is what I am thinking.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

for those fearing the "magic" in mike will be lost if he sold the ranch need to realize that the 'magic' came from him. w/o him attached to it, it's just another piece of property.

sure it'd be nice for his kids to have it one day and do w/ it what they want BUT if he hasn't returned or doesn't feel like it's comfortable anymore why would he want to pass down something like that to his children?

IF he does sell, it'd like him to cut it into chunks and make multiple sales on all the acre's so that no one person could claim to now own 'neverland'
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

neverland shoild not be like graceland noway :no: :no: i think neverland should be a place where MJ and his kids and his whole family come and be together to see each other and have fun come on i saw a video of MJ and family doing easter hunt is very fun
come on noway come on we need to have a place for all the Fans around the world to come to neverland to have fun and think and love and care for MJ how much he really care about us
so the answer is that noway :no: :no:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Ah geez, peeps. Why get yr pants in a bunch? At the end of the day, Michael Jackson has to evaluate what's best for him. Unless he is really in a dire cash crunch, I doubt he sells it in this market. Prices for California homes are in a free fall right now and if NLVR is caught in an inversion (meaning mortgage higher than the property is worth), he ani't gonna sell it right now anyway, because he will be hedging on the Cali housing market to balance out. Either that, or he does what a lot of peeps in this situation are doing and that is to walk away from it and let it go to foreclosure.

A bank/mortgage company having NLVR on their books is like having about 100 homes in default, so I don't think it's in their best interest either. I'm sure that McMillan and his legal team are exploring all of his options and he will do what is best for him.

We can get caught up in all of the sentiments of Neverland being a fan shrine, but remember it is MJ's HOME FIRST. And as a home owner, he has take care of his business.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

yes i believe in you that it's MJ home owner he does take of his business it true on that
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

J5master I do agree that we really don’t know how Michael is feeling. Its been plenty of times a person will feel a certain way about something. Then as time goes on they get ok with that certain situation and don’t resent it anymore or as much as they used to. They get ok with it, so to speak. Time heals all wounds and maybe Michael hasn’t had enough time or maybe he has, but that still don’t mean that he wants to get rid of it just because he don't want to live there anymore.

Knowing Michael for being very sensitive and very emotional, I think he cannot easily get over the experience he went though in Neverland, the way he was manhandled, bruised, mistreated, insulted, invaded, etc… Just see the way Michael talks about it in the Ed Bradley’s interview.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Having faith in Michael means stepping back and letting him do what's best for him. It's his property.

Also before Oprah passed through his home, the world didn't even know where he lived. The moment she put her cameras on his backyard the jealously rage started.

I guess if the promise of forty acres and a mule was not fulfilled, then Michael, who is a black man, is not supposed to be seen with almost 3,000 acres and a zoo, because that is exactly what that county is acting like even though he bought it with his hard earned income.

If they take that land from him with gladness by auctioning it off on the steps of the government, that is the message that is going to shoot through the minds of black people in America. I know my people. That message is especially going to pulsate in the minds of our elders.

What I would like to know is why is Santa Barbara County so eager to send such a message to us. And why has Roger Friedman appointed himself as the prime person to instigate it all with his column?

Don't these people ever stop to think about what they are doing?

Never mind. God already answered my question.

Proverbs 15:21
Foolishness brings joy to those with no sense; a sensible person stays on the right path.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

but knowing that a lot of time has passed and time heals, and MJ CAN change his mind...we really don't know.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

MJ does so much in this world for all the fans and he change the world in amazing way
he can heal the world with his heart of love
he can love anybody who he cares for in his heart of soul
his love to us his fans love him forever and forever will be in are hearts forever
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Having faith in Michael means stepping back and letting him do what's best for him. It's his property.

Also before Oprah passed through his home, the world didn't even know where he lived. The moment she put her cameras on his backyard the jealously rage started.

I guess if the promise of forty acres and a mule was not fulfilled, then Michael, who is a black man, is not supposed to be seen with almost 3,000 acres and a zoo, because that is exactly what that county is acting like. If they take that land from him with gladness by auctioning it off on the steps of the government, that is the message that is going to shoot through the minds of black people in America. I know my people.

You know what? You are SO right about that! :yes:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

The steps of the Santa Barbara County courthouse is government property. Agreeing to having the auction there shows their lack of prudent judgment.

I think the various news agencies can tell all of this is tacky. Why else would they make sure their readers know that Roger Friedman of Fox News is the main one driving the story and not them?
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

They just want to do everything they can to humiliate Michael. Well f*** them, you know. I didn't want that to happen because Michael worked his entire life and bought that ranch as a result of his blood, sweat and tears. If he sells it of his own free will, then I have no problem with that. I just hated the idea of them taking something more away from him. He's already had so much taken from him as it is. He has so little left of himself as his own. So I'm glad that he was able to refinance and whatever he decides to do with the place in the future, as long as it's HIS choice, then I'm happy.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Ah geez, peeps. Why get yr pants in a bunch? At the end of the day, Michael Jackson has to evaluate what's best for him. Unless he is really in a dire cash crunch, I doubt he sells it in this market. Prices for California homes are in a free fall right now and if NLVR is caught in an inversion (meaning mortgage higher than the property is worth), he ani't gonna sell it right now anyway, because he will be hedging on the Cali housing market to balance out. Either that, or he does what a lot of peeps in this situation are doing and that is to walk away from it and let it go to foreclosure.

A bank/mortgage company having NLVR on their books is like having about 100 homes in default, so I don't think it's in their best interest either. I'm sure that McMillan and his legal team are exploring all of his options and he will do what is best for him.

We can get caught up in all of the sentiments of Neverland being a fan shrine, but remember it is MJ's HOME FIRST. And as a home owner, he has take care of his business.

Exactly Mello. I'm sorry I just find it funny how fans take this as something personal to them, as if they have some say. Fans saying that they will support Michael on whatever he decides to do. He doesn't need your damn support. Ain't nothin to do with you. Some day some of you will get to grips with that.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Neverland was a most beautiful place that Michael created, but it must have broke Michael's heart to see that it had so many spies and traitors and he must wonder how he came out of there alive. Right now I wouldn't doubt that Sneddon and co plantd listening devices up and down the place so that MJ could never have any privacy there again, I bet that is foremost on MJ's mind when he says he will never live there again., I wouldn't want to live there again either.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Exactly Mello. I'm sorry I just find it funny how fans take this as something personal to them, as if they have some say. Fans saying that they will support Michael on whatever he decides to do. He doesn't need your damn support. Ain't nothin to do with you. Some day some of you will get to grips with that.
Michael did say we are his family and his children are our children and he is married to us, etc.:p