ALL News And Mentionings Relating To Neverland

Re: AW: Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Well they were quoting McMillan on the two month extension so I think you can trust that.

i think it's better to trust the moves of MJ..

i don't know why that's so hard for some people. He has the most sterling track record..and i don't care what anyone around him says....i'll just go with what he says...or..doesn't say...that's the only consistency there has been, over the years.
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Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

This is hardly media:



Media has the information from there!

don't need the exclamation points.

i've had experience with courts...i take it with a grain of salt.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

If they are going to sell the 'property' I hope they use these next 60 days to remove the contents and personal belongings of the 'property'. The simpliest thing that Michael touched or may have touched, would garner whomever purchases the 'property' a nice chunk of change.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

as long as MJ has the final say on the Property then that is all that matters IMO. Neverland is been more like Nightmareland. the media has spent so much time trying to take it away from him. i mean it's been so overblow and they been saying this for 20 years it seems.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

as long as MJ has the final say on the Property then that is all that matters IMO. Neverland is been more like Nightmareland. the media has spent so much time trying to take it away from him. i mean it's been so overblow and they been saying this for 20 years it seems.

i agree.........
AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

those exclamation points. you can calm down now. and RF did start this and is now questioning it. the media has played a big part in this. now i don't like to repeat myself...but all we know is that this is a confidential matter according to MJ
I'm calm as f... and use exclamation marks whenever I want to!!! You said the postponement of the auction of NL was all media! I showed you otherwise! Now you're harping on exclamation marks! Maybe you calm down!
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Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I'm calm as f... and use exclamation marks whenever I want to!!! You said the postponement of the auction of NL was all media! I showed you otherwise! Now you're harping on exclamation marks! Maybe you calm down!

people like u flying off the handle are not to be believed.

it's too bad that u can't take MJ's track record and believe that over everything else.

and that the media is always involved in this MJ news as their consistent track record shows. now..for the story to go back and forth between the matter has been taken care of and it has not..does not make sense. now you prefer to believe the negative and scream and hollar to 'help' your i'll just ignore you and move on.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Londell did not backtrack. Neither did he define what "worked out a deal" meant. He didn't have to.
AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

people like u flying off the handle are not to be believed.
LOL... "people like me"?? What people?? People who prove you wrong? You can't stand that and that's why you start a dicussion about exclamation marks and personal insults!

it's too bad that u can't take MJ's track record and believe that over everything else.
Track record?? What track record?? Oh, whatever!!! I've said my piece!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

This is what Michael said in an interview with Ed Bradley in 2003, he responds to a question about Neverland:

“… I don’t think I wanna see it… I’ve been back there but not in my bedroom... I won’t live there ever again… its not a house any more but I would visit there”

Download this interview here:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Arabian, he is also quoted as saying he would never sell Neverland. That is why I don't think Michael is leaning towards selling his ranch. I think he would rather find financing.

And I don't think that we will see Neverland turned into a tourist attraction until Michael is older and retired.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]


Definitely he doesn’t treat Neverland as a “home”, he even said it in his own words “it is not a home anymore”, so what you think he should do with it if it is not a home?! Either sell it or use it to generate profits. I don’t think he would keep it empty!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I think (IMO i dunno) based on what we know...he's on the fence with things. I think he's pushing it back because he doesn't wanna make a decision. Half of him wants to let it go and half of him wants to keep it. That's TOTALLY speculation tho.

its been YEARS since he said EITHER quote (the 'not a home" one and the "never sell neverland" one)....dude is a virgo..he changes his mind LOL.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I think (IMO i dunno) based on what we know...he's on the fence with things. I think he's pushing it back because he doesn't wanna make a decision. Half of him wants to let it go and half of him wants to keep it. That's TOTALLY speculation tho.
I think he didn’t have enough time to decide due the time spent recovering from such an exhausting trial and additionally he was working on a big comeback in his career.

its been YEARS since he said EITHER quote (the 'not a home" one and the "never sell neverland" one)....dude is a virgo..he changes his mind LOL.
Yes it’s been year since he said that, but when did he ever return to Neverland? He is not living there anymore until today (AFAIK). That means he was very determined when he said it in 2003 and he actually never lived there since 2003 and this proved to me what he said is true that it is not a home anymore.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Well doesn't mean he wants to sell it. Maybe in the right time he may come back, he may not...we don't know whats going inside his head for sure. Maybe he wants to invest in it. Maybe he wants to save it for his kids.

And it's been 3 years since the trial tho lol. He's been working on 2 projects to keep himself busy. lol I think he's been putting it off...I mean even if he feels it definitely NOT a home's still a painful thing to deal with, because u can't deny that he had attachments to it.

Anyways that's just MY opinion lol
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]


Very true, we don’t know what’s going on in his head, but you can observe from his personality and his past experience and come up with a conclusion and then share your opinion and opinions is want makes MJJCOMMUNITY.COM such a great place. ;)
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Well doesn't mean he wants to sell it. Maybe in the right time he may come back, he may not...we don't know whats going inside his head for sure. Maybe he wants to invest in it. Maybe he wants to save it for his kids.

And it's been 3 years since the trial tho lol. He's been working on 2 projects to keep himself busy. lol I think he's been putting it off...I mean even if he feels it definitely NOT a home's still a painful thing to deal with, because u can't deny that he had attachments to it.

Anyways that's just MY opinion lol
I would guess the same as you and for the same reasons that you stated.

I keep thinking that I would like him to decide to keep it and think that time will make that more likely so I want him to take his time deciding. A very good freind of mine once gave me the advice of waiting at least two years after a break up to decide on any new relationships. You need time to recover before you can trust your feelings again. She also told me however (when I was deciding whether or not to break up) that the worst time was during deciding. She said that whichever decision I made things would be better once I decided. I think both are true for Michael right now with respect to Neverland. To begin with he needed time to recover but as much as I hate to think of it maybe it is time for him to decide and either way will be okay once he is committed to the decision and moves on.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

well i agree arabian. And from his past experience with absolute statements like 'never' and 'last'...he has a tendency to change his mind lol Take touring for example.

And yep exactly eternity.

Basically i'mma see what happens
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

he has a tendency to change his mind lol Take touring for example.
I think he canceled some concerts due to some sickness, I am not sure. However when it comes to the Neverland issue I think it has already changed his life and I think he will not change his mind and go back to live in Neverland.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

No he said the Bad tour was his last. As well as Dangerous. LOL Sooooo...

again we can't decide whats in his head no matter how sure we THINK we are of his plans.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]


Definitely he doesn’t treat Neverland as a “home”, he even said it in his own words “it is not a home anymore”, so what you think he should do with it if it is not a home?! Either sell it or use it to generate profits. I don’t think he would keep it empty!

Arabian, I agree with you. I think he should generate profit with it. I just don't see him doing that in the near future. It would be hard to believe that Michael has been trying to hold onto Neverland all this time without also believing that he has plans to use it to celebrate his legacy. I mean why wouldn't Michael want to see his children own Neverland one day and celebrate his legacy with it? Of course he wants that. Shoot, Neverland is gonna generate more money than Graceland.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

know what i heard new news and is not good cause neverland is sale :cry:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I say, sell the darn place!

Michael has'nt lived at Neverland for about three years now.....don't you all think if he intended on making it his home again he would've returned to living there already? he has been living everwhere else except Neverland and that has to be for a reason!

I think the thought of some fans still not being able to visit Neverland yet or just the good deeds that were normally done there by MJ is causing soem to get a bit sentimental about this whole issue.

Michael has got to do whats best for him and if selling the ranch is whats best for him, then I say go right ahead. I keep saying I would rather MJ sell this ranch of his own accord and not have it ripped away from him which would in turn create such a disgusting media spectacle!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

no...................................................i don't what neverland to sale no away :no: come on neverland is the number one in this world and people need to leave it alone and leave MJ alone in this world let neverland to keep
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Just because he doesn't want to live there anymore does not mean that he wants to sell it. He may want to keep his ranch and use it to celebrate his legacy years down the Graceland. He may want to pass is place onto his kids.

And yall need to stop saying that Michael hasn't been back to his ranch in 3 years. None of us know whether or not Michael has been back to his ranch. Just because the media didn't report so, does not mean that he hasn't been back.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

i don't is true all of this cause the soul will tell the turth from the heart of person who knows all the turth run from the heart to the soul of the love answers in the words
of love that goes in the mind of you

the meaning of what i say that lies will go into your soul not listen to all the news of lies of fears cause is the words of scary it'll come truth to jump into your eyes

so i mean that not go there cause is all lies from the eyes of the world