ALL News And Mentionings Relating To Neverland

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]


look at the support MJ is getting...IN THE STATES (not saying the states are better, but just defending the fact that people STILL DO LOVE HIM HERE). It's amazing to me! This is great!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

No problem **hoping David buys it** dance with me baby ... Is it scarey for ya beckham
I want MJ to keep it. :p

Ah, what the hell...

*slaps on 2bad and practices some ghost moves, then goes 'boo!'*
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I respect whatever decision Michael makes with the estate. At the end of the day, it is still his house. The man can do whatever he wants with it.

Michael's privacy was invaded when 70 police officers came into his home and trashed it. MJ's privacy was invaded when that nasty family did all kinds of things to that home. MJ's privacy was invaded when the media found ways to get around his estate. MJ can't live like that - no one can live like that.

I think maybe some people need to be in his shoes to truly understand what position he could be in right now regarding if he should sell the home or not. Have you ever had people tell you about houses that are haunted? What if NL is a haunted estate? Think about it - MJ built that home for the purposes of joy, love and laughter and it is now infamous with scandal and shame. That was a place that he considered home and it does not feel like that to him anymore.

So, I think some of you fans need to understand that a house does not make a person. MJ can create a NL anywhere. The area where NL is located is a hell hole. I do not care what anyone thinks. I think MJ should do whatever he wants to do with that place.

I totally agree with every word you said. I hope all goes the way he wants it to.:(
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I don't want Beckham to buy it. I want Michael to keep it. And I don't care who doesn't agree with me.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I think it wasn't Michael himself who made it special. It was the atmosphere and there were many other things than Michael Jackson. I have to say whoever is tender, loving, and caring person like Michael Jackson would have made that place special.. Maybe not the same way but some other ways..

Neverland was a physical reflection of what Michael is. The ranch without him is simply a ranch, as it opperated using his ideals and philosophies, it's purpose was to help bring alive his hopes and dreams and his want and need to help others. It was a vehicle for him to physically manifest his values and what he holds dear. Again, without him, it is simply a ranch. He had the rides built, he had the animal sancturary built, he designed the place as it was and is, he gave it it's name, he gave it the ideal that it merely represented.

If Michael want's to sell it, I'm fine with that and I hope he makes a lot of money from the sale, should he decide to go that rout. I was upset before at the prospect of Neverland being taken from him. He worked too hard on it for it to simply be stolen away like that. But, while a lot of good memories derive from that place, a lot of bad things happened to Michael there too, and if he no longer feels comfortable there, if it hurts too much to be there, then he should sell it, if that's what he wants to do.

What's sad about the whole situation is, those pieces of sh*t down in SB ruined what was a beautiful thing. Michael helped so many people, children and adults alike, through his ranch, he brought so many people happiness through that ranch and a sense of being worry free, for once. He was able to give a very real platform to his desire to help others with that ranch, it was a non-profit organization basically, with everything customized to help the less fortunate, and they just screwed him over and destroyed the whole thing.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

NWhat's sad about the whole situation is, those pieces of sh*t down in SB ruined what was a beautiful thing. Michael helped so many people, children and adults alike, through his ranch, he brought so many people happiness through that ranch and a sense of being worry free, for once. He was able to give a very real platform to his desire to help others with that ranch, it was a non-profit organization basically, with everything customized to help the less fortunate, and they just screwed him over and destroyed the whole thing.

It’s a cruel world, it is a world not made for people like Michael Jackson, we have an Arabic saying which almost translates as: “Be most careful from the evil of the people whom you aid”
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

^^^, yeah, you're right about that. People biting the hand that feeds them and nice guys finish last. The worst part is that people blame Michael for other's cruel treatment of him, go figure that one.

And I hope that the state doesn't drag Michael in to their issues with the Rail line. Fortress probably provided the money and just had it done through one of their subsidaries. That doesn't mean the rail line actually is able to get the money to make those repairs they're talking about.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

When I listen to all that's taking place and I look at how the date was pushed back to May, the only thing that comes to me is that Michael has something big coming down the pipe.

He's not a man that is easily knocked over, and usually when things come upon him that he doesn't like, he kicks into another gear.

Just as I didn't panic during the trial, I'm not going to panic now.

Something is coming and it's going to have a lot of moving parts.

Also, the Lord works in mysterious ways.

When Michael went back to Gary, Indiana for his homecoming, he ended up in the area because he was pulled into a lawsuit pertaining to copyright infringement that had nothing to do with him. What appeared to be bad turned into something good. He needed to go home. Going home is what prepared him for what came next which was something that took place five months later.

When he was pulled through the court system between 11/03 and 6/05 with bogus charges, he ended up finally being given the chance to face-off with those that originally created his problems that dated back to 1993 and the key people were unwilling to come out of hiding to prove their claim. He walked out of the courthouse exonerated after also being able to see so many liars and backstabbers unveiled before his eyes.

Now he's facing something that's causing him to deal with a place that he's called home for many years, and I'm looking at the timing of it all. It's taking place when he actually has the energy to deal with it and the strength, because as of right now, he is stronger than he's ever been before.

I'm going to wait and watch. My faith in Michael will not veer off course, and I sure am not about to say that all of a sudden Santa Barbara County has more strength than God just because they want the auction to take place on the steps of their courthouse.

Psalm 75:2
God says, "At the time I have planned, I will bring justice against the wicked."

See, we have to remember that Michael placed his situation into God's hands when he was defending himself in Santa Barbara County. Sneddon had the entire DA's office behind him and then some, yet God defeated him with a little tiny law firm. That defeat was televised worldwide.

Now, Santa Barbara County wants to come back and make a statement by having a public auctioning of Neverland on its steps so it can be televised worldwide. They want to show that they are not done.

And you know what? Santa Barbara County is acting just like Pharaoh. Is it going to get them anywhere? No.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Jackson Considers Selling Neverland

By JOHN ROGERS – 27 minutes ago
LOS ANGELES (AP) — There could be a new owner riding the merry-go-round at Michael Jackson's fabled Neverland Ranch this summer.

A public auction of the 2,500-acre spread in central California's wine country had been scheduled for next week after Jackson went into default on the $24.5 million he owes on the property. However, the auction was postponed until May 14 by "mutual agreement" of Jackson and his creditors, said Julie Wagner of Financial Title Co. of San Francisco, the firm that filed the default papers.
"That allows us to refinance or sell the property," Jackson's attorney, L. Londell McMillan, told The Associated on Friday. He added that Jackson is looking at both options.

"We expect to have this matter resolved well before May 14," McMillan said. The extended date was first reported on
Jackson, who moved out of Neverland more than two years ago, bought the property in the bucolic rolling hills of Los Olivos, 150 miles north of Los Angeles, from real estate baron William Bone in 1988 and turned it into his personal playground. He brought in more than a dozen amusement park rides, including a merry-go-round, Ferris wheel and roller coaster and installed a zoo complete with flamingos, giraffes, elephants and orangutans.

At the height of his popularity in the late 1980s and '90s, he invited children by the thousands onto the grounds, where they would spend the day playing and feasting on cotton candy and popcorn.

Once hailed as the "king of pop," Jackson saw his financial empire begin to crumble as his record sales plummeted in recent years. His image took a further hit when he was arrested in 2003, accused of molesting a 13-year-old visitor to Neverland.
He left Neverland after a jury acquitted him of the molestation charges in 2005 and is said to be living overseas.

Geez. Just sell the damn Beatles catalogue, release the damn album and move back to Neverland. PLEASSEEE *sobs* :lol:
Re: Smart Move!

I believe Michael Jackson should sell Nevelrland if he is not planning to invest in it, but not living in it, this is the last thing he should do considering the trouble he went through while he was living the Neverland lifestyle, which is innocent and pure but the opportunists used it against him. Selling Neverland should not make any indication to financial trouble because he is the “King of Pop” and he can make money fast and easy by just showing in any event or a concert, there are many ways Michael Jackson can make lots of money without loosing any of his assets especially after the amazing success of Thriller 25 and his rising popularity against all doubts.

Investing in Neverland is also a great idea, he can invite many potential investors to create a fantasy resort surrounded by 5 stat hotels, parks, clubs, etc… I believe Michael is very much capable of that and he doesn’t need to spend money, there are many people who will be interested to work with him just because he is Michael Jackson and I know that because I am in the Real Estate field myself. Another advantage is that many foreign investors consider investing in USA in the Real Estate business is a great opportunity and there is a huge demand, I think this is one of the reasons why Michael visited the Middle East and specially “Dubai”. (I’m from Dubai Btw)


:punk:I've jsut spoke with my sis and said the SAME things!! :eek:

Then I read what you've wrote here. Wow! I've even thought for Michael to search a partner from Dubai, since there turism is so developped there. He also could include a fancy spa there... Part of profits would go to charities, and poor/disavantaged children would be included free in the park's entertainment program. his music will be played heavelly there, and he can have a mini shop with his cds and Jacksons cd, clasical music, soul and gospel there!

Man, this land could be a diamond mine for Mike!
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Re: Smart Move!

:punk:I've jsut spoke with my sis and said the SAME things!! :eek:

Then I read what you've wrote here. Wow! I've even thought for Michael to search a partner from Dubai, since there turism is so developped there. He also could include a fancy spa there... Part of profits would go to charities, and children would be included free in the park's entertainment program. his music will be played heavelly there, and he can have a mini shop with his cds and Jacksons cd, clasical music, soul and gospel there!

Man, this land could be a diamond mine for Mike!
Exactly! :) Neverland would become something like Disneyland Paris. Major developments are happening here in Dubai and there are experts in developing such projects they would defiantly go for it if it was put into action, check this out: All major players including DreamWorks (w/ Shrek) already signed major deals. Michael would generate big profits from this if he can do it without issues from Disney since he would use the name Peterpan and Neverland commercially; I think he would not have issues.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

if he sells neverland i think i might become ill, perish from this earth, take my spirit there and haunt whomever buys it and force them to return it to it's rightful owner :p

Chichi :rofl: I think they'd be happy to be haunted by you :p :innocent:

I don't care how, I just want Neverland to be saved and to belong to Michael :( The 2 of them were meant to be, no one has the right to interfere! :angry:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Chichi :rofl: I think they'd be happy to be haunted by you :p :innocent:

I don't care how, I just want Neverland to be saved and to belong to Michael :( The 2 of them were meant to be, no one has the right to interfere! :angry:

Okay so how about all fans chip in $100...................that would get us like uhm :unsure: .....not even halfway? :unsure::lol::lol::lol:
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Re: Smart Move!

Exactly! :) Neverland would become something like Disneyland Paris. Major developments are happening here in Dubai and there are experts in developing such projects they would defiantly go for it if it was put into action, check this out: All major players including DreamWorks (w/ Shrek) already signed major deals. Michael would generate big profits from this if he can do it without issues from Disney since he would use the name Peterpan and Neverland commercially; I think he would not have issues.

Or maybe soemthing like Puy du Fou - this is a French amusement park, ecological and very historical orientated - much better than Disneyland in my opinion, and more suitable for the space/land Mike's got.

Check up their wonderful site!
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Re: Smart Move!

Or maybe soemthing like Puy du Fou - this is a French amusement park, ecological and very historical orientated - much better than Disneyland in my opinion, and more suitable for the space/land Mike's got.

Check up their wonderful site!

Your link doesn't work hun, even without the double http:// 's :lol:
Re: Smart Move!

Your link doesn't work hun, even without the double http:// 's :lol:

Don't laugh, now it's working!:p

if not copy the url, and if not's working then ----> that means you need some flash software installed in your comp. :cool:
Re: Smart Move!

Don't laugh, now it's working!:p

if not copy the url, and if not's working then ----> that means you need some flash software installed in your comp. :cool:


I got it...I can see what you mean even though I prefer Disney over any park, any time ;)
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Mmmm, do not laugh at me... This is the site, what else should I do? :unsure:It's not working now to me too, but I do not why, if I give search this is the address, but through link not. Bits me! I think becuase it's a French site! lol ( it's not the first time I put a link on a Forum... )

Anyway Disney it's very good but Neverland it's too little for a Disneyland type of park, in my opinion Puy du Fou it's more suitable for a smaller place.
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Re: Smart Move!


I got it...I can see what you mean even though I prefer Disney over any park, any time ;)

Me too! Disneyland got the magic it is not about the rides it is about the fantasy the fairytales the characters the performances and events, it is the atmosphere there is magical, I think Neverland will be nothing less than that.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

edit posted 2 times.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I am not saying that Disneyland it's not great, why are you fighting? ;)
I am lover not a fighter, shhhh...:lol:

Here ya' go!

Real Roman Arena - with gladiator fights, lions, tigers.... Pure fun! ( i've did the pics )


Celts 'Attacking' a little village

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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

LOOOL! I ain't fighting? Hell, I'm a girl! :lol: I ain't fighting no men! :flowers:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I am not a man, I am a girl. lol
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

so what is it? either they have sorted out refinancing or they havnt.i guess the original statement was just P.R and no deal was done. took all of 3 seconds for that info to be leaked to to friedman .londell is just sating the obvious options mj has doesnt mean anything one way or the other. its hardly the time to sell such a property with the markets being as they are
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

When I listen to all that's taking place and I look at how the date was pushed back to May, the only thing that comes to me is that Michael has something big coming down the pipe.

He's not a man that is easily knocked over, and usually when things come upon him that he doesn't like, he kicks into another gear.

Just as I didn't panic during the trial, I'm not going to panic now.

Something is coming and it's going to have a lot of moving parts.

Also, the Lord works in mysterious ways.

When Michael went back to Gary, Indiana for his homecoming, he ended up in the area because he was pulled into a lawsuit pertaining to copyright infringement that had nothing to do with him. What appeared to be bad turned into something good. He needed to go home. Going home is what prepared him for what came next which was something that took place five months later.

When he was pulled through the court system between 11/03 and 6/05 with bogus charges, he ended up finally being given the chance to face-off with those that originally created his problems that dated back to 1993 and the key people were unwilling to come out of hiding to prove their claim. He walked out of the courthouse exonerated after also being able to see so many liars and backstabbers unveiled before his eyes.

Now he's facing something that's causing him to deal with a place that he's called home for many years, and I'm looking at the timing of it all. It's taking place when he actually has the energy to deal with it and the strength, because as of right now, he is stronger than he's ever been before.

I'm going to wait and watch. My faith in Michael will not veer off course, and I sure am not about to say that all of a sudden Santa Barbara County has more strength than God just because they want the auction to take place on the steps of their courthouse.

Psalm 75:2
God says, "At the time I have planned, I will bring justice against the wicked."

See, we have to remember that Michael placed his situation into God's hands when he was defending himself in Santa Barbara County. Sneddon had the entire DA's office behind him and then some, yet God defeated him with a little tiny law firm. That defeat was televised worldwide.

Now, Santa Barbara County wants to come back and make a statement by having a public auctioning of Neverland on its steps so it can be televised worldwide. They want to show that they are not done.

And you know what? Santa Barbara County is acting just like Pharaoh. Is it going to get them anywhere? No.

You said a mouth full and then some......God don't like ugly....
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

When I listen to all that's taking place and I look at how the date was pushed back to May, the only thing that comes to me is that Michael has something big coming down the pipe.

He's not a man that is easily knocked over, and usually when things come upon him that he doesn't like, he kicks into another gear.

Just as I didn't panic during the trial, I'm not going to panic now.

Something is coming and it's going to have a lot of moving parts.

Also, the Lord works in mysterious ways.

When Michael went back to Gary, Indiana for his homecoming, he ended up in the area because he was pulled into a lawsuit pertaining to copyright infringement that had nothing to do with him. What appeared to be bad turned into something good. He needed to go home. Going home is what prepared him for what came next which was something that took place five months later.

When he was pulled through the court system between 11/03 and 6/05 with bogus charges, he ended up finally being given the chance to face-off with those that originally created his problems that dated back to 1993 and the key people were unwilling to come out of hiding to prove their claim. He walked out of the courthouse exonerated after also being able to see so many liars and backstabbers unveiled before his eyes.

Now he's facing something that's causing him to deal with a place that he's called home for many years, and I'm looking at the timing of it all. It's taking place when he actually has the energy to deal with it and the strength, because as of right now, he is stronger than he's ever been before.

I'm going to wait and watch. My faith in Michael will not veer off course, and I sure am not about to say that all of a sudden Santa Barbara County has more strength than God just because they want the auction to take place on the steps of their courthouse.

Psalm 75:2
God says, "At the time I have planned, I will bring justice against the wicked."

See, we have to remember that Michael placed his situation into God's hands when he was defending himself in Santa Barbara County. Sneddon had the entire DA's office behind him and then some, yet God defeated him with a little tiny law firm. That defeat was televised worldwide.

Now, Santa Barbara County wants to come back and make a statement by having a public auctioning of Neverland on its steps so it can be televised worldwide. They want to show that they are not done.

And you know what? Santa Barbara County is acting just like Pharaoh. Is it going to get them anywhere? No.

I agree with you. The mere fact that the date has been pushed BACK leads me to think that yeah he might sell it, but then again....why not just sell it and no date pushed back? I mean, he probably has several interested in buying it, with ready cash...but he's pushing the date back...humm.....makes me wonder....ok I think I've been watching too many of those Forensic File-type shows...or CSI...:lol:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I agree with you. The mere fact that the date has been pushed BACK leads me to think that yeah he might sell it, but then again....why not just sell it and no date pushed back? I mean, he probably has several interested in buying it, with ready cash...but he's pushing the date back...humm.....makes me wonder....ok I think I've been watching too many of those Forensic File-type shows...or CSI...:lol:
What do you mean by this?^_^
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

What do you mean by this?^_^

What I mean is this...why push the date back if he can sell it NOW if he was so inclined? I mean, the need seems to be there, and if he is so strapped for cash like STUPID FACE seems to think he is all the time, he could just unload it all now....he has some ready buyers it seems...but others seem to want to help...
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

pushing the date back is more to do with the refianancing more then selling it imo it gives u time to either sort the fianance out or decide to sell it. if it gets to 10 may and u tell them im selling it they will pull the auction if it suits them when u place it on the market.just cause it goes on the marker doesnt mean it will sell the next day.