ALL News And Mentionings Relating To Neverland

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Okay. I have avoided it up to now but will add my comment.

I only hope that 'if' Michael sells it is because he has decided he does not want the property anymore and not because he has been forced into a financially difficult position because of the trial and all that came before and after.

Neverland is a valuable piece of property, even without Michael's name attached to it and someone has stated before that it pays for itself out of the money received from renting the land to farmers (that is provided he does not maintain it as a place to bring busloads of guests.) The real estate market is depressed right now and it seems that would make now a bad time to sell even if he does eventually want to sell it. If he sells it I would rather it not be done under the gun so to speak.

As to legacy: I do believe it is tied to Michael's legacy. All around the world people know about Neverland. Although it is sad that it is sitting empty now when once it made so many people (young and old) happy, perhaps it is good that as the attitudes about Michael are gradually coming around, people understand what they have done; that they understand what mean spiritedness has wrought. Right now I think that the image of Neverland sitting empty may turn some hearts.

Of course whatever Michael does I wish him the best. That goes without saying.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

To be honest, should he decide selling Neverland is in his best interest I hope he sells it to a decent family that will treat it as a home and not a circus or glorified event housing. Yes, Neverland belonged to Michael Jackson but it seriously would be time to move on.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I respect whatever decision Michael makes with the estate. At the end of the day, it is still his house. The man can do whatever he wants with it.

Michael's privacy was invaded when 70 police officers came into his home and trashed it. MJ's privacy was invaded when that nasty family did all kinds of things to that home. MJ's privacy was invaded when the media found ways to get around his estate. MJ can't live like that - no one can live like that.

I think maybe some people need to be in his shoes to truly understand what position he could be in right now regarding if he should sell the home or not. Have you ever had people tell you about houses that are haunted? What if NL is a haunted estate? Think about it - MJ built that home for the purposes of joy, love and laughter and it is now infamous with scandal and shame. That was a place that he considered home and it does not feel like that to him anymore.

So, I think some of you fans need to understand that a house does not make a person. MJ can create a NL anywhere. The area where NL is located is a hell hole. I do not care what anyone thinks. I think MJ should do whatever he wants to do with that place.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Okay. I have avoided it up to now but will add my comment.

I only hope that 'if' Michael sells it is because he has decided he does not want the property anymore and not because he has been forced into a financially difficult position because of the trial and all that came before and after.

Neverland is a valuable piece of property, even without Michael's name attached to it and someone has stated before that it pays for itself out of the money received from renting the land to farmers (that is provided he does not maintain it as a place to bring busloads of guests.) The real estate market is depressed right now and it seems that would make now a bad time to sell even if he does eventually want to sell it. If he sells it I would rather it not be done under the gun so to speak.

As to legacy: I do believe it is tied to Michael's legacy. All around the world people know about Neverland. Although it is sad that it is sitting empty now when once it made so many people (young and old) happy, perhaps it is good that as the attitudes about Michael are gradually coming around, people understand what they have done; that they understand what mean spiritedness has wrought. Right now I think that the image of Neverland sitting empty may turn some hearts.

Of course whatever Michael does I wish him the best. That goes without saying.
I believe so as well EC. The way the media has been reporting about it, there has been some simpathy there for Nevvy. I don't think anyone was expecting it to stay empty for so long. They were all expecting MJ to move back in, But he really hasn't and that has been a shock to many people.:mello:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Aw thats pretty sad :(

But i'm with him whatever he decides.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland


do you feel the same way I do about MJ not letting the haters get what they want? How do you feel about this? As you said everything always looks good on MJ's side of the street so....

yes..they want him to look defeated. and they know that his look inspires confidence. a kind of confidence that CANNOT be manufactured. and they know that as long as they can't wipe that look from him..then that means, that his situation is sterling. and they hate that. the haters never get what they want. he can remain silent..and they are always hollow and empty in their puruits, concerning him. that's why they are haters.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I think if Mj gets a place that can compensate for Neverland thats just as beautiful...that 'defeated' image won't last. I just hate that this trial crap ruined his home for him.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

If Michael sells then that means Sneddon won:(
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I think if Mj gets a place that can compensate for Neverland thats just as beautiful...that 'defeated' image won't last. I just hate that this trial crap ruined his home for him.

what defeated image?

they wouldn't be chasing after him like this if he had a defeated image..
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

If Michael sells then that means Sneddon won:(


they were hoping he'd move back...they were hoping he'd give it up.

what irks them, is he never breaks his word. that's the sign of someone on the sunny side of the street.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

i agree with you on that vncwilliam. Since he hasn't sold the property all this time, which decision do you think MJ is leaning more towards? As you said he is in a good position even thought the media would like us to think otherwise. I know as a fact that he is in good spirits. I think Londell McMillan made that statement just as a response to the crazy chaos that the media is making of it. I think this is an instance where you can't take his words literally, I'm not saying that he lying or anything like that. But you have to read between the lines, he said this but really what he is saying to the media is to stay the hell out of MJ's financial business. No wonder it is confidential. I'm very confident about this, as I said MJ knows what he is doing. What say you vncwilliam?

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

If Michael sells then that means Sneddon won:(

Sneddon lost years ago. No one has the right to hold a piece of property over Michael's head saying something like that. That's like blackmail or something. It's a building. A shell of what it once represented. Some people seriously need to get out of the materialistic crap and thinking without it Michael is somebody different.
How many places have you all lived? Houses come and go with necessity. They don't breathe the life into our souls.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

i agree with you on that vncwilliam. Since he hasn't sold the property all this time, which decision do you think MJ is leaning more towards? As you said he is in a good position even thought the media would like us to think otherwise. I know as a fact that he is in good spirits. I think Londell McMillan made that statement just as a response to the crazy chaos that the media is making of it. I think this is an instance where you can't take his words literally, I'm not saying that he lying or anything like that. But you have to read between the lines, he said this but really what he is saying to the media is to stay the hell out of MJ's financial business. No wonder it is confidential. I'm very confident about this, as I said MJ knows what he is doing. What say you vncwilliam?


i agree with u that MJ knows what he is doing.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

what defeated image?

they wouldn't be chasing after him like this if he had a defeated image..

I mean this notion that MJ lost neverland because of his financial woes from the trial.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Since he hasn't sold the property all this time, which decision do you think MJ is leaning more towards? first this crushed all hope i had for neverland. But there's always hope. I'd say he should at LEAST keep it for his kids.
AW: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

It would be a shame if he sells it! So I hope he keeps it!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Is anyone shaken at this? Do you think the haters have won?
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Is anyone shaken at this? Do you think the haters have won?


At first i thought so (to an extent, cuz i know Sneddon's goal was to run MJ out of town)...until i got a load of my facebook messages! :lol:

There were TONS of people that just updated their status when they heard the news about neverland....saying they glad MJ was able to save it! :huh: This is sooo weird...most of these people i had no idea were fans! And there are people saying they bought T25 and love it. :huh:

I don't think the haters have won when peeps (especially in the USA) are rooting for him like this...that's just so weird to me :huh: lol
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

i believe he's better off here in england with us. we wont hurt him.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

So we have half the fans believing he should sell it and the other half believing he should keep it.

Neither side has the right to attack the other side. Neither side can claim that they know how Michael is feeling inside about Neverland. Neither side can really know what impact the ranch will have on Michael's legacy whether he sells it or not.

So just stop and wait and see what happens.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I mean this notion that MJ lost neverland because of his financial woes from the trial.

there's nothing more telling of MJ's true state in the eyes of the haters, than pictures of him, like the ones you presented in that other thread on how he looks...NOW.

He looks like he doesn't care. that's the look of victory.

it's the notion u r speaking of, that is on quicksand along with those who hold that notion..and they know it. thus..the hate.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland


At first i thought so (to an extent, cuz i know Sneddon's goal was to run MJ out of town)...until i got a load of my facebook messages! :lol:

There were TONS of people that just updated their status when they heard the news about neverland....saying they glad MJ was able to save it! :huh: This is sooo weird...most of these people i had no idea were fans! And there are people saying they bought T25 and love it. :huh:

I don't think the haters have won when peeps (especially in the USA) are rooting for him like this...that's just so weird to me :huh: lol

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Whatever he does with it, I would rather it be done on his own terms...whether that's keeping it or selling it. There are pros and cons for both decisions. I guess it would come down to what's easier for him and what he can find peace with. Santa Barbara County isn't the only place on the planet Neverland can exist, imo. :candy:
I agree with you 100%!:punk:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

i agree allthelovelyflowers,

it is way too early to jump to conclusions, for all we know MJ might have made up his mind already. Who knows. I just want him to be totally happy with whatever he does. I trust that he will not make any decisions that will negatively impact his legacy. He's come too far to do anything like that; that's why he's taking his time to make sure things are going right. He's making intelligent decisions in everything that he does. And he has the perfect man by his side to help guide him along-McMillan. I have no worries and neither should anyone else.

Hey I have an idea, let's start a prayer thread for MJ to help relieve any stress or worries that some fans might have. I believe those types of threads are extremely helpful and releiving. What do yall think? Or do we have one already?

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

There is a thread already and it's not just for MJ.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

We do have a prayer thread. :flowers:

As I stated before, whatever Michael does is okay by me. I don't wish to know or even care about the circumstances behind his financial moves but if this is something he wants to or must do, then so be it. The dude will forever rock in my book!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland


At first i thought so (to an extent, cuz i know Sneddon's goal was to run MJ out of town)...until i got a load of my facebook messages! :lol:

There were TONS of people that just updated their status when they heard the news about neverland....saying they glad MJ was able to save it! :huh: This is sooo weird...most of these people i had no idea were fans! And there are people saying they bought T25 and love it. :huh:

I don't think the haters have won when peeps (especially in the USA) are rooting for him like this...that's just so weird to me :huh: lol
Well see that is why I mentioned the degree to which people are aware of Neverland and its meaning. There were something like a 1000 articles about it that popped up on a google search after McMillan made his statement saying Neverland and MJ were going to be fine.

But people do care and feel bad. If Michael sells it they will feel he was forced to and they will feel bad again.

I don't know what the tradeoffs are for Michael, what he has to give up in order to keep Neverland, and of course I am not inside his head but you can see the impact it will have to others and to their perceptions if he sells.

Sneddon and crew definately did damage but not just to Michael. That's it. I have got to get out of here because I am getting pissed just thinking about it. Anyway, if it was Sneddon's objective to hurt MJ he accomplished it. If it was his objective to destroy Michael he lost. That will be twice now Michael came back on his feet. They did not win. Jordy's dad did not win. They left the whole world poorer however. That is what they accomplished.