ALL News And Mentionings Relating To Neverland

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

So we have half the fans believing he should sell it and the other half believing he should keep it.

Neither side has the right to attack the other side. Neither side can claim that they know how Michael is feeling inside about Neverland. Neither side can really know what impact the ranch will have on Michael's legacy whether he sells it or not.

So just stop and wait and see what happens.
and you have one saying (do both)run through that house with a bulldozer and turn it into an amusement park and charge folk and get BU-KOO dollars from it.

I don't see why ppl want him to keep it when it's costing that man money and he ain't even living there. He should flip the script and start making money off of it. After he pays for the park fees to build it. Mike will seriously be making all types of money.

seriously mike open up MIJAC PARK.:cool:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Well see that is why I mentioned the degree to which people are aware of Neverland and its meaning. There were something like a 1000 articles about it that popped up on a google search after McMillan made his statement saying Neverland and MJ were going to be fine.

But people do care and feel bad. If Michael sells it they will feel he was forced to and they will feel bad again.

I don't know what the tradeoffs are for Michael, what he has to give up in order to keep Neverland, and of course I am not inside his head but you can see the impact it will have to others and to their perceptions if he sells.

Sneddon and crew definately did damage but not just to Michael. That's it. I have got to get out of here because I am getting pissed just thinking about it. Anyway, if it was Sneddon's objective to hurt MJ he accomplished it. If it was his objective to destroy Michael he lost. That will be twice now Michael came back on his feet. They did not win. Jordy's dad did not win. They left the whole world poorer however. That is what they accomplished.

how is the whole world poorer? Michael is still here.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

how is the whole world poorer? Michael is still here.
Yes. Michael is still here but think of the kids that went to the ranch and how it made them happy. His neighbors were happy having him there as well. All of the good that was being done there was stopped. And then you have the music that was not released or performances that were not done because of the trial. So that made the world poorer. Joy spreads outward from where it first begins so you can believe there has been substantial loss.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Yes. Michael is still here but think of the kids that went to the ranch and how it made them happy. His neighbors were happy having him there as well. All of the good that was being done there was stopped. And then you have the music that was not released or performances that were not done because of the trial. So that made the world poorer. Joy spreads outward from where it first begins so you can believe there has been substantial loss.

MJ still helps the children in different places...people still contribute to his charity by buying his music. if it ain't released on's in the homes of fans. the world has not been made MJ said in 'Unbreakable' they think they stopped him by blocking him? Nope.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

MJ is a conqueror!! No doubt about that. I believe this is just another episode of wait and see if the predicted doomsday is gonna come which we already know the answer to. Seriously guys I wouldn't sweat this stuff. Can this thread be closed until further notice. I get the feeling as if the mood in the atmosphere has become somber and bitter. We need to be celebrating about all the things MJ has gained since the trial ya know. There is too much to be happy and excited about. His health, freedom, happiness, peace of mind, his passion for musci , the succes of T25 and the list goes on and on. We can be rest assured that God will take care of MJ as He always has. Let us not let the haters and media get us down. Why the sadness? Uh Uh MJ would not want us to pity or feel sorry for him, it's a new day and beginning ya feel me?

Come on yall let's get up and dance!! Am I the only one who feels like celebrating here?

Smart Move!

I believe Michael Jackson should sell Nevelrland if he is not planning to invest in it, but not living in it, this is the last thing he should do considering the trouble he went through while he was living the Neverland lifestyle, which is innocent and pure but the opportunists used it against him. Selling Neverland should not make any indication to financial trouble because he is the “King of Pop” and he can make money fast and easy by just showing in any event or a concert, there are many ways Michael Jackson can make lots of money without loosing any of his assets especially after the amazing success of Thriller 25 and his rising popularity against all doubts.

Investing in Neverland is also a great idea, he can invite many potential investors to create a fantasy resort surrounded by 5 stat hotels, parks, clubs, etc… I believe Michael is very much capable of that and he doesn’t need to spend money, there are many people who will be interested to work with him just because he is Michael Jackson and I know that because I am in the Real Estate field myself. Another advantage is that many foreign investors consider investing in USA in the Real Estate business is a great opportunity and there is a huge demand, I think this is one of the reasons why Michael visited the Middle East and specially “Dubai”. (I’m from Dubai Btw)

It is really hard to leave your home which you love especially when it comes to Michael and his Neverland Ranch, he must be so much attached to it, however Michael’s first passion is creating “Music” and if living in Neverland would come in-between he would defiantly consider selling it, not because he is in financial trouble, but because he shouldn’t be exposed again. It takes a lot of energy and time to go though these cases which have originated from Neverland and from many people who want to take advantage of his innocence and purity, not just from visitors but also many workers at Neveland Ranch who turned against him for money, he was much exposed by that in Neverland and he should focus in creating music, the last time Michael Jackson released a new Album was in 2001, almost 7 years which is too much! I think he will be busy in returning to release new albums. I think in order to make it up for his fans and for himself as well he might release a new album once in every two years, you will never know! Also I am very positive that he will go in tours to support his album sales, he is still capable to dance I believe he is still in his prime. ;)
Re: Smart Move!

I believe Michael Jackson should sell Nevelrland if he is not planning to invest in it, but not living in it, this is the last thing he should do considering the trouble he went through while he was living the Neverland lifestyle, which is innocent and pure but the opportunists used it against him. Selling Neverland should not make any indication to financial trouble because he is the “King of Pop” and he can make money fast and easy by just showing in any event or a concert, there are many ways Michael Jackson can make lots of money without loosing any of his assets especially after the amazing success of Thriller 25 and his rising popularity against all doubts.

Investing in Neverland is also a great idea, he can invite many potential investors to create a fantasy resort surrounded by 5 stat hotels, parks, clubs, etc… I believe Michael is very much capable of that and he doesn’t need to spend money, there are many people who will be interested to work with him just because he is Michael Jackson and I know that because I am in the Real Estate field myself. Another advantage is that many foreign investors consider investing in USA in the Real Estate business is a great opportunity and there is a huge demand, I think this is one of the reasons why Michael visited the Middle East and specially “Dubai”.
(I’m from Dubai Btw)

It is really hard to leave your home which you love especially when it comes to Michael and his Neverland Ranch, he must be so much attached to it, however Michael’s first passion is creating
“Music” and if living in Neverland would come in-between he would defiantly consider selling it, not because he is in financial trouble, but because he shouldn’t be exposed again. It takes a lot of energy and time to go though these cases which have originated from Neverland and from many people who want to take advantage of his innocence and purity, not just from visitors but also many workers at Neveland Ranch who turned against him for money, he was much exposed by that in Neverland and he should focus in creating music, the last time Michael Jackson released a new Album was in 2001, almost 7 years which is too much! I think he will be busy in returning to release new albums. I think in order to make it up for his fans and for himself as well he might release a new album once in every two years, you will never know! Also I am very positive that he will go in tours to support his album sales, he is still capable to dance I believe he is still in his prime. ;)

Good post!:cool:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

honestly, I cant hear the word "Neverland" anymore. MJ hasnt lived there for about 2 or 3 years now and every month all these freaky rumours come up again and again. SELL IT Michael ,if you dont feel Neverland as your home anymore. SELL IT. AND HANDLE!!! Everytime the same procedure. MJ LOOSES NEVERLAND! OH! NO, HE WILL KEEP IT!... OH, just for a few weeks... LOL!!!!!

It`s embarassing!!!

MJ, do what you want, but the decision is ON YOUR SIDE!

Sell it, and really GO ON! Or KEEP IT and do everything you can.

I cant here those fu**ing rumours anymore, really.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

sell it and buy land somewhere else and build a new one. that place has seen him too much betrayal!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

IMO, if he sells it, fine. I would rather not see that happen though. I wish he would open it up, refurbish it and then since it's on 2700 acres, build a Dollywood style amusement park. There were never that may rides anyway. But yeah, there is something that could be done with it to make it a tourist stop like Graceland and to be honest, I think it would be a good thing for fans to have once the inevitable happens as it will to all of us.

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

It saddens me to think that he would sell it, for it was something that he created and evolved to make his own. However, if he chooses to sell, all the best to him. It's only brick and morter, and I think starting over again in a new dwelling may do him and the rest of his fanmily good. Yes, it was a place where beauty and serenity thrived, yet that is all over now, as far as Michael feels. When you're home has been invaded, it's no longer your place of refuge.

I guess we'll all have to wait and see what happens.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I just wanted to say a few things: If Mj sells the house does does not mean the haters or Sneddon wins. That means that MJ has the control to do whatever he wants to do with his home. He has the control (this is how I see it) to sell it or his has the control to keep it. MJ did not lose his home so the haters did not win. Trust me, if they did, just imagine the news coverage on TV all about the "auction". I can't even think about it. Sneddon lost when MJ was vindicated. The man retired in shame. Ihave no clue why some fans want to bring up his pathetic name on this thread.

I also do not think some fans do not see the "good" in this - MJ saved his home. Do you know how many homeowners who are in foreclousre would would like to be in his shoes? Plenty. Let's look at this in a general point of view here.

i believe he's better off here in england with us. we wont hurt him.

Wow, the comment of pure comedy.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Michael just can't win for nothing.. when are things going to start to get better for him? :(
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

As long as he owns that house the stupid press and the accusers will look at him as a kid in an adults body, and i know that because when i have shown friends Mj's music they just bring up his social life and talk about that, if he wants it he should keep it but maybe he's letting it go because he's fed up of the slack he's getting with it and maybe that will stop people seeing his private life to be bigger than his music, maybe, just maybe.
AW: Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I also do not think some fans do not see the "good" in this - MJ saved his home. Do you know how many homeowners who are in foreclousre would would like to be in his shoes? Plenty. Let's look at this in a general point of view here.
Well, at this point he hasn't "saved" it... he just postponed the auction! We will see on May 15th whether he saved it or not!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Yep, we will see.

I think that if it was in his heart to sell it, he could have done that way before the property went into foreclosure.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

What do you make of this? Could this be the deal that fell through
or is this something new?:huh:

[SIZE=+2]Oregon rail line pledges $24M to help Michael Jackson[/SIZE]
04:33 PM MDT on Friday, March 14, 2008

[SIZE=-1]Associated Press[/SIZE]
ROSEBURG, Ore. -- The parent company of an Oregon railroad operation that shut down a line through the Coast Range has put up $24 million to help pop singer Michael Jackson keep his Neverland Ranch.

The amount is just a little more than the estimated cost of repairs to the Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad's line between Coquille and Eugene.

The line is owned by RailAmerica, whose parent company, Fortress Investment Group, signed a "confidential" agreement that allows Jackson to retain ownership of his property.

RailAmerica has asked for state help with the Oregon line, but Gov. Ted Kulongoski has said that any public-private repair effort can come only after the route is reopened.
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Re: AW: Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Well, at this point he hasn't "saved" it... he just postponed the auction! We will see on May 15th whether he saved it or not!

no..that's just what you heard from the media. that doesn't mean it's true.

the only thing you know for sure is MJ used the word 'confidential'.
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Re: AW: Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

no..that's just what you heard from the media. that doesn't mean it's true.

the only thing you know for sure is MJ used the word 'confidential'.
Well they were quoting McMillan on the two month extension so I think you can trust that.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

If that AP article tells the truth, then Fortress is allowing one of its subsidiaries to help Michael. Seems like someone at Fortress is being very supportive of Michael.

Let's see how the media spins this one.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

God please send an angel to help Michael :angel:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

What do you make of this? Could this be the deal that fell through
or is this something new?:huh:

[SIZE=+2]Oregon rail line pledges $24M to help Michael Jackson[/SIZE]
04:33 PM MDT on Friday, March 14, 2008

[SIZE=-1]Associated Press[/SIZE]
ROSEBURG, Ore. -- The parent company of an Oregon railroad operation that shut down a line through the Coast Range has put up $24 million to help pop singer Michael Jackson keep his Neverland Ranch.

The amount is just a little more than the estimated cost of repairs to the Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad's line between Coquille and Eugene.

The line is owned by RailAmerica, whose parent company, Fortress Investment Group, signed a "confidential" agreement that allows Jackson to retain ownership of his property.

RailAmerica has asked for state help with the Oregon line, but Gov. Ted Kulongoski has said that any public-private repair effort can come only after the route is reopened.

I don't think it's new

if you read carefully

it's old news that Fortress, which also owns the line, reached "confidential" agreement with Michael Jackson.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

if he sells neverland i think i might become ill, perish from this earth, take my spirit there and haunt whomever buys it and force them to return it to it's rightful owner :p
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

This article is NOT old. It is new. The date shows March 14th which is TODAY.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

Neverland is not Michael Jackson. It is a dwelling and property. The magic that made Neverland special was Michael Jackson and now that magic has moved on. Why hold on to something that has brought as much sadness as joy? Michael will do as he sees fit with the property but it won't reflect him and his fans should have his back what ever the choices he makes.

The fans will support him in whatwever he chooses, however, it may not be that easy just to walk away from "a dwelling,property" until he wants to let it go. he is not physically living there but it is in his heart I would think, after all he put a lot of love into that place. tje sadness was at the end but before that s*** happened he loved it. It's not easy giving up as you may think....;)
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

if he sells neverland i think i might become ill, perish from this earth, take my spirit there and haunt whomever buys it and force them to return it to it's rightful owner :p
Ok, but if you do, then you're obligated to dance around just like the ghosts in the actual Ghosts vid. So put on a good pair of dancing shoes. :lol:
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

I don't think it's new

if you read carefully

it's old news that Fortress, which also owns the line, reached "confidential" agreement with Michael Jackson.

Auctually, it is new news and was out today. I have no link other than what EC posted. But as of today, it still belongs to MICHAEL JOE JACKSON.....:)
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland

What do you make of this? Could this be the deal that fell through
or is this something new?:huh:

[SIZE=+2]Oregon rail line pledges $24M to help Michael Jackson[/SIZE]
04:33 PM MDT on Friday, March 14, 2008
This article is derived from the extended one below, published March 13th:

Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch saved by Roseburg rail parent

At the same time the Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad is seeking millions of dollars of state aid to reopen a rail spur between Coquille and Eugene, its parent company provided a bailout so troubled singer Michael Jackson could hang on to his Neverland Ranch.

On Thursday, Fortress Investment Group signed a “confidential” agreement that allows the pop singer to retain ownership of his famed property in Los Olivos, Calif.

“Fortress has claimed they do not have the money to invest in the CORP rail line that provides essential service to the Southern Oregon and Northern California economies, but somehow they’ve found the resources to invest in Neverland Ranch,” U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Springfield, said. “Their reported $24 million investment in the ranch is just about what it would cost to fully repair the rail line running from Coquille to Eugene and restore critical service to this regional economy.”

The 2,500-acre Neverland spread in the rolling hills of Central California’s wine country was scheduled to be auctioned off next week. The property had gone into default after Jackson had failed to pay the $24.5 million owed on the ranch.

Last month, RailAmerica, the Fortress-owned company that operates the Central Oregon & Pacific, offered to spend $2.9 million to repair a series of tunnels whose condition caused the railroad to shut down the 120-mile spur line without notice in September. However, in the offer made to Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski, the company wanted assistance in raising the rest of the $20.4 million for other needed infrastructure improvements to the line.

“It’s unfortunate that they aren’t investing in the lines they have already — the Coos and Siskiyou lines,” said Bob Ragon, executive director of the Douglas Timber
Operators and spokesman for a coalition of shippers that use the Coos Bay spur and CORP’s Siskiyou line between Southern Oregon and Northern California.

Last month, Roseburg Forest Products reported it was spending between $125,000 and $167,000 more a month to ship lumber by truck rather than rail because of the closure of the Coos Bay spur.

A source close to Jackson, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, told the Associated Press it’s not clear whether the entertainer will keep Neverland. Soccer star David Beckham is reportedly interested in the property.

Jackson bought the property years ago from a local cattle rancher and turned it into his personal playground, naming it after the mythical land of Peter Pan where boys never grow up. The singer, who was a star before he reached his teens, has said it was an effort to recreate the childhood he was denied.

He installed a zoo stocked with exotic animals and more than a dozen amusement park rides, including a merry-go-round and a train to rival Disneyland’s.

“I am told they run a small toy train at Neverland, perhaps that is the most rail capacity they are capable of handling,” DeFazio said of Fortress and RailAmerica.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Ok, but if you do, then you're obligated to dance around just like the ghosts in the actual Ghosts vid. So put on a good pair of dancing shoes. :lol:

No problem **hoping David buys it** dance with me baby ... Is it scarey for ya beckham