ALL News And Mentionings Relating To Neverland

Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Exactly Mello. I'm sorry I just find it funny how fans take this as something personal to them, as if they have some say. Fans saying that they will support Michael on whatever he decides to do. He doesn't need your damn support. Ain't nothin to do with you. Some day some of you will get to grips with that.
Michael grew up in front of the public eyes, his personal life concerns his fans, they’ve been protesting to support Michael in every occasion, some people lost their jobs and traveled to attend his trial, some people spent a fortune of their saving as well, so I do think that Michael appreciates any kind of support he gets from his fans.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

That's scary. That's your problem not his. If a fan loses their job that is their choice. That's called obessesion. Extreme is stalking. What Michael Jackson does with his business, his finances or his personal life has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with you. You are a stranger to Michael Jackson. And I would bet you he would tell you in some very strong language the same thing.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Michael Jackson 'FEELS' the love and support of his fans. That is why he calls them 'Family'. Do not insult the fans who feel emotional towards MJ. They can't help it. gees.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

i think Michael should sell Neverland-it's the PAST.he got to look in the future!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

better off keeping it for a few years until the markets change. sell it now u might not make anything and probably not enough to even pay the debt. this has happened at the worst possible time markets wise
AW: Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

better off keeping it for a few years until the markets change. sell it now u might not make anything and probably not enough to even pay the debt. this has happened at the worst possible time markets wise
Yep! I agree with that! Neverland is still an investement! It won't lose in worth and it doesn't really make sense to sell it, when the market is not good! Unless, he doesn't have another choice!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

That's scary. That's your problem not his. If a fan loses their job that is their choice. That's called obessesion. Extreme is stalking. What Michael Jackson does with his business, his finances or his personal life has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with you. You are a stranger to Michael Jackson. And I would bet you he would tell you in some very strong language the same thing.

I think “obsession” is a good word you have used which also reflects “Passion”. Also very true that Michael private business is his own business, only that the fans express that whatever choices he makes they support him, and I think this is a very nice thing to say because he is a celebrity, some people even watch movies made of celebrity’s private lives, and Michael even shared his private home videos with the world. He is very much in the public eyes and this discussion is imminent about his financial business.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Do not insult the fans who feel emotional towards MJ

Oh get over yourself. Nowhere in my post did I insult anyone. I am talking about obsession. I am entitled to my opinion as well. And it is obessive and the truth is that Michael Jackson's finances have nothing to do with Michael Jackson fans. Anybody who thinks it does are mentally disturbed. Period. You don't need a psychologist to tell you that.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Michael Jackson 'FEELS' the love and support of his fans. That is why he calls them 'Family'. Do not insult the fans who feel emotional towards MJ. They can't help it. gees.

I agree completlly. Let's not bcome too severe with fans. Some of them are crazy, but that's a minority, some people got metal problems on this Earth, it's a reality. But let's not generalise.

Michael respects his fans, I can see it in his attitude, in his words towards them, he is acting with affection and with care toward us.:wub:

However, let's let this matter in Michael's and God's hands. It will be allright!
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

And it is obessive and the truth is that Michael Jackson's finances have nothing to do with Michael Jackson fans. Anybody who thinks it does are mentally disturbed. Period. You don't need a psychologist to tell you that.
Tell that to the tabloids…

The discussion here is positive.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Michael did say we are his family and his children are our children and he is married to us, etc.:p

Michael was not that serious. He meant that his fans are like family to him.

Right now I wouldn't doubt that Sneddon and co plantd listening devices up and down the place so that MJ could never have any privacy there again

That is one of the reasons why I think MJ should just sell the home and move on.

Michael Jackson 'FEELS' the love and support of his fans. That is why he calls them 'Family'. Do not insult the fans who feel emotional towards MJ. They can't help it. gees

I do not think that Irish Flower was insulting the fans, but whatever.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

all of you fighting over MJ come on he is everybody child we're his child so he is are honor and we're fans of life in this world
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Just like bugs could have been placed there by Sneddon, those same bugs can be removed. All Michael has to do is hire a security company to come in and go through the house. So that is not a problem.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

or just play D.S really loud all the time lol
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Or tear the darn thing down and build another one!
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

eh those were the days.well they werent. talking about the supposed oil in them hills lol
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

i love that song D.S is strong i love the remix of that song too i hear a baby with gun i think that song is very smart and funny

i go on this news place i just typ up Michael Jackson new news and i found new news

Troubled pop star Michael Jackson has managed to save his Neverland ranch from being auctioned.

The Thriller singer - whose 2800 acre Californian estate was due to go under the hammer on March 19 unless he could raise a staggering $US24.5 million - worked out a deal with Fortress Investment Group LLC to refinance the property.

Jackson's lawyer L Londell McMillan said: "They've sorted out a confidential agreement. Neverland and Michael Jackson are fine."

Fortress Investments originally loaned Jackson $US300 million to pay off his debts and threatened to sell the property through a Santa Barbara real estate broker if it wasn't sold at auction.

Jackson hasn't lived at the Neverland ranch since June 2005, when he moved to Bahrain.

In 2006, authorities ordered the property to be boarded up after it was revealed Michael had not paid his employees or kept up with insurance payments.

The eccentric pop star bought the property in 1987, intending to turn it into a "paradise for children".

After installing a parade of fairground rides and a zoo, which included elephants, snakes, giraffes and llamas, Michael opened up his fairytale home to children.

Jackson was acquitted of sexual molestation in a harrowing court drama in 2005.
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Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

eh those were the days.well they werent. talking about the supposed oil in them hills lol

lol...You know, if Michael played his cards right and stuck a few drills on that property (plastic ones would do the trick) those silly offers that are flying around right now would quadruple.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Now here is my theory on thisNeverand business. MJ had a lot of greedy jealous people suing him, each threatening him that they will own Neverland when they win. MJ was adviced to take out a mortgge on the property. I am assuming that he used that money to buy Branco's share of catalogue. MJ's catalogue is safely tucked away in a Trust fund. Nobody can touch it Neverland was not so secure. Any case that comes up with the intention of winning Neverland will only be greeted with a huge debt. Think, people think. Who among others would want to sue MJ within a cetain time frame?
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Knowing Michael for being very sensitive and very emotional, I think he cannot easily get over the experience he went though in Neverland, the way he was manhandled, bruised, mistreated, insulted, invaded, etc… Just see the way Michael talks about it in the Ed Bradley’s interview.
yes but knowing how michael built it up and made it (his magical getaway home) into what is it don't mean he's willing to get rid of it either. What I am trying to say is ppl change their minds. We don't know how michael is feeling NOW. Sure he said that to Ed Bradley but he could have changed his mind by now. Just like he said he Hates to tour but that doesn't mean that he won't tour Ever again. Hating to do something but still doing it for whatever reason is two different things and a whole other story that I won't get into.

Point is ppl change their minds. We know what he said then but we are not in his brains and we don't know what he's feeling now. He may have healed somewhat from this ordeal.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Exactly. We don't know what Michael is feeling now. I mean haven't you felt hurt initially in your life and said you would never do a certain thing again or talk to a certain person again or go to a certain place again or never date again? Then changed your mind later over a period of time? I would imagine most of us have gone through this.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

They just want to do everything they can to humiliate Michael. Well f*** them, you know. I didn't want that to happen because Michael worked his entire life and bought that ranch as a result of his blood, sweat and tears. If he sells it of his own free will, then I have no problem with that. I just hated the idea of them taking something more away from him. He's already had so much taken from him as it is. He has so little left of himself as his own. So I'm glad that he was able to refinance and whatever he decides to do with the place in the future, as long as it's HIS choice, then I'm happy.
This is exactly why I don't want him to sell it. He built his home to what it is. Yes some devils got into the way and made things extremely painful for michael, but, they have been trying to take NEVERL away from him for so long and wanting to do it so bad that I hope he keeps it. It's amazing how ppl will try to take something that's yours, like it was theirs or as if they were intitled to something. Sickening!

Exactly Mello. I'm sorry I just find it funny how fans take this as something personal to them, as if they have some say. Fans saying that they will support Michael on whatever he decides to do. He doesn't need your damn support. Ain't nothin to do with you. Some day some of you will get to grips with that.
While I do agree with you on some points I do disagree on others. Yes some fans take things way to personal. I too think they take the "I love you more" too serious and that it goes to their head and fries some brain cells. But when ppl say that they "support" michael in whatever I think they just mean that they won't moan, groan, complain, or call michael stupid for his decision like some do when he don't do what they think he should. Also some don't think we have a say, we're just be saying..:lol:. Now some do (infact a lot) take things way to personal and act like what michael does effect their live. That goes back to the fried brain cells.

I do agree with you on the quit your job to go to the trial. Michael had his family at the trial. It ain't but SOOOO much comfort michael could have gotten from us fans then, because we don't know him on that personal level. That's what mom, dad, bro, and sis are for. Yes it was nice that you came there to show some love for michael but NOBODY told you to quit your job or spend your life savings just to go to the trial. That was your decision and michael didn't put a gun to anybodys head and say "support me or else" it's crazy that ppl think michael owe them something or that they should get a pat on the back just for going to a trial that NO ONE asked them to be at. But that goes back to the fried brain cells. So I do agree with you on that matter. A lot of fans need to grasp that when michael says "I love you more" that he don't mean it in a personal way. We are not on his level. How michael gonna love us and he don't even know our names. Besides even if he got to know us, it don't mean he will like ALL of us just cause we say we are a fan. And lets face it, some of yall can work a nerve.:ph34r: But I'm just SAYING:lol:.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

i don,t think he should sell it unless he wants to . I really wonder if he will do everything to keep it cause if he really wanted to sell it it wouldn,t be that hard. Some how i think he wants it. But we will have to wait and see.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I don't think its so unreasonable for fans to get attached to Neverland. Mj was at one point attached to it. It's simply sad that MJ has had his home ruined by that trial and a lot of fans would be sad to see it go into someone else's hands when it was MICHAEL'S creation. I don't think that's taking things too personal or unreasonable at all.

The fans care about MJ's well being and his possessions and his music and...and well at least SOME (at times I begin to wonder on this board) care about him as a emotional person/human being.

I think people just wish things were like it was for michael, when MJ called the place home, when the TRIAL didn't 'taint' or ruin anything of MJ's. For me personally, I'd hope MJ keeps it...just for that liiiittle chance that MJ is able to call it home again. But if MJ decides to let it go, then thats the decision that he feels is best for him, and I have no choice but to be happy about that, because at LEAST he has the FREEDOM to do what he wants, and what would make him happy.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Oh, how I long for the days when all we will want to discuss is the return of Michael Jackson, the music, the videos, possible touring and all that good stuff!

The constant attacks by the media and others towards this man is just incredulous!....I'm just drained by it!

Oh, when will Mike ever get to live his life without all this drama! imagine all the great stuff he could've achieved these past couple of years.....but its like there are people out there to this day still dead set against him ever making an impact on the world again.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

I don't think its so unreasonable for fans to get attached to Neverland. Mj was at one point attached to it. It's simply sad that MJ has had his home ruined by that trial and a lot of fans would be sad to see it go into someone else's hands when it was MICHAEL'S creation. I don't think that's taking things too personal or unreasonable at all.

The fans care about MJ's well being and his possessions and his music and...and well at least SOME (at times I begin to wonder on this board) care about him as a emotional person/human being.

I think people just wish things were like it was for michael, when MJ called the place home, when the TRIAL didn't 'taint' or ruin anything of MJ's. For me personally, I'd hope MJ keeps it...just for that liiiittle chance that MJ is able to call it home again. But if MJ decides to let it go, then thats the decision that he feels is best for him, and I have no choice but to be happy about that, because at LEAST he has the FREEDOM to do what he wants, and what would make him happy.
Good post as usual J5.
Re: New Statement from McMillan About Neverland [Update pg. 6]

Oh, how I long for the days when all we will want to discuss is the return of Michael Jackson, the music, the videos, possible touring and all that good stuff!

The constant attacks by the media and others towards this man is just incredulous!....I'm just drained by it!

Oh, when will Mike ever get to live his life without all this drama! imagine all the great stuff he could've achieved these past couple of years.....but its like there are people out there to this day still dead set against him ever making an impact on the world again.

It's gonna always be filled with drama. They're gonna always talk about his finances and they're gonna always talk about how he's gonna lose Peter Pan, er, Neverland until blood vessels pop out of their skull.