A email I got 4 days before he passed

People keep talking about the 50 shows. It never really occurred to me until people said it was crazy that it might be a really big feat. But I stumbled upon information about Michael's previous tours that put it into a little more perspective for me.

Victory Tour: 55 shows
Bad Tour: 123 shows
Dangerous Tour: 69 shows
HIStory Tour: 82 shows

In that light, 50 shows does not seem insane. Of course, doing that many shows at 50 would be very different from doing that many in his 20s and 30s, so in that respect it could be crazy. And a much longer time has passed since his last major tour, so he was no longer as conditioned for it. In that respect it might be crazy. I'm torn on the issue. I want to say it is crazy for a 50 year old to do that, but Michael was not an ordinary 50 year old man. I feel like only Michael would know if he was still capable of that number of shows. I feel like whether he was scheduled to do one show or 50, though, the outcome could have been the same because Michael was a perfectionist and put his all into the shows. I feel like it is the pressure he put on himself to have everything be perfect more than the number of shows that caused stress. If there was only going to be one show that might have even been more pressure in a way.

I don't know. I guess I have to get used to this feeling of not knowing and always wondering what could have been.
Yep, I also thought about the Victory Tour and the others. But back then, he was young and eager to rule the world, devoted only to his music. And like I said, 50 shows just in the same arena in London only. I really doubt Michael would have ever wanted overexpose himself like that.
It's been a different scanerio these past few years with the unbelievable heartache of the trial and his kids as the main focus. And age.
50 IS a huge difference from 10 shows... That is overwhelming.
So is everyone also going to blame and point fingers at Lionel Richie, who repeatedly stated that he would talk to Michael about returning to the stage and was happy that he was getting back to performing. I wonder if Michael felt too much anxiety about letting down his friends. Should we also be directing some anger towards Richie?

Just asking.

I'm sure they will. Right now, the doctor, AEG & Randy Phillips and even Kenny freakin' Ortega are in the crosshairs.

It's quite sad.
Why did Randy Philips go "I would trade my body for his :giggle:" during the announcement of pushing back the concert dates? Was he lying?

This is so ridiculous/heartbreaking.
It's so unreal he died! Why did he have to DIE? I mean many people get another chance, after a stroke, cardiac arrest but our little Mike just died :(

Michael Jackson hospitalised after cardiac arrest, 2 days later he was out and all the fans and media was waiting on him. He choose to cancel his tours, and instead he plan release his upcoming album in late august.

If one person should be given another chance, it was him. I never dreamed he will leave this summer :(

- This is a day that I wished that I didn't lived to see come.
- God must have needed him far more - Stevie Wonder.

It's so unreal he died! Why did he have to DIE? I mean many people get another chance, after a stroke, cardiac arrest but our little Mike just died :(

Michael Jackson hospitalised after cardiac arrest, 2 days later he was out and all the fans and media was waiting on him. He choose to cancel his tours, and instead he plan release his upcoming album in late august.

If one person should be given another chance, it was him. I never dreamed he will leave this summer :(

- This is a day that I wished that I didn't lived to see come.
- God must have needed him far more - Stevie Wonder.


I know, just heartbreaking. :(
It's so unreal he died! Why did he have to DIE? I mean many people get another chance, after a stroke, cardiac arrest but our little Mike just died :(

Michael Jackson hospitalised after cardiac arrest, 2 days later he was out and all the fans and media was waiting on him. He choose to cancel his tours, and instead he plan release his upcoming album in late august.

If one person should be given another chance, it was him. I never dreamed he will leave this summer :(

- This is a day that I wished that I didn't lived to see come.
- God must have needed him far more - Stevie Wonder.

I know dear... I know... heartbreaking...
These e-mails and information are so, so depressing to read. I hate it, I really hate it. I am so sad about this. The scenario is so very sad.
It's so unreal he died! Why did he have to DIE? I mean many people get another chance, after a stroke, cardiac arrest but our little Mike just died :sad:
cause they dont have a doctor that leaves them for 30 mins.while they are to busy covering things up
The only thing I agree with in your post is that the anesthetic was the basic reason why he died.

If people had not been blind to the physical/health issues he had including the use of Propofal, then he would be here. As for the AEG machine telling fans over and over that Jackson was "just fine" please think about it. They are trying to cover every angle so that no one blames them for not intervening and doing something about those 50 shows. True, I think it's wrong for fans to try and list what ailments they think the guy had. They have no way of knowing that so they need to be quiet about that. But something was[/] wrong enough that Jackson looked like a freaking skeleton by the time he passed. The body bag they pulled off that helicopter did not lie.

Please stop making fans feel guilty for finally using their brains.

Jackson's legacy is secure. The memorial and his kids' love for him show that.

My thoughts exactly!! I don't know why some fans still can't see that! AEG live definitely play a part in Michael's death. Now the rehearsal footage is up for bid for how much? More than 50million! Hmm...that's fishy.

I disagree...AEG was ALL about money...they didn't care about Michael as a person or his health!
Exactly! It's all about money.
Poor Michael.
Do you think this was a plan by AEG setting up 50 shows, insurance deliberately knowing Michael would be dead before the kick off date? That's what is sounding like to me. premeditated. Got us all in an up roar thinking we all would see Michael again on stage, they,AEG laughing all the way to the bank. It was a perfect plan for them...staging a murder.
I didn't want to use the M word however, it's plain as day to me.
I'm so g;lad and thank you to those who were able to see him the night before to share with him how much we love him.
Please get this into the hands of authorities so they will investigate

not really. unless i see really strong evidence i dont want to go down that road. mj was worth more to them alive interms of all the money they would have made from the shows. they will lose millions over this.did they ever get insurance for the rest of the shows? it was reported at the time that they only had it for the 1st 10 shows and randy said if it came to it they would cover the rest themselves. so mj not doing the shows was a lose lose for them if either senario of how much insurance they had

Bain still was is Jackson camp even in 2008 as well (she may have still had contact with Michael even early 2009. All I know is that Geraldo said she did not trust tome Tome when the press conference.

didnt she stop working for mj at the end of 07? the termination contract was released with the lawsuit docs the other month.her acting like she was still with mj didnt mean she was
didnt she stop working for mj at the end of 07? the termination contract was released with the lawsuit docs the other month.her acting like she was still with mj didnt mean she was

She been dreaming to be in mikes good books...but sorry love he didnt want u around!
not really. unless i see really strong evidence i dont want to go down that road. mj was worth more to them alive interms of all the money they would have made from the shows. they will lose millions over this.did they ever get insurance for the rest of the shows? it was reported at the time that they only had it for the 1st 10 shows and randy said if it came to it they would cover the rest themselves. so mj not doing the shows was a lose lose for them if either senario of how much insurance they had

The only thing I can think of is the fact they own full rights to a lot of things connected to this and that DVD sold worldwide(of rehearsals) when it comes out will probably make more than the gigs, including the merchandise that will not be bought by people around the world(it would have been anyway but with his death the sales will soar just look at the music charts) Also how dare they ask the fans if they want a refund OR the ticket, those tickets aren't worth the full ticket price. That is disgusting! Also Randy saying Michael was lazy at some points, well perhaps Randy he had health issues that you knew about all along!
What if Michael had not even made one gig(and AEG thought this might happen) a lot of ticket holders would have been upset, refunds would have still had to be issued - they could not use the 'have a special ticket instead' excuse, the merchandise sales would have been very low with only dedicated fans buying(if the items went on sale at all)
It seems like 'if' they at AEG suspected he wouldn't make the first gig, something they realised a month or so before it was due to start - then in that scenario with the prospect of the rehearsal DVD and fans buying more merchandise around the world and some fans opting for their ticket(which seems mad to me and not what Michael would want), they also own the rights to the show, so could put it on as a tribute now every year with some Jackson members of just other famous singers - - - then in that scenario he is worth more to AEG dead than alive.


Maybe its Sony(just look at all the album sales now) behind it or someone wanting his catalogues not AEG, its just alot of things AEG have said look ridiculous now some are telling their 'versions' of events.

Like I've said before a lot of it does not make sense and we may NEVER know the full truth. I just feel we should seek it for Michael's sake as the media are not going too, they make more money selling more stories on some perceived notion of what Michael was than the real person and the real events(whatever they were) I just hope it doesn't take 30/40 years for the truth to come out, like with Hendrix.
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Actually I thought he looked sickly during the "Victory" tour. He was frighteningly thin. He didn't look well to me at all back then.

Michael was very skinny during the Victory Tour, but he was also very unhappy as he didn't want to do that tour (which Michael wanted to call The Final Curtain, kind of like This Is It could be ironic ?), and did it out of obligation he felt to his brothers to cash in over his new iconic status of the Thriller album.

I think unhappiness and sometimes stress may have caused Michael to have become very skinny. Michael was always naturally a very slim man, and he was a very slim and heathly build from 1985-late 2003, though at the end of each tour like he would often end up very skinnny as his tours consumed a lot of energy etc. Infact in 2001-02 Michael appeared to be putting on a bit of weight and had quite a tubby stomach, but after that he got back to a his normal slim and healthy build until false charges of child abuse were made against him in late 2003 when he became very thin again. I actually thought Michael's weight switched between being very skinny and slim quite often over the last 4yrs, but during the last few months he was too skinny even though I though his face looked heatlther than it had done in years.

I'm keeping an open mind to the reasons why Michael died, and if no regard for his well being was taken by AEG. I did always wonder why Michael was doing concerts where AEG not MJJ Productions.Inc was in control as it was very unusual for Michael to play concerts and not running 100% of every aspect of his concerts with AEG having the commercial rights to DVD sales and televsion broadcasts. I guess things will come to light. It's a shame the sensationalist media don't fully look the goings on with Michael's doctors and AEG and just are just looking for an angle to say, Michael lost his talent or he was a junkie as I don't think that was the case, even if Michael did have an addiction to painkillers etc I'm sure their was a reason he was addicted to them at certain times in his life when he was facing pressure he should never have had to deal with.
Michael was superman. He was superhuman and magic and a breathing miracle. I know you're trying to make people less blind towards the cause(s) of his death, but regardless of the medication he took, the physical pressure he had to endure, and the affects that the constant attention had on him, he was still more than just human.Michael's death was like the last survivor of an endangered species had died,leaving the world less lively and less extraordinary.Michael was a sort of spaceman: the only one of his kind., Some of us see him this way and even though I'm not afraid that anyone will tarnish my idea of Michael - because I truly believe it - I don't think it serves any purpose to 'remind' people that 'he was just human', or in your words that he was 'no fucking superman'. He was. It was just that we threw too much kryptonite at him.

totally agree with you on this part
so it's hard to evaluate everything about him with the ordinary standard
cause no one gone through what he's been through
it's hard to imagine what's it like to be in his state
Originally Posted by lucius
Michael was superman. He was superhuman and magic and a breathing miracle. I know you're trying to make people less blind towards the cause(s) of his death, but regardless of the medication he took, the physical pressure he had to endure, and the affects that the constant attention had on him, he was still more than just human.

If he was more than human, he would not have died.
I don't believe he was superhuman. If anything, people FORGOT that he was only HUMAN.
What's really sad to me is that it had come down to a few fans who were trying to support this man unconditionally when no one in his world was. Obviously there is a lot of denial to go around, but I cannot fathom his sense of loneliness and isolation. It is of some small comfort that these fans who were blessed enough to have seen him in his last days were able to convey our support and love for him and hopefully he was able to hang on to that during his transition.

This so very much sucks.

I know... So sad, lonely... You can actually FEEL the pain and the seriousness of the whole situation.

But, we heard that Karen Faye was there and maybe some others who wanted to help him and we just don't know. I think Karen cared as she always has, at least that's the kind of impression I get.

And for those who want to wait for some sort of "official" report, I think you trust too much. . .

I think you're right.
Depends on what they want out there for the public to know.
So, it makes me wonder what they're going to say in the official statement - the truth? Enough info to understand what really happened? Is that going to put an end to all this?
And so on...
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I don't believe he was superhuman. If anything, people FORGOT that he was only HUMAN.

Exactly my thoughts. If I would have met him, I would have treated him as a normal human being, without going crazy.
All this talk of Karen Faye.... who IS this person exactly?
All this talk of Karen Faye.... who IS this person exactly?

Karen Faye has been Michael's make-up artist for many many years (decades).
Loyal friend of his and always spoke very highly of Michael....
Michael was superman. He was superhuman and magic and a breathing miracle. I know you're trying to make people less blind towards the cause(s) of his death, but regardless of the medication he took, the physical pressure he had to endure, and the affects that the constant attention had on him, he was still more than just human. Michael's death was like the last survivor of an endangered species had died, leaving the world less lively and less extraordinary. Michael was a sort of spaceman: the only one of his kind. Some of us see him this way and even though I'm not afraid that anyone will tarnish my idea of Michael - because I truly believe it - I don't think it serves any purpose to 'remind' people that 'he was just human', or in your words that he was 'no fucking superman'. He was. It was just that we threw too much kryptonite at him.

I understand completely your train of thought here, but it's probably also this line of thinking that added greatly to his stress. He himself said he was just human, that he just wanted a normal life.

The press saw him as an object. Some saw him as a target. Some saw him as a dollar sign. Some fans see him as superman. The guy was just.. a guy.
Is this true when someone have cardiac arrest there are just 6 minutes to save him? Well... the doctor waited 20 minutes to make the call? Is he crazy...?The hospital is 4 minutes away and Michael could be save if he got him there!
Karen Faye has been Michael's make-up artist for many many years (decades).
Loyal friend of his and always spoke very highly of Michael....

Ahhh. The blond hair lady?

Is this true when someone have cardiac arrest there are just 6 minutes to save him?

Yes, that is true. Oxygen stops circulating very rapidly. They may still survive, but they will have severe brain damage.
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a big issue is brain damage. if u dont keep the oxygen going it wont take long for the person to be brain dead once the heart stops. so i guess its 6 minutes without doing anything ie cpr etc