A email I got 4 days before he passed

Thank you for posting, Marika...

I don't even know what to say anymore. I really feel like I'm at a complete loss for words.

I love Michael with all my heart and I would've done anything for him, but reading your email and your response here, I can't help wondering:

WHY did he sign for 50 concerts if he didn't feel he could do it???
WHY didn't he seek professional help if he didn't feel good?
WHY didn't he do what was best for HIM if he knew there were problems???? The man is a father, for Pete's sake, he had to have thought that his health affects his children and that he must stay healthy at least for them, if not for himself!!!

I don't believe that he cared more about money! I don't believe that he cared more about reputation! I don't believe that he cared more about his fans!!!! His no. 1 priority were his beloved children, so why do this????

Yes, I'm angry, I'm angry beyond words, I could barely sleep last night after reading this thread! His passing begins to sound like the worst joke in history! He didn't take proper care of himself, the ones working with him and his friends pretended not to see anything, his doctor didn't even know how to perform CPR or how to phone 911. Jesus, if someone had told me these things 2 years ago, I would've told them they have a pretty screwed up mind!

God, I can't take this anymore....

there have been many questions in my mind
yet the biggest "WHY" in my mind is just like what you said, WHY would he risk his children might lose father to do something he KNEW he couldn't do it?

he is a father who has three children to raise
and if he already knew he's in such a bad health condition
he might thougt about remake his will, but why he didn't
All of whats been said is heart wrenching. he would have survived if that Dr Murry hadn't given him the propofol. But there several doctor who were enablers and now they will have to pay coz they were so damn greedy.
Thanks Marika and others for posting. I have no idea where to start, it's all very sad & heartbreaking.

Marika, have you reported what you've posted here to any authorities? I personally think what MJ said about going to bed doing 10 shows and waking up to find out he was doing 50, and the other things he said and what you witnessed about him personally during rehersals should be passed on to the investigators.
It's so weird, I feel kind of bad for bumping this thread again, but even though it's a harsh reality to read everything it's so very much needed.

Any information of value that can help and benefit the investigation needs to be put out there. I always believe in the saying knowledge is power and that's my favorite saying.

A heartbreaking topic to read, but I wanna say this. Thanks Marika and those that were around him in those last days and weeks and passed on their love to him. If not appreciated by the majority of people that are often times understandably confused, I believe in the spirit. I believe Michael appreciated it on Earth and in Heaven very much so.

Even the most trustworthy of men that are in a business can get overwhelmed by the evil that is the love of money. For sure. They might say no to hundreds, they might say maybe to thousands but what when we get to millions? Who to trust.

I'm sure Mike is looking down, and shaking his head at all of this going on. To be honest I don't trust even seemingly the closest of friends. Especially the public speakers that come on T.V aside from a spare few that I know have nothing to gain, and have shown a consistency and honesty. I believe Stevie Wonder is always from theheart, and much rather listen to him speak, even if he viewed everything more so from the outside than a Randy Phillips or Kenny Ortega.

With all of that said, ask yourself this... Out of most people I've seen come out on T.V, why is it that Marika's words resonate so much more eaiser and seem so much more real than most public speakers? Why does it seem so much more honest. I believe she and the handful of fans that were around honestly cared. And honesty is so very rare, especially when it comes to people around Michael Jackson. Diplomats really don't connect with me, it's the real, sincere, that do.
I would simply like to thank the fans who noticed that something was wrong and cared enough to write him letters and bring their concerns to him. It's comforting to know that there are people who truly cared. Thank you....
If people on the set for TII were trying to hide Michael's true physical shape, wouldn't they be hurting themselves releasing the full video? Wouldn't people be able to say that he definitely looked unwell, etc.?

There may have been concern about his eating and weight. That didn't mean it went to the point of saying that the concerts should be stopped especially if Michael performed as well as we hear he did those last couple of times and if Michael was indicating that he was capable and then backing it up with his performances.
That Madonna pic is so photoshopped. Look at the top of her left arm (not the one holding Lourdes)
Yes, you are right ChiChi. I'm sure there are many facts we have to take into consideration. That's why this discussion is right to be here. But I think at this point it's more wise to collect facts, and the results of the autopsy do play a significant part in deciding what to do with them.

Also, I agree that Michael was waaaay tooooo skinny. At the same time, so was Madonna last year, when she was about to kick off her latest tour:
I've just seen the june 11th photo and he does look very thin to me and I've previously been someone saying 'ohh he was always thin' 'he looked the best he's looked in ages'. The way those clothes hang off him..*sigh*

I have friends with eating disorders and I myself went through a phase where I got very underweight. Hearing the autopsy report that was leaked (not sure if it was fake or not) but it said he was very very thin and just had pills in his stomach, reminded me of when I wouldn't eat (or ate very little), but instead took supplements and vitamin tablets thinking they would keep me healthy and replace food.

I don't want to project my experiences onto Michael though - thats just speculation.

But what I have seen now, with that june 11th pic has woken me up big time.
God my heart is still breaking with this. I wish there was some way to turn back time....but yet would it have changed anything?

I have to admit....Michael has lost a lot of weight in the last few years...I've seen the way he looked esp in the 2001 special, and he had some good weight on him. It just breaks my heart. This pit in my stomach never seems to go away, it's alwaya laying dormant.

If you are constantly jo jo (sp) dieting, your heart can get very weak. It has to pump harder because you're using so much more energy. This is just so sad everyone.
Just trying to read through all the posts...just read a few of Marika's first few...Damn...all I can say is Damn...

(((hugs))) to Marika and others that were close to Michael to try and help...I'm sure all of us fans would do anything to try to help. Our beautiful man...please God bless him.
he had not recovered from the trial yet.....michael was emotionally unwell so he stopped eating :(

this is so awful when i think about it
If people on the set for TII were trying to hide Michael's true physical shape, wouldn't they be hurting themselves releasing the full video? Wouldn't people be able to say that he definitely looked unwell, etc.?

EXCELLENT point. How can they lie about Michael being in great shape if they're planning on releasing the footage? People will clearly catch their lie if they see the DVD and he's really NOT in good shape.
EXCELLENT point. How can they lie about Michael being in great shape if they're planning on releasing the footage? People will clearly catch their lie if they see the DVD and he's really NOT in good shape.

hun, we've already seen some footage...he looks frail :(
Apart of me doesnt even wanna get the dvd ( if it does come out)
Im too scared to watch mike do what he loves most and knowing he will never get the chance to do it ever again...AND IT ALL CUZ OF THOSE B*******DS!
I will only support the things that will be of benefit for Michael's children.

Just to put it out there, loose clothes don't reveal as much, as can be backed up by so many posts in here, and secondly, DVD footage CAN BE altered. Especially with so many hours of footage, there's a lot to work with. Wasn't that what they did with Whitney?

With a society like this I don't trust anything being presented by a business with lots of money involved rightaway, if at all.
I've been away for 4 days, and hence, I HAVE NO IDEA what this thread is about...

What on earth have I missed out on?? .....
Why was the email deleted from the 1st post? Did something happen?
All of whats been said is heart wrenching. he would have survived if that Dr Murry hadn't given him the propofol. But there several doctor who were enablers and now they will have to pay coz they were so damn greedy.

yes at the end of the day he was stressed out but it was the drug that killed him...yes yes I know we have to wait for the autopsy results but I'm pretty sure Michael would still be here had it not been for his doctor's negligence
stressed out or not, skinny or not he would still be here - that's the tragedy
he's been through hell before and made it through...it's so depressing to think he's been through so much all his life and now he died so senselessly he was robbed!
I'm posting the 11th June photo again, because that cropped version stretches the photo out, so you can't see what he really looks like. I'm sorry but he does not look 'healthy', certainly not enough to perform his residency. You can see how his clothes hang off him. Look how baggy it is under his arm. He looks tiny :( And a photo makes people look bigger than they actually are. Also clothes can be decieving..especially structured jackets he wore - so I'm not surprised some of us didn't see.

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I'm sorry, I just don't see how that looks like someone who's going to die in 14 days.