A email I got 4 days before he passed

Michael always said he really couldn't care about food, if he didn't have to eat he wouldn't He was always slim anyway.

Rumours about anorxia have circulated since the early 80's because of his slimness.
I don't think people are thinking this is what killed him, but it might have contributed to his body not being at its best to fight to stay alive.

That's exactly what I think, it's a combination of factors that contributed but also being pushed into things, pressured to perform one way or another and I'm not talking about fans but by ppl trying to make money off him as always and him being too good and maybe naive believeing them or not being able to oppose them...:no:
only on page 8 re reading through this thread,never got the chance to see the email in question but i want to know all the facts surrounding why my hero is no longer here.......
retrospect is what it is,fans on here were so caught up myself included in MJs comeback we couldnt see anything else,everything got blew out of the water,AEG could do no wrong,viagogo were a good service,Ortega was putting on a great show,rumours of MJ telling fans he only wanted to do 10 were BS,MJ crying to randy ver how many shows he had to do were put in a good light,50 minimum 85 maximum....china next...the only truth we have what they tell us,including MJ,
the thing that sticks out MASSIVELY for me is,WHY PUT A SHOW BACK 5 DAYS,whats 5 days delay going to help and cause huge new booking problems,this is when i suspect AEG knew something was up with MJ,
WHY PUT A SHOW BACK 5 DAYS,whats 5 days delay going to help and cause huge new booking problems,this is when i suspect AEG knew something was up with MJ,
5days makes no difference. u aint fit to do it in the 8th u aint fit to do it on the 13th. the reson for the push back was obvious. no time to rehearse cause of other artists there
That's exactly what I think, it's a combination of factors that contributed but also being pushed into things, pressured to perform one way or another and I'm not talking about fans but by ppl trying to make money off him as always and him being too good and maybe naive believeing them or not being able to oppose them...:no:

now time has passed and i have heard from more and more fans

this thread is even more haunting

Mj was deteriorating rapidly in June and NOONE STOPPED IT.. these shows needed to be cancelled. he needed urgent help.. a psychologist (as karen has suggested), a doctor (NOT MURRAY) SOMETHING NEEDED TO BE DONE...

i'm talking something serious like what happened to Britney. ACTION needed to be taken

I think those who havent got Karen on facebook wont really see the bigger picture on this (i'm not taking Karens words as gospel.. more the fans that wrote the email that this thread pertains to) .... i've lost faith in humanity

but thankyou to those fans that tried
Why did Karen say he needed a psychologist? What was his behaviour like?
he obviously was on a very slippery slope financially. that can have a massive effect on anyone's health. he was emotionally drained it seemed. the faint hope he had after the huge and unprecedented ticket sale was probably nothing compared to the stress of having to live up to the expectations.

I don't know anything but I can guess just how much stress he was under. doesn't his mother have high blood pressure? if so, I would not be surprised if Michael did not have the beginnings of it as well. I think we all failed him. no use pointing the finger at just one person (but I'd like Dr. Murray in jail, please!).
i dont think were allowed to say here anyway.. but she didnt really go into it.. but she has emails as proof that thats what she was begging for
I think we all failed him. no use pointing the finger at just one person (but I'd like Dr. Murray in jail, please!).

no i'm done with feeling guilty... i'd never have EVER bought a ticket knowing MJ was in this condition... if i had realised the state of his health i swear i would have been on the first plane to america and screamed infront of the staples centre.... we were clueless... its not our fault
I just hope Michael didn't carry on pushing himself because he didn't want to let everyone down. We'd care more about him and his health than a show.

uote=MJJ2theMAX;2123142]no i'm done with feeling guilty... i'd never have EVER bought a ticket knowing MJ was in this condition... if i had realised the state of his health i swear i would have been on the first plane to america and screamed infront of the staples centre.... we were clueless... its not our fault[/quote]
5days makes no difference. u aint fit to do it in the 8th u aint fit to do it on the 13th. the reson for the push back was obvious. no time to rehearse cause of other artists there
What you talking 'bout Willis?......Cuz I'm assuming the health rumors, right? Please say I'm right:angel:...cuz even if I'm not my post is gunna be about that:cheeky:

Cuz, personally, I think AEG has done a pretty good job by letting Murray take the fall.
no i'm done with feeling guilty... i'd never have EVER bought a ticket knowing MJ was in this condition... if i had realised the state of his health i swear i would have been on the first plane to america and screamed infront of the staples centre.... we were clueless... its not our fault

I'm not blaming you or anyone in particular.

I'm just saying that something tells me that it's possible that this was a one-way train. I don't think even Michael knew how fragile his health really was. he thought he could do it, AEG egged him on, Murray fed him the pills, everybody hoped for the best.

it's NOT our fault, but in a way, this had to happen. I so wish he'd had a heart attack that could have been dealt with instead of cardiac arrest. it's all so final, it just breaks my heart. Michael just had no chance. my only prayer and wish is that he didn't know what was happening and passed away dreaming happily of his children and dancing in the UK in front of his adoring fans. I just want to believe that he died happily in his dreams.
What you talking 'bout Willis?......Cuz I'm assuming the health rumors, right? Please say I'm right:angel:...cuz even if I'm not my post is gunna be about that:cheeky:

Cuz, personally, I think AEG has done a pretty good job by letting Murray take the fall.

I, too, think Murray is a scapegoat. I wish he talked more about Michael and other things than thanking his supporters. I don't want to blame anyone but we need to know the truth
i dont think were allowed to say here anyway.. but she didnt really go into it.. but she has emails as proof that thats what she was begging for
Karen didn't do what she had to do. FOR SURE! she told fans shut up when they wanted to raise a problem about Michael's heath. How credible she is?
Her ass is burning now as everyone who worked with Michael before his death will be questioned. When KAREN started talking on her facebook and made it a almost public forum with over 2000 "friends" i sensed she is cooking something.
Now i get it, she is trying to buit a fan community and show how she cared about Michael. She is afraid and she feels guilty, because many AEG people will be going down.
I don't believe Halperin in most parts. But Mj himself said in the phone conversations with Glenda that he WAS anorexic. But again, that was in the early 90's. But that he was anorexic because of the touring and the stress and because he just wasn't hungry. So there is a possibility that he could have had a relapse into anorexia.
obviously we can't repost the email, but can someone perhaps summarise basically what it was saying - I get from all the comments since that it must have stated MJ wasn't eating or soemthing??
In a nutshell, the email requested that fans/insiders do sometihng to help Mike because he was dangerously thin... so thin they worried he would die. 4 days later he did. :(
Karen didn't do what she had to do. FOR SURE! she told fans shut up when they wanted to raise a problem about Michael's heath. How credible she is?
Her ass is burning now as everyone who worked with Michael before his death will be questioned. When KAREN started talking on her facebook and made it a almost public forum with over 2000 "friends" i sensed she is cooking something.
Now i get it, she is trying to buit a fan community and show how she cared about Michael. She is afraid and she feels guilty, because many AEG people will be going down.

This is exactly what I've been thinking for a long time. I am sure Karen loved Mike, no doubt about that. But the fact she just accepts everyone as her facebook friend in order to share her feelings about Michael is strange. If she cared so much about the fans and sharing her feelings/emotions and activities about Michael, why didn't she do so when Mike was still aline? I'd rather had known her feelings and things she did with Mike when he was still around. This makes me wonder about her true intentions...
Sorry if I offend anybody with this, that's not my purpose, these are just my feelings on this situ.
I don't believe Halperin in most parts. But Mj himself said in the phone conversations with Glenda that he WAS anorexic. But again, that was in the early 90's. But that he was anorexic because of the touring and the stress and because he just wasn't hungry. So there is a possibility that he could have had a relapse into anorexia.
I want to add something, my boyfriend is a performer. He performs almost every night, 8 months out of the year. And he (as gross as it sounds) throws up every single night from nerves. And after all these years he insists on eating an hour or two before the show starts so he never keeps anything down. He got to the point where his face was all sunk in and was skin and bones. He was on a big summer tour one year and there was a "puke bucket" because 90% of the performers were all so nervous they would puke. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, nerves and stress can really take a physical effect on you. I've seen first hand the pressure some record labels and everyone else can put on an artist, and it's not easy to watch.
This email is a fake. To cover up something else. The something(murder) some are working so hard to hide. Prove it; where is the proof? Karen Faye Kissinger(as in Henry NWO Kissinger) cannot be trusted.

Think people stop being SHEEP. If this is true why not alert the Jackson family, or a hospital, or even the police?
Why send emails to gullible fans who post it after the fact? This is the same ploy used by Conrad Murray by yelling for Prince while NOT CALLING 911.
I was thinking about this earlier. To have anaesthetic you have to not eat for I think about 6 hours before. That would explain Michael's reluctance to eat? And a common effect of coming round from anaesthetic is feeling very cold, which could explain the blankets and having to be held up. I know Michael's never been a big eater but having someone cut his food up is extreme. I dunno, just thinking out loud.
Michael may have been thin but he was NOT knocking on death doors otherwise this cause of death would have been said by now. this was NOT a NATURAL death. DEA, the FEDS, and police does NOT get involved with people who died from being too skinny.
This email is a fake. To cover up something else. The something(murder) some are working so hard to hide. Prove it; where is the proof? Karen Faye Kissinger(as in Henry NWO Kissinger) cannot be trusted.

Think people stop being SHEEP. If this is true why not alert the Jackson family, or a hospital, or even the police?
Why send emails to gullible fans who post it after the fact? This is the same ploy used by Conrad Murray by yelling for Prince while NOT CALLING 911.
I agree
This email is a fake. To cover up something else. The something(murder) some are working so hard to hide. Prove it; where is the proof? Karen Faye Kissinger(as in Henry NWO Kissinger) cannot be trusted.

Think people stop being SHEEP. If this is true why not alert the Jackson family, or a hospital, or even the police?
Why send emails to gullible fans who post it after the fact? This is the same ploy used by Conrad Murray by yelling for Prince while NOT CALLING 911.

The email was written by a fan to other fans... I don't believe it's fake.
This email is a fake. To cover up something else. The something(murder) some are working so hard to hide. Prove it; where is the proof? Karen Faye Kissinger(as in Henry NWO Kissinger) cannot be trusted.

Think people stop being SHEEP. If this is true why not alert the Jackson family, or a hospital, or even the police?
Why send emails to gullible fans who post it after the fact? This is the same ploy used by Conrad Murray by yelling for Prince while NOT CALLING 911.

The email was written by a fan who saw Michael almost every day. Her and others were wanting to do an intervention because of things they saw. They confronted Karen through E-mail, and it was brushed off. There were things that were said and it's just too sad to mention. But it was all over Karen's facebook, she needs to shut that thing down, she's just digging herself in a bigger hole.
The email was written by a fan who saw Michael almost every day. Her and others were wanting to do an intervention because of things they saw. They confronted Karen through E-mail, and it was brushed off. There were things that were said and it's just too sad to mention. But it was all over Karen's facebook, she needs to shut that thing down, she's just digging herself in a bigger hole.

yes i agree with you, there were 30 letter given to Michael begging him to take care and stay alive. I BELIEVE fans. Why would they lie? why? they wanted shows as we all did.
As for Karen i agree