A email I got 4 days before he passed

He didn't look like a skeleton back then though, did he? He was "healthly-skinny" and looked like he still had meat in him but after reading the email I've gathered that this time round he was looking very unhealthy/frail/scaryily thin.

Poor Mike.

Unfortunately I didn't get to see the e.mail, I would have liked to so I can understand the difference between his appearance then and in the past. As has been said he was always slim.

I am very slim and would love to put weight on but this is just the way I have always been just like Michael has always been slim.
I have to say, when I went to LA to see MJ going to the trial, I only saw him from a distance, but my first reaction was how skinny and frail he looked in the flesh. I can totally understand what these fans who were with him are saying about him being much thinner than his recent photos suggest.
I have to say, when I went to LA to see MJ going to the trial, I only saw him from a distance, but my first reaction was how skinny and frail he looked in the flesh. I can totally understand what these fans who were with him are saying about him being much thinner than his recent photos suggest.
i remember me and my friends were shocked how skinny he looked in 2006 when he was in London for the WMA...i can not even imagine it that now he was skinnier...:(
Reading through this thread, the lyrics of 'Bless His Soul' have never sounded so autobiographical for Michael than they do now.

I try to do what's right for me
But no one sees the way I see
And then I try to please them so
But how far can this pleasing go?

Something's soon to come over you
You just can't please the world and yourself
You gotta start doing what's right for you
'Cause life is being happy yourself

Then you should bless his soul
It's hard to find
A person like you
You're one of a kind
If I were you, I'd change my mind
And start living for me in these changing times

Sometimes I cry 'cause I'm confused
Is this a fact of being used?
There is no life for me at all
'Cause I give myself at beck and call

The life you're leading is so dangerous
It's so dangerous, dangerous
The life you're leading is so dangerous
Doggone dangerous, dangerous, dangerous

Something's soon to come over you
You just can't please the world and yourself
You gotta start doing what's right for you
'Cause life is being happy yourself

Then you should bless his soul
It's hard to find
A person like you
You're one of a kind
People will cry
If rain or sun
Try to please all
And you've pleased none

Funny you mention this song. I was only thinking the other day as I listened, it sounds like it's about himself. Trying to please others instead of doing what is right for you.
i remember me and my friends were shocked how skinny he looked in 2006 when he was in London for the WMA...i can not even imagine it that now he was skinnier...:(

Yeah see - MJ looked healthier weight in photos and on video than he did in person. The camera really did add weight to him.
It's so unreal he died! Why did he have to DIE? I mean many people get another chance, after a stroke, cardiac arrest but our little Mike just died :(

Michael Jackson hospitalised after cardiac arrest, 2 days later he was out and all the fans and media was waiting on him. He choose to cancel his tours, and instead he plan release his upcoming album in late august.

If one person should be given another chance, it was him. I never dreamed he will leave this summer :(

- This is a day that I wished that I didn't lived to see come.
- God must have needed him far more - Stevie Wonder.


Maybe if he had a half decent doctor it wouldn't have even come to the cardiac arrest...since Propofol should never been given in a home - and should always be given with correct monitoring.
Even still, one questions whether had Murray been in the room when MJ started crashing, and had he applied correct CPR, would Michael have recovered and still be here today?
Yeah see - MJ looked healthier weight in photos and on video than he did in person. The camera really did add weight to him.
yeah plus the clothes he wore made him less skinny...except for for that leopard pants...on 16th June...that was a bit scary:(
I want to add something, my boyfriend is a performer. He performs almost every night, 8 months out of the year. And he (as gross as it sounds) throws up every single night from nerves. And after all these years he insists on eating an hour or two before the show starts so he never keeps anything down. He got to the point where his face was all sunk in and was skin and bones. He was on a big summer tour one year and there was a "puke bucket" because 90% of the performers were all so nervous they would puke. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, nerves and stress can really take a physical effect on you. I've seen first hand the pressure some record labels and everyone else can put on an artist, and it's not easy to watch.

Seriously? Wow, have never come across that in my 16 years as a performer. First night nerves sometime make people throw up but not a regular thing.
Michael may have been thin but he was NOT knocking on death doors otherwise this cause of death would have been said by now. this was NOT a NATURAL death. DEA, the FEDS, and police does NOT get involved with people who died from being too skinny.

Being too skinny ain't natural either. Not saying MJ had it but I heard anorexia ain't no joke. I don't know if it's listed as a natural cause. That's just saying if we're believed the e-mail that MJ was as skinny as a toothpick (as he appeared to look with one of his last pictures of him in the leopard print pants.
Being too skinny ain't natural either. Not saying MJ had it but I heard anorexia ain't no joke. I don't know if it's listed as a natural cause. That's just saying if we're believed the e-mail that MJ was as skinny as a toothpick (as he appeared to look with one of his last pictures of him in the leopard print pants.
True but being natually skinny and anorexia are two different things. Like I said, Mj has always be a buck and a quarter and someone is anorexia is not going to have the energy to dance like Mj. Do you know the size everyone is talking about MJ being is same size my step father is now (115-120). Yes, my step father is underweight but he is doing fine and my step father had three back surgeries.
I really want to read the email from Karen. I was always concerned over his weight especially the last few months before his death particularly when he was in that Balmain outfit and the Givenchy women size zero jacket.

He always looked heavier when doing major concerts because it's so exhausting. Look at his size during the history tour, especially his muscular thick legs. A two hour plus show really puts the body through the ringer and even his chef revealed he started to eat more because he told her "he needs to put on weight" to be strong for the concerts. During each show I'm sure performers loose weight with the amount of calories they are burning. Imagine MJ being the size that he was and putting on a two hour high energy non-stop dance performance for 50 show. 10 shows would be ok but 50 show??? I would be scared about MJ suffering from exhaustion or collapsing on stage. Combine that with the his lack of sleep from the adrelinine he had after the shows....that's a lethal combination. I think MJ realized he was a bit thin and was concerned according to that chef of his.
this is besides the point but why do ppl say "well shes 200% more of a fan than you or me." that is such bull because we all love him the same, just because someone has more MJ memorabilia or whatever doesnt make them the biggest fan. sorry it makes me angry when I hear that. like I said.... we all love michael the same and that means we all love him the most. fans are family. and posting info that isnt legit is wrong.
Is there any way I can read it, as it's been removed?

I have seen pictures of Michael in the past when he looked a lot thinner to me than those recently, especially when doing thriller and in those day he did weigh only about 105 pounds so I don't tend to read so much into him being thin. He often was thin, he always lost weight when rehearsing and touring and maybe as he got older this was more of a health challenge .I still don't think that this is what killed him.