A email I got 4 days before he passed

No. I'm not saying the thinness killed him, but if you aren't eating much it does put a big strain on your body, including your heart, combined with rehearsals, and these drugs he's supposed to have been taking..your body can only cope with so much.

I still think he died because of something the doctor gave him, but I'm just saying he was looking very thin and that couldn't have helped. Something was wrong.

That jacket looks way to big, and it hides just how thin he is underneath.

I'm sorry, I just don't see how that looks like someone who's going to die in 14 days.
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I'm sorry, I just don't see how that looks like someone who's going to die in 14 days.

It doesn't, but that's not the same thing. He's been looking way too thin for years now, if you ask me. Doesn't mean he'd die.
It doesn't, but that's not the same thing. He's been looking way too thin for years now, if you ask me. Doesn't mean he'd die.

Well... I don't get this statement. I was posting in response to people saying he looked really sick and thin there, which I personally don't think. And he DID die... so I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say.
Well... I don't get this statement. I was posting in response to people saying he looked really sick and thin there, which I personally don't think. And he DID die... so I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say.

What I meant was that it even though he did look way too thin to me, that that's not the reason he actually died. It was because of another reason.
What I meant was that it even though he did look way too thin to me, that that's not the reason he actually died. It was because of another reason.

I agree with this, especially after reading the long interview in the forum that mentions this is what MJ was like in prepping every tour. Which is why it makes sense that he wanted a doctor 24/7. What doesn't make sense is why the doctor seems to have hurt rather than helped. To me that's what needs to be looked at.
What I meant was that it even though he did look way too thin to me, that that's not the reason he actually died. It was because of another reason.

His weight most probably played a factor.
I don't think its fair that other members didn't get to see the e-mail. The kind of censuring that goes on around this place is exactly why some people couldn't voice their concerns. Although there were only 2 pics that got me worried, I feel the "gag" order environment did more harm than good, and its rather unfortunate to see this continue to happen even after we lost him. Yes there are threads that need to be locked or edited but more often then not, there's no legitmate reason why most get closed. I saw the "ladies" thread get closed merely because a few members speculated on his past girlfriends.WHY? Shannon you guys, really now, give it some thought. RIP MIKE, I MISS YOU, MY BROTHER..
I don't think its fair that other members didn't get to see the e-mail. The kind of censuring that goes on around this place is exactly why some people couldn't voice their concerns. Although there were only 2 pics that got me worried, I feel the "gag" order environment did more harm than good, and its rather unfortunate to see this continue to happen even after we lost him. Yes there are threads that need to be locked or edited but more often then not, there's no legitmate reason why most get closed. I saw the "ladies" thread get closed merely because a few members speculated on his past girlfriends.WHY? Shannon you guys, really now, give it some thought. RIP MIKE, I MISS YOU, MY BROTHER..

That thread has been opened, and the email was removed because it was never authorized to be spread around, you have to respect someone's wishes.
I'm posting the 11th June photo again, because that cropped version stretches the photo out, so you can't see what he really looks like. I'm sorry but he does not look 'healthy', certainly not enough to perform his residency. You can see how his clothes hang off him. Look how baggy it is under his arm. He looks tiny :( And a photo makes people look bigger than they actually are. Also clothes can be decieving..especially structured jackets he wore - so I'm not surprised some of us didn't see.


but the jacket was made for him by a fan.. so its not like it was made to measure. i believe fans that say he was really unbelivably thin, but i just dont think we get to see that in photos where hes wearing layers of clothing.

i think people are so desperate (myself included) to know what happened - and tox results are taking so long - they jump on this "skinny" bandwagon just cos it offers an immediate explanation. having an explanation makes his death slightly easier to deal with.

if it was his weight, this will be in tox results so we should wait for them. id say its the drugs that idiot doctor gave him tho. but thanks so much to those fans who tried to help MJ and pass on their concerns to him :(
May i know what you are talking about, i cant get any clue, anyone who can tell me?
I don't think its fair that other members didn't get to see the e-mail. The kind of censuring that goes on around this place is exactly why some people couldn't voice their concerns. Although there were only 2 pics that got me worried, I feel the "gag" order environment did more harm than good, and its rather unfortunate to see this continue to happen even after we lost him. Yes there are threads that need to be locked or edited but more often then not, there's no legitmate reason why most get closed. I saw the "ladies" thread get closed merely because a few members speculated on his past girlfriends.WHY? Shannon you guys, really now, give it some thought. RIP MIKE, I MISS YOU, MY BROTHER..


FYI, the ladies thread really ISN'T there anymore, Sifa_Dias.
I don't think its fair that other members didn't get to see the e-mail. The kind of censuring that goes on around this place is exactly why some people couldn't voice their concerns. Although there were only 2 pics that got me worried, I feel the "gag" order environment did more harm than good, and its rather unfortunate to see this continue to happen even after we lost him. Yes there are threads that need to be locked or edited but more often then not, there's no legitmate reason why most get closed. I saw the "ladies" thread get closed merely because a few members speculated on his past girlfriends.WHY? Shannon you guys, really now, give it some thought. RIP MIKE, I MISS YOU, MY BROTHER..

I SO agree!!!
I think MJ was too thin but in the end there were a lot of things coming together. All the drugs, all the stress. And we all know he wasn't that healthy. His body just couldn't deal with it anymore.
But there should have been someone to notice early enough. There MUST have been signs for a collapse. So, what do we learn again and again and again?

Its all about the f***** money.
Just wondering why everybody agrees with the pictures and seeing how thin he was. When these pictures were post a months ago many were telling how sexy and hot he looked :-S

The press conference made me realise Mike had aged and he was way thinner than years ago. He didn't look that great, honestly. Pictures that were published later on showed me a healthier Michael and on the rehearsal video I felt Michael had got some energy back.

In the end thinking about all this doesn't change anything. As mentioned before I do wanna know what has happened to my King, but I also do wanna remember him as the best singer, entertainer and humanitarian that ever lived, not as a drug addict....

So if it was murder/homicide o.s. I really would like the one who's guilty to be punished really bad. Maybe all other aspects should be laid to rest so we can give or grief a place and start smiling again knowing Mike will always be with us, whenever and whereever we go.
i think people are so desperate (myself included) to know what happened - and tox results are taking so long - they jump on this "skinny" bandwagon just cos it offers an immediate explanation. having an explanation makes his death slightly easier to deal with.

if it was his weight, this will be in tox results so we should wait for them. id say its the drugs that idiot doctor gave him tho. but thanks so much to those fans who tried to help MJ and pass on their concerns to him :(

yes that's what why think too...it was what the doctor gave him that night, that combined with the gross negligence that lead to his sudden death
Michael would've probably lived 20-30 more years had it not been for that night
All of this truly breaks my heart. It's so damn sad. God, if only I had a time machine... I would've prevented his death and this awful nightmare from happening. If only, if only... :(
Just wondering why everybody agrees with the pictures and seeing how thin he was. When these pictures were post a months ago many were telling how sexy and hot he looked :-S

That's because some "fans" love the image of Jackson more than the man. As long as he "looked hot" and they could get some kind of sick high off of it, that was enough.
That's because some "fans" love the image of Jackson more than the man. As long as he "looked hot" and they could get some kind of sick high off of it, that was enough.

Geez I think that's a bit much. :doh: I don't think it's sick to think he looked nice there. I guess people were just convinced that Michael was looking after himself, or that things weren't as bad as they obv turned out to be. Plus, from that photo I wouldn't have thought he was skeletal.
Please stop PM me regarding the letter.

MJJC decided to take it of so it's off..........period.

Thanks Thijs
All fans lets get together and we can do a time machine for Michael. We can do it!

But I dont know if mj should have been buried..He wanted to live forever. So maybe he should have been cooled down, and then in 100 years he maybe would be alive again.. It would almost feel better he have atleast a chance to comeback, even its 1 % its still a chance to take.. But now its too late, and maybe it not even legal, but I think thats what MJ wanted..
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That's because some "fans" love the image of Jackson more than the man. As long as he "looked hot" and they could get some kind of sick high off of it, that was enough.

i cant believe this! im disgusted by this comment. it doesnt even make sense anyway.. how can someone "look hot" if they are skeletol???

i remember when MJ did that Invincible signing in NY and was wearing that blue jumpsuit and loads of fans were crying saying he was "fat" etc.. fans were NOT just like "OMG new MJ pics".. loads commented on his weight straight away...

yet when new pics came up in May / June.. almost noone commented on his weight (or skeletal frame) cos its impossible to tell from the pictures. people arent delusional and seeing what they want to see. behind jackets etc.. you cant tell one way or the other

i do believe the fans that saw MJ minus the layers of clothing though. just saying, this skeletal thing wasnt picked up on for a reason
Imagine that some fans would have This is it rehearsals video. There would be a thread without the video, where fans would be talking about concert. Some fans would have no clue what they are talking about.

Can someone at least describe in PM what was the letter about?
I am really confused when people are talking about anorexia etc...

Sorry but i don't think that's fair...
The Michael and anorexia rumour has been doing the rounds since the 80's. He was never built like Sly Stallone and has always been a slight guy.
has anyone got anything further to add to this.. or shall we just wait the tox reports
In the secret recordings of those phone calls, he says that his eating was the only thing he felt he had control over in his life...

What about the quote of him saying that if he didn't have to eat to stay alive, then he wouldn't eat.

But one minute we read about him existing on nuts and seeds and veg and the next we hear KFC & fish and chips so....? And he had always been thin anyway..

Goodness knows whether MJ had a problem with food but different sources, recent and old.. including himself, his mother, Karen Faye, and his cook suggest he might have.

I don't think people are thinking this is what killed him, but it might have contributed to his body not being at its best to fight to stay alive.
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