A email I got 4 days before he passed

The trial definitely damaged him alot....he looked very strong and came out of it strong,or so it seemed. But nobody could look inside his head. Think about it..his life
was helping children out....and then he gets accused of such a horrible horrible thing......the whole media, lots of people shitting on his life...when it's enough, it's enough. And even for a very strong man like MJ...enough was enough.

Mesereau said it...'I never think he fully recovered from it ' .

Words can't even describe what i would wish for Sneddon and the accusers. So i'm just gonna
keep on silent...but i wish them....ALOT! Nothing CLOSE near being good wishes though.

Yes, I think it was the trial. He stayed away so, so, long...when he was in Ireland when Wii.iam he looked healthy, not stressed and was eating healthy food. He said he was keeping his dancer body by working out, (don't know what type of exercise) but he looked well and he didn't look like he was using any drugs.
Then James Brown died he came back on the scene. Moved to Las Vegas. I think being in Vegas was the begging of his stress coz he was trying to get things together to work there and he kept, "I don't want to take Celine Dion's spot which meant he would have to work damn near everyday. I am glad he kept to his word. Then he left there and came here back to this place that damn near killed the first time, (trail). He wanted to work but all and anybody had an agenda for him and he forgot all about what Mez told him, to stay away from unsavory people., Then Bain comes on the scene and he went down hill from there. He should of just stayed in Ireland. He'd probably would be here today.

He should have been seeing a phyciatrist. They would have help him get off the drugs plus he would have been able to talk to some trust worthy, not out to get him. Just some good simple help.
No other artist could replace Michael Jackson. They would never profit as much money as they did with selling out all of Michaels tickets.. I really really believe they killed him for insurance money. People ARE that evil. Especially that horrible fake-doctor who delayed the 911 call and did other stupid things...
These people could have gotton another artist if they wanted to make money. They did not have to do this to Michael. It makes no sense. And I am sure they knew if something happen to Michael, the world will be on their tails. Again, I wish Michael was using his own sense to know what is best for him. He has been in the biz too long to go along with everything.

theres no artist that would have made them that amount of $ and given them that amount of p.r. well its hard to turn around and say im not doing these shows when u are under so much pressure. when u go to bed doing 10 and wake up and its 50
Yes, I think it was the trial. He stayed away so, so, long...when he was in Ireland when Wii.iam he looked healthy, not stressed and was eating healthy food. He said he was keeping his dancer body by working out, (don't know what type of exercise) but he looked well and he didn't look like he was using any drugs.
Then James Brown died he came back on the scene. Moved to Las Vegas. I think being in Vegas was the begging of his stress coz he was trying to get things together to work there and he kept, "I don't want to take Celine Dion's spot which meant he would have to work damn near everyday. I am glad he kept to his word. Then he left there and came here back to this place that damn near killed the first time, (trail). He wanted to work but all and anybody had an agenda for him and he forgot all about what Mez told him, to stay away from unsavory people., Then Bain comes on the scene and he went down hill from there. He should of just stayed in Ireland. He'd probably be here today.

He should have been seeing a phyciatrist. They would have help him get off the drugs plus he would have been able to talk to some trust worthy, not out to get him. Just some good simple help.
Bain was on the when he was in Barain, Ireland and so forth. I believe she pushed out of his camp. I remember Geraldo talking on Fox about Ms Bain did not trust Tome Tome (whatever his name is) when Michael did the AIG press conference.
He should have been seeing a phyciatrist. They would have help him get off the drugs plus he would have been able to talk to some trust worthy, not out to get him. Just some good simple help.

If I was Michael Jackson I wouldnt even trust a psychiatrist, its Michael Jackson, everyone wants a bit of his money and fame. Whoever could have sold all his material (sessions in therapy, audio tapes) to the media.. Im sure he only told his feelings to his closest friends and family members.
theres no artist that would have made them that amount of $ and given them that amount of p.r. well its hard to turn around and say im not doing these shows when u are under so much pressure. when u go to bed doing 10 and wake up and its 50
Then I hold this to Michael. HE should have said No I can not 50 shows. But some reports said He wanted to break a record and since the shows were selling more than they expected, Michael agreed to it.
yeah well it all goes on what u beleive mj told the fans he went to bed with 10 shows and woke upto 50. this implies he never agreed to 50 and basically woke up the next mor with randy telling him your doing 50 now. this sums up the pressure on mj. he could hardly turn round and say sorry im not doing them. yeah great publicity and mjs career is down the river. the pressure on him to agree and go forward knowing what p.r disaster would happen if he didnt. yeah its easy to say mj should have said no. all so easy
Bain was on the when he was in Barain, Ireland and so forth. I believe she pushed out of his camp. I remember Geraldo talking on Fox about Ms Bain did not trust Tome Tome (whatever his name is) when Michael did the AIG press conference.

bain was gone end of 07 when did thome come in? not till later wasnt it
bain was gone end of 07 when did thome come in? not till later wasnt it
Bain still was is Jackson camp even in 2008 as well (she may have still had contact with Michael even early 2009. All I know is that Geraldo said she did not trust tome Tome when the press conference.
I cant belive that money is more important for some ppl than a life!

Michael is and will always be priceless but the way kenny randy covered up how ill he really was is unforgivable.
Some of you are so out of your mind really. Hardly none of you really knew Michael. He had planned something like this so long really. To come back. And he couldnt have make it with just 10 shows. You will see what's it all about. Sooner or later...
And for those who want to wait for some sort of "official" report, I think you trust too much. . . . . . . The "offical" report was that he was just fine. From the AEG folks. Personally, I'd believe the FANS before anyone. They are the ones who care the most.
Personally, I'd trust the coroner. If MJ was emaciated as suddenly lots of people think it will be in the report. He doesn't work for AEG. And the second independent autopsy is not going to omit things like that either.

The idea that AEG would be able to keep everyone involved with the production silent, and buy off everyone involved with both autopsies, and the paramedics, and everyone at the hospital, and the family, is totally deranged. If MJ really was that emaciated, we will know - and most likely we would already know, without having to take a few fan's perceptions as gospel.

At the end of the day, fans are people. They get things wrong. They get carried away with their ideas and perceptions. To take just a fan's impression that MJ was skeletal and spin a murder conspiracy theory out of it is madness.
Well, if you look pics of MJ taken last year...looks pretty "skeletal" to me borrowing your words. I am not saying he was murdered or anything...all I know the man did not look well.

but none of this matters any more...he is gone.
Mj looked fine i thought until i heard about him looking like a skeleton.
The best dancers are skinny and healthy so i assumed MJ was really fit and ready to go.
AEG said that MJ wanted to do more shows and then a world tour
It's quite clear on one thing..Michael was not in control in ways he had never been before, on serious levels, life threatening...?..and the other fact is michael physical condition had changed to a level never before, life threatening..?

I just found an article that talks about many points discussed in this thread and even though there are many bits to this article that have sections that aremaybe unreliable , certainly some bits clearly false and some paragrahs unclear maybe...

However there also may be snippets of truth blended in behind ludacris claims of michael being gay and not being able to sing amongst others im sure ( however i have not seen him sing live yet, does lupus cripple your voice over time, if he had it?...I am not entirely sure michael sung live in the tdcau rehersal footage..didn't seem like it but that will hopefully not be true)..



And I also want to post a link that shows the times michael was photographed since Feb 4 2009..Look at the list and where he is photographed and how often and also when in relation to other dates and so forth..This would certainly not be a schedule for a history, 30th anniversary build up...That list of where he was pictured is worrying on so many levels..and that's just reading it...each set of photos tell's its own story and the many changes that can be observed in his pictures ...This is something most people on here already know and see, but couldn't say they saw and acted, none of us could..no fan could..

1) because any fan can get close but never close enough it seemed, he could have told a fan his inner most thoughts, and i believe them to be true..what could a fan do? It had gone way to far by then and a fan isn't with michael for 4 days 24/7 in a week...alot acn happen in that time...

But also because of the fact that the show itself seemed to be happening.all the rumours and stories we treated as tension to the build up and hate from the haters.We saw michael out and about(regardless of where), HE said he was touring...being convinced by words of comfort and excitment in that aeg and kenny ortega said he was on course( so long to go into but if you watch that conference..there are soo many sings of anxiety and lies and so many things..in both their eyes but i believe randy phillips more...100 PERCENT..you just gotta look at the eyes of the one who isn't doing the talking and wait for key moments in each sentence uttered..then look at the eyes and boyd language sometimes...dead giveaways...

Everyone said 'he was healthy,'..'he was ready' ...those reasons alone in the back of our minds, made us merley question and never seriously probe some of our reservations.We followed michael's actions as we always do when you see him..esp when he says he will do a concert and you just watch him go and build up to it and then perform it worldwide!.We all brushed aside any concerns we had or at least took them as far as we could..

But certainly none of us knew he was still on painkillers did we? Who in the last few years thought he was on painkillers after 30th to such a bad degree possibly? There were no signs, but only now do they..with hindsight..

Two of many many things were wrong with it these concerts, 50...nope...that got me as soon as i heard it and was pessimisitic to another level after i heard that.after that i just though, ok we are gettin closer by each day..to something..
He would never ever ever ever ever ever everrr do 50 shows in one place in the world as a performer and part of many select past and present illustrious and iconic groups of singers, performers , dancers listes go on.he wouldnt risk that for 50 shows !!!!! thats on a professional level..soo much on the line for his legacy, even he werent gonna be saying 50 straight away without being seduced somehow by it or never saying it at all.

But physically , and at his age, the pattern of days when he performs like that ( sleeping pattern, eating, etc) .the way he was feeling...he wanted to do 10...i would bet money on that and be confident id get it back.He was however erratic and very differnt on his announcement, i had a confused and concerned look on my face that whole thing but letting that fact become taken over with the face of 'this is it' from the perspective of what everyone initially thought..I thought from the title ' this is it', he would be calling it at end to performing purely because of what he in the past and what said about james brown and that i knew he would not perform much in older age ( i always thought he wanted that )..But after watching it months later,things obvioulsy changed..you see it in a different light..as you do a song or a interview ...But i alway sfelt i saw something when he said 'These will be my last performances, because...and for a split second his face changed be4 laughing..it was a tiny expression but i think it said something..there was a inner reason..

At that point were the 50 dates sold out???

You then take into account people around him and it opens up so many questions, sooo many
Michael was never alone.in terms of another person near by thats a given.How close was a doctor to him when he slept for instance?You just see that first ever picture posted of dr.murray and you think whoo???? and hmm okaaay.. Certain people on different levels wanted to use him, control him, manipulate him, lured him, and then those who had his true intentions at heart..
It was as if he was a puppet and everyone around him was holding a string...michael was wayy outta control and was being run by certain people in different ways saying they had 'his best interests at heart' or maybe not? ..Its as if he was there but lights were slowly turning off inside his soul.....This was homicide in my opinion.

Watching the rehersal footage is one bit aeg chose to give us, who knows what we will ever see if they are truely involved in knowing the truth to his condition..But even in this clip you see something different, well i do.Yes this was rehersal, he was marking, he never gives it his all in rehersals ( i don't think many do, certainly not a man on his level..impossible.), yes he was moving and was into it ( but what about the other 100 hours, if we viewed it all what would we think?..will we see it ALL???), but the first time i saw it and after watching it alot i go by my feelings that first time, I looked at it and was worried..not by moves or energy but aspects in between those moments..he was tired, treading through motions, knowing THESE were his performances i believe and never thinking he would complete the 50 shows or maybe even start...Even if im wrong about that, you watch it and see part of him has gone..It's not michael jackson on the place he loves like neverland...seeing him half there on stage was more than i could take..I Point to my clearest exampe of this...

It is the smile everyone is talking about at the end, I don't know who was there on that day watching, maybe fans..friends? but when michael closes his eyes he opens them ever so briefly to catch a glimpse of the person who makes him smile...put that smile in relation to that, and something is missing..he is simling , happy at what he saw but not michael happy, he would have made more of it ..It's a tired smile not just because of rehersals but of things going on around him and maybe in himself...he was tired at too young an age and pushed to much in such a short space of time not considering his state of mind and body and age ! lol, too much..wayyy to much too soon...he could have done 10...with a bit longer preparation perhaps..or not...but the number 50 ...that changed everything...These are just my views
Lots (too much?) moderation here, I'm afraid. This thread is useless since the initial post has been removed, yet it doesn't get locked.

I see a lot (too many?) of locked threads. The last thread I started was locked, because there supposedly was already a discussion thread about the same subject, which was not the case. I PM'd the moderator in question who never replied...

From the perspective of a former moderator in a much more difficult niche, I don't want to offend anyone, but I would ask the people responsible here to step back for a second and take a look at the state of the forum. I've seen more than one forum go south due to over-moderation.

This was meant as constructive criticism only.
going back and reading all the posts... I don't know what to say or if there is anything to say.
I'm torn about this e-mail being posted. What kind of purpose does it serve?
MJ was scary skinny, you can see that from the rehearsal pics. He didn't look at death's door but he was very very thin.
We didn't need this e-mail posted to see that. And if some can't see it they never will no matter what......
But being thin doesn't equal death.. someone posted a pic of Madonna before her tour, the press had a field day about the way she looked and how thin she was... So its possible to lose weight before a concert tour especially training the way MJ does and not eating as properly as he should but again all that alone does not equal death

Him not wanting to do 50 shows vs 10 shoes well its all a moot point now IMO because sadly he couldn't even do 1 so it really doesn't matter at this point. He was locked into doing 50 so that's what it was going to be, and even if it was 10 shows the prepartion in terms of the show itself would be the same.

The parts of the story that are of concern are fans account that MJ security team wasn't letting them have access to MJ as much.
Dropped calls that his security people had to then call back???
Even though I hate to quote latoya.. she did say MJ was very isolated the last few weeks

I've haven't been one for conspiracy theories and the like but What the hell was going on with MJ and those surrounding him the last 3 weeks of his life???
This is the most disturbing to me and if we find this out we will probably know what happened to MJ.
Eventhough, None of it will bring MJ back if somebody/somebodies were
conspiring against Michael and did this deliberatly they need to pay and if this e-mail or whatever the fans who were there know will facillate that then I hate to say because apart of me always feels like MJ's privacy should be respected but this all needs to be brought forth and told.

All in all

This is some f*cked up sh*t

And to all those fans that tried their best to help
God bless you
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History repeating itself for sure!!!!

I believed these emails from the very first one. It was so obvious to me they were truthful.

What these fans did this most recent time, is the exact same thing a few London fans did a few years ago when we were all up in arms in the online community about the rumors and stories about blockin and drugs. They too tried to reach out to Michael and give him letters of concern about how much they and all of us loved him and wanted him to live. But in these letters they also warned him about a few of the people around him and those fans reported back to us in private that they had witnessed those letters being thrown in the trash. We are discussing it in the "Speculate to break the hate" forum.

This is further proof, Michael's own team really didn't care about his well being afterall.

We cared more.
So is everyone also going to blame and point fingers at Lionel Richie, who repeatedly stated that he would talk to Michael about returning to the stage and was happy that he was getting back to performing. I wonder if Michael felt too much anxiety about letting down his friends. Should we also be directing some anger towards Richie?

Just asking.
there's no artist that would have made them that amount of $ and given them that amount of p.r. well its hard to turn around and say im not doing these shows when u are under so much pressure. when u go to bed doing 10 and wake up and its 50

Do you think this was a plan by AEG setting up 50 shows, insurance deliberately knowing Michael would be dead before the kick off date? That's what is sounding like to me. premeditated. Got us all in an up roar thinking we all would see Michael again on stage, they,AEG laughing all the way to the bank. It was a perfect plan for them...staging a murder.
I didn't want to use the M word however, it's plain as day to me.
I'm so g;lad and thank you to those who were able to see him the night before to share with him how much we love him.
Please get this into the hands of authorities so they will investigate
I think michael was worried bout letting the fans down. he loved us so much and was willing to do anything that would make us happy.

But michael u didnt let us down , not one bit!
I've haven't been one for conspiracy theories and the like but What the hell was going on with MJ and those surrounding him the last 3 weeks of his life???
This is the most disturbing to me and if we find this out we will probably know what happened to MJ.
Eventhough, None of it will bring MJ back if somebody/somebodies were
conspiring against Michael and did this deliberatly they need to pay and if this e-mail or whatever the fans who were there know will facillate that then I hate to say because apart of me always feels like MJ's privacy should be respected but this all needs to be brought forth and told.

All in all

This is some f*cked up sh*t

Fully agree
Bain was on the when he was in Barain, Ireland and so forth. I believe she pushed out of his camp. I remember Geraldo talking on Fox about Ms Bain did not trust Tome Tome (whatever his name is) when Michael did the AIG press conference.
She turned out to be a snake in the end. She saw the $$$$$$$$ too!n Her timing of her lawsuit added more stress for him.
If I was Michael Jackson I wouldn't even trust a psychiatrist, its Michael Jackson, everyone wants a bit of his money and fame. Whoever could have sold all his material (sessions in therapy, audio tapes) to the media.. Im sure he only told his feelings to his closest friends and family members.

I don't think a psychiatrist could get away with selling sessions, without getting their asses riped open. They as doctors have a strict code of ethics a bit different than that of a MD. If he really wanted help, he could have confided in his mother, I know he trusts her to find a good physiatrist. Or even Liz could have helped in this area. We don't know if that was ever an option though.
After the trial, I expected him never to go through the whole tour thing again...and that he'd just be working on music IN the studio.
During the past year, I had a break from stalking MJ online and from the forums.
But when I heard about the 50 shows from a fellow fan, that shocked me.
Firstly and honestly, 50 sounded unrealistic.
Secondly, I found it odd because Michael NEVER liked overexposure. So the idea of him doing 50 shows just in London had me nonplussed.
I know fans love big numbers and love hearing that x-number of shows were sold out in x-number of hours. The excitement of a comeback and of seeing Michael do what he does best...the idea that he'd show all the youngins in the industry how it was done.
50 shows is INSANE.
Just hearing that number...I can't imagine how Michael himself must've felt. 50 effing shows.
After the trial, I expected him never to go through the whole tour thing again...and that he'd just be working on music IN the studio.
During the past year, I had a break from stalking MJ online and from the forums.
But when I heard about the 50 shows from a fellow fan, that shocked me.
Firstly and honestly, 50 sounded unrealistic.
Secondly, I found it odd because Michael NEVER liked overexposure. So the idea of him doing 50 shows just in London had me nonplussed.
I know fans love big numbers and love hearing that x-number of shows were sold out in x-number of hours. The excitement of a comeback and of seeing Michael do what he does best...the idea that he'd show all the youngins in the industry how it was done.
50 shows is INSANE.
Just hearing that number...I can't imagine how Michael himself must've felt. 50 effing shows.
People keep talking about the 50 shows. It never really occurred to me until people said it was crazy that it might be a really big feat. But I stumbled upon information about Michael's previous tours that put it into a little more perspective for me.

Victory Tour: 55 shows
Bad Tour: 123 shows
Dangerous Tour: 69 shows
HIStory Tour: 82 shows

In that light, 50 shows does not seem insane. Of course, doing that many shows at 50 would be very different from doing that many in his 20s and 30s, so in that respect it could be crazy. And a much longer time has passed since his last major tour, so he was no longer as conditioned for it. In that respect it might be crazy. I'm torn on the issue. I want to say it is crazy for a 50 year old to do that, but Michael was not an ordinary 50 year old man. I feel like only Michael would know if he was still capable of that number of shows. I feel like whether he was scheduled to do one show or 50, though, the outcome could have been the same because Michael was a perfectionist and put his all into the shows. I feel like it is the pressure he put on himself to have everything be perfect more than the number of shows that caused stress. If there was only going to be one show that might have even been more pressure in a way.

I don't know. I guess I have to get used to this feeling of not knowing and always wondering what could have been.
During the past year, I had a break from stalking MJ online and from the forums. But when I heard about the 50 shows from a fellow fan, that shocked me. Firstly and honestly, 50 sounded unrealistic. Just hearing that number...I can't imagine how Michael himself must've felt. 50 effing shows.

Im the same. I took a break from all the MJ hype for a good 2 years, stopped coming to the forums.. I didnt expect Mike to come back like he did, I was so glad to hear he was gonna do concerts again.. But I agree, its unrealistic and kind of badly planned to do 50 shows in one same place. Its like doing Vegas shows, but in a different place. I dont see how it can even be called a ''tour'' since he wouldnt be touring, he'd be in the same place, living there too.. I dont know how many concerts Michael did on Bad-Dangerous-History tour.. But 50 does sound alot, especially in one place. And the profits all go to AEG.
Victory Tour: 55 shows
Bad Tour: 123 shows
Dangerous Tour: 69 shows
HIStory Tour: 82 shows

Nevermind my previous post, you just answered my question anyway. Interesting... By the way this is off topic.. But how come only like 2-4 concerts from each tour has only been showed on film? I would have loved to see AT LEAST 30-50 shows from Bad Tour.. The only ones I know of are Yokohama, England, and in Sweden.. How many countries did he tour during Bad? Sorry.. I wont ask here.. Im getting off topic.