A email I got 4 days before he passed

guys if you were thinking he was thin at the press conference, remember when he was out and about in Vegas on his bday in his pyjamas, ive never seen him look so thin. he has been thin for years and we said nothing because we didnt want to judge or be negative, maybe we were wrong.
QBEE I agree with you.

Michael Jackson wanted to be immortal. Now his fans destroy his legacy.

I think Kenny Ortega and AEG and those people who worked with him wanted to do these shows and cared about his health. They could not do more, only his doctor could have done more.
QBEE I agree with you.

Michael Jackson wanted to be immortal. Now his fans destroy his legacy.

I think Kenny Ortega and AEG and those people who worked with him wanted to do these shows and cared about his health. They could not do more, only his doctor could have done more.

I disagree...AEG was ALL about money...they didn't care about Michael as a person or his health!
What if he was sick with something other than what has been reported? What if those reports tell us something shocking and unexpected? Does that change the love you have for him and the legacy of music, art and creativity he left for us? For myself, I think not. Never in our wildest imagination could anyone fathom what Michael went through in life. He gave and gave from his heart and asked for nothing but to be loved in return. He was a beautiful selfless man that was judged, criticized, spoken about cruely, and taken advantage of, yet he never stopped trying to make people happy. Truly, "How much can one take".........

God only knows who may have tried to intervene and in what ways, but the one thing I will not do is judge the Jackson Family for not having a successful intervention, as has been reported....or fans either. Unless you've tried to do one, you have NO IDEA how difficult it is to do when people are constantly interferring. The Jackson Family saw him occassionally, it's those that were around him consistently 24 hours a day that I question the motives of. How can anyone turn a blind eye to another human beings pain? You'd have to have no conscience whatsoever or have ulterior motives imo.
I am confused at the moment. On one hand I do not believe this whole thing and think it is blown up, or I do not want to believe it. I just want Michaels legacy to stay as it was so badly. I want to remember him on stage, performing feeling energetic, I want to remember him for his humanitarian support, for his love. I do not want to remember him as a sick skeleton.
For what it is worth, please stay focused on his legacy not on all theories and about what if....no use...keep his spirit alive!
Here is the pic on the set. June 11th


Very nice jacket. Why does he have to wear sunglasses inside. THose glasses hice most of his face and eyes which are the parts that you can looking in to tell what is really going on. Doctors notice your eyes first. Your eyes are tell, tell sign.
You have no way of know that he was sick with a multitude of illnesses
or that he was unable to perform - .. what you are saying is that Mj was
a washed up has been _ and no longer able to entertian his fans

I dont belive it for one minute _
and I question any fans motives for stating that.

what good comes from this for Michael ???????
saying he was a weal skeketon with no will of his
onw and uble to make his own descicions _ How in the hell
was he directing that show the band the dancers and every
aspect of the show - if he was as feeble as you are trying to make
us beilive _ I dont belive it _ I have a very keed sense of disscernment
and im seldom wrong _ sorry but I dont belive marikas original email
whicj for somreason was removed .. or your statement

you have no way to know what Michaels personal health was
and it very strange for you to state that as fact _ NOT right

Mj did not die becuase he was sick or feeble _ toxolixy will show that
he died becuase of an anisthectic used to help him sleep

Im not going to fall for any of this.
It is belittling to Michael's legacy
and who he was _ fully capable, ready willing and able
to knock this world off its axis ...

The only thing I agree with in your post is that the anesthetic was the basic reason why he died.

If people had not been blind to the physical/health issues he had including the use of Propofal, then he would be here. As for the AEG machine telling fans over and over that Jackson was "just fine" please think about it. They are trying to cover every angle so that no one blames them for not intervening and doing something about those 50 shows. True, I think it's wrong for fans to try and list what ailments they think the guy had. They have no way of knowing that so they need to be quiet about that. But something was[/] wrong enough that Jackson looked like a freaking skeleton by the time he passed. The body bag they pulled off that helicopter did not lie.

Please stop making fans feel guilty for finally using their brains.

Jackson's legacy is secure. The memorial and his kids' love for him show that.
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What is this, 41 pages of discussion and I don't even know what it's all about thanks to the edited first post... can somebody please PM me what stood in that email conversation? After reading the first 8 pages, I really have to know :(
Appreciate it!
Basically it was some fan, dancers? that said MJ was a skeleton last month. And that he need help, and they was afraid he was gonna die
Basically it was some fan, dancers? that said MJ was a skeleton last month. And that he need help, and they was afraid he was gonna die

I remember I saw someone on CNN, who worked with him on This is it.he said they moved the dates because Michael wasn't feeling good.Anybody else saw that?I'm sure thats what he said.So... what... ?They were all lying to us while Michael is not feeling good?
I remember I saw someone on CNN, who worked with him on This is it.he said they moved the dates because Michael wasn't feeling good.Anybody else saw that?I'm sure thats what he said.So... what... ?They were all lying to us while Michael is not feeling good?

Kenny? Randy? They did this statement he was okey, he was in perfect health. WTF is this.
Ah this speculation is giving me a headache... Ive had my say, now Im going to stop. Its leading nowhere, Michael is gone and is never coming back anyway..

Agreed.... I keep coming back to this thread, but it just makes me more upset, and it isn't going to do any good. What the fans seemed to notice about his weight shortly before his death makes me really sad and upset. The combination of not eating and being weak + stuff he was taking to help him fall asleep (when you don't eat properly, you also have sleep problems) was probably what did it. His body wasn't getting enough nourishment to keep the heart pumping properly, and then whatever strong medication he took just worsened the problem, continued to weaken the heart, until it couldn't do it anymore. I assume drugs WILL show up in the toxicology report and I just don't understand why he would take something so strong if he really didn't feel good... I mean I know he was probably desperate to sleep and found the meds to be a quick fix, but you have to know that if you're not feeling good, taking a powerful anesthetic is incredibly risky.

That fan photo a couple of pages back, in the red jacket, I honestly don't see any unusual thinness there. But again, you can't see his fully body in that photo and he's wearing a jacket. Man, he looked so gorgeous though.

I'm SO depressed.
I remember I saw someone on CNN, who worked with him on This is it.he said they moved the dates because Michael wasn't feeling good.Anybody else saw that?I'm sure thats what he said.So... what... ?They were all lying to us while Michael is not feeling good?

I heard rumours about the dates being pushed back for health reasons, but then Kenny came out and said that the first few were postponed because the production just kept growing and they kept adding in more details and new ideas, so they needed more time to bring everything together :(
Here's a question to all the fans who saw him shortly before his death: Did ANYONE notice Michael drugged up at any point? Was he ever slurring his words or giving off any impression that he was taking something?

Would be nice to get an honest answer, and not just what people want to hear...
you wouldnt push dates back a few days because of health issues if u arent ok on the 8th u arent gonna be ready on the 13th.if it had been pushed back months they yes.the answer of having no time to rehearse cause of other shows being booked makes totaly sense and fits with how many days the shows were pushed back
I agree with Elusive & VanX. Where are the fans who saw him the days before he died? It would be nice to get some reports from them about how he looked and acted.

I still don't understand any of this though, I'm not going to believe it until we know the facts from the autopsy. All this has just stemmed from one person's email and now everyone is saying that they were 'blinded by excitement' etc etc. You are NEVER blinded from starvation. If he really looked THAT ill you would KNOW it at the time.

Sorry I sound a bit peeved, but it seems that everyone is running with this 'starvation' thing now, but on what facts do you base this on?

I'm going to try and keep out of this thread.. again :(
It was friend of Michael i think I'm not shure where it was... Larry or another interview.I was shocked because I believed them.
you wouldnt push dates back a few days because of health issues if u arent ok on the 8th u arent gonna be ready on the 13th.if it had been pushed back months they yes.

Exactly. That's why I never believed health was responsible for the dates being pushed back.
I agree with Elusive & VanX. Where are the fans who saw him the days before he died? It would be nice to get some reports from them about how he looked and acted.

I still don't understand any of this though, I'm not going to believe it until we know the facts from the autopsy. All this has just stemmed from one person's email and now everyone is saying that they were 'blinded by excitement' etc etc. You are NEVER blinded from starvation. If he really looked THAT ill you would KNOW it at the time.

Sorry I sound a bit peeved, but it seems that everyone is running with this 'starvation' thing now, but on what facts do you base this on?

I'm going to try and keep out of this thread.. again :(

I was wondering about that too. It would be nice to hear from the dancers that MJ worked with and hear their stories. Not about how he looked though but I would love to know what they did for rehearsals and their personal experiences with Michael himself.
I agree with Elusive & VanX. Where are the fans who saw him the days before he died? It would be nice to get some reports from them about how he looked and acted.
there was an email sent by somefans who saw him the last night. one been thefan who was always around him ppl talked about alot. talitha. the email was posted on the boards ill see if istill have it
.hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } To the fans around the world
> We are so sorry for all your pain and heartache. If it’s any consolation at all, we wanted to share with you that we spoke to Michael the night before he died, that we gave him letters from fans all over the world, letters full of caring and love. We told him they were very important and that he needed to read them right away.
> He was on his way into a rehearsal and later we saw him on stage performing Dangerous and singing live. He looked OK, not giving it his all but certainly not at death’s door… who could have imagined? That night, we waited for him to leave and as he drove past, he rolled down the window, leaned out and waved at us all. And he was smiling a beautiful smile, which was so comforting to see. That was the last time we saw his face.
> Just know that we were with him every day and we showered him with love on behalf of everyone who couldn’t be here but love him as we do. And he knew. He knew you all loved him, he felt your spirits, he talked about that a lot, it’s what kept him going for so long, knowing that you all loved him truly and deeply.
> We know he didn’t want to die. He wanted to live. He wanted to perform. He wanted to watch his children grow. Despite his hardships, his pain, his struggles, he wanted to keep giving, to keep shining his light out into the world.
> He was an angel to us all and will continue to be so forever. Our hearts are breaking too. We are grieving with you.
I know oh my god :cry: So she was around every day?? I wonder what she has to say about being possibly 'blinded' now, I wonder if she now thinks that he was too thin hmm?

I'm the one who wrote this email. So I'm going to explain myself so no one speculate anymore.

I was in LA last June.

Michael invited me and a friend on the set of the 3D thriller shooting.
My friend had make a jacket for him and I asked him to try it.
He took of his own jacket and was wearing tights clothes. That's how we realized how skinny he was, seeing his bones through his shirts and his small legs.

You are right about saying Michael always has been skinny. I met him a lot of times, even during the trial, giving him hugs and being upset about how skinny he was. ...


I believe you. I saw the pictures of MJ in that jacket that the fan made, as well as a picture of the fan who made it.

All I can say is thanks for sharing your observations and I hope that we all learn more as to why MJ is not here with us soon.
Even the original picture where they're walking side by side he looks smaller. I mean his 12 year old son had broader shoulders than him.

Also at 24, his metabolism would have been off the roof. He could have eaten anything he wanted and not gain weight. As we saw in 2003, as he got older his metabolism would have slowed down and he started gaining weight.

I don't know if he could stay that skinny in 2009 with a normal diet.

right, the metabolism does slow down as we age. Unless there is an imbalance in your system.
I'm 43 and I don't look it but for me to stay small I have always taken phentermine. That kills my appetite plus gives me energy but I'm not unhealthy skinny. I know it's not good, but I take it anyway and Michael did what he wanted as long as he feels good/ok. I guess?
.hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } To the fans around the world
> We are so sorry for all your pain and heartache. If it’s any consolation at all, we wanted to share with you that we spoke to Michael the night before he died, that we gave him letters from fans all over the world, letters full of caring and love. We told him they were very important and that he needed to read them right away.
> He was on his way into a rehearsal and later we saw him on stage performing Dangerous and singing live. He looked OK, not giving it his all but certainly not at death’s door… who could have imagined? That night, we waited for him to leave and as he drove past, he rolled down the window, leaned out and waved at us all. And he was smiling a beautiful smile, which was so comforting to see. That was the last time we saw his face.
> Just know that we were with him every day and we showered him with love on behalf of everyone who couldn’t be here but love him as we do. And he knew. He knew you all loved him, he felt your spirits, he talked about that a lot, it’s what kept him going for so long, knowing that you all loved him truly and deeply.
> We know he didn’t want to die. He wanted to live. He wanted to perform. He wanted to watch his children grow. Despite his hardships, his pain, his struggles, he wanted to keep giving, to keep shining his light out into the world.
> He was an angel to us all and will continue to be so forever. Our hearts are breaking too. We are grieving with you.

oh wow :cry:
I hope he read those letters and knows how much he was loved!!
.hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } To the fans around the world
> We are so sorry for all your pain and heartache. If it’s any consolation at all, we wanted to share with you that we spoke to Michael the night before he died, that we gave him letters from fans all over the world, letters full of caring and love. We told him they were very important and that he needed to read them right away.
> He was on his way into a rehearsal and later we saw him on stage performing Dangerous and singing live. He looked OK, not giving it his all but certainly not at death’s door… who could have imagined? That night, we waited for him to leave and as he drove past, he rolled down the window, leaned out and waved at us all. And he was smiling a beautiful smile, which was so comforting to see. That was the last time we saw his face.
> Just know that we were with him every day and we showered him with love on behalf of everyone who couldn’t be here but love him as we do. And he knew. He knew you all loved him, he felt your spirits, he talked about that a lot, it’s what kept him going for so long, knowing that you all loved him truly and deeply.
> We know he didn’t want to die. He wanted to live. He wanted to perform. He wanted to watch his children grow. Despite his hardships, his pain, his struggles, he wanted to keep giving, to keep shining his light out into the world.
> He was an angel to us all and will continue to be so forever. Our hearts are breaking too. We are grieving with you.

:cry: ugh this sux
That e-mail...so disturbing and sad...the situation that is totally out of your control and there's nothing you can do about it, in vain...heartbreaking...

Unfortunatelly, instead of getting a closure to all this it is getting even more tragic and more complicated. I just don't know what to make of all this anymore.
There's so much speculation about everything, confusion, a lot of questions raised.

Seems it was THAT serious since those fans felt the need to act and actually DO something about it. Thanx for reaching out.

I understand nobody likes their e-mail being posted without permission (btw, thanx for coming here and clarifying some things) and since it happened that way, I really hope it has a purpose and I hope the e-mail and this thread can help the investigation and finding the truth.

Attacking each other won't do us any good.
Investigating and respecting different opinions might lead us the right way.