A email I got 4 days before he passed

Ok I apologize, just didn't find anywhere that this were older. So this one:

Non skeletical legs, or chest:


I zoomed it in for a closer look, and still don`t see it.
oh please, stop living in denial. Just look at his face during the last couple of years. he was so skinny if u compare it with the pictures from 2001-2002
how many shirts has he got on in that picture his legs looks skinny to me but at the end of the day that isnt what caused this but it certainly didnt help
Ok I apologize, just didn't find anywhere that this were older. So this one:

Non skeletical legs, or chest:


I zoomed it in for a closer look, and still don`t see it.

But if you compare this with the One more chance picture..you can clearly see his legs are MUCH more skinnier in these jeans during the rehearsal.

Of course this was amongst the things that caused it. If he didn't eat at all or..or just barely..you become very weak. Your body can only take so much...add with that that he probably used several medicines though..like Propofol and....well....it's adding up if you ask me.
Guys, if MJ really was that emaciated, it will be in the autopsy report(s). It's inconceivable it wouldn't be. If it was likely to have been a factor in his death, the coroner will report it. That's his job.

Looking at photos now, or going off another fan's perceptions, is unlikely to get anywhere. It's not like you can really look at someone's size, or even their age, and judge how fit they are - take another MJ, Mick Jagger, 63 in 2005, described as thin, skinny, freakishly skinny, and having a tummy a teenage anorexic would be proud of, but incredibly fit to the extent he did a 5-leg 147-show highly energetic tour over the next two years.

I'm not saying Michael Jackson was as fit as Mick Jagger. I'm not saying he was fine. But looking at photos and speculating with hindsight isn't going to get anyone anywhere.
in march he didn't look that skinny I'm sure it was stress that got to him later on
having to dance all day long that's like running a marathon it's tiring for your heart no matter what age you are. I used to do a lot a cardio but didn't eat well when I was upset and I had strong chest pains a couple of times, my doctor said if I continue like this I'm gonna have a heart attack. Michael did have chest pains before but he was taken to the doctor, if he did have chest pains that night and the doctor didn't take him to the hospital(which was 6 min. away) then that just proves more negligence
at the end of the day I am still sure his heart didn't stop because of this, it was what the doctor administered that killed him
but he was definitely under a lot of stress...his entire life's been like that...poor mike
he wanted to be well and he wanted to pull through that's why he had doctors with him, and they didn't do their job
in march he didn't look that skinny I'm sure it was stress that got to him later on
having to dance all day long that's like running a marathon it's tiring for your heart no matter what age you are. I used to do a lot a cardio but didn't eat well when I was upset and I had strong chest pains a couple of times, my doctor said if I continue like this I'm gonna have a heart attack. Michael did have chest pains before but he was taken to the doctor, if he did have chest pains that night and the doctor didn't take him to the hospital(which was 6 min. away) then that just proves more negligence
at the end of the day I am still sure his heart didn't stop because of this, it was what the doctor administered that killed him
but he was definitely under a lot of stress...his entire life's been like that...poor mike

totally agree. i thought he looked healthier in march but rehearsals hadn't started then of course:no::no::no:
oh please, stop living in denial. Just look at his face during the last couple of years. he was so skinny if u compare it with the pictures from 2001-2002

errr excue me! everyones entitled to an opinion thanks. i see he looks thin in rehearsals.. but then i watch the Thriller video and i see how TINY he was then too... we can speculate all we want but sometimes you still have a quick metabolism at 50, the mick jagger thing was a good example

I think he looked great in March. infact it wasnt just some fans that though it. A uk nespaper (the Daily Mail) came up with the ridiculous idea that it wasnt actually MJ at the announcement in March cos that guy LOOKED TOO GOOD TO ACTUALLY BE HIM!!! Thats what they were saying. and its papers like the daily mail that HATE mj and were desperate to say "oh he looks so bad, he cant possibly perform.." but even THEY felt they couldnt write that so had to come up with the ridiculous idea that it wasnt actually MJ as the real MJ was in a wheelchair somewhere off his heads on drugs...

someone explain that
oh please, stop living in denial. Just look at his face during the last couple of years. he was so skinny if u compare it with the pictures from 2001-2002

Why would you compare it to 2001-2002 when it's probably the only time he was a bit stockier, also he wasn't performing a lot during the time?
He looked thinner in 2001 at the 30th anniversary gig, but saying that he does not exactly look too strong and healthy in the links you posted either. I guess none of us really know, will we ever know... All I know is I can't stop thinking about it all as it does not add up.

Those pics Sunnyday posted.. Im sorry, he does look emaciated. You can clearly see his shoulders poking out from his jacket and his collarbones protruding... And that pic of him in a store, his hands look so skeletal.. And his face too..

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and views about Michael... I for one, dont believe for a second that he was healthy. He DID look malnourished and emaciated. But thats just my opinion..
I A uk nespaper (the Daily Mail) came up with the ridiculous idea that it wasnt actually MJ at the announcement in March cos that guy LOOKED TOO GOOD TO ACTUALLY BE HIM!!! Thats what they were saying. and its papers like the daily mail that HATE mj and were desperate to say "oh he looks so bad, he cant possibly perform.." but even THEY felt they couldnt write that so had to come up with the ridiculous idea that it wasnt actually MJ as the real MJ was in a wheelchair somewhere off his heads on drugs...

someone explain that

Yeh i remember all that crap they made up. They were so jeaouls that mike was trying to get back on the top, so tryied every possible way to bring him down.....and it some way it did :(
why compare with thriller, that was 25 years ago? To me he looked healty 2001-2002. The pics from 2001-2 shows a healthy man in my opinion.. =/
why compare with thriller, that was 25 years ago? To me he looked healty 2001-2002. The pics from 2001-2 shows a healthy man in my opinion.. =/

but 2002 is 7 years ago!! thats a long time too... 2001/2 he was chunkier yes, but for the last few years hes been super slim again. i dont really see your point. so youre saying hes been dangerously thin SINCE 2002 and so there have only been 2 years of his life where you think he was the right weight? confused :cheeky:
why compare with thriller, that was 25 years ago? To me he looked healty 2001-2002. The pics from 2001-2 shows a healthy man in my opinion.. =/

Well, if he's been skinny, like, always and then there's a few years when he puts on a bit of weight, it makes sense to compare him with the weight that he's had for the majority of his life -- not just Thriller. It doesn't mean that he was healthier when he was heavier. It's just the way his body is built AND he's a dancer who is very careful about what he eats. I'm not saying he definitely wasn't dangerously thin during the last months, I didn't see him, but there's a lot of speculation and unsubstantiated comparisons going on.
Guys, if MJ really was that emaciated, it will be in the autopsy report(s). It's inconceivable it wouldn't be. If it was likely to have been a factor in his death, the coroner will report it. That's his job.

Looking at photos now, or going off another fan's perceptions, is unlikely to get anywhere. It's not like you can really look at someone's size, or even their age, and judge how fit they are - take another MJ, Mick Jagger, 63 in 2005, described as thin, skinny, freakishly skinny, and having a tummy a teenage anorexic would be proud of, but incredibly fit to the extent he did a 5-leg 147-show highly energetic tour over the next two years.

I'm not saying Michael Jackson was as fit as Mick Jagger. I'm not saying he was fine. But looking at photos and speculating with hindsight isn't going to get anyone anywhere.

Thank you Aengil. That's correct.

And I have to agree with the rest of your post too.
Ah this speculation is giving me a headache... Ive had my say, now Im going to stop. Its leading nowhere, Michael is gone and is never coming back anyway..
i don't know, i'm confused too.. something must have been wrong. He's not here with us any longer and i want to know why. I know we all want to know why XD And he was skinny in march. Yes he looked good, I would love to have his legs XD, but you red the email the fan wrote. She said he looked like a skeleton, not skinny, skeleton. and it cant be that healthy to look like that, can it? :S XD
I think he looks WAY to skinny on the TII rehearsal pictures.
He hadn't looked really healthy in quite a while imo...
but then again, we were all focused on seeing him live again...caught up in all the lies and all the hype telling us he is perfectly fit to do all the 50 shows...

It's just so heartbreaking :'(
I think he looks WAY to skinny on the TII rehearsal pictures.

He hadn't looked really healthy in quite a while imo...

but then again, we were all focused on seeing him live again...caught up in all the lies and all the hype telling us he is perfectly fit to do all the 50 shows...

It's just so heartbreaking :'(

That's my opinion too, he hadn't looked really healthy in wuite a while.. :S
Some of the latest pics I've seen on http://www.mjjpictures.com/2009/2009.html are quite..ehm...how do you say it...strange or something?
Like the last ones, where he's in the car, his hands look so strange...they're a bit yellow, chalk-nails, dry...they look so old. :(

I don't know...can't judge whether he was healthy or not...think we all can't...I just hope he hasn't suffered too badly.
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Some of the latest pics I've seen on http://www.mjjpictures.com/2009/2009.html are quite..ehm...how do you say it...strange or something?
Like the last ones, where he's in the car, his hands look so strange...they're a bit yellow, chalk-nails, dry...they look so old. :(

I don't know...can't judge whether he was healthy or not...think we all can't...I just hope he hasn't suffered too badly.

Doesn't that have something to do with vitiligo? i think i've heard something like that.. not sure though
The trial definitely damaged him alot....he looked very strong and came out of it strong,or so it seemed. But nobody could look inside his head. Think about it..his life
was helping children out....and then he gets accused of such a horrible horrible thing......the whole media, lots of people shitting on his life...when it's enough, it's enough. And even for a very strong man like MJ...enough was enough.

Mesereau said it...'I never think he fully recovered from it ' .

Words can't even describe what i would wish for Sneddon and the accusers. So i'm just gonna
keep on silent...but i wish them....ALOT! Nothing CLOSE near being good wishes though.
I just want to thank Thijzzz, Marika7, & any other fans who have had the guts to tell us the truth. I haven't said anything against any of you, so I'd hope you notice the people who respond positively towards you or at least wait to reserve judgement.

The problem is Michael has been very thin on and off in his adult life, & I've read this whole thread seen people contradicting this, but it is true. I remember seeing a pic of him on the cover of Rollingstone from the Thriller era & being concerned at how thin he was. It is the one showing only his face & hands. I also remember reading an article from the late seventies in which Katherine said she was concerned about Michael because he doesn't like to eat. There is even a quote in the article from Michael saying he wishes he didn't have to eat. I think it's possible that people were so used to seeing him extremely thin at times that he may not have registered with them that he was dangerously thin, especially if he seemed energetic & upbeat. Hence some of the "denial".
I just want to thank Thijzzz, Marika7, & any other fans who have had the guts to tell us the truth. I haven't said anything against any of you, so I'd hope you notice the people who respond positively towards you or at least wait to reserve judgement.

The problem is Michael has been very thin on and off in his adult life, & I've read this whole thread seen people contradicting this, but it is true. I remember seeing a pic of him on the cover of Rollingstone from the Thriller era & being concerned at how thin he was. It is the one showing only his face & hands. I also remember reading an article from the late seventies in which Katherine said she was concerned about Michael because he doesn't like to eat. There is even a quote in the article from Michael saying he wishes he didn't have to eat. I think it's possible that people were so used to seeing him extremely thin at times that he may not have registered with them than he was dangerously thin, especially if he seemed energetic & upbeat. Hence some of the "denial".

Damn ....that reminds me of myself. But not in te sense of normal food.
I don't eat fruits , not because i don't like them though..just for some reason i don't take them. But that doesn't matter.as long as you drink and eat just general food, that's good enough.

I wonder why Michael didn't like to eat. But wait...wasn't he always VERY fond of KFC? I remember a friend of mine told about a friend of MJ who used to visit him alot in Neverland. He'd make some food for him..and Michael would come back with a huge bucket of KFC for his own...whatchu mean not like to eat????
so deeply deeply sad about everything our poor Michael went through in his life :( no words...

and nothing we can do or change now..... :(
he is gone to other side now and it's so heartbreaking :( such an emptiness around..
The trial damaged him so much :(

yes it did...i think that when michael's sprit was truly torn apart. Even though he was so excited bout this tour, i think apart of him was so badly damaged from that trial...that damaged part of him never mended :(
The trial definitely damaged him alot....he looked very strong and came out of it strong,or so it seemed. But nobody could look inside his head. Think about it..his life
was helping children out....and then he gets accused of such a horrible horrible thing......the whole media, lots of people shitting on his life...when it's enough, it's enough. And even for a very strong man like MJ...enough was enough.

Mesereau said it...'I never think he fully recovered from it ' .

Words can't even describe what i would wish for Sneddon and the accusers. So i'm just gonna
keep on silent...but i wish them....ALOT! Nothing CLOSE near being good wishes though.

Karen Faye wrote a comment on a link on facebook that the allegations are the biggest heartaches in his life and that his heart never recovered.
