A email I got 4 days before he passed

im so confused. Mike told fans he didnt want to do it but told mark lester he was really excited, told kenny is was really happy and all the dancers said he was excited??? its like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

This is all getting so confusing. He did he didn't, they did they didn't, it was it wasn't...
im so confused. Mike told fans he didnt want to do it but told mark lester he was really excited, told kenny is was really happy and all the dancers said he was excited??? its like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ortega has been bullshiting through his twitter all the while, he is on AEG payroll of course he's gonna say how great he was blah. It's funny how you all would believe him rather than the fans who saw him and have no monetary gain in telling the truth.

ok, sorry, Marika you did try to help but that it's too late.
Ortega has been bullshiting through his twitter all the while, he is on AEG payroll. It's funny how you all would believe him rather than the fans who saw him and have nothing to gain.

Yeah.They don't care about him.They just think about their "dreams"coming true!
For me, the most shocking picture was this one..


I remember when it was released thinking "wow, Michael's legs are a lot thinner than Prince's. Does Prince have thick legs or is Michael horribly underweight?"

But me being in my denial mode at the time, I thought "naah, everything's fine"

For me, the most shocking picture was this one..


I remember when it was released thinking "wow, Michael's legs are a lot thinner than Prince's. Does Prince have thick legs or is Michael horribly underweight?"

But me being in my denial mode at the time, I thought "naah, everything's fine"


i cant really see how thin he is in this picture? how can you tell how thin his legs are? i dont think i can see wht you see here
Yeah.They don't care about him.They just think about their "dreams"coming true!
Exactly! 'Dreams' and 'money' at the expense of MJ's life! :cry:
Who the fuck cared about him?
'Oh he looked great. Oh he was amazing'. 'Rehearsal went on great' 'We're living our dream' MJ's skinny? 'oh, I don't see it'
' arghh..it's none of my business' 'he danced better than the 20year old' 'he'd never been this good' I mean are they kidding? they thought some fans are idiot who buy into them.

everytime when i said he didn't look well, he looked skinny then I was shut up! fans said 'oh i don't see what you see'
they better go check their eyes or just learn to be more observant!!
Ortega has been bullshiting through his twitter all the while, he is on AEG payroll of course he's gonna say how great he was blah. It's funny how you all would believe him rather than the fans who saw him and have no monetary gain in telling the truth.

ok, sorry, Marika you did try to help but that it's too late.

Well he couldn't exactly say "I just finished rehearsals, wow Michael looked horrible" now could he?

I'm gonna give him a break. Michael hired him to do a job, and he did it. He might have spoken to Michael about his weight.. we don't know.

Kenny works with dancers all year long, he must have known what's a healthy and what's an unhealthy weight for a dancer. :scratch:
It's all so confusing I saw an interview with Timor (the dancer) this week and he said he truly believed Michael could do the shows.
He said Michael was just as energetic as the other dancers and doing very well.

And now I read all this and it makes sense the photo does show a very skinny face and even with the announcement of the TII I thought he wasn't looking very well.

I just can't believe he would do this because he loved his children so much he would have want to be with them so if it really was that bad he should have gotten help.
But apparently he thought he was fine I guess...
exactly michael looks fine in that pic.

stacey I too thought michael was fine and I still believe if michael was healthy then he would have done the shows (even the 50 he got go dupped into). The thing was was he just wasn't healthy. Not even an out of shape 20yr could pull of TII if they are not physical fit and in shape. We were lied to to a certain extent. Also keep in mind that STRESS is a silent and DANGEROUS DEADLY thing to mess around with. Michael waking up to 50 when he only meant for 10, im sure, made his heart HEAVY!

I believed in mike aswell and knew he would rise to the top which is why I didn't like hearing negative about michael either. Maybe the dancer got caught up in it aswell. I'll never stop believing he couldn't do TII. He just simply wasn't ready or healthy enough. I felt Aeg rush the shows and he should have gotten more then 3 month to prepare. I hate this!

Hey thanks for helping me make sense of my thoughts. I can't believe all this. It's kinda too much for me to be comprehending right now. :(
Ortega has been bullshiting through his twitter all the while, he is on AEG payroll of course he's gonna say how great he was blah. It's funny how you all would believe him rather than the fans who saw him and have no monetary gain in telling the truth.

ok, sorry, Marika you did try to help but that it's too late.

What are your thoughts on mark lester? whom michael rang every sunday and told how excited he was?
Ortega has been bullshiting through his twitter all the while, he is on AEG payroll of course he's gonna say how great he was blah. It's funny how you all would believe him rather than the fans who saw him and have no monetary gain in telling the truth.

ok, sorry, Marika you did try to help but that it's too late.

Why would he be bullshitting through his twitter? He seemed genuinely hyped to me...I don't think he would have been saying anything at all if he believed something was wrong. We don't know what was going on behind the scenes. Maybe he was worried and spoke to Michael about it, I wouldn't go as far as to say he was bullshitting. I think he would have just not said anything at all? I don't know...I just don't wanna start hating on Kenny. :(
Actually just want to add... it's not just his legs that look thin. His whole body looks smaller than Prince's. Keep in mind that Prince is only 12 years old :(
Well he couldn't exactly say "I just finished rehearsals, wow Michael looked horrible" now could he?

I'm gonna give him a break. Michael hired him to do a job, and he did it. He might have spoken to Michael about his weight.. we don't know.

Kenny works with dancers all year long, he must have known what's a healthy and what's an unhealthy weight for a dancer. :scratch:
He might have spoken to him about his weight but wat's the use? Anyone who has conscience and care about another one's life seeing his situation should have said to the organizer 'Stop, this guy seriously has eating problem, he needs to put on weight before we allow him to continue rehearsal We should send him for certain program to let him recover'. But did any of them do it? they simply don't care about him!!!!!!!!!!!
all they care is about getting the footages so they can sell it to make money! all they care about is money!
answer is so simple! of course they are going to say he's all fine to the public!
To be fair I don't think the dancers would just lie. You don't think they were excited and may have gotten caught up. Also kenny ortega is an established director/choreography in his own right and has worked with michael in the past. Also kenny flat out said that "michael was building" meaning he was working and building up as a performer. He did say michael was him old self" I do believe kenny didn't have any bad intention were michael is concerned. Michael to my understanding got in touch with him to do TII. I don't get why you are so upset with kenny at all. Everyone wanted THAT happy ending. The dancer, kenny, and US included. We don't know how michael appear, which is said to be happy, but was really feel or hiding his pain to The TII crew.
It revealed but the fans love to be in denial.
Those who think he looked perfectly fine must be blind!

too bad that's how online fans are. either always in denial or just non-observant. I've said this a gazillion times.
There you go again. I don't love to be in denial and I honestly hold heartly believed in michael's ability to do the shows. I saw pics of him SOMEtimes not looking right but he NEVER and I mean NEVER appeared to skinny or uncapable to me at all. That pic marika just posted I woulda said michael looks fine if it was posted before his death. Can you look at that pic and see death in michael. Because I sure can't and that doesn't make me in denial or loving to be in denial. Everything doesn't appears as it is and looks are deceiving. It not fair to say what the mentality was or is in some of the "online" fans and last time I check you weren't in LA handing out letter to michael so what would that make you?? Oh yeah that's right you didn't know he was that sick either.

I for one have never asked or wanted anything from michael at all but his happiness. I have NEVER cracked a joke about the new album taking along or anything. I would cancelled my ticket in a heartbeat if I thought something was wrong with michael. So don't go talking out of your neck when you don't know what you are talking about. I know you're angry as we all are. But your not being fair right about now and are making assumptions.
also to add kenny said rehearsals were great. He never made blatant comment about how michael looked or danced or if he had a chicken dinner. So you are reaching. Michael didn't even dance everytime or wasn't there sometimes. That still don't mean rehearsals weren't great and that they didn't have a good time.
You don't think they look thin? :scratch: They're nearly the same thickness as Paris' legs and we know how thin Paris is.

i see he looks thin in other pictures. i just dont see it in this one.

I believe he looked thin in the TII rehearsals but im yet to have my heartdrop and think "OMG he looks ...like he could die". i think these fans saw it as they saw him without jackets on etc as thats a really good cover up
He might have spoken to him about his weight but wat's the use? Anyone who has conscience and care about another one's life seeing his situation should have said to the organizer 'Stop, this guy seriously has eating problem, he needs to put on weight before we allow him to continue rehearsal We should send him for certain program to let him recover'. But did any of them do it? they simply don't care about him!!!!!!!!!!!
all they care is about getting the footages so they can sell it to make money! all they care about is money!

OK yeah I see your point. They should have done that. :(
He might have spoken to him about his weight but wat's the use? Anyone who has conscience and care about another one's life seeing his situation should have said to the organizer 'Stop, this guy seriously has eating problem, he needs to put on weight before we allow him to continue rehearsal We should send him for certain program to let him recover'. But did any of them do it? they simply don't care about him!!!!!!!!!!!
all they care is about getting the footages so they can sell it to make money! all they care about is money!

Well now we're just going around in circles. You've been saying in your last few posts "Why didn't anyone say anything?????" and now it's "even if he did, what's the use?"

Ehh? :scratch:

I know you're upset about his death and you're trying to find someone to blame for it, but lets not start pointing fingers at everyone within a 10km radius of Michael.

If Kenny did say something to him, then he DID try to help. Whether Michael accepted that help and listened to it is another issue..
There you go again. I don't love to be in denial and I honestly hold heartly believed in michael's ability to do the shows. I saw pics of him SOMEtimes not looking right but he NEVER and I mean NEVER appeared to skinny or uncapable to me at all. That pic marika just posted I woulda said michael looks fine if it was posted before his death. Can you look at that pic and see death in michael. Because I sure can't and that doesn't make me in denial or loving to be in denial. Everything doesn't appears as it is and looks are deceiving. It not fair to say what the mentality was or is in some of the "online" fans and last time I check you weren't in LA handing out letter to michael so what would that make you?? Oh yeah that's right you didn't know he was that sick either.

I for one have never asked or wanted anything from michael at all but his happiness. I have NEVER cracked a joke about the new album taking along or anything. I would cancelled my ticket in a heartbeat if I thought something was wrong with michael. So don't go talking out of your neck when you don't know what you are talking about. I know you're angry as we all are. But your not being fair right about now and are making assumptions.

yep i agree... i can see he looks skinny in some pics but nothing unbelievably shocking to me. im not in denial atall. everyones entitled to their own opinion.. and if trustworthy fans that saw him on a daily basis say he was a skeleton.. then i believe them, . but im yet to see photographic evidence myself
Again. People say things for PR purposes soI don't trust kenny ortega and the dancers. I don't trust randy philips either. I trust MJ and the fans who were there with him. And, I'm not fans in la, I didn't see him in person. That's why even though from pictures, i saw he's very skinny and not looking well, i didn't realize the seriousness of it. I didn't see death in him. If i know his situation, I would not have bought the ticket!
Yeah Prince is wearing baggy trousers, Michael is wearing skinny trousers, nothing wrong with that.
Yeah Prince is wearing baggy trousers, Michael is wearing skinny trousers, nothing wrong with that.

:lol: LOL

I don't know why but this post really cracked me up. Are you following the conversation? :p

Edit.. ok nevermind, I just realized what you meant. I thought you were commenting on their fashion sense ;)
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It's sad but Michael really was to skinny. Eating ONCE a day and dancing for couple of hours? That was insane. Someone should have done something about it. It was walking on the egde. I dance two hours a day and I eat 3 meals a day, and it's still not enough. I use protein supplements to have energy and not to be too skinny. Lou Fereigno told Michael to use food supplements because eating once a day is definately not enough. I guess he didn't listen:(