A email I got 4 days before he passed

Who the HELL blaming the dancers calling them fake??? About where it says WE AND EVERYBODY ALSE we have to be Michael's BABYSITTER??? SEROUISLY!!!!!
Of course they are. same to kenny ortega. when everythin is so bad, yet they are acting like everything is okay. They don't even bother to look at him as said in the email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are doing their own thing! he's someone who needs help but he didn't get it!
it's not about baby sitting. it's about saving another person!

When you see someone needs help, why do you ignore him?
The problem now is that people want to accuse one group but not the other. If it is a case of seeing something but not acting on it, then that will have to go for the fans if they were there on the spot. It would have to go for Karen Faye. It would have to go for everyone who purchased tickets if it is now being treated as how obvious he wasn't ready for these concerts.
What do fans who purchased tickets have to do with it? we are not there with him, we don't know his situation.

Until we know fully what transpired between AEG, Michael, his doctors, etc., you can't say that the show was put before Michael's health or who was or was not the bloodsuckers.
It's so obvious it is! AEG bloodsucker put the show before his health. How about the insurance policy? How did he pass it? tmz need to go find this document.

Again, I will point back to when the first shows were rescheduled; even though some in the media were raising the question if it was in regards to health, there were plenty of fans right on this board whose first concern was not if health was a possibility but one that Michael just wanted to keep private. There was no slack cut for him at that time. If fans weren't going to do it, why hold AEG to such standard.
I'm not one of them, I've long been worried about him. I've said he didn't look well. But i didn't know it's this bad. :(

There may be more blame to go around than what people think when all is said and done. And of course, everyone will have their reasons of why they shouldn't bear their share of the blame.
I blame AEG live and Sony and everyone who was there and could do something yet they didn't.
Classic - I agree with lots of things you've said.

Of course they are. same to kenny ortega. when everythin is so bad, yet they are acting like everything is okay. They don't even bother to look at him as said in the email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are doing their own thing! he's someone who needs help but he didn't get it!
it's not about baby sitting. it's about saving another person!

When you see someone needs help, why do you ignore him?
Well obviously Michael didn't seem to need their help. If they had noticed him acting strangely, I'm sure someone would have mentioned something at some point. He obviously showed up for rehearsals and got through them just fine. Don't act like all the warning signs were there, because I'm sure they weren't all that apparent to everyone - the general consensus is that everyone was absolutely shocked by his death.

It's pretty nasty of you to say that everyone was busy with their own thing and not paying attention to Michael. They're not to blame, here. What would you like them to do exactly? I'm sure Michael wanted them to do exactly what they were doing - preparing and rehearsing for the tour. What were they supposed to do? Show up for rehearsals and just keep their eyes glued to Michael, following him around, making sure he's ok at every possible second? Unrealistic. Everyone was there for the same purpose - MICHAEL'S show. They were all working very hard to bring together the best production possible. Miko himself said that at rehearsal the night before, Michael never stopped to take a breather or because he didn't feel well - he seemed happy and perfectly fine. So what are the people around him supposed to think exactly if everything seems fine and dandy? If Michael never mentioned that anything was wrong, it's NO ONE'S fault. He was a big boy.
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Anything, anyting. Anything for money. Would lie for you, would die for you. Even sell my soul to the devil.

Insurance? Where do you loyalties lie? Is that your alibi? I don't think so.
Of course they are. same to kenny ortega. when everythin is so bad, yet they are acting like everything is okay. They don't even bother to look at him as said in the email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are doing their own thing! he's someone who needs help but he didn't get it!
it's not about baby sitting. it's about saving another person!

When you see someone needs help, why do you ignore him?

But at this point you don't know who said what to whom. My looking from the outside may make the situation look a whole lot different than if I was actually inside where the real conversations were going on.
Dudes everyone their going to be people like lilsusie and others who just like us want to know answers and want them NOW!!! And will at times go to far with their assumptions and accusations just to know WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO MIKE..... He shouldnt be dead right now!!!
What do fans who purchased tickets have to do with it? we are not there with him, we don't know his situation.

It's so obvious it is! AEG bloodsucker put the show before his health. How about the insurance policy? How did he pass it? tmz need to go find this document.

I'm not one of them, I've long been worried about him. I've said he didn't look well. But i didn't know it's this bad. :(

I blame AEG live and Sony and everyone who was there and could do something yet they didn't.

But, as you keep pointing out, you weren't there. So how do you know what was or wasn't done or said? You say so youself that we weren't there to know the situation. People are wanting it both ways. If you weren't there you can't say what transpired and who did or did not try to do anything. Now if someone knows all the facts, then fine present them and that is a different story. But a fact or observation from here and there does not necessarily lead to the honest picture.

And you also would have to be there not for a day or so but throughout to really know the situation; Michael could have been horribly tired one day but great another day. As for the insurance policy, it would be very conceivable for Michael to have passed it. There are plenty of cases where athletes pass physicals to play sports only for their to be something that later develops when the body is actually put through the activity or that was simply missed or don't show up (not necessarily with any malice) but because that happens at times.
Dudes everyone their going to be people like lilsusie and others who just like us want to know answers and want them NOW!!! And will at times go to far with their assumptions and accusations just to know WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO MIKE..... He shouldnt be dead right now!!!

Ya think? :rolleyes2:

But blaming people for showing up at rehearsal and doing their job is ridiculous.

If Michael did indeed not feel well, he most probably did not show the warning signs or we might not be in this situation right now.
Well I am not going to deny what you posted. If you saw Michael and he looked as thin as you say he did, I believe you. I am waiting for the toxicolgy report to come out. There is a possibility that Michael could have been sick with an illness and he didn't want anyone to know. Everything sooner or later is going to hit the fan.
I just walked in here and missed 29 pages but read a couple things. I dont have much to say because I dont know what to believe anymore.. I thought Michael looked great in those rehearsal pictures, he was smiling and happy. But then again I always think he looks great. I would not guess if he had an eating disorder.
My heart is broken that is all I know and I miss him so much I hurt. I want answers too. I have so many questions. We dont know what happened or why it happened, I hope we get answers soon. :cry:
My first post since MJ left us.

I'm still trying to understand how all this happened so suddenly. There were so many people questioning MJ's health but so many seemingly reliable sources telling us he is healthier than a 20 year old. But no 20 year-old dies suddenly like that. Was it typical of AEG to pay for a round-the-clock cardiologist for performers? Why pay for one for MJ when he was so healthy and passed all their physicals with flying colors?

I hope when the toxicology results come back we also get word on MJ's weight at the time of his death.

The fans asking questions and wanting answers are doing so because we want to send a clear message to any wrongdoers: You cannot get away with being reckless with someone's LIFE.

If only MJ was to blame, then so be it. We'll all make our peace with that in our own way and move on. But if carelessness, negligence, or greed were involed we'll shine a light on that to let the truth be known.
i didn't know Karen was still around.
as far as i remember something happened that she was fired or something so she wasnt with Michael... i might be wrong ... just wondering
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Was it typical of AEG to pay for a round-the-clock cardiologist for performers? Why pay for one for MJ when he was so healthy and passed all their physicals with flying colors?

No, it's not typical, but according to Randy Philips of AEG, Michael was VERY insistent on having Murray with him in London. They suggested hiring someone for him in London, but Michael said he felt most comfortable with Murray and wanted him there.
Right, how was it our fault? None of us were close to him in that way. We are just fans, fans who love him. Fans so not have close access to whom they admire, so how would we know such things??

Well said, 8701girl!!

Thank you earth song! I think anyone blaming fans for michael's death is just utter nonesense!

This is the time when we should be leaning on each others shoulder, not blaming each other!

Michael would be so disgusted with fans fighting with each other ...there is so need for it! especially not now
In the world of MJ there's hardly such a thing as reliable sources.
Well obviously Michael didn't seem to need their help. If they had noticed him acting strangely, I'm sure someone would have mentioned something at some point. He obviously showed up for rehearsals and got through them just fine. Don't act like all the warning signs were there, because I'm sure they weren't all that apparent to everyone - the general consensus is that everyone was absolutely shocked by his death.

It's pretty nasty of you to say that everyone was busy with their own thing and not paying attention to Michael. They're not to blame, here. What would you like them to do exactly? I'm sure Michael wanted them to do exactly what they were doing - preparing and rehearsing for the tour....
Michael didn't seem to need help? The letter said the fan was shocked looking at him!!!!!!!! and she used the word 'wanna throw up' how bad it was? how shameful it was to MJ that his fans use such word to describe him? the fans there saw him. everyone else at the set must be blind if they didn't see it. please do you really think they didn't see he need help? they saw it! but they didn't bother! that's the problem. I'm not saying they should keep an eye on him every second or wat. I'm saying they should help him by sending him to some centre. Like what britney's parents did for her. Do you get wat i mean?
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I knew this all along! I remember when articles were popping up saying MJ was in great condition and how he passed his physical even people close to him were saying the same! But seeing candid pictures of him makes it so obvious that he was in no state to do 50 shows! Let alone 10! I said this many times on another MJ board but got bashed for "insulting MJ"
and eventually got banned! It really breaks my heart that MJ had so many crooks around him! It's like MJ got his way or the highway (The prescription pills and etc.). I'm assuming that AEG knew that they would be swimming in money if MJ were to do the 50 shows and if he didn't pass the physical then that would be a downer for them, for MJ and for the fans. So they lied! I'm so upset!
Michael didn't seem to need help? The letter said the fan was shocked looking at him!!!!!!!! and she used the word 'wanna throw up' how bad it was? how shameful it was to MJ that his fans use such word to describe him? the fans there saw him. they must be blind if they don't see it? please do you really think they don't see he need help? they saw it! but they didn't bother! that's the problem. I'm not saying they should keep an eye on him every second or wat. I'm saying they should help him by sending him to some centre. Like what britney's parents did for her. Do you get wat i mean?

But who were the fans gonna turn to for help?
we are just fans...i dont think anyone would have listened to us even if we cried for help for michael.
But, as you keep pointing out, you weren't there. So how do you know what was or wasn't done or said? You say so youself that we weren't there to know the situation. People are wanting it both ways. If you weren't there you can't say what transpired and who did or did not try to do anything. Now if someone knows all the facts, then fine present them and that is a different story. But a fact or observation from here and there does not necessarily lead to the honest picture.

And you also would have to be there not for a day or so but throughout to really know the situation; Michael could have been horribly tired one day but great another day. As for the insurance policy, it would be very conceivable for Michael to have passed it. There are plenty of cases where athletes pass physicals to play sports only for their to be something that later develops when the body is actually put through the activity or that was simply missed or don't show up (not necessarily with any malice) but because that happens at times.
But he's only left with skeleton as said in the first post. I don't care what transpired, what converstations they had on the set because if someone had tried hard enough to help him, he won't be in such bad shape and died.
But he's only left with skeleton as said in the first post. I don't care what transpired, what converstations they had on the set because if someone had tried hard enough to help him, he won't be in such bad shape and died.

That's hard to say, really. I'm not disputing that he should have gotten some help. But the simple truth is that nothing could've happened unless HE wanted help in the first place. If he was in denial, or just not seeing it or didn't want to admit something or whatever it may be, then people can tell him until the cows come home (which alledgedly happened in some cases) but it wouldn't make any difference.
That's hard to say, really. I'm not disputing that he should have gotten some help. But the simple truth is that nothing could've happened unless HE wanted help in the first place. If he was in denial, or just not seeing it or didn't want to admit something or whatever it may be, then people can tell him until the cows come home (which alledgedly happened in some cases) but it wouldn't make any difference.
Of course all aneroxia and people with pscyiatric problems wouldn't know they NEED help themselves. That's why people around him who so obviously know his problem should FORCE help him no matter what. You don't just tell him he needed help. If he didn't listen, then carry him over to the centre to receive help!
That's the point i'm making in all my posts. I'm outta here now. It's tiring to dwell in so much of his tragedy.

I'm the one who wrote this email. So I'm going to explain myself so no one speculate anymore.
I was in LA last June.
Michael invited me and a friend on the set of the 3D thriller shooting.
My friend had make a jacket for him and I asked him to try it.
He took of his own jacket and was wearing tights clothes. That's how we realized how skinny he was, seeing his bones through his shirts and his small legs.
You are right about saying Michael always has been skinny. I met him a lot of times, even during the trial, giving him hugs and being upset about how skinny he was.
Michael has never been so skinny before. We've met him a lot of times since 1996, giving him plenty of hugs, so I can tell the difference.
Why did I sent this email?
Because it was June 11th, and the shows were starting one month later.
I had met him one month before and thought: he is still so skinny, I hope he's going to gain weight before the shows. But when i saw him again in June, he had lost more weight.

I got scared because we were seeing him rehearse so much. Going to reheasals at noon and leaving at 1am.
Sometimes he didnt want to go to rehearsals.
I remember one day I asked him: how do you feel today?
And he answered with a soft voice: "Oh I'm feeling better than yesterday, thank you.."
So some days he was not feeling well.

I wrote this email on june 21st, to some fans only through facebook, to people who were on my friend list.
Why only to few?
Because first of all, I wanted to talk to the fans who were in LA, or were going to LA sometimes. Because they could keep an eye on him and write him letters and stuff.
Then, if I didnt wanted it to be posted on forums was because I didnt want the press to say: "Even Mj's fan beleive he wont be able to do the shows"
And at last, I didnt want people to bash me, and say: mj is fine, mj knows what he does, he's a grown up, people are all saying he is fine.
People on boards wouldnt have beleived.
That's the reason I sent this only to fans who "saw" how michael had lost weight those last months.
I never said that some fans were better than others or that some fans loved MJ more than others.
It is just that some fans were seing MJ in LA and were able to "do" something.

I never said that his weight killed him in this email, as I wrote this mail few days before he died. So I didnt know it would happen.
As for saying he was a skeleton, that's how I felt. Sorry if it shocks you. Everyone reacts differently. I saw Michael a lot of times those last 15 years, and if I said he looked like a skeleton, it's a way of saying I had never seen him so skinny before.
It is just that this time, he was going to perform for 3 months, dance, and work hard.
He didnt gained weight and we got worried because he was 50 years old. Dancing with 19 years old dancers.
He said himself that he wasnt eating.
And he was stressed by all the pression so it may have caused him a loss of apetite.
You are right that on pictures and videos, he doesnt look that skinny, just normal skinny, but in fact, when you see him in real, near "normal" people, you can see his real size and its worst than pictures. And this time on the set, he was wearing white and tight clothes. That's why we saw more clearly how bad it was..

This said, there's no need to speculate like you did, bashing, me, saying I was seeking attention, as I never posted this PRIVATE email myself. SOmeone did without my permision.
I didn't lie on this email, and had nothing to gain.

It was just a worried mail from a loving fan who wanted to help, or at least try to help in any way possible.
And yes, it was too late and beleive me, we are all devasted and feeling guilty because we didnt open our eyes sooner.
We knew he was too skinny to perform and even if its not wht killed him, he didnt help him to feel better. Its a combination of everything. Stress, drugs, weight loss, hard rehearsals.. Its hard for a body to take all of this..

there are factors beyond what the toxicology report may conclude ...

Yes, of course, they are doing other tests and an entire investigation. Other tests they have said they are doing are neuropathology and pulmonary.

I'm afraid the report will say it was propofol end of story. Best case they will make the doctor culpable. But that's not the whole story...I don't want people to be blamed and suffer but knowing more of the truth will open up eyes and minds in the future...it may help in the future not to repeat history...

But that may actually be the case- that what actually caused his death was a dangerous drug.

I KNOW now that people aren't reading the whole thread. I'll say it again, and others have said it. The autopsy report and tox-report will likely NOT tell the whole story. The drugs and propofol are clearly what the "powers that be" want the public to believe. If that is the result, the report will not be able to determine when they were administered. Why do you believe what you hear/see on media? I really don't know why you do. . .if anything, the trial-coverage should have indicated that media are out to sell stories and are not to be trusted.

This is what the report will NOT tell us.

When the drugs, if any, were administered.
What the doctor was doing as he delayed calling 911. (cleaning something up?)
Why the reports of fans (and not just those of the email above) and the reports of those connected to the concerts were different, concerning Michael's physical condition.

I have a few questions. Do you or do you not want to know what really happened to Michael? If you do not, why not? Or maybe you think only "authorities" have the truth? Such as.. who? LAPD? Nancy Grace? Larry King? AEG CEO's? What about the FANS, who had no financial agenda. . . . . . .

The report may not tell us (the public / fans) anything. But there have been entire autopsy reports and death investigations given / leaked to the media in the past and they do say when and what drugs were administered / taken, what happened in the last days / hours / minutes, what happened in between finding the person, emergency treatment, hospitalization and 911 calls etc. It depends how much those around the person actually knew and what they tell police for the purposes of the investigation.

But of course this won't be told:

Why the reports of fans (and not just those of the email above) and the reports of those connected to the concerts were different, concerning Michael's physical condition.

While the media is focusing on propofol and drugs, the death investigation goes on and may actually reveal that other factors contributed to Michael's death. Toxicology tests are not all that's being done. Sadly, the public may never know the full story, and perhaps even more devastating, we may actually find out the full story from the investigation.
Marika thank you for clarifying the circustances under which you wrote the e-mail. I presume you're the fan that took the first pictures with him in curls. Anyway, I like I said in another thread, the only picture where I did see him as "skeletal" is the one of him and Ortega behind a Red camera. I had a huge lump in my throaght when I saw it but when other members started requesting the pic in HD and using it as siggys I thought the I was letting the media get to me so I banished the thought from my head. Plus there were later pics that looked better than that one, hence my concern was suppressed. I genuinly believed MJ would kill those concerts because he had a 3 month break. Anyway If your e-mail was put on this board before he passed it would surely have been LOCKED. Did you perhaps try to air your concerns to Ortega on his twitter page?
Thank you for coming on to clarify the email Marika. I truly feel for you and other fans that were there to see him in his last days... you must have felt helpless. (((hugs)))

How did michael seem? meaning was he alert, aware, sluggish etc?

Did you notice an addiction?

Why are the dancers and ortega and randy saying michael was fine when he wasn't? Could be that after michael pass the physical that he got worse?

who complained to michael about seating arrangement at the o2 but didn't say anything about is weight. Surely complaing to mike about this only added to his stress. Im not saying you did either just wondering why speak up on that matter but not if you are concerned about his health??

thank you for coming forward.