A email I got 4 days before he passed

Well now we're just going around in circles. You've been saying in your last few posts "Why didn't anyone say anything?????" and now it's "even if he did, what's the use?"
okay you are nickpicking my words. english isn't my native language btw. He might have spoken to him but he didn't try hard enough to help him. I can say 'you are skinny, you need to eat more' that's it! that's also considered as to have spoken to him! But that's not really helping and really speaking to him to help. check back that post of mine not just that sentence!
If Kenny did say something to him, then he DID try to help. Whether Michael accepted that help and listened to it is another issue..
if he didn't accept it, then force him to accept it! be tough on it. tat's how you help.
Yes dancing consantly throught the day without barely eating, can take alot out of you.

I still cant understand how no one figured it out! I mean the first time i saw the "this is it" rehearsal pics, just looking at michaels eyes got me worried. it was like his smile on one pic was trying to convince ppl he was okay , but looking on in his eyes .. i could tell something just wasnt right
It's sad but Michael really was to skinny. Eating ONCE a day and dancing for couple of hours? That was insane. Someone should have done something about it. It was walking on the egde. I dance two hours a day and I eat 3 meals a day, and it's still not enough. I use protein supplements to have energy and not to be too skinny. Lou Fereigno told Michael to use food supplements because eating once a day is definately not enough. I guess he didn't listen:(

I don't understand why he didn't want to eat. He was even telling the close fans he wasn't well and eating much? Was he trying to sabotage everything? I really want to know what was going on with him :(
His legs do look terribly thin on that pic. :( I remember saying to my boyfriend when I saw the rehearsal vids, he looks taller, but looking at it again it's because he's thinner than ever. I hate to dissect him like this. :no:
Hey thanks for helping me make sense of my thoughts. I can't believe all this. It's kinda too much for me to be comprehending right now. :(
No problem we will get through this slowly. We were all hyped, the dancers, kenny, and even michael to a certain extent. I don't trust randy. And michael seem and appear imo to be fine. This is why everybody and they mama was shock except for those who really new. I don't think ET even saw this one coming.
Why would he be bullshitting through his twitter? He seemed genuinely hyped to me...I don't think he would have been saying anything at all if he believed something was wrong. We don't know what was going on behind the scenes. Maybe he was worried and spoke to Michael about it, I wouldn't go as far as to say he was bullshitting. I think he would have just not said anything at all? I don't know...I just don't wanna start hating on Kenny. :(
Kenny and the rest were not lying. michael appeared happy and joking and was greatly involved. Im sure he gave some little signs (unintentionally) about his condition but no one pick up on it at the time because of the happiness and excitement. Its like seeing little hints and then when something finally happens. It isn't until after the fact that you go "ohhhh" Now I get it. lilsusie is just upset and talking out of there neck. Kenny had absolutely nothing to gain from lying. Randy P yes but kenny and TII dancers no. There was even an old exec that looked on at one of the rehearsal and even said michael looked like his old self. I forget the name.
What Happened?
2003 and
Now look at this picture and ask what happpened???

Michael looks skinny here then above with tohme. ALso GO look right now and look at the beat video when michael jumps out of the bed. He is MAD skinny. But ppl didn't say he looked sick. Michael has ALWAYs been skinny and him with JB was one of his heavier day. imo. I never saw an unhealthy sickly or deathly skinny in michael recently. Except for one time his head appeared to be too big for his body. Other then that it was the weird face angle, even still michael didn't appear no where close to death to me. Ppl saying he was happy and excite didn't help me feel worried either. But now we can go back and see what what we want to see now that we know the truth. The only ppl who really knew was the fans who hugged him and friends. No fair to go off on the online fans when for me seeing was believe and I believed michael was fine.
I don't understand why he didn't want to eat. He was even telling the close fans he wasn't well and eating much? Was he trying to sabotage everything? I really want to know what was going on with him :(

i think he didnt wants us fans to worry, i mean even though he said that too fans...i just dont know :(
:lol: LOL

I don't know why but this post really cracked me up. Are you following the conversation? :p

Edit.. ok nevermind, I just realized what you meant. I thought you were commenting on their fashion sense ;)

I tried to keep out of this thread but can't help it when something is blatantly annoying me :lol:

*..sneaks back out..*
No problem we will get through this slowly. We were all hyped, the dancers, kenny, and even michael to a certain extent. I don't trust randy. And michael seem and appear imo to be fine. This is why everybody and they mama was shock except for those who really new. I don't think ET even saw this one coming.

Kenny and the rest were not lying. michael appeared happy and joking and was greatly involved. Im sure he gave some little signs (unintentionally) about his condition but no one pick up on it at the time because of the happiness and excitement. Its like seeing little hints and then when something finally happens. It isn't until after the fact that you go "ohhhh" Now I get it. lilsusie is just upset and talking out of there neck. Kenny had absolutely nothing to gain from lying. Randy P yes but kenny and TII dancers no. There was even an old exec that looked on at one of the rehearsal and even said michael looked like his old self. I forget the name.

Now look at this picture and ask what happpened???

Michael looks skinny here then above with tohme. ALso GO look right now and look at the beat video when michael jumps out of the bed. He is MAD skinny. But ppl didn't say he looked sick. Michael has ALWAYs been skinny and him with JB was one of his heavier day. imo. I never saw an unhealthy sickly or deathly skinny in michael recently. Except for one time his head appeared to be too big for his body. Other then that it was the weird face angle, even still michael didn't appear no where close to death to me. Ppl saying he was happy and excite didn't help me feel worried either. But now we can go back and see what what we want to see now that we know the truth. The only ppl who really knew was the fans who hugged him and friends. No fair to go off on the online fans when for me seeing was believe and I believed michael was fine.

He was 24 years old ! Full of life, energy... he wasn't using drugs... he wasn't stressed! No desieses!He died at age 50, almost 51 - 27 years....
Again. People say things for PR purposes soI don't trust kenny ortega and the dancers. I don't trust randy philips either. I trust MJ and the fans who were there with him. And, I'm not fans in la, I didn't see him in person. That's why even though from pictures, i saw he's very skinny and not looking well, i didn't realize the seriousness of it. I didn't see death in him. If i know his situation, I would not have bought the ticket!
yes of course but its the EYE of the beholder and what one may see another may not. Even you can agree that michael didn't appear to be death bed skinny, hence that why would weren't aware of the seriousness. So how can you call some of us in denial. unfair. I for one didn't see anything wrong with michael. I was hype excited and ready to go. Yes I saw weird face angle pics but his body was find to me. Just michael's ol skinny self never thinking anything of it.
This shocked me!

but these 2 pictures are not taken from the same picture!! the one of prince seems closer up! prince is wearing baggy trousers... seriously this is totally ridicuolous comparison!! i could find a picture of myself from a distance and say my legs are thinner than Princes... but they wouldnt be standing next to each other both wearing the same trousers
but these 2 pictures are not taken from the same picture!! the one of prince seems closer up! prince is wearing baggy trousers... seriously this is totally ridicuolous comparison!! i could find a picture of myself from a distance and say my legs are thinner than Princes... but they wouldnt be standing next to each other both wearing the same trousers

My point is he was unhealthy THIN! Don't care about the comparision if you don't like it.There is alot more than that!
but these 2 pictures are not taken from the same picture!! the one of prince seems closer up! prince is wearing baggy trousers... seriously this is totally ridicuolous comparison!!

Even the original picture where they're walking side by side he looks smaller. I mean his 12 year old son had broader shoulders than him.

He was 24 years old ! Full of life, energy... he wasn't using drugs... he wasn't stressed! No desieses!He died at age 50, almost 51 - 27 years....

Also at 24, his metabolism would have been off the roof. He could have eaten anything he wanted and not gain weight. As we saw in 2003, as he got older his metabolism would have slowed down and he started gaining weight.

I don't know if he could stay that skinny in 2009 with a normal diet.
Even the original picture where they're walking side by side he looks smaller. I mean his 12 year old son had broader shoulders than him.

Also at 24, his metabolism would have been off the roof. He could have eaten anything he wanted and not gain weight. As we saw in 2003, as he got older his metabolism would have slowed down and he started gaining weight.

I don't know if he could stay that skinny in 2009 with a normal diet.

Yeah thats my point!
This story about us and friends of him being in denial sounds very realistic to me. If MJ didn't want to see it....nothing could be done. He thought he could do these shows..rehearsed and danced like it was back to 1980...and he just thought to himself..i can do this, i'm just gonna keep on going.

That's why i am started to believe now that it wasn't murder. Definitely a fool of a doctor though because of what he did....but not murder.
I don't understand why he didn't want to eat. He was even telling the close fans he wasn't well and eating much? Was he trying to sabotage everything? I really want to know what was going on with him :(
Well, actually I read that he didn't like to eat. I can understand that, cause I used to be like that too. I barely ate and exerciced for 3-4 hours a day. I was incredibly skinny, but I was 19, my body could endure that. But he was 50...
Well seriously...it was not our idea, that Michael had to do 50 shows...
We were always happy to see new pics of Mike and yeah ok, at the "This is it" announcement, he looked not good..I agree.
But we Fans couldn't do anything, the doctors and the people around him should have told him that!

I think it was too much work, stress, bad eating habits and too much painkillers/ sleeping pills...he had a very hard life..
I don't understand why he didn't want to eat. He was even telling the close fans he wasn't well and eating much? Was he trying to sabotage everything? I really want to know what was going on with him :(
That's what Im trying to figure out. He knew he wasn't eating. so just eat and fix the problem. So what im thinking is that the prescriptions and stress my have cause him to lose his appetite. Idk:scratch:
He was 24 years old ! Full of life, energy... he wasn't using drugs... he wasn't stressed! He died at age 50, almost 51 - 27 years....
You just missed the point. This clearly shows that michael is skinny and always has been. You don't know if michael was healthy or happy. Michael could have been stresed out. He could have also been underweight for his body but because he appeared a certain way and performed a certain way then AUTOmatically the world assumed he was healthy! Now who's to say that michael couldn't have been the same thing now. Even taking with his prescriptions. Michael could have very well been happy and not stressed out and healthy. Now we know that he wasn't but the point is, you can't compare pictures and asked what happened when michael has been just as skinny, in his lifetime, then in one of the same pics that you're comparing.
But WHO IS TO BLAME in the end? Who do you think?

That lousy little prick called GAVIN, and of course Jordan. I remember the HIStory tour.
MJ looked good and healthy, thin maybe..but healthy. I bet all of this started after the last 'case' ..all of that..nobody wanted to see this. If you ask me....his family should have forced MJ to get help for this, he probably would still have been alive today.
I just played the announce in March and something is really wrong.He speaks very slow and you can clearly sense something is happening with him.I don't know what but i think he was on a lot of drugs when he announced the series.I even think they pushed him to do it and he can't say NO because he wasn't on himself... They were killing him day after day.When he opened the bus door and he was walking to the arena... Can't you see how he lost his self-confidence?His posture was changed so much!
That's what Im trying to figure out. He knew he wasn't eating. so just eat and fix the problem. So what im thinking is that the prescriptions and stress my have cause him to lose his appetite. Idk:scratch:

You just missed the point. This clearly shows that michael is skinny and always has been. You don't know if michael was healthy or happy. Michael could have been stresed out. He could have also been underweight for his body but because he appeared a certain way and performed a certain way then AUTOmatically the world assumed he was healthy! Now who's to say that michael couldn't have been the same thing now. Even taking with his prescriptions. Michael could have very well been happy and not stressed out and healthy. Now we know that he wasn't but the point is, you can't compare pictures and asked what happened when michael has been just as skinny, in his lifetime, then in one of the same pics that you're comparing.

Think again...God... How can you compare the 1982 Michael and the Michael we had last months?
People called it his new 'pimp swagger' .....he really does look thin there, thinner then usual.I notice it now too...i guess i was in huge denial as well.
I think we're getting a little carried away with the skinny story.
Again - not saying that it's not worrying or that I don't believe Marika, but there's more to it than that.

Back when those fake results came in, about Michael weighing 50 kg, my mom (who is a doctor) reacted immediately: "Him weighing 50 kg doesn't mean a thing. You can be skinny as hell and still be healthy. What's important is what you eat and HOW you maintain your condition, not how fat or skinny you are! "
And I agree with her. I think the problem laid in the fact that Michael wasn't eating - like he himself said - and was probably taking a lot of medicine too (for whatever reasons). Add the whole amount of pressure to that and we get what happened.

I can honestly understand everyone's concernes, but staring at his legs for 2 hours won't bring us the cause of his death. It was much more than the skinny factor.
I think we're getting a little carried away with the skinny story.
Again - not saying that it's not worrying or that I don't believe Marika, but there's more to it than that.

Back when those fake results came in, about Michael weighing 50 kg, my mom (who is a doctor) reacted immediately: "Him weighing 50 kg doesn't mean a thing. You can be skinny as hell and still be healthy. What's important is what you eat and HOW you maintain your condition, not how fat or skinny you are! "
And I agree with her. I think the problem laid in the fact that Michael wasn't eating - like he himself said - and was probably taking a lot of medicine too (for whatever reasons). Add the whole amount of pressure to that and we get what happened.

I can honestly understand everyone's concernes, but staring at his legs for 2 hours won't bring us the cause of his death. It was much more than the skinny factor.

If he wasn't eating How on Earth he was thinking he can make a 50 concert comeback?
YOu've just became one on the list of "friends" or "fans". It clearly says don't post it on forums. There's no reason to do it now.
About the video...

Pic taken days before june 25th. These are not skeletical legs, his shirt is over his body I don't see any skeletical torso either, he had always being thin:

YOu've just became one on the list of "friends" or "fans". It clearly says don't post it on forums. There's no reason to do it now.
About the video...

Pic taken days before june 25th. These are not skeletical legs, his shirt is over his body I don't see any skeletical torso either, he had always being thin:


Pic taken 2003 shooting video...One more chance...He was in good body shape in 2000 - 2004
YOu've just became one on the list of "friends" or "fans". It clearly says don't post it on forums. There's no reason to do it now.
About the video...

Pic taken days before june 25th. These are not skeletical legs, his shirt is over his body I don't see any skeletical torso either, he had always being thin:


This picture is from the one more chance video. thats like 5-6 years ago
That pic is from I believe one day before he got arrested in 2003. And if you look at that pic, and the way he looked during TII, you can clearly see the difference.

If it's true that AEG hired someone to 'feed' him... they have had to know he was too weak. But as Randy Philips said: it was DO or DIE for Michael Jackson. I think he didn't care it was the latter, because he can still make loads of money from This Is It.
If he wasn't eating How on Earth he was thinking he can make a 50 concert comeback?

I don't know what he was thinking....this is why I'm so upset right now...as I said in a previous post:

WHY did he sign for 50 concerts if he didn't feel he could do it???
WHY didn't he seek professional help if he didn't feel good?
WHY didn't he do what was best for HIM if he knew there were problems???? The man is a father, for Pete's sake, he had to have thought that his health affects his children and that he must stay healthy at least for them, if not for himself!!!

I don't believe that he cared more about money! I don't believe that he cared more about reputation! I don't believe that he cared more about his fans!!!! His no. 1 priority were his beloved children, so why do this????