A email I got 4 days before he passed

yes it did...i think that when michael's sprit was truly torn apart. Even though he was so excited bout this tour, i think apart of him was so badly damaged from that trial...that damaged part of him never mended :(

I'm just so glad he had his children in that time and got that unconditional love from them that he didn't seem to get from anyone else close to him. Just really sad now for those lil ones.
But when people say he didn't eat....correct me if i'm wrong...even though KFC is alot of fat....it IS food. I remember during the trial that he was eating KFC in the breaks, at least that was being told on the forums. A special KFC van or something outside of the courthouse. That is why i don't understand these stories that he didn't like to eat.
yes but i think from the last few weeks in his life he didnt eat much.
Isnt that what he told those fans when he saw them?
He may have liked KFC but looking at pics of him from this year, does it look to you like he was eatting lots of it?

Damn ....that reminds me of myself. But not in te sense of normal food.
I don't eat fruits , not because i don't like them though..just for some reason i don't take them. But that doesn't matter.as long as you drink and eat just general food, that's good enough.

I wonder why Michael didn't like to eat. But wait...wasn't he always VERY fond of KFC? I remember a friend of mine told about a friend of MJ who used to visit him alot in Neverland. He'd make some food for him..and Michael would come back with a huge bucket of KFC for his own...whatchu mean not like to eat????
Reading through this thread, the lyrics of 'Bless His Soul' have never sounded so autobiographical for Michael than they do now.

I try to do what's right for me
But no one sees the way I see
And then I try to please them so
But how far can this pleasing go?

Something's soon to come over you
You just can't please the world and yourself
You gotta start doing what's right for you
'Cause life is being happy yourself

Then you should bless his soul
It's hard to find
A person like you
You're one of a kind
If I were you, I'd change my mind
And start living for me in these changing times

Sometimes I cry 'cause I'm confused
Is this a fact of being used?
There is no life for me at all
'Cause I give myself at beck and call

The life you're leading is so dangerous
It's so dangerous, dangerous
The life you're leading is so dangerous
Doggone dangerous, dangerous, dangerous

Something's soon to come over you
You just can't please the world and yourself
You gotta start doing what's right for you
'Cause life is being happy yourself

Then you should bless his soul
It's hard to find
A person like you
You're one of a kind
People will cry
If rain or sun
Try to please all
And you've pleased none
OMG!! that picture, i remember we all were so crazy bout that shirt he wore....that we didnt even really realise how unwell he really looked or felt :(
My friend told last monthes the same things - "Why does he go to the doctor so often? How can't you see he is not looking healthy? I think something wrong with him.."
And so on. But after announcement about the shows i was SO happy that even didn't want to think about something bad! I was sure that if he had decided to do these concerts - he felt good.
But now I realize that he wasn't ok :( not ill but not strong enough for hard work. And we don't have to be doctors to understand that. He wouldn't do all 50 concerts.....

These thoughts make me cry.. I am very thin too, my weight is small. But I eat 3 times a day... Why didn't he eat? just why?
I just want to thank Thijzzz, Marika7, & any other fans who have had the guts to tell us the truth. I haven't said anything against any of you, so I'd hope you notice the people who respond positively towards you or at least wait to reserve judgement.

The problem is Michael has been very thin on and off in his adult life, & I've read this whole thread seen people contradicting this, but it is true. I remember seeing a pic of him on the cover of Rollingstone from the Thriller era & being concerned at how thin he was. It is the one showing only his face & hands. I also remember reading an article from the late seventies in which Katherine said she was concerned about Michael because he doesn't like to eat. There is even a quote in the article from Michael saying he wishes he didn't have to eat. I think it's possible that people were so used to seeing him extremely thin at times that he may not have registered with them that he was dangerously thin, especially if he seemed energetic & upbeat. Hence some of the "denial".

Katherine also said that Michael would survive solely on air if he could.
As has been said a million times already, Michael has always been thin and has always had very skinny legs. I myself thought it was nothing to go crazy worrying about, looking at recent pictures.
What DID make me worry though, were his sunken cheeks.
I had a dream about MJ dying once about a year ago but I just took it like it wasn't something in my life that I need to stop doing or something I didn't think that MJ would die a year later.
Not trying to suggest anything about dreams, but a few days after his passing, I had the weirdest dream..... and only now I realize, after reading these two fans' stories...

It was short and simple: I could only see Michael's head - he had curly hair, just like in the recent pics.... and he was SO SO VERY thin!!!! It was only his face, but I remember I felt scared (in the dream) and was asking myself how come no one had realised he had lost so much weight. And this was BEFORE the media started saying he was underweight, skinny and others! The only unusual thing in my dream was that he had dark skin, Bad era-ish.

But the weirdest thing is this.....he was crying. He was crying and said: "I'm sorry, I thought I could do the shows. I didn't wanna die, I really didn't, I honestly thought I could do this tour. I'm so sorry!"

.....I woke up scared as hell and told myself the tabloids are getting to me and that I should focus on the real investigation.

Reading these stories now....and remembering this dream and his words..... It's just too creepy. I'm shaking.

God, Michael... why is it that no one could save you? :cry:
Not trying to suggest anything about dreams, but a few days after his passing, I had the weirdest dream..... and only now I realize, after reading these two fans' stories...

It was short and simple: I could only see Michael's head - he had curly hair, just like in the recent pics.... and he was SO SO VERY thin!!!! It was only his face, but I remember I felt scared (in the dream) and was asking myself how come no one had realised he had lost so much weight. And this was BEFORE the media started saying he was underweight, skinny and others! The only unusual thing in my dream was that he had dark skin, Bad era-ish.

But the weirdest thing is this.....he was crying. He was crying and said: "I'm sorry, I thought I could do the shows. I didn't wanna die, I really didn't, I honestly thought I could do this tour. I'm so sorry!"

.....I woke up scared as hell and told myself the tabloids are getting to me and that I should focus on the real investigation.

Reading these stories now....and remembering this dream and his words..... It's just too creepy. I'm shaking.

God, Michael... why is it that no one could save you? :cry:

O M G ........ shacking ............
One e-mail and suddenly Michael was emaciated and anorexic. I wonder how many more illnesses fans will diagnose him with in the coming weeks. This thread is full of confirmation bias. People cannot understand how Michael died so young so they are searching for any clue they can to explain it. You're going to see illness, anorexia, etc. when you're looking for it. If Michael hadn't died, you would not see anything wrong the pictures.

Michael looks skinny here then above with tohme. ALso GO look right now and look at the beat video when michael jumps out of the bed. He is MAD skinny. But ppl didn't say he looked sick. Michael has ALWAYs been skinny and him with JB was one of his heavier day. imo. I never saw an unhealthy sickly or deathly skinny in michael recently. Except for one time his head appeared to be too big for his body. Other then that it was the weird face angle, even still michael didn't appear no where close to death to me. Ppl saying he was happy and excite didn't help me feel worried either. But now we can go back and see what what we want to see now that we know the truth.

but these 2 pictures are not taken from the same picture!! the one of prince seems closer up! prince is wearing baggy trousers... seriously this is totally ridicuolous comparison!! i could find a picture of myself from a distance and say my legs are thinner than Princes... but they wouldnt be standing next to each other both wearing the same trousers
Lol! I agree. I'm glad someone said it.
People called it his new 'pimp swagger' .....he really does look thin there, thinner then usual.I notice it now too...i guess i was in huge denial as well.

as was i,i cant even watch the press conference anymore,but i do remember when it went live,i was so happy too see michael and hear that he was performing that i didnt see it,my mother pointed it out that he looked very thin,but i said hes always been skinny mama,she just shrugged and walked off. and she was right,but like i said,i was in denial like every1 else
I think if it wasnt for the concert and the pressure i personaly think michael would still be here with us today and that in its self id heartbreaking,i know michael has alot of problems i am not blinded to that but i do believe its cause of the presure of the concert he isnt here :-(,just wish there had been no concerts ever :-( xx
Well I am not going to deny what you posted. If you saw Michael and he looked as thin as you say he did, I believe you. I am waiting for the toxicology report to come out. There is a possibility that Michael could have been sick with an illness and he didn't want anyone to know. Everything sooner or later is going to hit the fan.
Yes, he was sick with a multitude of illness, however he still worked as hard as he could to pleaes his fans and didn't want to let us down. He shut out his family, they knew he wasn't well. so what could we have done. He was stubborn and didn't listen
I don't know but if enough of his fan got the chance to see him in those last few days, and made sent him letters not to go forward until you're well again, maybe he would still be here. If you want to get some ones attention, it's gotta be drastic. Then on the flip side of the coin, how would it been if it was expose during rehearsals? what would AEG ,el done to us for intruding. If they threw out the fan for the unsavory behaviour, at least if he carried on with the rehearsals and later he ended up dead, they blame the ball would have landed in their lap and they surely would have been put on blast coz they didn;t listen to the fan who clear did notice the problem 4 days earlier. Again, I dunno.
MJ was always skinny (like meself). And the harder he worked, the skinnier he got. I really don't see any big difference. He was never a big eater, but I don't think he was anoxeric in the real meaning of the word. He can just become preoccupied with other things and just eat to survive (unfortunately I think I am like that too. But don't be mistaken, I love food. I can just do without it for a while as long as my stomach feels well).

LOL@ some of us those. We have become like gossip rags, throwing around theory after theory and even listening to people like Halperin. Gosh..I'm just disgusted really.
all I know about Michael is he has brilliantly wisdom to handle his life
and I don't think he'd do something harmful to his own health...or to risk his life like that
to risk his three children life...
I believe he knows exactly what he's doing.
however he still worked as hard as he could to pleaes his fans and didn't want to let us down. He shut out his family, they knew he wasn't well. so what could we have done. He was stubborn and didn't listen
I don't know but if enough of his fan got the chance to see him in those last few days, and made sent him letters not to go forward until you're well again, maybe he would still be here. If you want to get some ones attention, it's gotta be drastic. Then on the flip side of the coin, how would it been if it was expose during rehearsals? what would AEG ,el done to us for intruding. If they threw out the fan for the unsavory behaviour, at least if he carried on with the rehearsals and later he ended up dead, they blame the ball would have landed in their lap and they surely would have been put on blast coz they didn;t listen to the fan who clear did notice the problem 4 days earlier. Again, I dunno.

You have no way of know that he was sick with a multitude of illnesses
or that he was unable to perform - .. what you are saying is that Mj was
a washed up has been _ and no longer able to entertian his fans

I dont belive it for one minute _
and I question any fans motives for stating that.

what good comes from this for Michael ???????
saying he was a weal skeketon with no will of his
onw and uble to make his own descicions _ How in the hell
was he directing that show the band the dancers and every
aspect of the show - if he was as feeble as you are trying to make
us beilive _ I dont belive it _ I have a very keed sense of disscernment
and im seldom wrong _ sorry but I dont belive marikas original email
whicj for somreason was removed .. or your statement

you have no way to know what Michaels personal health was
and it very strange for you to state that as fact _ NOT right

Mj did not die becuase he was sick or feeble _ toxolixy will show that
he died becuase of an anisthectic used to help him sleep

Im not going to fall for any of this.
It is belittling to Michael's legacy
and who he was _ fully capable, ready willing and able
to knock this world off its axis ...
I haven't posted much at all the last few weeks because I have so many conflicting thoughts.

During all those pics taken the couple of months when Michael was out and about with the children and going to Arnie's office, so many were saying how sexy he looked, how good he looked, etc., I just did not agree at all and thought maybe I was the one that was odd.

As for AEG, Kenny, his dancers, etc., what were they supposed to say? What could they say? Certainly not something to the media or in their twitters. Who knows what they said to themselves or amongst others. And Michael himself, he knew the fans were so excited to get to see him perform again. And his children to see him perform.

Surely at some point he must have had conflicting emotions, wanting to do it for his fans, and to see the outpouring of interest and excitement that people were showing world wide was huge. To back out for him must have been something he just wouldn't or couldn't consider.

If one is to assume that even one of several of the interventional stories were true, and they could have been; and that his "handlers" kept people away (perhaps by Michael's own instructions), and his long time fans that he knew tried talking to him, just how conflicted must he possibly have been? How hard and emotionally difficult would it have been to say " I just can't go through with this" after all that he's been through over the past several years. People were thronging to get tickets, doubts about how people perceived him hadn't been this positive since the trial. The pressure to prove he COULD do it again.

And any reliance on medications to help him sleep, meds for pain, etc., I just can't use the word "addiction" as such, but a dependence to help him get relief. Relief to sleep so he could continue, relief from discomfort so he could perform. And there was always someone in his life that provided that for him, for whatever reason, and no matter how unethical.

And the not eating. Who knows why, surely he knew it was essential to his health and ability to perform. Maybe he honestly felt that what he was eating along with vitamin supplements was enough, or he just couldn't make himself eat from stress, nausea from meds, etc. I just can't believe that people didn't try to get him to eat, but it fell on deaf ears, or he blocked them out, or were told not to interfere. Short of tie-ing him down and force feeding him through a tube, or giving him TPN iv nutrition, what more can people do? Who knows that Kenny or a myriad of other people didn't say something to him? If Karen tried, and I don't find that difficult to believe, and others close to him tried, just what more could be done aside from involuntary admission to a facility for treatment?

Ultimately to me, and it is jmo, things snowballed out of control at some point, the 10 performances going to 50, and knowing how so many people/fans were so honestly excited to see him perform once more, that everything compounded to the point of what eventually happened.

The conspiracy thing I don't rule out, but don't completely buy either. What I do buy is that there were people willing to do anything that he asked for a price, and there were people capable of using him for their own benefit against good judgement.
Of course he didn't look the best he could, and he was in and out from doctors offices really often. But that "email" describes a completely sensationalist tabloid-like story.
Of course he didn't look the best he could, and he was in and out from doctors offices really often. But that "email" describes a completely sensationalist tabloid-like story.

Dr Klein was his dermatologist
a skin secialist he was resoring Mjs face
not with plastic surgery but wiht skin care products
and injections to rebuild his nose

he didnt go there for mutiple ilnesses
it was for skin car so he could look his best
for his fans for the concert ...

was he thin ... yes
has he always been thin ... yes ..
but thet doesnt mean he was sick or unable to perform

all those working with MJ said he had what it took
and his health seemed just fine _ that was including the
dancers his guitar player band members and crew
not just Kenny Ortega and AEG -

again I say MJ was not sickly or unable to perform his TII concerts
You have no way of know that he was sick with a multitude of illnesses
or that he was unable to perform - .. what you are saying is that Mj was
a washed up has been _ and no longer able to entertian his fans

I dont belive it for one minute _
and I question any fans motives for stating that.

what good comes from this for Michael ???????
saying he was a weal skeketon with no will of his
onw and uble to make his own descicions _ How in the hell
was he directing that show the band the dancers and every
aspect of the show - if he was as feeble as you are trying to make
us beilive _ I dont belive it _ I have a very keed sense of disscernment
and im seldom wrong _ sorry but I dont belive marikas original email
whicj for somreason was removed .. or your statement

you have no way to know what Michaels personal health was
and it very strange for you to state that as fact _ NOT right

Mj did not die becuase he was sick or feeble _ toxolixy will show that
he died becuase of an anisthectic used to help him sleep

Im not going to fall for any of this.
It is belittling to Michael's legacy
and who he was _ fully capable, ready willing and able
to knock this world off its axis ...

I agree with you. Suddenly Michael has been turned into a sickly, anorexic, naive, victimized, passive, weak, docile person with no head for business and no independent thoughts who was barely capable of performing anymore. I doubt Michael would want that to be his legacy. It's certainly not the Michael I know. Certainly things may come out that we don't want to hear or wouldn't expect, but I am not going to pathologize Michael preemptively.