A email I got 4 days before he passed

To the fans around the world
> We are so sorry for all your pain and heartache. If it’s any consolation at all, we wanted to share with you that we spoke to Michael the night before he died, that we gave him letters from fans all over the world, letters full of caring and love. We told him they were very important and that he needed to read them right away.
> He was on his way into a rehearsal and later we saw him on stage performing Dangerous and singing live. He looked OK, not giving it his all but certainly not at death’s door… who could have imagined? That night, we waited for him to leave and as he drove past, he rolled down the window, leaned out and waved at us all. And he was smiling a beautiful smile, which was so comforting to see. That was the last time we saw his face.
> Just know that we were with him every day and we showered him with love on behalf of everyone who couldn’t be here but love him as we do. And he knew. He knew you all loved him, he felt your spirits, he talked about that a lot, it’s what kept him going for so long, knowing that you all loved him truly and deeply.
> We know he didn’t want to die. He wanted to live. He wanted to perform. He wanted to watch his children grow. Despite his hardships, his pain, his struggles, he wanted to keep giving, to keep shining his light out into the world.
> He was an angel to us all and will continue to be so forever. Our hearts are breaking too. We are grieving with you.

Who wrote this?
...I was told by Michael's personal assistant in LA when I went back for the funeral, that Michael asked for the letters that night at home after rehearsal. He took the letters to Michael in his bedroom. We had literally wrote in those letters begging him to take care of himself, if not for himself, then for his children and family and everyone that loves him so deeply, that we were afraid for his life, that him being around is more important that any one concert could ever be...he died 12 hours later and it is the most DEVASTATING THING to have happened...I can not even really think about it, it is too much to comprehend. It is like a cruel joke that God put upon us. I do not understand how it was allowed to happen. I feel sad that we did not reach him in time, that we could not reach others around him in time, that the people around him did not seem to care enough about him, it's all too much and too complicated...and too devastating.

This is absolutely devastating. I don't even know what to say anymore.
Who wrote this?
a couple of well known fans who go by the name tick and flea. one of them been a girl called talitha that was phographed with mj alot. she was discussed alot on here cause some ppl moaned about her always been around.
.hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } To the fans around the world
> We are so sorry for all your pain and heartache. If it’s any consolation at all, we wanted to share with you that we spoke to Michael the night before he died, that we gave him letters from fans all over the world, letters full of caring and love. We told him they were very important and that he needed to read them right away.
> He was on his way into a rehearsal and later we saw him on stage performing Dangerous and singing live. He looked OK, not giving it his all but certainly not at death’s door… who could have imagined? That night, we waited for him to leave and as he drove past, he rolled down the window, leaned out and waved at us all. And he was smiling a beautiful smile, which was so comforting to see. That was the last time we saw his face.
> Just know that we were with him every day and we showered him with love on behalf of everyone who couldn’t be here but love him as we do. And he knew. He knew you all loved him, he felt your spirits, he talked about that a lot, it’s what kept him going for so long, knowing that you all loved him truly and deeply.
> We know he didn’t want to die. He wanted to live. He wanted to perform. He wanted to watch his children grow. Despite his hardships, his pain, his struggles, he wanted to keep giving, to keep shining his light out into the world.
> He was an angel to us all and will continue to be so forever. Our hearts are breaking too. We are grieving with you.

How is this an email? I've already seen this posted in MJJC's general discussion forum on the 26th June by a member of the forum who had less that 10 posts and I assumed that he/she was one of the dancers? I don't understand, though. =\
I remember I saw someone on CNN, who worked with him on This is it.he said they moved the dates because Michael wasn't feeling good.Anybody else saw that?I'm sure thats what he said.So... what... ?They were all lying to us while Michael is not feeling good?

I don't think 5 days will have made any difference to his health. It was because of the production stuff that they had to re-arrange those dates.

this is a message that a fan asked me to paste here, as she doesnt have an account..
If it is a little harsh, its because it was posted on KOP where people bashed me and said I was lying and made up this email to seek attention...


To those of you that wonder why this was kept private, read through this thread again and see the disgusting judgemental name-calling going on here. This is the usual treament that the boards give to "follower fans"...and you wonder why we keep to ourselves, because you're just making accusations against us for lying, seeking-attention, being too involved in his personal life...we can never do right by any of you, so we don't bother to try to please or include you in the conversation. But now that someone has gotten this email via 3rd party (wonder if all the subsequent ones will follow shortly) exactly what we suspect would happen if it was posted on boards has now happened (hence the first line asking it not to be posted on the boards.)

The email is genuine and Marika is a genuine sweet caring fan that Michael was happy to have around for many years. So anyone thinking and saying differently here is plain wrong. And many have been far too mean without even knowing what on earth they are talking about.

I want to defend Marika, as a friend, as I would want someone to do for me, and also as a fan that wants to say the truth.

THE FACT IS THAT MICHAEL WAS TOO SKINNY IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS OF HIS LIFE, especially in the last few weeks. IT IS A FACT. ACCEPT IT OR NOT. I first noticed in October when I spent A LOT OF TIME with Michael, and I mentioned it to him. But I also knew he was beginning to prepare the tour even back then so I expected him to be very conscious of his weight and was not overly worried, although concerned.

I am the girl in the picture with Michael that you all went crazy over with his curls back taken at the end of May. LET ME SAY THE TRUTH, you can not see very well just how truly skinny he is in that picture (taken just little more than 3 weeks before he died) because he is covered, but when I met Michael in the dance studio earlier in the day I was sad and scared for how skinny he was. He was wearing a different top and we hugged twice and I felt there was NOTHING to him. I felt how tiny his waist was, I felt his ribs against me, his shoulder bones poking through his top, I honestly was really taken aback at how skinny he was from even the last time I saw him and was worried I have seen Michael a lot in my life and I know what is acceptable. I do not like to say it, it is sad, but it is the truth that he was scary skinny. I had a difficult time looking at him standing there, knowing in my gut that something was desperately wrong.

It is also true (despite Randy Phillips/AEG denying it the next day) that Michael spoke to us inside the dance studio about what was going on...he was very candid with what he said but also very down and sad, he was feeling the pressure, literally said he was not eating, had gone to sleep at night knowing it was 10 shows, and woke up to 50 shows, said there were not long enough breaks scheduled between shows...he said many things but it is not necessary to repeat everything...the point is we walked out of that dance studio feeling a sense of despair for him. Never in all the 12+ years of "following" Michael have I witnessed him in such a state. Everyone in the media who has been saying Michael was fine, in great shape and great spirits is not telling the ENTIRE truth. Yes, sometimes he was in a good mood, perhaps someone saw him eat something, yes he was dancing, he was rehearsing a lot...but I do not believe for one minute that Michael was completely alright because I saw with my own eyes and heard from his own mouth that he was NOT completely alright.

For all of you refering to the rehearsal pictures and saying he looks fine, I'm sorry but you are just blind or sorely mistaken. He IS skinny in the rehearsal pictures - you can not tell as much as in person admittedly, and the clothes he wears masks it well. But you can STILL PLAINLY SEE he is too skinny. You will also probably say he looks fine in the pictures of him visiting the doctors office...but again the jackets he wore masked it well.
He really was incredibly skinny, and I am not one to dramatize such a thing. I know he has always been thin and his weight fluctuates but in the last weeks of his life he was not a normal/healthy weight. When you add the idea that he was taking any kind of drugs whether for pain or to help him sleep it was a lethal combination I am convinced. No one will ever convince me that his weight did not play a role in his passing. He was not eating (enough), rehearsing many many hours a day, and coupled with taking drugs, I can not be too surprised he has left us...when you are very thin and under-nourished your body can not handle the stress, the pressure, the drugs (as much as it might if were a healthier weight.)

Marika met him again in the studio two weeks later and his weight had fallen even more...this is what triggered her email to us and we finally decided we needed to speak up. For all of those saying why didn't we do anything about it then, WE DID TRY. WE TRIED. God we tried...but it was too little too late. You can not imagine OUR PAIN that we discussed with each other just THE WEEK before his death how to reach him, what to do, how to say it so we don't hurt him, we AGONIZED over what to do. In the last two weeks before he died he was kept from us more than usual by his security, things became very strange in ways that are too much to go into here, but we felt something was wrong. And we were so so so so sadly right. I never wanted to be more wrong in all my life.

We wrote letters to Michael frankly expressing our concerns, blunt but cloaked in love, and they were given to him on arriving to what would be his last rehearsal by Talitha - a fan that Michael loved very much and who spent a lot of time with him over the past decade, and especially the past two years (but many of you have slagged off on the boards without even knowing her.) Michael tried to phone her from the Staples center to talk about the letters, but the call dropped and conversation was never had. Michael's security said they would try again the next morning.

I was told by Michael's personal assistant in LA when I went back for the funeral, that Michael asked for the letters that night at home after rehearsal. He took the letters to Michael in his bedroom. We had literally wrote in those letters begging him to take care of himself, if not for himself, then for his children and family and everyone that loves him so deeply, that we were afraid for his life, that him being around is more important that any one concert could ever be...he died 12 hours later and it is the most DEVASTATING THING to have happened...I can not even really think about it, it is too much to comprehend. It is like a cruel joke that God put upon us. I do not understand how it was allowed to happen. I feel sad that we did not reach him in time, that we could not reach others around him in time, that the people around him did not seem to care enough about him, it's all too much and too complicated...and too devastating. I do have to say in Karen's defense that she did try to help. I don't want to say more for sake of her own privacy, but it's too harsh what some of you are saying here.

So if you could have a little COMPASSION and stop being so hard-hearted about the email and towards Marika it would be appreciated I am sure!
Btw, some of you are misinterpretting the bit where she said she doesnt care if he never eats again...French is her first language, and was lacking some punctuation; she only meant that she doesnt care if people are upset with her for the email because if he never eats again that is all that matters!

I'm sure there will be plenty of people that will now read this and begin to slag me off as well, but I don't care anymore because I just want to say the truth, defend my friend, have a clear conscience, and say what I think Michael would want said anyways.

I'm just quoting this so that it's accessible to new readers of the thread.
I dont know where to post this because Im gonna say the same thing in alot of threads from here on.. This is what I believe.. (at least right now!):

Michael was not in good shape, and AEG and his doctor noticed that he wouldnt have been able to perform all 50 concerts, so perhaps they knew Michael would either cancel them or AEG would have to cancel them for him because they just knew he wouldnt be able to do them, (health reasons..) and they decided to sign an insurance policy that covers overdose, and get all the money in return, but only if he dies from an overdose, not natural causes.. And perhaps Mike was close to dying from natural causes (bad heart, bad lungs.. bad physic.. low weight) and they decided to do the horrific thing of making sure they give him an overdose of sleep medication or other medications to make sure this is what killed him. They delayed the 911 call to make sure no one can save his life, the fishy doctor made sure Michaels heart stopped before he called 911 and even if he was a cardiologist, he refused to administrate CPR properly because he wanted Michael to die, so that they could get their money in return. Profit profit profit...
It is also true (despite Randy Phillips/AEG denying it the next day) that Michael spoke to us inside the dance studio about what was going on...he was very candid with what he said but also very down and sad, he was feeling the pressure, literally said he was not eating, had gone to sleep at night knowing it was 10 shows, and woke up to 50 shows, said there were not long enough breaks scheduled between shows...he said many things but it is not necessary to repeat everything...the point is we walked out of that dance studio feeling a sense of despair for him. Never in all the 12+ years of "following" Michael have I witnessed him in such a state. Everyone in the media who has been saying Michael was fine, in great shape and great spirits is not telling the ENTIRE truth. Yes, sometimes he was in a good mood, perhaps someone saw him eat something, yes he was dancing, he was rehearsing a lot...but I do not believe for one minute that Michael was completely alright because I saw with my own eyes and heard from his own mouth that he was NOT completely alright.

This is what hurts most. I kept blocking it out. But I knew something wasn't right, and it was too good to be true.

How could they do that to him?
We wrote letters to Michael frankly expressing our concerns, blunt but cloaked in love, and they were given to him on arriving to what would be his last rehearsal by Talitha - a fan that Michael loved very much and who spent a lot of time with him over the past decade, and especially the past two years (but many of you have slagged off on the boards without even knowing her.) Michael tried to phone her from the Staples center to talk about the letters, but the call dropped and conversation was never had. Michael's security said they would try again the next morning.

I was told by Michael's personal assistant in LA when I went back for the funeral, that Michael asked for the letters that night at home after rehearsal. He took the letters to Michael in his bedroom. We had literally wrote in those letters begging him to take care of himself, if not for himself, then for his children and family and everyone that loves him so deeply, that we were afraid for his life, that him being around is more important that any one concert could ever be...he died 12 hours later and it is the most DEVASTATING THING to have happened...I can not even really think about it, it is too much to comprehend. It is like a cruel joke that God put upon us. I do not understand how it was allowed to happen. I feel sad that we did not reach him in time, that we could not reach others around him in time, that the people around him did not seem to care enough about him, it's all too much and too complicated...and too devastating. I do have to say in Karen's defense that she did try to help. I don't want to say more for sake of her own privacy, but it's too harsh what some of you are saying here.

I have no words. It hurts so bad to read this. :no::cry:
That e-mail...so disturbing and sad...the situation that is totally out of your control and there's nothing you can do about it, in vain...heartbreaking...

Unfortunatelly, instead of getting a closure to all this it is getting even more tragic and more complicated. I just don't know what to make of all this anymore.
There's so much speculation about everything, confusion, a lot of questions raised.

Seems it was THAT serious since those fans felt the need to act and actually DO something about it. Thanx for reaching out.

I understand nobody likes their e-mail being posted without permission (btw, thanx for coming here and clarifying some things) and since it happened that way, I really hope it has a purpose and I hope the e-mail and this thread can help the investigation and finding the truth.

Attacking each other won't do us any good.
Investigating and respecting different opinions might lead us the right way.

What's really sad to me is that it had come down to a few fans who were trying to support this man unconditionally when no one in his world was. Obviously there is a lot of denial to go around, but I cannot fathom his sense of loneliness and isolation. It is of some small comfort that these fans who were blessed enough to have seen him in his last days were able to convey our support and love for him and hopefully he was able to hang on to that during his transition.

This so very much sucks.
I dont know where to post this because Im gonna say the same thing in alot of threads from here on.. This is what I believe.. (at least right now!):

Michael was not in good shape, and AEG and his doctor noticed that he wouldnt have been able to perform all 50 concerts, so perhaps they knew Michael would either cancel them or AEG would have to cancel them for him because they just knew he wouldnt be able to do them, (health reasons..) and they decided to sign an insurance policy that covers overdose, and get all the money in return, but only if he dies from an overdose, not natural causes.. And perhaps Mike was close to dying from natural causes (bad heart, bad lungs.. bad physic.. low weight) and they decided to do the horrific thing of making sure they give him an overdose of sleep medication or other medications to make sure this is what killed him. They delayed the 911 call to make sure no one can save his life, the fishy doctor made sure Michaels heart stopped before he called 911 and even if he was a cardiologist, he refused to administrate CPR properly because he wanted Michael to die, so that they could get their money in return. Profit profit profit...

i am just speechless. it seems as though it makes sense....the fans trying to get Michael to eat. (breaks my heart). AEG and the insurance policy...(only get paid if there is an overdose). I am just speechless and anyone who knows me knows that this does not happen often.
What's really sad to me is that it had come down to a few fans who were trying to support this man unconditionally when no one in his world was. Obviously there is a lot of denial to go around, but I cannot fathom his sense of loneliness and isolation. It is of some small comfort that these fans who were blessed enough to have seen him in his last days were able to convey our support and love for him and hopefully he was able to hang on to that during his transition.

This so very much sucks.

How do you know his family didn't try to help him? Do you mean during his time in rehearsals/up to the date of his death or is it just in general?

I do agree though; I too can't imagine how lonely he must have been.
How do you know his family didn't try to help him? Do you mean during his time in rehearsals/up to the date of his death or is it just in general?

I do agree though; I too can't imagine how lonely he must have been.
I'm speaking of the few days leading to his death of course. The last time most of his family saw him was in May according to them.
OMG I became speechless.
Thank you for sharing your story and email.
Now I began to believe MJ may have been really murdered, but one thing worries me. I thought Kenny Ortega was a positive hero.
I dont know where to post this because Im gonna say the same thing in alot of threads from here on.. This is what I believe.. (at least right now!):

Michael was not in good shape, and AEG and his doctor noticed that he wouldnt have been able to perform all 50 concerts, so perhaps they knew Michael would either cancel them or AEG would have to cancel them for him because they just knew he wouldnt be able to do them, (health reasons..) and they decided to sign an insurance policy that covers overdose, and get all the money in return, but only if he dies from an overdose, not natural causes.. And perhaps Mike was close to dying from natural causes (bad heart, bad lungs.. bad physic.. low weight) and they decided to do the horrific thing of making sure they give him an overdose of sleep medication or other medications to make sure this is what killed him. They delayed the 911 call to make sure no one can save his life, the fishy doctor made sure Michaels heart stopped before he called 911 and even if he was a cardiologist, he refused to administrate CPR properly because he wanted Michael to die, so that they could get their money in return. Profit profit profit...
I hope this is not the truth because this is the worst thing could ever happened to him! But a part of me believes it was like you said!
What's really sad to me is that it had come down to a few fans who were trying to support this man unconditionally when no one in his world was. Obviously there is a lot of denial to go around, but I cannot fathom his sense of loneliness and isolation. It is of some small comfort that these fans who were blessed enough to have seen him in his last days were able to convey our support and love for him and hopefully he was able to hang on to that during his transition.

This so very much sucks.

I hear you. This VERY much sucks. I do hope and believe that he knew/felt how much he was loved. . . . . still is loved.

And for those who want to wait for some sort of "official" report, I think you trust too much. . . . . . . The "offical" report was that he was just fine. From the AEG folks. Personally, I'd believe the FANS before anyone. They are the ones who care the most.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt, folks, and for some no amount of fan-statements, photographs, or "other" will allow you to think any differently. Not sure why. Just something you feel you have to do, I guess. So just wait? That's fine.

Carry on,

I dont know where to post this because Im gonna say the same thing in alot of threads from here on.. This is what I believe.. (at least right now!):

Michael was not in good shape, and AEG and his doctor noticed that he wouldnt have been able to perform all 50 concerts, so perhaps they knew Michael would either cancel them or AEG would have to cancel them for him because they just knew he wouldnt be able to do them, (health reasons..) and they decided to sign an insurance policy that covers overdose, and get all the money in return, but only if he dies from an overdose, not natural causes.. And perhaps Mike was close to dying from natural causes (bad heart, bad lungs.. bad physic.. low weight) and they decided to do the horrific thing of making sure they give him an overdose of sleep medication or other medications to make sure this is what killed him. They delayed the 911 call to make sure no one can save his life, the fishy doctor made sure Michaels heart stopped before he called 911 and even if he was a cardiologist, he refused to administrate CPR properly because he wanted Michael to die, so that they could get their money in return. Profit profit profit...

I'm thinking along these lines too. We may never know if its true, the doc may just get blamed and AEG get off. Whatever happens it makes me so sick that such evil exists in the world, especially when it was inflicted on a man who had one of the kindest souls around. :(
How is this an email? I've already seen this posted in MJJC's general discussion forum on the 26th June by a member of the forum who had less that 10 posts and I assumed that he/she was one of the dancers? I don't understand, though. =\

yes it was posted on the boards on the 26th. email is what i have it as. i was sent it. but yes it was posted the day after
Folks may want to take a look at the interview with the former Sony execs that was posted this morning. It may shed light on some of the questions people have been asking. They say that Michael told them he feared another tour would do him in because of his tendency to stop eating, drinking, and sleeping properly in the run-up to a tour. That would explain why Michael wanted a doctor attached to the tour, and why he wanted his own doctor instead of waiting for AEG to get him a doctor in London. It wouldn't have been because he was already unhealthy, but because he feared becoming unhealthy due to his own driven nature, and it was the period before the tour that worried him the most. And since the insurance policy and the physical associated with it would have been completed before the first rehearsal, in case he was injured during rehearsals, it could explain how he could have been healthy then, yet allow for his condition to have deteriorated between that time and the kickoff of the concerts. If in fact he became as thin as some fans have reported, then Murray didn't do any better a job safeguarding his health than he did with the CPR. The execs suggest that Michael's driven nature, AEG's desire for the $85 million ticket sales, and Michael's desire to pay off the last of his debt may have dovetailed in a nasty way. At this point, it's just another theory, but it's sensible enough.
This letter is too painful. I hate AEG. Michael should not have had to die to find peace. He was being pulled in too many different directions. Thanks to the fans who cared enough to write him. You did what you could.
See this is what pisses me off. I am now wishing that Michael would not have agreed to these shows if it was going to cause this kind of pressure. I love him but I will rather see him alive, broke, and skinny, than to be dead and have sold 50 shows. I wish Michael would have had the sense to know what is best for HIM no matter what handlers have to say or do. We all know our own body and I wish Michael would have listen. If he was not eating, there are things out here to help with that in liquiod form. I hate these people who did things in greed. Now Michael is dead, who is their meal ticket now? No one. This doctor failed Michael; and now look, Dr. Murray would be lucky if he is able to practice in an ant shop from here on out.
yes it was posted on the boards on the 26th. email is what i have it as. i was sent it. but yes it was posted the day after

as I have posted in this thread, I am speechless about this whole situation, and omg my heart is so broke I dont know where to begin. I just have to ask this question??? Do you think that Michael injected himself with the final lethal dose. ( I find this hard to believe, as he said he hated needles) Or do you think that this Dr. Murry did so and was promised something in return? OR........do you think that as some of you have said Michael knew he was not well enough and had the Doc do it? It kills me to ask that last question, but if we are being honest with ourselves this may be a question we might have to ask. The other thing is, Has this e-mail been given to the proper people who will know how to investigate it? I want to say thank you to all the fans who tried their best to help Michael. As I know who some of of you are. Just because I have only been in this forum a short time I have been on others and have become friends with others.
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Folks may want to take a look at the interview with the former Sony execs that was posted this morning. It may shed light on some of the questions people have been asking. They say that Michael told them he feared another tour would do him in because of his tendency to stop eating, drinking, and sleeping properly in the run-up to a tour. That would explain why Michael wanted a doctor attached to the tour, and why he wanted his own doctor instead of waiting for AEG to get him a doctor in London. It wouldn't have been because he was already unhealthy, but because he feared becoming unhealthy due to his own driven nature, and it was the period before the tour that worried him the most. And since the insurance policy and the physical associated with it would have been completed before the first rehearsal, in case he was injured during rehearsals, it could explain how he could have been healthy then, yet allow for his condition to have deteriorated between that time and the kickoff of the concerts. If in fact he became as thin as some fans have reported, then Murray didn't do any better a job safeguarding his health than he did with the CPR. The execs suggest that Michael's driven nature, AEG's desire for the $85 million ticket sales, and Michael's desire to pay off the last of his debt may have dovetailed in a nasty way. At this point, it's just another theory, but it's sensible enough.
Yes but this should not have killed him. yes, his nerves can be shot but he should not have died. And still he died before he did a show. All of these stories does not make sense. Some saying he was practicing hard while others said he only did a few rehearsals. Somethings does not add up.
Sigh... I think the truth will be revealed.. Its gonna take time but the truth will come out. Im glad Im not the only one who is thinking that AEG and that doctor purposely overdosed Michael in order to get insurance money. I have a disgusting feeling they treated Michael worse than a dog being put down at the veterinaries office. Like his life was IN THEIR hands, THEY decided when it was time for him to leave this earth, its disgusting. They overdosed him on purpose because maybe he was not ''good enough'' or ''well enough'' for a tour, so he was better off dead, in their minds. Since money was at stake..
Sigh... I think the truth will be revealed.. Its gonna take time but the truth will come out. Im glad Im not the only one who is thinking that AEG and that doctor purposely overdosed Michael in order to get insurance money. I have a disgusting feeling they treated Michael worse than a dog being put down at the veterinaries office. Like his life was IN THEIR hands, THEY decided when it was time for him to leave this earth, its disgusting. They overdosed him on purpose because maybe he was not ''good enough'' or ''well enough'' for a tour, so he was better off dead, in their minds. Since money was at stake..

in connection to this i found a bit strange why they had that ticket sale (again sending out codes) on Wednesday the day before he passed away. They sold really good seats etc......and if that happened what is in the quote above here, they could very well wanted to get ride of those tickets..and even if only a few fans will ask for suvenir tickets of those they get more money
WOW> Wake up call for sure....I wish it would have never have come to this....I know Michael professed a lot of being "invincible" - but really Michael was fragile....I look to songs like Someone Put Your Hand Out....or Will You Be There "but they told me, a man should be faithfull, and walk when not able, and fight to the end but im only human".....

My heart breaks for Michael......this didnt have to happen.....It's like he begged for help but wouldnt accept the help...Im just speculating, but thats how i feel. Michael does do what he wants.


By the time I got to this thread the content had already been deleted. So I don't know what was said. But I agree with with this post.
These people could have gotton another artist if they wanted to make money. They did not have to do this to Michael. It makes no sense. And I am sure they knew if something happen to Michael, the world will be on their tails. Again, I wish Michael was using his own sense to know what is best for him. He has been in the biz too long to go along with everything.