7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Wonder how much he's getting for it. He won't do anything unless he's getting money. Hate the man.

I think he specifically went on the show to "repair" his image. They stated he was not paid for the interview this time.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

upload the tightness? ew go to dlisted.com and they have iris on there. so gross


I will never understand Joe, and as much as he surprises me, at the same time he don't, if you know what I mean...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I think he specifically went on the show to "repair" his image. They stated he was not paid for the interview this time.

I taught when Jermaine went on L.King was that to repair damage by Joe. Joe is like a God Father in the Mafia. At the memorial not many went over to him, if any.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

jermaine needs to step up and tell joe to shut his damn mouth. actually, rebby would prolly be the only one with big enough balls to do so.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I dont think anyone can tell Joe to shut up. He strikes me as the kind of person that does whatever he wants whenever he wants.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I wish Joe would just disappear to Las Vegas and never come back.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

oe Jackson’s Partner Has Sketchy History

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Music, Television / By Roger Friedman
Tags: Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s father, whom he feared and loathed, got to say whatever was on his, er, mind last on “Larry King Live.”

Jackson is bad enough on his own, but he brought along concert promoter Leonard Rowe. Larry did not ask Leonard about losing a lawsuit with singer R. Kelly last year and having to pay him $3.4 million in damages. Rowe also had to pay R&B Grammy award winner Ne-Yo $700,000.

Rowe has a sketchy history at best. In 1998 he launched a lawsuit against the William Morris Agency, CAA and other group claiming racism as the reason he couldn’t promote more concerts. On December 30, 2005 ,after losing the case and appealing it, Rowe was finally crushed by a federal appeals court judge. A year earlier, another judge, finding for the defendants, wrote: “plaintiffs raised no genuine issue of material fact and that no rational trier of fact could find for plaintiffs on any of the myriad of claims made in this action.”

Jackson and Rowe (who is certainly no relation to Debbie Rowe) proved to be a hilarious but sad duo on King’s show. Joe Jackson’s claim that he never abused Michael—after reams of evidence including Michael’s own heartfelt assertions, La Toya’s book, and plenty of eyewitness accounts—demonstrated his inability to reason fact and fiction. Joe Jackson also claimed not to know what’s happened to Michael’s body—still not buried in a final resting place after nearly four weeks.

In this session, in which both Jackson and Rowe may have crossed the line legally with AEG Live and Tohme Tohme, Rowe insisted that he had a signed document from Michael Jackson dated March 25, 2009. According to sources at Jackson’s home—I reported this when it happened—this pair kept pounding on Michael’s door until he let them in. They wouldn’t give up until Michael signed something. Joe Jackson evidently said to Michael, “I’m broke and it’s your fault.”

The timing of this is interesting. It was the same weekend when the pair issued a press release announcing they were now Michael’s managers. (They weren’t.) They also called yours truly to enlist my help in overtaking AEG Live and wresting control of Michael’s money. I declined. I have the phone record to prove they called me one week before all this started, on March 18th, at 3:40pm. We spoke for four minutes. I recorded Joe’s number in my phone. Joe said, “I have Leonard Rowe right here” and started squawking that they were going to take over Michael’s shows. I offered that that was impossible. We didn’t so much hang up as Joe just drifted away.

There’s more about Rowe’s history in the concert business. If he forces the issue, all his past associates are going to come crawling out of the woodwork. In the meantime, my sources do say that it’s Joe and Leonard who are now haranguing Katherine Jackson to get a bigger piece of Michael’s estate. The ugliness goes on unabated.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I will that this interview WASN"T need esp. since they didn't want to reveal TOO MUCH. Which is fine just be quiet until the Tox reports come back and then go from there if you still feel foul play. But all they said to night was "very suspicious" "mike the addict" "I didn't abuse michael" "no the kids aren't going to show biz" and "very suspicious" um ok. Just stop giving the media something to talk about and wait, get your cards in order and strike aeg when the time is right.

I think joe is a bit out of the loop. lol can we blame the jacksons though.

AND I think larry over did it with the abuse. Thats not what the interview was about. I can under ONE question but larry kept going back to it.

to be honest I almost went through the tv screen when he called Michael ad addict. His exact words.."we all know Michael was an addict, this is no secret". Well guess what???? I didn't know Michael was an addict and I am sure alot of people didnt and I resent the fact that this is being said without tox reports results present...OHH they had me so md last night.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe's own actions is the cause of a lot of the reason why he couldn't get next to Mike. You wouldn't have been able to tear Joe away from Mike if Joe had shown the least bit of unconditional love for that man. Mike would have knocked you out if you stepped between him and his daddy if he had a daddy he could trust, because that's the way he was.

While some of the things he's saying are probably true --like the suspicious activity, foul play -- I think a whole hell of a lot of Joe's outbursts involve feelings of guilt and him trying to get attention from the other family members who may be taking care of business but leaving him (Joe) out on purpose.
I think you're right.

Gee 33 pages to go...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

IF WHAT rodger friedman says is true...then i would be very interested to see if aeg tries to sue jackson and rowe...because it is a bold claim and if aeg never responds, surely alarm bells will start ringing...im sure they will issue a statement but i personally thought they both said it like alot of people feel..i kno joe sometimes doesn't think before he speaks or realises how his words will sound on print or in reality...joe has flaws but he loved michael..it was not a natural normal love but was still love and i believe they patched things up to suome extent if you look at the trial...they are holding hands ffs!!!!!! regadless of rowes past history, why is it implausible for this to be true? i strongly feel michael was being used and maybe blackmailed or forced intot things and was out of control..he as shut out fro others...but my one person who would not have been shut out is grace...although she was fired..but did she come back? she would have been the middle person to mj and the family surely...so maybe she was fired bysomeone else..remember, she had a letter and from someone else...i really believe others controls michael in the end..grace is key in this
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

That interview was very annoying and kinda weird, that man is confusing. And the other guy kept saying Michael Jackson over and over again, they both dont talk about Michael like a son or a friend, its always Michael Jackson the icon.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

That interview was very annoying and kinda weird, that man is confusing. And the other guy kept saying Michael Jackson over and over again, they both dont talk about Michael like a son or a friend, its always Michael Jackson the icon.

Yeah I thought that too...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

oe Jackson’s Partner Has Sketchy History

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Music, Television / By Roger Friedman
Tags: Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s father, whom he feared and loathed, got to say whatever was on his, er, mind last on “Larry King Live.”

Jackson is bad enough on his own, but he brought along concert promoter Leonard Rowe. Larry did not ask Leonard about losing a lawsuit with singer R. Kelly last year and having to pay him $3.4 million in damages. Rowe also had to pay R&B Grammy award winner Ne-Yo $700,000.

Rowe has a sketchy history at best. In 1998 he launched a lawsuit against the William Morris Agency, CAA and other group claiming racism as the reason he couldn’t promote more concerts. On December 30, 2005 ,after losing the case and appealing it, Rowe was finally crushed by a federal appeals court judge. A year earlier, another judge, finding for the defendants, wrote: “plaintiffs raised no genuine issue of material fact and that no rational trier of fact could find for plaintiffs on any of the myriad of claims made in this action.”

Jackson and Rowe (who is certainly no relation to Debbie Rowe) proved to be a hilarious but sad duo on King’s show. Joe Jackson’s claim that he never abused Michael—after reams of evidence including Michael’s own heartfelt assertions, La Toya’s book, and plenty of eyewitness accounts—demonstrated his inability to reason fact and fiction. Joe Jackson also claimed not to know what’s happened to Michael’s body—still not buried in a final resting place after nearly four weeks.

In this session, in which both Jackson and Rowe may have crossed the line legally with AEG Live and Tohme Tohme, Rowe insisted that he had a signed document from Michael Jackson dated March 25, 2009. According to sources at Jackson’s home—I reported this when it happened—this pair kept pounding on Michael’s door until he let them in. They wouldn’t give up until Michael signed something. Joe Jackson evidently said to Michael, “I’m broke and it’s your fault.”

The timing of this is interesting. It was the same weekend when the pair issued a press release announcing they were now Michael’s managers. (They weren’t.) They also called yours truly to enlist my help in overtaking AEG Live and wresting control of Michael’s money. I declined. I have the phone record to prove they called me one week before all this started, on March 18th, at 3:40pm. We spoke for four minutes. I recorded Joe’s number in my phone. Joe said, “I have Leonard Rowe right here” and started squawking that they were going to take over Michael’s shows. I offered that that was impossible. We didn’t so much hang up as Joe just drifted away.

There’s more about Rowe’s history in the concert business. If he forces the issue, all his past associates are going to come crawling out of the woodwork. In the meantime, my sources do say that it’s Joe and Leonard who are now haranguing Katherine Jackson to get a bigger piece of Michael’s estate. The ugliness goes on unabated.

I believe everything Roger stated in this article. Michael Jackson can't be controlled, and I don't believe he would let AEG con him since ultimately he is making money for them. Joe and Rowe=liars. Did MJ and joe have a better relationship than previously, maybe. However, it is still obvious he didn't want anything to do with his family business wise.

Its so obvious for Joe is disconnected from the family because he doesn't even know anything about the autopsy or anything else?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I dont think anyone can tell Joe to shut up. He strikes me as the kind of person that does whatever he wants whenever he wants.
Sounds like Michael too. :lol:

About Larry King, ever since he did that interview with Jermaine and was obviously digging for some dirt with regards to any infighting about the will, he lost some of my respect.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Sounds like Michael too. :lol:

About Larry King, ever since he did that interview with Jermaine and was obviously digging for some dirt with regards to any infighting about the will, he lost some of my respect.

I think he was digging to see how Jermaine or Joe reacted to being left out completely.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I think Jermaine understands, the man has his own money.
Joe's been living off his children forever. He just doesn't understand that beating your child is wrong, that's I believe why he was left out.
If every parent threw their kids off a bridge would Joe do it too?
Just cause everyone is doing it Joe, doesn't make it right.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I think he was digging to see how Jermaine or Joe reacted to being left out completely.
Yup, same thing. Larry wanted to hear some drama while Jermaine just wanted to keep the focus on Michael and his legacy.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Well someone in this family is lying.
Joe says he was an addict. Jermaine says he wasn't.
Someone needs to get their sh*t together.
I want straight answers not something I have decode.
I agree with you it is like a guessing game. I hope Joe is wrong.... this is so so sad
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

well how can joe and toy and them all say that they couldn't get to mj and something was happening and jermaine didn't say that?

something ain't right unless jermaine wasn't in on the alleged interventin but honestly, wtf?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

well how can joe and toy and them all say that they couldn't get to mj and something was happening and jermaine didn't say that?

something ain't right unless jermaine wasn't in on the alleged interventin but honestly, wtf?

ya know ...you are correct. Jermaine never did say he couldn't get to Michael.....hmmmm this........ makes me think.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Old Transcript of Joe Jackson on Abuse Allegations (November 2003)

I have not read through this thread, far too much speculation and argument. However, I just want to post this direct transcript from Joe Jackson, on video, back in 2003 when he discusses the notion of beating Michael:

November 2003

Q: Michael has said that he's so nervous of you, to this day, that when he sees you, or when he's about to see you, he regurgitates.

A: He regurgitates all the way to the bank.


Q: Do you really--I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say that? I mean, you say you don't really believe that he does, or that you don't really care?

A: Do I really care?

Q: Yes.

A: I really don't.

Q: Michael's on record as saying that you beat him with switches and belts.

A: I never beat him. I whipped him with a switch and a belt, I never beat him. You beat somebody with a stick.

Q: It's also been written that you would tease Michael and call him "big nose."

A: Did he say that? If he said that, I don't recall calling him big nose. If I did, [it was] out of a joking situation. So you know, whatever...

And, below is the excerpt from last night's Larry King Live interview:

July 2009

Q: So when he -- didn't he once say that you were physically/emotionally abusive to him?

A: I've never been abusive to him, never have.

Q: But did he say that? Did he ever say that to your knowledge?

A: Well, I don't know whether he said that or not. But I hear the media keep hollering about that I abused him, I've never abused my son.

ROWE: Larry -- could I say something, Joe?

A: Wait, wait, wait, Rowe, let me handle this right here.

Q: That's right, Joe.

A: Let me handle this. The media keep hollering about saying that I beat Michael. That's not true. You know what this beat started -- beat started in the slavery days. Where they used to beat the slaves and then they used to torture them.

That's where these beating started. These slave masters, and that's where that come from. But, hey, there's a lot of people in America, Larry, a lot of people in America spank their kids, you know? They say they don't, they're lying. They're lying.

Now, Michael was never beaten by me, I've never beaten at all.

Q: Ok, you're on record.

P.S., The full interview from last night can be downloaded in high quality at:

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Michael has always been the closest to Jermaine and Janet. I can't see him turning them away.
Michael says, :"Janet was like my twin." in his book Moonwalk. Sure that was 21yrs ago, but something like that doesn't go away. The way they've always been at each others sides over the yrs supports this.

I posted while^^ was being posted.
I was abused by my stepmom. She hit me with a phone. The land line kind. She would say that I was ugly and had ugly brown hair, freaky grey eyes.
If you ask her now, she says nothing happened. I was just a very *difficult child.*
I think this is the way Joe sees it.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Well someone in this family is lying.
Joe says he was an addict. Jermaine says he wasn't.
Someone needs to get their sh*t together.
I want straight answers not something I have decode.

Good luck...it's all decoding unfortunately. I don't know what's worse - keeping up with everything including the bs or hiding away for a while. The latter just feels so disconnected and I tried that. It's like living hell right now.

I'm not normally a pessimist...oh what the hell, yea I am. I can't imagine it getting better when we do find out the truth. I'm trying to stay neutral inside so that "I'm" not the one making things up in my own mind - but it sure is leaning heavily on foul play. Foul - friggen - play.

Regarding Joe: I've "seen" Michael a few times on stage (during an interview with his parents in the audience) being honest about something Joe did and then looking at him in the audience and saying "I'm sorry Joseph". I wish I could conjure up those videos. So there's Michael in front of the whole world telling about being beat in "front" of his father. If it wasn't true and I was Joe, I'd probably get up and leave or never show up at those interviews. I don't hate the man - he just needs to hang back and stay off the camera.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

well janet has also said she didn't feel close to him anymore. they grew apart but he was always the caring brother. for her bday one yr, he sent her this massive gift basket and it had books on acting cuz he knew she wanted to get back into it and really study it like a craft.

but the stories conflict
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Nothing adds up in the world of MJ.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

^^ Amen.
I thought my family was messed up.
I have 4 sisters and 4 brothers.
My Dad's been married 7 times. My Mom 3.
I only have one full sibling out of all 8.
I guess it's not as crazy as I thought. At least we all get alone!!