7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Anyway, with everything being said now it seems like these concerts were doomed before they got started (with Michael signing a contract he either hadn't read or was misinterpreted to him by his representative), and may have been doomed in some other way down the line had he lived and the shows went on. For all we know, the end results would have been the same (Michael dying) but instead of in his house in California it could have been onstage or backstage or in his home in London. I do wonder if Jesus simply took the wheel. And now Michael doesn't have to worry about anyone else being mean to him again. :(

Oh Wendy. :( Its lunchtime right now and I'm eating at my desk. I will not cry in my french fries today. You can't make me!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Look at this, this is a 17 year old young man, who on stage sets the world on fire, but off it.... - look at his reaction when the interviewer says he has the looks to make movies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9P9ZK8GCJg

That IS sad. After watching all of mj's music videos I am sad he didn't pursue acting. He's very believable on screen, imagine an entire movie!!!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I never found anything different about Michael at the O2 press conference. I've also heard Michael speak in that lower tone before (and have a video from 1988 speaking in that lower tone) which is his natural voice

European fans can watch the Joesph Jackson interview via a download video podcast from iTunes, I subscribe to Larry King's show via iTunes. Or you can watch a bit of the interview in the CNN web site http://edition.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/, and get a link to the podcast for the full interview.

Cheers for that info :)
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I dont trust Leonard..MJ fired him...so I cant accept Leonard now coming forward ...
he should not get involved..
he has no right...

Well apparantely MJ hired him back, he gave Larry the contract to prove it.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

the man LOVED his son. that's point blank. he cannot speak in public. he's horrible. that's y u have a spokesperson, nappy roots coughs, but damn...someone get mr. v.e. on the job cuz it's madness

to allow rowe to spew such stuff w/o any basis and to just shrug when asked themost basic questions.

sorry but ur entitled to laugh. u can talk on the phone. don't do BOTH in an interview that's talking about y ur son died....

it's understandable that he didn't view the body. he wants to remember mj as a spring chicken. not in a casket. tito felt the same way.

i just want someone to handle this better. shut rowe up, keep the loudmouths at bay. instead of going on tv, y not send a cease and desist to oxman and brown? try to MINIMIZE the crap coming out NOT by going on tv urself but shutting up those who are sp eaking. how hard is that?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

As much as I despise Joe Jackson, I think the media asks for him to do interviews to make him look bad.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Coming up next on CNN 360 (if someone mentioned it then I'm sorry) is Randy Jackson who believes Michael's dr is at fault.

Does anybody have a link for this?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

A summary of people running around with drug stories
I shortened your post, but very well summed up :yes:

As for Joe... well he's better off staying away from the media imo.
Let's just keep it at that.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

We have Moonwalk the movie and the Wiz. :)
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

the media will always look bad and they want the family to speak b/c toy issaying something and so is tito so now is their time to say what or how they feel. problem is, they should have someone convey it FOR them not do it themselves.

it's common sense but i think every thing's so jakked up right now that no one is really thinking straight. just, i gotta get on tv and straighten this shit out myself. and this is what happens when u do that
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I think a lot of this critisism of AEG is down to the fact that Joe and the brothers wanted Michael to do the Allgood Entertainment concert. I think Michael wanted to get rid of all the hangers on and focus on his rehearsals, and with AEG putting such a huge investment in, I think their management would have been more professional than Rowe and the legion of useless hangers on who attached themselves to Michael.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Everybody had something to gain from Michael Jackson including AEG, Dileo, Rowe (if he weren't fired), and everybody else in the deal. There were people suing Michael Jackson to get in on this multimillion dollar deal.

Everybody has their own reasons for saying what they're saying.

By the way, Rowe needed to get money himself:

R. Kelly awarded multimillion dollar judgment against promoter Leonard Rowe

Arbitrator Richard P. Byrne, a retired California Superior Court judge, awarded R&B superstar R. Kelly $3.4 million in damages from tour promoter Leonard Rowe, according to a court document filed in Los Angeles Superior Court. Atlanta-based Rowe promoted Kelly's 35-city Double Up tour last fall and winter.

After Rowe failed to pay Kelly several million dollars in tour proceeds that he was owed, Kelly began legal proceedings against Rowe while he was still on tour last February. In essence, Kelly, not wanting to disappoint his fans, performed for free.

"I agreed to let Leonard Rowe promote my tour because he convinced me he was an underdog who deserved a chance to prove himself," Kelly said in a statement. "Like the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished."

Rowe has also been the target of a series of lawsuits filed by investors who accused him of bilking them out of hundreds of thousands of dollars by selling them non-existent shares in the Double Up tour. Kelly's contract with Rowe expressly barred the promoter from selling off shares in Kelly's shows without the singer's permission.

In his ruling, Byrne determined that Rowe had sold shares without Kelly's knowledge or consent. As a result, in addition to awarding Kelly $3,397,410.38 in monetary damages, Byrne also ordered Rowe to take full responsibility for all the lawsuits.
Source: http://www.ticketnews.com/R-Kelly-awarded-multimillion-dollar-judgment-against-Leonard-Rowe1087402

Ne-Yo Wins $700,000 In Lawsuit Against R. Kelly Tour Promoter
Rowe Entertainment, which did not answer lawsuit, is ordered to pay R&B singer.

Ne-Yo has settled a $700,000 lawsuit filed in January against tour promoter Rowe Entertainment after he was dropped from an R. Kelly tour in late 2007, according to The Associated Press.

The young singer claimed that he was dropped from the tour after just two shows because he was upstaging R. Kelly; a rep for Kelly denied that claim and maintained that the matter was a contractual issue between Ne-Yo and the promoter. Kelly was not named in the lawsuit.

After Rowe Entertainment failed to respond to the lawsuit, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Malcolm Mackey ordered the company to pay Ne-Yo $700,320 last week.

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1593971/20080903/ne_yo.jhtml


And ultimately this could have been the reason why he was fired and may not have had anything at all to do with AEG or control or whatever.

I'm just gonna say it: Rowe is pissed because he didn't get a chance to stay in there long enough to get as much money as possible off Mike like everybody else.
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

actually the family maintained that they did NOT know what age was talking about and that dileo didn't represent them so how could he promise the whole family to do a show when at best, MAYBE he represented mj and him alone?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

They are all the same. Leonard Rowe, Joe, all wanted a piece of Michael. They make me sick with their long time friend crap, I wasn't allowed near Michael. I wonder why that was Joe. Please. Long time history of Michael keeping you away from him. They can fabricate anything now that he is dead. All a power struggle, they wanted to control Michael but didn't get their way. You don't need to be einstein to see that. Even my own Mother could see that. She was rolling her eyes to heaven.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

So Tito wasn't on tv.They were talking about the article.Thanks for the link.

Yeah, Tito wasn't there, they were just talking about what he said in the interview.. I guess in light of the allegations by Joe and Leonard it was just further proof that lots of things went terribly wrong in the time leading up to MJs death...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

who is that plastic woman at the end?

That woman's face scared the living tar out of me lastnight! Damn! it's been pulled, nipped and tucked so tightly. She had absolutely no facial expressions at all. Damn!

I agree with those who have said, Joe jackson shouldn't do anymore tv interviews. Larry King treated joe as if he were a joke which is why no one in the media seems to take him seriously and with respect. Lastnight's interview was Joe at his worst in my opinion, However I still can not dismiss the information that was given by Leonard nor what Joe said in the end about Dr. Tohme.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Her skin looked really really weird too. Shiny and patchy orange.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

upload the tightness? ew go to dlisted.com and they have iris on there. so gross
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I have trouble believing Joe when it comes to much of anything. When it comes down to abuse or spanking - it's either believe Joe or believe Michael. One thing I will never forget about that Bashit interview is when he asked Michael about Joe. I'll never forget how distressed Michael was and that he described Katherine saying, "Joe, stop, you're killing him". I completely believe Michael when he says he was abused. Also, Michael has always had issues with insomnia - it has always come up, and it was reported that Michael did use Diprivan in the past during tours. And I read very interesting article about Diprivan written way before the connection with Michael which could shed some light on why Michael wanted that in particular for his insomnia. It's about doctors/anesthesiologists who abused it themselves, but Michael would have had to have someone else give it to him.

Talbott has seen a growing number of propofol abusers over the last two years, Dr. Earley said. Almost all of them have been anesthesiologists; the majority appear to be women. Many have admitted to a history of psychological or physical trauma, such as rape or childhood sexual abuse—which may help explain the drug’s appeal, Dr. Earley said. “What it’s best at is why it’s used in anesthesia—making people unconscious. It’s somewhat dissociative, and can lead to an out-of-body sensation.”

“Propofol is a drug that in a sense doesn’t get you high,” said Omar S. Manejwala, MD, associate medical director at the William J. Farley Center at Williamsburg Place, an addiction treatment clinic in Virginia that, like Talbott, also focuses on physicians. “It blocks out the world,”

In his experience, Dr. Manejwala said, nearly every propofol addict started injecting to overcome persistent insomnia. That aspect of the medication fits neatly with the link both Drs. Manejwala and Earley have observed between propofol abuse and a history of trauma. “One of the hallmark symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD] is hyperarousal. Folks with PTSD want to block that out,” Dr. Manejwala said.

What’s puzzling, experts said, is the strength of the connection. “I don’t know of any other drug where the perceived incidence of trauma, particularly of sexual trauma [in abusers], is so high,” Dr. Manejwala said. “It’s really quite remarkable.”

So IMO it is very likely Michael did suffer from posttraumatic stress syndrome. First from his childhood beatings from his father, and probably second from the trial.

This all makes me believe Michael rather than Joe. And if Joe is lying to make himself look good on one thing, I have to question everything he puts out there.

Most interesting to me is Dr. Tohme - he did AEG deal AND he screwed Michael over with the auction. Then Dr. Murray - I wonder if there was a connection between the two. I want to know exactly how Michael got involved with Dr. Murray. As for Joe and Rowe - well, IMO they are both shady as hell and not coming out with facts.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

However I still can not dismiss the information that was given by Leonard nor what Joe said in the end about Dr. Tohme.

Why not? Like they are upright people? Not to say that Tohme is either but don't understand why you have to believe them. Is the world gone bonkers. Michael was surely right, the more you hear a lie the more you believe it. The attention seekers and leeches are all over the media. They must be telling the truth.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Wonder how much he's getting for it. He won't do anything unless he's getting money. Hate the man.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I can't understand what he is talking.Can someone make a subtitle please?Joe is really bad talker.