7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Yes thanks _ they were shot down



Rowe was trying to set himself in a position to sue AEG
by making these allegations stating MJ was forced out of
a deal with him .. DUH We know MJ did not want that deal
or a reunion at this time _he made an official statement to
that fact .. months before he even announced his TII shows

Rowe is just disgruntled becuase him and Joe couldnt get their
hands in the pot _ they wanted MJ for the ALLgood J5 show
and then when they learned about TII there eyes got even bigger ..

thats when Rowe posted on his website he was Michael financial manager
and promoter_ this was After MJ already distanced himself announced the TII.

They then had a meeting after that _I believe as the Psalms hotel with MJ and AEG
and that is where they were informed they were NOT Mjs promoters or managers and
to cease ..MJ was thereand Rowe is saying MJ was not able to make that decision
becuase he was drugged and was forced by AEG ... Thats ridiculas .. We saw MJ
strut into that meeting with his team ..

ROWE/Allgood/ was then trying to sue MJ and block the concerts _remember the
suite allgood was bringing against MJ/AEG they stated they wanted to be a part
of TII and have some financial interest in it also _ ROWE

Thats why MJ had his security deny Rowe access to him
becuase they were trying to pressure him into a deal with them
which MJ did NOT want _

Remember even before the TII was announced_ months before MJ stated
he was not interested in doing a reunion and that he was preparing to bring
his own projects to light .. that was his first announcement to distance
himself from any re-union with J5 ...

MJ may have at one time considered doing a reunion but _ when he decided to
do his OWN project with AEG _ he put them on the back burner - he hadnt finalised
ANY deal with them - there was no contract .. they have Never produced one .. only
a speculative deal to try and secure the jacksons which was NEVER finalised or signed
by MJ or the Jacksons.

Rowe and Joe's agenda here was all about $$$$$$$$
there is not other reason _ for Rowes allegations
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

See that's the thing, so many friends of Michael came out and said that they had spoken to him not long before he died and they talked about how happy and pumped he was about the shows.

Even his fans were around him up until the night before he died. Makes me wonder if security blocked Joe off or MICHAEL HIMSELF did it.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

See that's the thing, so many friends of Michael came out and said that they had spoken to him not long before he died and they talked about how happy and pumped he was about the shows.

Even his fans were around him up until the night before he died. Makes me wonder if security blocked Joe off or MICHAEL HIMSELF did it.

I agree. Tito even said he had been stopped form seeing Michael at times. Who made that decision?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

This is still so frustrating... the waiting, the interviews, the lies, the trying to make a buck... sick of it.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Tbh, I thought Rowe sounded like a 6-year-old talking to other 6-year-olds. He was ridiculous. And Joe seemed really cold an unaffected. And of course, full of lies and bullshit.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe's son died a few weeks ago yet you would never know it by that interview.
Re: What about Leonard Rowe?

Yesterday i saw the re-airing of Larry King Live with Joe Jackson and Leonard Rowe. And i was shocked by everything Leonard Rowe said. I don't see it being discussed here...but damn, this can be called a huge bombshell.
If it's all true. Watch the videos for it i'd say.



No I really dont trust Joe or Rowe
I dont think its true at all _It was creepy
and they were scheaming $$$$$$$$_

Here Larry Kings interview the following night
Reaction and rebuttle To Joe and Rowes Interview

Joe doesnt even have access to his own family or know whats going on
he doesnt know anythign about MJ _didnt go to his private funeral
doesnt know where Mjs body is _ and hasnt even read the private
autopsy report the family has _ he said no one gave it to him yet DUH !!!
he isnt interested in that _ He is interested in promoting his own endevours

he just had another creepy interview
stating he is carrying on Mjs legacy by promoting other artists
he is using Mj for his own gain _ he could care less about Mjs legacy
except for how he can benefit from it ...

This is Joe and Rowe _ Birds of a feather flock together
stating he was cheated out of a deal with MJ becuas of AEG :LOL:
I really dont think MJ would put Rowe/Joe in charge of his finances or promotion
he may have been discussing a J5 concert with them at one time _but never finalised
it _ he had bigger fish to fry :)

This has nothing to do with the Jackson family or what they think
ITs JOE who also stated in that interview he never beat or mistrated
Michael .... Pleeeease

Im sure MJ blocked Joe himself ... he didnt want the aggravation
of Joe and Rowe - when he was trying to work on his own project
It wasnt the first time he has done that _ He is an artist .. and
when he is in the creative mode _ he dosnt want interfearance to
block his creativity or inspiration _ especially them .. Im sure
MJ cared about his dad but _ he knows what his dad is all about
and didnt want any part of it ...
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

riiiiiiiight mj kept people away from himself..even his mama? nope....

when ur doing something wrong, and allowing others to see it will show ur ass, u try to minimize those around what ur doing. and that's what happened. they knew they were cheating mj, screwing him over and the more eyes on them, the worse it would be for their schemes
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Another thing to note how they say it "could have" prompted MJ to have surgery but really they don't know which is nothing more than speculation which incase you haven't heard does not equal facts and noone knows how much he had. Can't wait for michael to be laid to rest.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

They have shown this interview about four or five times now. It was on yesterday morning & this morning too.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Just by the way Rowe was talking you could tell he was shifty.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

what I'm wondering about with AEG is Tohme. Because Tohme was responsible for that Julian's auction debacle and when Michael realized what was really going down, he managed to get it stopped, but it was a near thing. Wondering if Tohme did the same thing with AEG but the tickets were sold and it couldn't be stopped. Same type of problem, same person involved - just sayin.

and now it seems Tohme is the ex of Jermaine's current wife... and Jermaine keeps pushing for Michael to be buried at Neverland, which would result in more profit if Tohme's friends at Colony Capital(who own Neverland) were to open it to the public like Graceland.