7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

everytime joe speaks i wish someone would super-glue his lips shut. hes just creepy and evil. i wish the media would stop seeking him out
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Lisa B,

I completely agree with you. I am very upset at those 'so called friends".
I hope not to have friends like that. So when you die, people can come and say whatever they want about you, true or untrue and nobody refutes it. Shame!!!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

i think thats what is so shocking to so many of us. that even in death people are not treating michael with the dignity and respect he deserves. its really shocking to me that people can be so twisted and greedy and desperate for money and attention that the life of someone so beautiful can be turned into a media sport. its sick!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The interview could have been a whole not better. Larry King is a rubbish interviewer in my opinion..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The shows were never back to back. They were 50 shows spread out over five months with a break in between. That's 10 shows a month. It's nothing like what Michael was doing during his previous tours where he was doing the show, hotel, show, plane, show, hotel, show, plane, show, hotel, show, plane routine. If this information about Michael not wanting to perform 50 shows were coming from someone more credible, then it would be easier for us to believe it. Seth Riggs, who I'm sure has nothing to gain from Michael's death, has stated flat out that Michael couldn't wait to do these gigs. Mark Lester, a friend of Michael's, has said that Michael was so excited about these concerts in London.

but mark lesters own daughter in last weeks UK NOW! magazine said that MJ had said to her in March that infamous line about "i went to be thinking i was doing 10 and woke up and it was 50"

I KNOW that 50 is less than his previous tours. and i KNOW that theres no travelling, no hotels, no jet lag etc etc.. but MJ hasnt performed in YEARS. hes had a catalogue of health problems, especially back problems. thats MAJOR for someone who is a dancer.. whos stage routine relies on them being agile.

in 2005 he faced something more mentally and phsically draining than any one of us can even attempt to begin to comprehend. he never returned to the home he loved and created. he had NO IDEA how his body or mental health would hold up. i cannot fathom how a perfectionist (which is what MJ is) would agree to 50 shows in one venue... sorry, but there is no way in my mind that MJ ever ever wanted that. and the stress of this is what led to all this...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

i cannot fathom how a perfectionist (which is what MJ is) would agree to 50 shows in one venue... sorr
he didnt agree if u believe what mj told fans and the quote from marks daughter.oncethe tickets were sold he really had no choice.AEG shafted him
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe Jackson and Rowe may have issues but I find it really twisted that they get so bashed for being shady and Roger Friedman who once upon a time was banned from MJJC because of all the malicious and cruel things he said about Michael, now suddenly his words are bond. Whether what he says now is fact or not, that doesn't change what HE has done to Michael in the past. He lacks just as much moral and ethical integrity as the rest of them.

In these moments of confusion I would have liked that Michael simply sit in a chair and began to speak his heart ... just like in this wonderful speech ....

[...] I have started reflecting on the fact that my father grew up in the South, in a very poor family. He came of age during the Depression and his own father, who struggled to feed his children, showed little affection towards his family and raised my father and his siblings with an iron fist. Who could have imagined what it was like to grow up a poor black man in the South, robbed of dignity, bereft of hope, struggling to become a man in a world that saw my father as subordinate. I was the first black artist to be played on MTV and I remember how big a deal it was even then. And that was in the 80s!

My father moved to Indiana and had a large family of his own, working long hours in the steel mills, work that kills the lungs and humbles the spirit, all to support his family. Is it any wonder that he found it difficult to expose his feelings? Is it any mystery that he hardened his heart, that he raised the emotional ramparts? And most of all, is it any wonder why he pushed his sons so hard to succeed as performers, so that they could be saved from what he knew to be a life of indignity and poverty?

I have begun to see that even my father's harshness was a kind of love, an imperfect love, to be sure, but love nonetheless. He pushed me because he loved me. Because he wanted no man ever to look down at his offspring.

And now with time, rather than bitterness, I feel blessing. In the place of anger, I have found absolution. And in the place of revenge I have found reconciliation. And my initial fury has slowly given way to forgiveness.

Almost a decade ago, I founded a charity called Heal the World. The title was something I felt inside me. Little did I know, as Shmuley later pointed out, that those two words form the cornerstone of Old Testament prophecy. Do I really believe that we can heal this world, that is riddled with war and genocide, even today? And do I really think that we can heal our children, the same children who can enter their schools with guns and hatred and shoot down their classmates, like they did at Columbine? Or children who can beat a defenceless toddler to death, like the tragic story of Jamie Bulger? Of course I do, or I wouldn't be here tonight.

But it all begins with forgiveness, because to heal the world, we first have to heal ourselves. And to heal the kids, we first have to heal the child within, each and every one of us. As an adult, and as a parent, I realise that I cannot be a whole human being, nor a parent capable of unconditional love, until I put to rest the ghosts of my own childhood.

And that's what I'm asking all of us to do tonight. Live up to the fifth of the Ten Commandments. Honour your parents by not judging them. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

That is why I want to forgive my father and to stop judging him. I want to forgive my father, because I want a father, and this is the only one that I've got. I want the weight of my past lifted from my shoulders and I want to be free to step into a new relationship with my father, for the rest of my life, unhindered by the goblins of the past.

In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.

To all of you tonight who feel let down by your parents, I ask you to let down your disappointment. To all of you tonight who feel cheated by your fathers or mothers, I ask you not to cheat yourself further. And to all of you who wish to push your parents away, I ask you to extend you hand to them instead. I am asking you, I am asking myself, to give our parents the gift of unconditional love, so that they too may learn how to love from us, their children. So that love will finally be restored to a desolate and lonely world. [...]

Oxford University, March 2001

Thank you for posting this, words never so true.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I am asking myself, to give our parents the gift of unconditional love,
okay, may be Michael gave, but he gave him not his money. Well done, Michael. At least something.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

he didnt agree if u believe what mj told fans and the quote from marks daughter.oncethe tickets were sold he really had no choice.AEG shafted him

what I'm wondering about with AEG is Tohme. Because Tohme was responsible for that Julian's auction debacle and when Michael realized what was really going down, he managed to get it stopped, but it was a near thing. Wondering if Tohme did the same thing with AEG but the tickets were sold and it couldn't be stopped. Same type of problem, same person involved - just sayin.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

This is quite nauseating. If they're interested in more info from the doc then our suspicions are confirmed. damn...

Investigators want more info from Jackson doc

LOS ANGELES – The lawyer for Michael Jackson's doctor says Los Angeles County coroner's investigators are seeking additional information from his client.

Ed Chernoff, who represents Conrad Murray, the physician who tended to Jackson as he was dying on June 25, has already been interviewed twice by Los Angeles police detectives. In a statement posted on his Web site late Tuesday, Murray said the coroner's office was seeking more information.

A cause of death has yet to be determined for the pop star.
Chernoff did not immediately return a message, but his spokeswoman Miranda Sevcik says the interview might happen Friday. She says Murray is currently in Las Vegas, where he has a medical office.
A message left at the coroner's office was not immediately returned.

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

he didnt agree if u believe what mj told fans and the quote from marks daughter.oncethe tickets were sold he really had no choice.AEG shafted him

I have a hard time believing that Michael would not have seen the outcome of this tour decision i.e. 10 dates sold out they would add more. He is an extremely astute business man.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

U knew it was gonna come to this.. something does NOT add up. The only thing I'm concerned about is that there is nothing DEFINITE. Like YES we're taking this man in, yes he's in custody, yes he's being charged. I mean WE don't know the results of the tox reports but I want to think that someone does, at least preliminary results that would be enough to take this POS in and arrest him. I guess we're just gonna have to wait...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Just watching this on youtube now ,Does Joe not live in Havenhurst anymore ,he said he doesnt see much of the kids because they are in LA and hes in Vegas ,so is this his way of saying he and Katherine do not live together anymore.He seems like an outsider ,doesnt seem like a father talking about his child at all.
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

God, Joe is unbelievable o_O The interview was sooo W.E.I.R.D. The way he speaks... I'm just speechless. And Larry had to remind him all the time that he is Michael's father!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

U knew it was gonna come to this.. something does NOT add up. The only thing I'm concerned about is that there is nothing DEFINITE. Like YES we're taking this man in, yes he's in custody, yes he's being charged. I mean WE don't know the results of the tox reports but I want to think that someone does, at least preliminary results that would be enough to take this POS in and arrest him. I guess we're just gonna have to wait...

I'm speculating but I think there are higher powers at work here (and not God) -- maybe big money people who are pulling strings. The longer they drag this out the more conclusions the public will draw. It feels like someone is working out a dire scheme to pull the wool over our eyes. Maybe they're afraid of the fan reaction when we find out the truth.

I can't help but to think the worst of this situation. You know the tox reports are already out and whoever THEY are they know the truth of what happened to Michael.

I hate this...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I'm speculating but I think there are higher powers at work here (and not God) -- maybe big money people who are pulling strings. The longer they drag this out the more conclusions the public will draw. It feels like someone is working out a dire scheme to pull the wool over our eyes. Maybe they're afraid of the fan reaction when we find out the truth.

I can't help but to think the worst of this situation. You know the tox reports are already out and whoever THEY are they know the truth of what happened to Michael.

I hate this...

I wouldn't be surprised. I WANT to hope that the delay is because they actually want to make SURE they are getting the most accurate reporting about what was in MJs body and then go from there making arrests and whatever..but I wouldn't be surprised if something else is afoot as well. What kinda big money people you talking about though? AEG maybe?

I almost want to think though that in this day and age where information like that is leaked left and right that if the tox reports were out there somewhere, conclusive reports... we'd know. U know? One way or another.. TMZ, one of the new medias leaking it.. something. I want to believe that they are just holding off on conclusive results so they know for SURE. I wanna believe that. I wanna believe a whole lot of things... All I know is that nothing is certain right now. :(
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I think it is obvious that Joe had very little involvement with Michael and knows very little about anything else in his life.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I wouldn't be surprised. I WANT to hope that the delay is because they actually want to make SURE they are getting the most accurate reporting about what was in MJs body and then go from there making arrests and whatever..but I wouldn't be surprised if something else is afoot as well. What kinda big money people you talking about though? AEG maybe?

I almost want to think though that in this day and age where information like that is leaked left and right that if the tox reports were out there somewhere, conclusive reports... we'd know. U know? One way or another.. TMZ, one of the new medias leaking it.. something. I want to believe that they are just holding off on conclusive results so they know for SURE. I wanna believe that. I wanna believe a whole lot of things... All I know is that nothing is certain right now. :(

I'm not really thinking AEG. That's too obvious. I don't want to say because I'd feel guilty if I'm full of crap.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

There's a bunch of quotes in here I want to respond to and I've managed to write book asa result. My apologies. :fear: I'll split the posts so it's not too much. If you're not in the mood for a bunch of blah blah blah...please scroll past. eek!

Think about this. Does Leonard Rowe look or sound like someone who Michael would associate his FINANCIAL BUSINESS with? Rowe was Joe's business partner. Just think about Don King and the Victory Tour...

Well, we know he actually DID hire Rowe becuz we saw the contract/letter back when Allgood Ent. were threatening to sue someone over the Reunion tour. Michael DID hire this guy (contract supposedly says March 25th). My theory is that Michael got nervous about his obligation to the AEG (the 50 shows) and was desperate for anyone he knew to come in and try to "fix" the situation. If Tohme screwed up the deal by agreeing to the 50 shows without his consent then he needed someone else to come in and help. I remember just before Rowe came in there had been some discussion and concern (maybe days before his press release about repping MJ) about an article that came out and showed a conflict of interest regarding Tohme.

Elusivemoonwalker might remember the article becuz we were both very vocal about conflict of interests issues. I'll have to hunt the article down later...no time at the mo. Turns out Colony and AEG may have been in bed together in some way regarding the shows and MJ's finances/the Ranch. This put Tohme Tohme in a conflicting position becuz he was the negotiator of the AEG contract AND he was an employee of Colony Capital.

I'm thinking now that "maybe" Michael realized there was a conflict, too becuz it couldn't have been more than a week later he brought in an outside person unassociated with AEG and Colony to keep an eye on things. Great decision, imo, but his choice of savior turned out to be questionable at best (Rowe...and by extension Joe). Damn.

The other part of my theory is that after finding out about Rowe's past...which set this board on fire when the Rowe's press release came out...word may have gotten back to Michael that Rowe wasn't the ideal person to be looking after his money. Enter Frank Dileo who, days later, commented that Rowe wasn't in charge afterall. Perhaps Michael, realizing his mistake, had quietly called in Frank as back-up...either to keep an eye on Rowe or to replace Tohme. It's possibly Rowe was kept on long enuf until they found another outside person to oversee Michael's money...enter John Branca.

My thinking is that the May 15th powow at the Beverly Hills Hotel was the meeting where AEG got a handle on WHO was really in charge of things, who they should be dealing with (Rowe, Dileo, Tohme), and what was really going on with the Allgood situation. Looks like it was then decided that Rowe, if there was any question about his involvement, needed to be axed...and days letter it was done (May 20th letter). He says he didn't get the letter, but he it's interesting that he didn't mention Michael calling him after that date. We know MJ was allowed to call whoever he wanted. He called Deepak to send him a potential song about the environment. We heard from "trustworthy" fans that Michael was even calling fans at his own will, so if he never once picked up the phone to call Rowe about anything else concerning his biz after May 15th, then that should tell all of us and should have told Rowe something. He was defintetly O-U-T. And if we remember the "threatening-toned" article that later came out, Randy Phillips let it be known that AEG was now dealing with Dileo. So Tohme was definitely O-U-T. And he, too was still claiming to be in charge of things and whatnot AFTER he was let go (May 5th). So I'm guessing that Beverly Hills Hotel meeting cleared the air for AEG as far as which manager was on first base and who was on second, etc.

My point...There were a lot of ppl in the picture claiming to represent Michael who really were at certain times and then were not at certain times. The problem is some of them didn't want to believe they were fired, or rather, continued to portray that they were still hired. Had it not been for a letter shown during the Allgood debacle that indicated Rowe indeed had a contract with Michael, most of us would have never been the wiser becuz the news had been denied...or at best left unanswered completely. Translation: We just never know what's really going on behind the scenes...until we see the paperwork...and even then ppl still lie about stuff and overstep their authority.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I believed michael agreed to 10 shows, be relistic about it 50 shows that close together, I thought that was to many show before all this happped and I was concern about him doing those many shows so close together, I dont trust aeg or dr thome, dr thome I read before is the one that arrange the tours with aeg and thome brought dr murray on board which aeg was paying the bill, dr thome fired some of the people that was working for michael and said he did it to get michael finance in order, somthing is up with that, like latoya said the people around michael were trying to control him, somthing happen with michael and thome michael fired thome, and ask rowe for his help leonard rowe said michael ask him to stregth the shows out, and he only agreed to 10 shows, and that is the number of shows that came out of michael said during the press meeting. michael announced 10 shows not 30 or 50, I believed they were trying to control michael rowe said they were blocking him and joe from seeing michael. and when rowe did finally get a change to see michael again he said michael was to thin and he told joe and randy and they were going to try and help michael. but they did not get to him in time.

@ the bolded parts... Tohme didn't bring in Murray. It was said that one of Michael's bodyguard's referred the doctor to Michael becuz Michael had just arrived in Vegas and one of his kids was ill. No, Murray isn't a pediatrician. He's a cardiologist. Cardiology is his specialty BUT he can practice general medicine as a regular doctor/pediatrician would for common ailments. The interesting thing about this is that it's been rumored that the bodyguard(s) Murray has protecting him now were guards who had worked for MJ. No confirmation on that but if it was a guard who referred the doctor, perhaps that same guard is now protecting the doctor. hmmm....might be interesting if someone could follow up on that.

Second bolded part.... Joe nor Rowe were being blocked. We saw pix of both Joe and Rowe arriving at Michael's home in April for Paris' birthday so he's a friggin' liar that he didn't have access. Joe was let in, not sure if Rowe was, but IF Michael wanted Rowe in his house, there was no one from AEG who could have stopped that. Think about it. I mean REALLY think about it. And then they had that meeting in May...only a month later. My theory, Michael changed his mind about Rowe and took his time letting him go. Michael could have called Rowe anytime he liked. If communication stopped then maybe Michael wanted it stopped. If Michael thought his calls were being monitored, he could have called Rowe from Klein's office, Elizabeth's house...used a fan's phone. Come on, now.

As for the 50 shows, StephluvsMJ's post said it best.

The shows were never back to back. They were 50 shows spread out over five months with a break in between. That's 10 shows a month. It's nothing like what Michael was doing during his previous tours where he was doing the show, hotel, show, plane, show, hotel, show, plane, show, hotel, show, plane routine. If this information about Michael not wanting to perform 50 shows were coming from someone more credible, then it would be easier for us to believe it. Seth Riggs, who I'm sure has nothing to gain from Michael's death, has stated flat out that Michael couldn't wait to do these gigs. Mark Lester, a friend of Michael's, has said that Michael was so excited about these concerts in London. I think it's only natural for Michael to have doubted that he could pull off 50 shows after 12 years of doing nothing. If I were Michael, I'd probably be doubting myself too. Getting back into work after a long time is a tough thing to do, because you have to get used to the routine again. But everyone from Seth Riggs, to Kenny Ortega, to dancers and musicians, have stated that Michael was ready, willing and able to kill it at the O2. We saw the video of him rehearsing 2 dies before he died, you're telling me he couldn't pull it off?

I'm thinking he got cold feet, too and possibly suspected he might not be able to pull it off. Maybe telling ppl the "10 shows when I went to sleep and 50 the next morning" story was his way of preparing ppl for the possibility that he might not complete all 50. Just speculation on my part, of course.

Oh and I read something last night about Michael getting stage fright often and Liz Taylor telling him he just needed to get out there and do it and believe in himself. < It was much more detailed and eloquent but that's the gist. Most performers get nervous before a show. Actors go through the same thing thinking "I can't do this" and end up doing it. For Michael to make a comeback at 50 was probably half terror half exhilaration. The last part was because that's what he's made of and he'd get to take the stage again and do what was so natural to him. The first half might have been subjecting himself fresh to the media again - who I hate, by the way. Ok not real hate but I hate what they've done to him.

I agree with this. It also reminds me of 2 other ppl who seem to sense Michael was nervous. After the shows sold out, Randy Phillips DID make a comment about if he had to carry MJ out on the stage himself, he would. That struck me as odd at the time that he thought he might have to. What would make him think that unless Michael expressed some hesitance at being able to do it. He said Michael was lacking confidence. And then Lionel Richie said the same thing very soon afterwards....that he had talked with Michael and Michael was nervous. He also said made a comment similar to Randy's stating if he had to carry Michael out on that stage he would...or something to that effect...and he knew once Michael was out there he'd be fine. Interesting.

but mark lesters own daughter in last weeks UK NOW! magazine said that MJ had said to her in March that infamous line about "i went to be thinking i was doing 10 and woke up and it was 50"

I KNOW that 50 is less than his previous tours. and i KNOW that theres no travelling, no hotels, no jet lag etc etc.. but MJ hasnt performed in YEARS. hes had a catalogue of health problems, especially back problems. thats MAJOR for someone who is a dancer.. whos stage routine relies on them being agile.

in 2005 he faced something more mentally and phsically draining than any one of us can even attempt to begin to comprehend. he never returned to the home he loved and created. he had NO IDEA how his body or mental health would hold up. i cannot fathom how a perfectionist (which is what MJ is) would agree to 50 shows in one venue... sorry, but there is no way in my mind that MJ ever ever wanted that. and the stress of this is what led to all this...

I agree with your points about why Michael may have not felt confident, but I want to say AEG couldn't screw MJ by themselves. Someone had to help make that happen by either not understanding the deal or reading the deal before they let Michael sign it. If Tohme purposely misled Michael then Tohme is a co-conspirator in deceiving him. However, let's say Michael was aware and got cold feet... again, he could've been saying what he was saying to prepare ppl for him possibly not getting thru all 50 or needing to pull out of doing all 50.

The issue is whether it was 10 shows or 50, if he wasn't eating properly, getting adequate hydration or monitoring his intake of prescription meds that he may have needed to deal with legitimate health issues, or risking his life by using propofol to shut his mind off at night, he was going to have difficulty completing these shows. Being skinny does not kill people...unless they are anorexic in the worst way. However, not eating enuf to keep the body going, not keeping hydrated and possibly mismanaging medication...all these things together, CAN kill someone. That's more stress than the body needs along with any outside pressures being put on him.

What I think may be in dispute is the 50 dates in one place. THAT would make more of a legitimate complaint than anything. 50 shows in one place didn't really make sense UNLESS there was a record they were after. Otherwise, the 50 shows really should have been spread out over various countries. Had that been Michael's gripe, I could totally see it. I doubt there's a fan on here who wouldn't have agreed with that.

he didnt agree if u believe what mj told fans and the quote from marks daughter.oncethe tickets were sold he really had no choice.AEG shafted him

AEG and Tohme shafted him. Either Michael was in the dark...altho being the perfectionist that he was, I can't see it...OR he was purposely misled...IF that story is true.

what I'm wondering about with AEG is Tohme. Because Tohme was responsible for that Julian's auction debacle and when Michael realized what was really going down, he managed to get it stopped, but it was a near thing. Wondering if Tohme did the same thing with AEG but the tickets were sold and it couldn't be stopped. Same type of problem, same person involved - just sayin.

And if this is the case, I can understand Michael's stress. Point is those shows didn't go from 10 to 50 in one night. It was 10 to 30. And then 30 to 50. If there was a problem, right after the first 30 went on presale, Michael or Tohme should have said STOP. There's enuf blame and negligence to go around here IF Michael was only to do 10 shows and ended up obligated for 50. No matter how we slice it or want to blame one person, more than one is at fault for this...IF true. I hate to say it becuz it's unfortunate and Michael has lost his life :( , but that's a hard reality here...imo.

Having said all that, if Michael lost his life mainly becuz of propofol and nothing else...then everything else becomes moot. The blame rests with WHOEVER was giving him this and WHOEVER knew about it and condoned it for the sake of protecting their investment. Now THAT is where I think some folks may go down the river and be held responsible for Michael's death.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Rowe - I've never seen him before but damn he seems like just the kind of slimy SOB that Joe would be hanging around. Just a shady nasty looking character. What's his story?

He seemed like an idiot to me. LOL!

I had to finally turn the interview off. All of them were getting on my nerves, more so the guests than Larry.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry WAS annoying with the abuse questions. He just set Joe up to look stupid and Joe walked right into it by saying he never beat Michael or made any mistakes. smh. Every parent makes mistakes. Not acknowledging that says a lot, imo. And Larry has a tendency to ask elementary questions that should be a given. His interviewing style can be all over the place.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry does go too far sometimes but sometimes his elementary questions seem to be asked to give the person a chance to clear the record themselves. As you have pointed out, Wendy2004, Joe failed the test. He never admits he made mistakes.

Larry WAS annoying with the abuse questions. He just set Joe up to look stupid and Joe walked right into it by saying he never beat Michael or made any mistakes. smh. Every parent makes mistakes. Not acknowledging that says a lot, imo. And Larry has a tendency to ask elementary questions that should be a given. His interviewing style can be all over the place.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry WAS annoying with the abuse questions. He just set Joe up to look stupid and Joe walked right into it by saying he never beat Michael or made any mistakes. smh. Every parent makes mistakes. Not acknowledging that says a lot, imo. And Larry has a tendency to ask elementary questions that should be a given. His interviewing style can be all over the place.

Joe set himself up to look stupid. When Larry asked him if he had any regrets or if he felt guilty about anything, we all knew exactly what he was referring to.. he gave Joe a chance to redeem himself but he didn't.

Joe doesn't think that he abused Michael.. if he doesn't by now then he never will. That's more disturbing to me than Larry's questions.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe set himself up to look stupid. When Larry asked him if he had any regrets or if he felt guilty about anything, we all knew exactly what he was referring to.. he gave Joe a chance to redeem himself but he didn't.

Joe doesn't think that he abused Michael.. if he doesn't by now then he never will. That's more disturbing to me than Larry's questions.

I completely agree with that. No doubt.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Just watching this on youtube now ,Does Joe not live in Havenhurst anymore ,he said he doesnt see much of the kids because they are in LA and hes in Vegas ,so is this his way of saying he and Katherine do not live together anymore.He seems like an outsider ,doesnt seem like a father talking about his child at all.

I agree.

I did read how Joe and Katherine are indeed separated. Is this true? Anyone know?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe lives in Vegas, has for a few years now...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Having said all that, if Michael lost his life mainly becuz of propofol and nothing else...then everything else becomes moot. The blame rests with WHOEVER was giving him this and WHOEVER knew about it and condoned it for the sake of protecting their investment. Now THAT is where I think some folks may go down the river and be held responsible for Michael's death.

Wendy breaking it DOWN in this thread...

And you're right about the above.. although I almost want to say that if this entire thing wasn't so stressful for MJ he might not have needed the propofol in the first place. I mean we all know he didn't NEED it, but he may have thought he needed it you know? The man was being pulled in a million different directions, confidence wavering, 50 shows, Joe coming out the woodwork, arguments over money and who's handling the finances, who's in charge of what... Too much.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The following episode of Larry King contained reactions to Joe Jackson’s interview, in case you didn’t see it I have uploaded here:

