7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

^^ Amen.
I thought my family was messed up.
I have 4 sisters and 4 brothers.
My Dad's been married 7 times. My Mom 3.
I only have one full sibling out of all 8.
I guess it's not as crazy as I thought. At least we all get alone!!

That post was just cute LOL
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

It's true though.
I'm 25. I'm one of the youngest.

Anyways. Joe doesn't know what's going on. I think he's just talking out his *ss right now.

I'm not sure if I buy all the *Michael just did as he was told* B.S. I mean at 21 he told his Dad to take a hike. He fired people all the time.
On the other hand, if AEG did sign him up for 50 shows without telling him, he may have had a sh*t fit. Maybe they wanted to get rid of him cause they were freaking out that he wouldn't do any more than 10.
Money talks, sh*t walks.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight


if you believe what those two executives at sony say, he was easily maniuplated and so giving and eager to please and maybe naive and sometimes not thinkig propely..any of these reasons could cause as one of them said''for him to be pulled in all directiosn' i said in another post he was like a puppet and all different people were contrlling him for diff reasons for different gains ( or maybe all for same one?) but i think he was corrupted by people who promised him things he wanted but maybe shouldn't of had and saying yes to questions that were immaterial an unimportant in grand scheme of things...

he was like the cute child actor or a maths genius who was like no other in their profession and in a room with 10 of his biggest and loyal fans who were each told that they could all convince him at the same time to go out with them..they all pulling and fighting for his ear, his attention...all promsing things
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight


if you believe what those two executives at sony say, he was easily maniuplated and so giving and eager to please and maybe naive and sometimes not thinkig propely..any of these reasons could cause as one of them said''for him to be pulled in all directiosn' i said in another post he was like a puppet and all different people were contrlling him for diff reasons for different gains ( or maybe all for same one?) but i think he was corrupted by people who promised him things he wanted but maybe shouldn't of had and saying yes to questions that were immaterial an unimportant in grand scheme of things...

he was like the cute child actor or a maths genius who was like no other in their profession and in a room with 10 of his biggest and loyal fans who were each told that they could all convince him at the same time to go out with them..they all pulling and fighting for his ear, his attention...all promsing things

I don't think he was quiet as easy to B.S. as people are saying. If he was, he would have been in the sh*tter sooner than this.
I just think AEG was afraid he would pull the plug and leave them holding the million dollar bag.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

They are all the same. Leonard Rowe, Joe, all wanted a piece of Michael. They make me sick with their long time friend crap, I wasn't allowed near Michael. I wonder why that was Joe. Please. Long time history of Michael keeping you away from him. They can fabricate anything now that he is dead. All a power struggle, they wanted to control Michael but didn't get their way. You don't need to be einstein to see that. Even my own Mother could see that. She was rolling her eyes to heaven.

Well Michael didn't keep him away in May, when Joe & Katherine celebrated their 60th anniversary. The one Marlon said he last saw Michael.

Their relationship we'll never understand since Joe is a hard man to know. I believe Michael loved his father & Joe loved his son but Joe was not an affectionate man. And sometimes Michael didn't want to be around him when Joe got pushy on some deal. Joe somehow got lost in being a manager to his sons rather than a father at times.

But Michael said himself on the 2005 Geraldo interview that he's talked to his father about fatherhood & discovered how much he was like his father in some ways.

It's not like Michael just cut him out of his life. And we don't know what extent Michael's circle had in creating distance vs. Michael creating distance.

And I don't think Joe's saying everything on the up & up. He just doesn't want to tell Larry & TV Land about Michael's body & the autopsy. He had an agenda for going there & I think it was to implicate AEG & the doctor in the murder of Michael.

Shame he's not articulate enough to get that point across. Jermaine should have went on. Joe has no media training.
John Lucas
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

No i agree in his 20's and 30's he was the man, he as like james brown in a sense in how he controlled it all..but then he lost that grip...one of dirrerence betweetn those two and how they had their careers is james brown had to keep on working,to feed addictions too he was always somehow in contol if that makes sense..he got very paranoid and didn't trust anyone, but noone screwed him over because he wasn't as giving as michael and as naive perhaps..james brown had a big heart too but michael's was abnormally big and caring and on another level...20,30's into 40's he was assertaive, in control, maybe at times calculated and ruthless but he was in control with not even his dad getting in the way ..that is true...but again as i have said..around the trial or maybe seeds were planted be4...

He began losing grip on aspects of his life...james brown could do that but always find a way of getting it back because his career and life was not on the magtitude of michael jackson..Michael's pesonality and access to so many more people with all sorts of agends made him more vunerable and he became consumed by people and addictions in my opinion until he was a mere puppet...i believe this..you just gootta see how he acts and who is around him, but more importantly who is around him when the cameras are not on him...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

There's going to be a lot of pissed off fans if the allegations here on the board are even 50% accurate.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Let's get some things straight:Joe NEVER said MJ was an addict.In fact Joe denies knowing anything about MJ and drugs. Joe tries to make a distinction between beating (which he associates with slavery) and whipping which he owns up to. Ok. :) I know sometimes we get mad with Joe and his stubborn ways but let us not begin to disrespect this old man, the patriarch of the Jacksons.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

MORE on Larry King Live right now! "Explosive reactions to Joe Jacksons Comments" was the title....see ya
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I don't think people who blame AEG give Michael credit for having a mind of his own. They had nothing to gain by forcing an obviously sick or addicted person on stage and Michael was perfectly capable of knowing what he could and could not do.
I believed michael agreed to 10 shows, be relistic about it 50 shows that close together, I thought that was to many show before all this happped and I was concern about him doing those many shows so close together, I dont trust aeg or dr thome, dr thome I read before is the one that arrange the tours with aeg and thome brought dr murray on board which aeg was paying the bill, dr thome fired some of the people that was working for michael and said he did it to get michael finance in order, somthing is up with that, like latoya said the people around michael were trying to control him, somthing happen with michael and thome michael fired thome, and ask rowe for his help leonard rowe said michael ask him to stregth the shows out, and he only agreed to 10 shows, and that is the number of shows that came out of michael said during the press meeting. michael announced 10 shows not 30 or 50, I believed they were trying to control michael rowe said they were blocking him and joe from seeing michael. and when rowe did finally get a change to see michael again he said michael was to thin and he told joe and randy and they were going to try and help michael. but they did not get to him in time.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

OK so Friedman said that a "Movie" is coming out from the 100 hours of rehearsal footage and will open on October 30th.

Apparently Sony bought the footage for 60 million. They're projecting making $350 million. I project they make a heckuva lot more than that.

The footage will show how involved Michael was in all aspects of the concert and that he wasn't "forced" into 50 shows. They agreed to 31 and then added 19 more spread out over 9 months. I didn't know about the 9 months. *Sigh* crap...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

well how can joe and toy and them all say that they couldn't get to mj and something was happening and jermaine didn't say that?

something ain't right unless jermaine wasn't in on the alleged interventin but honestly, wtf?
not to say jermaine didnt know, It seem that jermaine did not want to talk about that, he just wanted to talk about all the good that michael has done, he was making sure it would not get over shadowed by the problem he may have had with prescription medication. Thats my understanding of it.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

LOL and Friedman said that the only people Michael was "actually blocking" was Joe and Rowe because they're both so shady.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

LOL and Friedman said that the only people Michael was "actually blocking" was Joe and Rowe because they're both so shady.

I believe 100% of what Friedman said. He has been on the money with everything related to Michael's death. Rowe and Joe are liars and someone needs to expose them.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

OK so Friedman said that a "Movie" is coming out from the 100 hours of rehearsal footage and will open on October 30th.

Apparently Sony bought the footage for 60 million. They're projecting making $350 million. I project they make a heckuva lot more than that.

The footage will show how involved Michael was in all aspects of the concert and that he wasn't "forced" into 50 shows. They agreed to 31 and then added 19 more spread out over 9 months. I didn't know about the 9 months. *Sigh* crap...

Does this money go to Michael's estate?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Does this money go to Michael's estate?

Well Friedman said, "90% of it goes to Michael's estate and 10% goes to AEG". He also said, "None of the money is now being spent. It's just going in". That last part struck me strangely. I dunno didn't sit right for some reason.

I believe 100% of what Friedman said. He has been on the money with everything related to Michael's death. Rowe and Joe are liars and someone needs to expose them.

I agree. I think it's the first time in a month that I didn't have to "sift" through the info and figure out what was and wasn't the truth. I believe the guy is actually honest and spot on.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Initially, I believed Rowe because he has know Michael for so many years but as I do research I am discovering that he is a very shady character. I do not know what to believe anymore - Michael made the mistake of surrounding himself with people who did not care about him.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Well Friedman said, "90% of it goes to Michael's estate and 10% goes to AEG". He also said, "None of the money is now being spent. It's just going in". That last part struck me strangely. I dunno didn't sit right for some reason.

I agree. I think it's the first time in a month that I didn't have to "sift" through the info and figure out what was and wasn't the truth. I believe the guy is actually honest and spot on.

This is why I have lost sympathy for Joe in this matter. He knows the deal with the situation and Rowe was not apart of MJ camp, yet he lets him go on national television and trash his son memory. Unforgivable! Now I see why the family seems so disconnected from him and he doesn't know anything. I bet Rowe will not challenge Friedman because he has phone records to dispute lies. There is no reason for AEG to lie about the shows. In addition, if Michael didn't want to do something he wouldn't do it. Regardless of what anyone thinks, Michael is a shrewd businessman. How many people "close" to him has he fired without a second thought it seems? Bob Jones, Bill Bray, Branca, Dileo, etc. I hope AEG sues them both!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

90% goes to the estate and 10% to AEG. Sounds pretty fair to me!

hmmm, how are MJ's lawyers doing with that Will? I think that whole aspect is questionable and I will not talk about it in this thread cause it's in the other forum but still I think they should be looked at as "Suspect" as well.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Initially, I believed Rowe because he has know Michael for so many years but as I do research I am discovering that he is a very shady character. I do not know what to believe anymore - Michael made the mistake of surrounding himself with people who did not care about him.

Think about this. Does Leonard Rowe look or sound like someone who Michael would associate his FINANCIAL BUSINESS with? Rowe was Joe's business partner. Just think about Don King and the Victory Tour...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

LOL and Friedman said that the only people Michael was "actually blocking" was Joe and Rowe because they're both so shady.

Heh. Interesting... I just think everyone should shut their mouths in the media until the tox. report comes out. Everyone is pointing fingers at everyone.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I certainly do NOT trust Friedman. Lol. And neither should any of u. The unnamed source thing is always a trademark of tricksters. Don't be fooled. Just sit tight and wait on facts. I really don't know who to trust right now. Some folks who call themselves 'friend' have been singlehandedly responsible for this image of MJ as a druggie. All because he has an agenda to push. I feel such feelings of anger towards those folks. Lawd help me!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Friedman also said he didn't believe Rowe was Michael's mgr for even 2 minutes. lol
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I certainly do NOT trust Friedman. Lol. And neither should any of u. The unnamed source thing is always a trademark of tricksters. Don't be fooled. Just sit tight and wait on facts. I really don't know who to trust right now. Some folks who call themselves 'friend' have been singlehandedly responsible for this image of MJ as a druggie. All because he has an agenda to push. I feel such feelings of anger towards those folks. Lawd help me!

Friedman has been on the money since the beginning. He is one of the few credible reporters on this story. I believe everything he is saying. go to showbiz411.com and see his MJ coverage and you will see that he has known everything from the beginning. I BELIEVE HIM! Joe Jackson CALLED him. Why would he lie especially since he could get sued.