7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

anytime joe jackson is on tv i try not to watch anymore as i feel like throwing a brick through the tv and i cant afford a new one so its easier not to watch him
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joseph promoting himself again... ? Tell him to go to hell!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

anytime joe jackson is on tv i try not to watch anymore as i feel like throwing a brick through the tv and i cant afford a new one so its easier not to watch him

words out of my mouth...my laptop screen is suffering....you think I could sue for emotional damages and to get a a new laptop?? :doh:
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

That whole thing about Katherine calling MJ that is from trashy tabloid book about MJ's life. I got the book years ago for my b-day and I remember that part very well. There's no proof she ever said that.

then some people around here really need to pay attention to what they are saying. it's disrespectful towards Michael and his mother, who is a caring woman and who has always supported him. I can't believe how someone can be that "call-it-what-you-wanna-call-it" as to post some senseless crap like that. God I am pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

i think like many fans, thats the thing i find hardest to reconcile, that joe is promoting his projects when his son has died. i mean what the ??????? its just crude and so insensitive that it almost defies comprehension. its like how could you do this? its just terrible, i have no other words.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

What is 9:00pm ET in GMT + 1 ? (Norway)
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Leonard Rowe is frustrating me... he really is. He makes it sound as if Randy and Frank were holding a gun to Michael's head, forcing him to do 50 shows, forcing him to hire people he didn't want to hire, forcing him to write letters that state he didn't want anything more to do with him.


That's Michael's signature right there. The meeting he is talking about in the video happened 5 days before this letter was written. Leonard must have said something that Michael didn't agree with. If Leonard really did have MJ's best interests at heart, why would Michael get rid of him? MJ ain't no damn puppet. It isn't like someone can force Michael into writing this. Leonard expects us to believe that Michael was soo controlled that he would write a document that basically tells his "good friend" and advisor for more than 30 years to take a hike. If Leonard was as sincere as he said he was, Michael would have never fired him. After all, MJ was always looking for people he could trust, right? Leonard just can't stand the fact that he was cut off, so he's making up garbage. Michael has been business for 40 years. If he doesn't like you, he'll fire you. It's that simple. Bob Jones didn't even get a reasonable explanation when he dismissed after 20 years of working with Michael. Why do you think Jones chucked a massive hissy fit after Michael fired him? Why do you think he spread so much garbage about Michael? How many ex-employees testified for the prosecution in the trial? Once Michael cuts them out, they go on a rapid rampage. It's the same thing every time. Leonard ain't no different. When Michael hires them, it was his choice. When he fires them, it's always someone else forcing him to do it. :smilerolleyes: They can't accept that Michael fired them himself. They just can't accept it.
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Do you know, This is the same thing that happened in '93. I mean Joe comming out and talking. The 1st ppl. to give interviews were Jermain and Joe. I know some of you Might Disagree with me, but all this hoopla with Joe and Leanord and Chef and bodyguard and ppl. that came out saying Michael wasnt feeling well the past month or something, is just some BS!!! They are all wanting this publicity. Because this is the only time they have to do it.

There are problems Michael had with his body, he took meds for his cronic back pain, for his leg because of dancing so much, for the pain that came from the head injuries, for his vitiligo and Lupus. and those Medicens might have had side effects and It Just Kills Me to see people saying that Michael took meds only because he was addicted.

I dont know if they knew or not about his pains, but to just say he took Meds with out a reason is just A bunch of BULL!!!
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe makes me sick and the leonard rowe is a ****
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Was I the only one that got the feeling that the rest of the family has turned their back on Joe?

EDIT: "turn their back" might been a bad expression - I mean, they have shut him out.
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

OMG, I can not watch this...this is hurting me....OMG...this Leonard saying MJ was a C addict????? OMG OMG...and JOe supporting this guy...OMG OMG...
I need help...I can stomatch lot but I cant do this....
I am gone...
OMG. Joe Jackson is the father of MJ and he has no clue what life his son had....this is .....tragedy...I am gone...

No that wasn't what he meant, nothing about cocaine.
It was a comparison he made, meaning that if Michael had an addiction to pain killers/diprivan/whatever then you should not have someone that can enable you those things around you 24/7.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Was I the only one that got the feeling that the rest of the family has turned their back on Joe?

EDIT: "turn their back" might been a bad expression - I mean, they have shut him out.

I agree with that. But in the meantime no one's checking this dude like "dude... STOP talking!" Which isn't a good thing for the fam at all. One gets the feeling though that you can't tell Joe Jackson NOT to do something.

And as for me saying Joe said he was gonna put MJ's kids on the road, that may have been something I read but didn't see.. I apologize. I've been on information overload the past few weeks, so it's hard to remember what I saw, didn't see, read or didn't read. My fault.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe and Leonard Rowe are not helping the situation and I DO NOT TRUST Leonard Rowe
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Oh I could've told you that and that is why I didn't even bother watching LKL. Joe really doesn't know anything. I wouldn't be surprised if he really didn't know where is son is buried. Since Joe insists on being a loose cannon, the only thing one can do is keep him out of the loop while the real business is being attended to...

I agree, i think the family has purposely kept Joe out of the loop on purpose. Watching the interview I can see why.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

who is that plastic woman at the end?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

No that wasn't what he meant, nothing about cocaine.
It was a comparison he made, meaning that if Michael had an addiction to pain killers/diprivan/whatever then you should not have someone that can enable you those things around you 24/7.

I was emotionally disturbed listening to this...I might need to go back to that segment to double check the words....thanks for flagging:punk:
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

who is that plastic woman at the end?

LOL that's Debbie Rowe's friend. She's speaking on Debbie's behalf apparently. Much more articulate than Joe and the Rowe guy.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Its bit more to it then that. Michael clearly want to do the 10 shows. Its the 40 added to it thats the problem. Also please read the chris apostle and corey rooney interview to get a bit of insight on how michael works and why he proabably did TII. But most importantly I think it was tohme who gave the green light for the addition of the shows without michael's consent. Also they had nothing to gain from michael? You should check out the aeg thread trish started to get a better picture on what all aeg stands to gain.

Agreed. Those who are NOT at least suspicious of AEG should actually take the time to read about it, in the thread Trish started, and other threads in that forum. AEG probably had more to gain from Michael dead than alive, and that has been clearly explained, several times. I'm not saying that they literally killed him, because the fact is, we don't KNOW yet.

There is enough evidence out there now from various people that Michael did NOT want to do, or agree to do, the additional forty shows. Someone -- probably Tohme -- signed FOR him. I believe the fans that say he told them he went to bed one night having agreed to ten shows, and woke up committed to doing fifty. I believe the fans on that one. And others who've said the same thing.

As far as other people controlling Michael is concerned? Enable a former-addict and see what happens? It is entirely possible that that is exactly what happened, and if you think that couldn't have happened. . .why NOT? Anyone remember the auction? Something sure went terribly wrong there. Tohme "signed for " Michael? Sure, he did. Did he do it again with the fifty shows? It's a good bet that he DID, and then Michael was caught being obligated to do something he wasn't sure if he could do.

Where IS this Tohme character, anyway? He was very close to Michael and then he vanished? I Googled him. Seems very sketchy to me. One thing I do know, is that he and Colony Capital now control Neverland. Was Michael forced into a corner on that one? I hope that one day we find out.

AEG is a corporation, and Michael was a human-being. I almost cannot comprehend why some people would "support" AEG, and not Michael in this one? I find it entirely credible that Michael would have been swamped by "an inner circle" who pretended to have his best interests at hand.

So some still think Michael screwed up and took an overdose? Interesting, that the insurance company specifies "overdose." That is EXTREMELY unusual, and how could Michael have passed an insurance physical as an addict? And WHY would anyone believe the AEG CEOs? They have every reason to cover their azzes now. .. . . .

Michael had no one to really speak for him. But FANS did speak for him. I think they should be believed.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I watched it and felt like Joe was not very normal, he wanted to answer his phone during the interview and since he can come out in the media and say things without controlling himself which is the main reason why the family don’t want him to be involved, the main thing that shocked me during the interview is the accusations against AEG.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Leonard Rowe is frustrating me... he really is. He makes it sound as if Randy and Frank were holding a gun to Michael's head, forcing him to do 50 shows, forcing him to hire people he didn't want to hire, forcing him to write letters that state he didn't want anything more to do with him.


That's Michael's signature right there. The meeting he is talking about in the video happened 5 days before this letter was written. Leonard must have said something that Michael didn't agree with. If Leonard really did have MJ's best interests at heart, why would Michael get rid of him? MJ ain't no damn puppet. It isn't like someone can force Michael into writing this. Leonard expects us to believe that Michael was soo controlled that he would write a document that basically tells his "good friend" and advisor for more than 30 years to take a hike. If Leonard was as sincere as he said he was, Michael would have never fired him. After all, MJ was always looking for people he could trust, right? Leonard just can't stand the fact that he was cut off, so he's making up garbage. Michael has been business for 40 years. If he doesn't like you, he'll fire you. It's that simple. Bob Jones didn't even get a reasonable explanation when he dismissed after 20 years of working with Michael. Why do you think Jones chucked a massive hissy fit after Michael fired him? Why do you think he spread so much garbage about Michael? How many ex-employees testified for the prosecution in the trial? Once Michael cuts them out, they go on a rapid rampage. It's the same thing every time. Leonard ain't no different. When Michael hires them, it was his choice. When he fires them, it's always someone else forcing him to do it. :smilerolleyes: They can't accept that Michael fired them himself. They just can't accept it.

THANK YOU!!! Rowe and Joe is basically trying scam the estate I believe. This is Michael Jackson people. He has cancelled tour dates before if he didn't want to do them. Why would he let AEG of all people control him? If it sounds like B.S, it is B.S.! Joe and Rowe are upset they were not allowed to run the show. Joe has a history of doing this Michael a la Don King. Are you telling me Michael wouldn't know or will be forced to do 50 shows? MJ knows everything about what he is doing..Sorry, I find it comical people would believe he would forced into doing something.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Do you know, This is the same thing that happened in '93. I mean Joe comming out and talking. The 1st ppl. to give interviews were Jermain and Joe. I know some of you Might Disagree with me, but all this hoopla with Joe and Leanord and Chef and bodyguard and ppl. that came out saying Michael wasnt feeling well the past month or something, is just some BS!!! They are all wanting this publicity. Because this is the only time they have to do it.

There are problems Michael had with his body, he took meds for his cronic back pain, for his leg because of dancing so much, for the pain that came from the head injuries, for his vitiligo and Lupus. and those Medicens might have had side effects and It Just Kills Me to see people saying that Michael took meds only because he was addicted.

I dont know if they knew or not about his pains, but to just say he took Meds with out a reason is just A bunch of BULL!!!

A summary of people running around with drug stories

  • Brian Oxman - last saw Michael in the trial in 2005 when he was fired by Mesereau
  • Deepak Chopra - last saw Michael in 2005 for just a week when Michael was acquitted
  • Uri Geller - last saw Michael in 2002 after meeting Michael in 2000
  • Matt Fiddes - last saw Michael in 2001, saw Michael for just 3 days
  • Leonard Rowe - Last saw Michael in 2009 after not seeing him for over 20 years - hardly close to Michael
  • Nutritionist - last saw Michael a long time back - claims Michael spoke to her 3 months back, then his last Sunday
    - she says on Sunday, Michael's staff called her saying he was hot and cold on one side
    - her story contradicts Dr Klein's story who says on Monday, Michael was dancing in the office
    - she started off the diprivan story
  • Dr Klein - runs off with drug addict innuendo which has to do with 1993
    - refers to diprivan in HIStory tour, unsure whether the story is original knowledge or he is copying the nutritionist
  • Former security guard - Last saw Michael in 2003
    - says Michael was overprescribed, but he is not a doctor to know why Michael was prescribed each given medication
  • Tabloids - carrying the story that Jackson’s tried to intervene, yet Geragos, Mez, Ramone, who cover 2003 to 2007 period saw no such basis to intervene
    - and Jacksons released a statement in 2007 refuting that

We all know he had
  • Lupus
  • Vitiligo
  • Fire injury
  • Back problems from 1999
  • 1998 injury while dancing, foot in cast, as well as other dancing injuries
  • Spider bite in 2001
  • Dancer's feet problems
  • Depression because of Sony in 2001, Bashir in 2003 and trial in 2003 to 2005, media attacks and not to forget 1993
  • and possibly other treatments, fever and so on when he was feeling unwell
All this stuff needed medication at one point or another
Michael could not stop taking lupus medication just because he had to take depression medicine

And that applies to back injury medication and so on.
There is a reason for all this medicine, but for an outsider or security guard, it looks like "overprescribed" when he sees all the medicine that Michael has.

The media that loves scandal, does not want to explain any of this for the viewer, as long as one of the ignorant, self-serving people above come along and make allegations that he was a "drug addict", no discussion of any of his ailments.

And I can bet Schmuley is quiet and busy writing his book too so as to cash in. It's surprising he only spoke once on tv unlike the usual rounds he makes.


The truth about Michael's death can only be one

  • - It was a prescription he took - which is unlikely unless it conflicted with something the doctor prescribed
  • - diprivan and he failed to wake up - but that assumes this doctor took on an anaesthologist role which he shouldn't, something he has denied
  • - It was something the doctor prescribed - which he has said nothing he prescribed was lethal to kill Michael
  • - It was lupus - a possibility given that the autopsy was inconclusive
  • - It was poison - may never be known

Many years back when I wasn't into MJ, I was somewhere and I heard a speaker talk about how Michael would live to be 49yrs old only because of the condition that he had.

At that time, I didn't know too much what he was talking about. But when I got to know Michael more this decade and then learnt that he had lupus, from time to time I was concerned about him when I recalled what that person said, but when I saw people who had vitiligo up to 80yrs old, I sort of brushed it aside.

I also knew Michael was aware of the risks, therefore he always had an umbrella to prevent skin cancer.

When he became 50yrs old, I recalled what that guy had said and was happy that Michael had passed that 49yr mark the guy had spoken of.
But after Michael's death and reading more about Lupus, I realise Lupus may have had a significant role to play, especially at this point in time when it may have been more lethal.

Michael complaining about not feeling well was an alert, and had he been around a doctor who knew his medical history and lupus quite well, Michael should have spent the night in hospital or a clinic, not in the home.
The alternative of close observation at home should have been with pulse-monitoring equipment, with an alarm when the heart rate/pulse begins dropping
As Tito said, the doctor panicked, because when he found Michael's heart rate dropping, the first thing would be to call for an emergency, not to try and fight to resuscitate someone with a lupus condition. That is where things went wrong.

This is a history of Michael fainting

1980 - Triumph tour gets cancelled
1990 - he phones his doctor who calls 911 to go to Michael's flat
1995 - rehearsals for HBO, Michael was rushed to hospital
1999 - Sony studio. Michael was rushed to a clinic
2003 - On his was to Steepletown deposition, Michael was rushed to hospital
2009 - In his home, doctor performed CPR for 20 to 30 minutes before calling 911 - a delay in rushing him to hospital

Therefore, his health could not be stabilised in time to override whatever life-threatening ailment he had, which possibly is lupus that can attack the heart from time to time
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

And what is this i read somewhere on this thread that katerine called mj a MOTHERF**** WTF!!!??

Years ago, I remember watching La Toya on one of those sleezy talk shows, can't remember which; where she said her Mother called Michael a f*g. That's probably where the author of that book got the quote from. La Toya made that comment when she was against the family and under the control of Jack Gordon. Doesn't shock me that she made the comment. She said a lot of crazy shit back then.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

rsw22, you make good points. However -- I'll add -- if Michael's death were caused by heart-damage due to the lupus, that would have been said following the first autopsy. Damage to the heart would have probably been obvious in an autopsy, in that lupus can cause inflammation of internal organs and the inflammatioin would have been visible. Far different from a heart that simply stops beating. Instead, they were unable to determine the cause of death and we await tox-reports. Lupus can be of two types, one affecting primarily the skin, and the more serioius type affecting internal organs. We KNOW he had the type that affects the skin. We have no knowledge at this point if his lupus had gone systemic.

There is much that is still unknown, including whether or not Michael was addicted to drugs at the time of his death. Those who talked about continuing drug problems are not a very credible list. That would seem to leave overdose and/or Diprivan as probable causes. Jury still out as to whether such an overdose was deliberate on someone's part, or accidental. At worst, someone meant him harm. At best (and it isn't good), someone was incredibly stupid/incompetant.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

First off, this post isn't made to in any way defend Joe.

But we should the same time remember that Joe is 80 years old, and for anyone that has ever been around 80 year old peoples know that they more than often can say and do some crazy shit... and be just in their own world.

With that said, that makes it even more important than ever to keep Joe away from doing interviews and saying some outlandish shit. - Because the more he talks and keep these side kicks around him that see their opportunity to walk by Joe Jackson and make statements about Michael... the more the entire family's image will get hurt.
Because that shit could be fatal if Katherine will pass away before the kids has grown out of their teenage.

And I mean, look at these clowns Michael had around him all these years.
You think that the greatest entertainer in the world would have better attorneys, business managers, doctors and people in general around him.
And all these "spiritual guides" and what not, everyone just wanna ride his d**k, especially now when he can't defend himself.

Not a day goes by without me asking myself how I would've reacted if I was Michael's friend and saw all the shit going on in his life.

Would I had chained myself to his wrist to make sure to not let him out of my sight, or would I fall into a self destructive behavior together with him.
Sadly enough, I think Michael was that kind of person that was so hard to affect, still he was so caring about others that if I'd chain myself to his wrist then he'd probably cut his own arm of and ran away instead of mine. (OK it's a metaphor, but you get the idea)

The more I read Lisa Marie Presley's blog post, the more I feel that I can understand Michael, and what it was to be him. To me, Lisa seems to be the one speaking most honestly about Michael since he passed... for good, and for worse.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

A summary of people running around with drug stories

  • Brian Oxman - last saw Michael in the trial in 2005 when he was fired by Mesereau
  • Deepak Chopra - last saw Michael in 2005 for just a week when Michael was acquitted
  • Uri Geller - last saw Michael in 2002 after meeting Michael in 2000
  • Matt Fiddes - last saw Michael in 2001, saw Michael for just 3 days
  • Leonard Rowe - Last saw Michael in 2009 after not seeing him for over 20 years - hardly close to Michael
  • Nutritionist - last saw Michael a long time back - claims Michael spoke to her 3 months back, then his last Sunday
    - she says on Sunday, Michael's staff called her saying he was hot and cold on one side
    - her story contradicts Dr Klein's story who says on Monday, Michael was dancing in the office
    - she started off the diprivan story
  • Dr Klein - runs off with drug addict innuendo which has to do with 1993
    - refers to diprivan in HIStory tour, unsure whether the story is original knowledge or he is copying the nutritionist
  • Former security guard - Last saw Michael in 2003
    - says Michael was overprescribed, but he is not a doctor to know why Michael was prescribed each given medication
  • Tabloids - carrying the story that Jackson’s tried to intervene, yet Geragos, Mez, Ramone, who cover 2003 to 2007 period saw no such basis to intervene
    - and Jacksons released a statement in 2007 refuting that

We all know he had
  • Lupus
  • Vitiligo
  • Fire injury
  • Back problems from 1999
  • 1998 injury while dancing, foot in cast, as well as other dancing injuries
  • Spider bite in 2001
  • Dancer's feet problems
  • Depression because of Sony in 2001, Bashir in 2003 and trial in 2003 to 2005, media attacks and not to forget 1993
  • and possibly other treatments, fever and so on when he was feeling unwell
All this stuff needed medication at one point or another
Michael could not stop taking lupus medication just because he had to take depression medicine

And that applies to back injury medication and so on.
There is a reason for all this medicine, but for an outsider or security guard, it looks like "overprescribed" when he sees all the medicine that Michael has.

The media that loves scandal, does not want to explain any of this for the viewer, as long as one of the ignorant, self-serving people above come along and make allegations that he was a "drug addict", no discussion of any of his ailments.

And I can bet Schmuley is quiet and busy writing his book too so as to cash in. It's surprising he only spoke once on tv unlike the usual rounds he makes.


The truth about Michael's death can only be one

  • - It was a prescription he took - which is unlikely unless it conflicted with something the doctor prescribed
  • - diprivan and he failed to wake up - but that assumes this doctor took on an anaesthologist role which he shouldn't, something he has denied
  • - It was something the doctor prescribed - which he has said nothing he prescribed was lethal to kill Michael
  • - It was lupus - a possibility given that the autopsy was inconclusive
  • - It was poison - may never be known

Many years back when I wasn't into MJ, I was somewhere and I heard a speaker talk about how Michael would live to be 49yrs old only because of the condition that he had.

At that time, I didn't know too much what he was talking about. But when I got to know Michael more this decade and then learnt that he had lupus, from time to time I was concerned about him when I recalled what that person said, but when I saw people who had vitiligo up to 80yrs old, I sort of brushed it aside.

I also knew Michael was aware of the risks, therefore he always had an umbrella to prevent skin cancer.

When he became 50yrs old, I recalled what that guy had said and was happy that Michael had passed that 49yr mark the guy had spoken of.
But after Michael's death and reading more about Lupus, I realise Lupus may have had a significant role to play, especially at this point in time when it may have been more lethal.

Michael complaining about not feeling well was an alert, and had he been around a doctor who knew his medical history and lupus quite well, Michael should have spent the night in hospital or a clinic, not in the home.
The alternative of close observation at home should have been with pulse-monitoring equipment, with an alarm when the heart rate/pulse begins dropping
As Tito said, the doctor panicked, because when he found Michael's heart rate dropping, the first thing would be to call for an emergency, not to try and fight to resuscitate someone with a lupus condition. That is where things went wrong.

This is a history of Michael fainting

1980 - Triumph tour gets cancelled
1990 - he phones his doctor who calls 911 to go to Michael's flat
1995 - rehearsals for HBO, Michael was rushed to hospital
1999 - Sony studio. Michael was rushed to a clinic
2003 - On his was to Steepletown deposition, Michael was rushed to hospital
2009 - In his home, doctor performed CPR for 20 to 30 minutes before calling 911 - a delay in rushing him to hospital

Therefore, his health could not be stabilised in time to override whatever life-threatening ailment he had, which possibly is lupus that can attack the heart from time to time

Great well thought out reply which makes a lot of sense, thanks :) Like others have said though, if it was down to the lupus it would have been announced by now which leads you to think something funny went on and its been shown on autopsy report. That is only speculation I know. We all just have to wait and see. Anyone's else head so confused it could burst with all this?! Imagine how Michael felt living his life, poor man!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Was I the only one that got the feeling that the rest of the family has turned their back on Joe?

EDIT: "turn their back" might been a bad expression - I mean, they have shut him out.

No I said that too, I think they love him as he is their dad but don't trust him at all. I reckon it was them texting his mobile saying 'shut up' during the interview!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Does anyone remember reading what Kathy Smith, the fitness video lady said when she met him 2 weeks before he passed? She wrote in her blog the day after Michael died that he was in the same building she was and she said he was trying to cancel a concert and she said that he said they were SO MEAN, SO MEAN. This sounds a lot like the control issues being mentioned by Joe, Leonard, Terry Harvey, etc.


From the blog: We talked for a while. He introduced me to his children - who were sweet, beautiful, and clearly adored their father - and he told me about canceling an upcoming concert in London. “The people were so mean,” he said, visibly upset. “Just so mean.”
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Great well thought out reply which makes a lot of sense, thanks :) Like others have said though, if it was down to the lupus it would have been announced by now which leads you to think something funny went on and its been shown on autopsy report. That is only speculation I know. We all just have to wait and see. Anyone's else head so confused it could burst with all this?! Imagine how Michael felt living his life, poor man!

I find myself saying that often in defense of MJ, to those who say to me he brought this on himself, because of drug use. I tell them that we don't KNOW if he was a drug user or abuser so that immediately is OFF the table until/unless we know otherwise. Secondly, I know how I feel when I'm under stress and pressure and can't sleep and I don't even have a minute inking of the issues, pressure and stress MJ had to deal with! All of the stuff in the above post as far as his health condition and mental state, not to mention family issues (Joe I'm looking right at YOU!), the concerts, the money hungry leeches, his need to please his fans, his three babies, being a single father and who knows what else was going on in his private life. That's ALOT to deal with. Lord have mercy.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I don't think people who blame AEG give Michael credit for having a mind of his own. They had nothing to gain by forcing an obviously sick or addicted person on stage and Michael was perfectly capable of knowing what he could and could not do.

Nothing to gain? This is a scenario that might mean they do... Well the singer looks 'possibly' too ill to complete the dates,they've only got insurance for some. Now he is dead they are selling the rehearsal for lots, merchandise around the world will sell very well and they own rights over anything associated with 'This Is It' tour. If he lived and pulled out of gigs they'd have lost lots now he has died they can get back alot of it, especially offering fans their tickets instead of a refund!
I'm not saying that is the truth, its just another thing to be considered in all of this. I do think Michael was extremely clever don't get me wrong, I listened to his speech at Oxford that time. I think he intended to do the gigs but health 'might' have got in the way... Oh I'm not sure what I think about it all right now, I'm just not ruling out any possibilities when a lot just does not add up.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Does anyone remember reading what Kathy Smith, the fitness video lady said when she met him 2 weeks before he passed? She wrote in her blog the day after Michael died that he was in the same building she was and she said he was trying to cancel a concert and she said that he said they were SO MEAN, SO MEAN. This sounds a lot like the control issues being mentioned by Joe, Leonard, Terry Harvey, etc.


From the blog: We talked for a while. He introduced me to his children - who were sweet, beautiful, and clearly adored their father - and he told me about canceling an upcoming concert in London. “The people were so mean,” he said, visibly upset. “Just so mean.”

My heart is beating so fast reading this.. wow! Was that the meeting Joe and Rowe were talking about?