7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Well I just watched those youtubes that were shared (thanks for that, MJstarlight!), and before that I only saw the comments on this thread. So here what I think.

I think that Joe was the most human that I've seen him yet, almost like only now is it really getting through to him what really happened. He seemed more emotional and sad. At times he was awkward, but it seems to be because he's very defensive of Michael, and you can tell it's very important to him that Michael is given due credit for what he's achieved, I think that's why he keeps making comments on how he was the world's biggest popstar, he sold all those records, he was in the guinness book, etc. He seems to be mostly worried about Michael's memory.

You can tell he's been estranged and not always in the loop, since some thing he just doesn't know about. He seemed like a lost father to me, which is more than I could say before. I don't know about Leonard. He had a convincing story at times and I guess CNN has the contract to prove that he was working for Michael. He's a little shady (but only because the stories make him seem that way, and I don't know how accurate those are at this point), but then again, at this point, I think pretty much EVERYONE that was around Michael, expect pretty much his kids, seem shady in some capacity.

A big thumbs down for Larry though. Jesus what an asshole he was, just a smug asshole. He was just toying with them at times with his dumb questions. The guy should retire already.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

AEG had nothing to do with MJ's death, PERIOD! Michael wanted Murray as his doctor. Why would they want a doctor who is NOT board certified and had other litigations against him. I am sure they could have found someone better. I am BETTING MJ wanted him to be his doctor and Murray agreed because he needed the money. Something happened between the time MJ left rehearsals and was pronounced dead. MJ didn't die of natural cause or being overworked. It that case doing 50 shows didn't matter.

Its interesting Joe knows more about MJ's finance than his burial or anything else.

Right on Point AEG had nothing to do with Mike's death ppl need too stop this mess. Even if he wanted to do 10 not 50 shows that is not AEG's fault MJ should of said no if he was not able to do it.

That Rowe guy is a snake and is only looking for money he makes me sick calling Michael a drug addict.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Leonard Rowe is vomit inducing. Why these leeches are allowed a platform is beyond me. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael came back and bitch slapped everyone. It is beyond disgusting.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

lol @ people making larry out to be the asshole. Larry is extremely proffesional and wants straight answers, which Joe and his yesman did their best to avoid giving at all costs. I do my utmost to try to understand Joe. I really do. Everytime he opens his mouth I try to be understanding and sympathetic, but he makes it extremely hard sometimes. He seems so fucking cynical. No wonder Michael said he didn't understand him, cause I sure as hell don't either. And I do understand that he is Michael's father and that some fans respect him because of that. Joe pushed his sons hard for them to acchieve success, which was good, but the methods he used can't be excused. Michael forgave, but he didn't forget. Neither should we. There's a reason why Joe was cut off the way he said he was. There's a reason when someone cuts off their own father like that. Especially someone with a big heart such as Michael's.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Leonard Rowe is vomit inducing. Why these leeches are allowed a platform is beyond me. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael came back and bitch slapped everyone. It is beyond disgusting.
Agreed. That crook didn't have to sit there and talk like he knew things.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

i don't think Joe is the right man to speak about Michael,simply because he didn't know him that well!

I heard that Joe hasn't even talked to Michael in like 2 months. The last time Joe talked to Michael it was about business, about the tour. There was distance in their relationship for a reason and there had been distance for a very long time. Michael probably forgave Joe but he did not forget. He had a lot of emotional scars from what happened to him during his childhood. I understand Michael completely. Growing up I had the same issues with my dad and we are not close now because of it.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Right on Point AEG had nothing to do with Mike's death ppl need too stop this mess. Even if he wanted to do 10 not 50 shows that is not AEG's fault MJ should of said no if he was not able to do it.

That Rowe guy is a snake and is only looking for money he makes me sick calling Michael a drug addict.
WTF. You people are still trying to defend AEG live??????????AEG live is responsible for MJ's death but yet you are still defending it.
MJ was forced to perform by this corporation and he can't say 'no'. They sold the tickets without his approval and MJ had to do it. He's obligated to do it since fans already bought the tickets!!!! Go back and look at Faze's posts! He is controlled by them. I believe Joe has MJ's interest at heart more than those AEG live guys.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I just watched the show (rerun) and joe didn't do as bad as I though. he had his senior moments but he did ok. And I got the whole slave thingy. He didn't beat (as slave master did) michael he just spanked him like everbody else did their kids. L. Rowe seemed sincere but I just don't know why ppl keep saying michael was an addict (they gonna look stupid if tox don't prove that). One family member doesn't know if michael was (jermaine) and the other does (joe and rowe). I mean, really how much contact did michael have with rowe? Did michael speak to rowe twice and thats it as of recent. cuz thats not much contact. One minute joe and rowe was blocked from michael and don't know jack and the next they know what happen. WHO knows whats really going on.

Larry asked joe why didn't he help michael with his addiction and he says cuz he was blocked but you saw michael recently at the party for you and katherine and at the beverly hills meeting. If you asked me joe got blocked from michael because he was to busy pushing "one night only jackson reunion" instead of just being a father to his son. IMO.

I'm really starting to believe rowe and that michael didn't agree to those 50 and I think it was tohme who consented for them WITHOUT asking michael FIRST. Just blantantly disreguarding michael. I don't know where this jerk came from but if michael fired him I have no clue why he was with jermaine at the ucla michael's passed press conference. He was actully fight with michael's ppl over MIKES car. what kinda mess is that. Unless that was a rumor. I think tohme need to be investigate like joe said.

AEG knows good and well, the usd wasn't gonna be worth more then the pound by the time TII started. STOP LYING! THey growing more shade by the minute.

Larry king get on my nerves acting the dumb fool. He asks the dumbest question or act dumb when somebody anwers a question and they have to continue to explain themselves, yet he want to make like he's some intelligent investigative journalist. With them big glasses.

lol at joe's celly going off and he just upped and checked it.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I don't think people who blame AEG give Michael credit for having a mind of his own. They had nothing to gain by forcing an obviously sick or addicted person on stage and Michael was perfectly capable of knowing what he could and could not do.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I will that this interview WASN"T need esp. since they didn't want to reveal TOO MUCH. Which is fine just be quiet until the Tox reports come back and then go from there if you still feel foul play. But all they said to night was "very suspicious" "mike the addict" "I didn't abuse michael" "no the kids aren't going to show biz" and "very suspicious" um ok. Just stop giving the media something to talk about and wait, get your cards in order and strike aeg when the time is right.

I think joe is a bit out of the loop. lol can we blame the jacksons though.

AND I think larry over did it with the abuse. Thats not what the interview was about. I can under ONE question but larry kept going back to it.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I dont understand Joe. Im really trying but I dont. Either this man is a very sensitive man with alot of emotions and feelings but is too afraid to show them to anyone, or he really is dead cold inside and really dosnt react much to tragic losses within the family. Whenever asked ''hows the family doing'' he always answers: ''they're fine, they are ok''. For once I wish they would tell the truth and tell it like it is; ''they are devestated and in such grief, they miss michael terribly'' or something...

That must be it. cuz losing a son is very hard. he might not show it on the outside, but he must be hurting on the inside. In spite of what happened when Michael was little, I think Joe Loved him and Michael said so himself. That he doesnt show emotions. And he doesnt want his family to bee seen as weak? I dont know why he would say they're fine, but thats Joe.

So to call Joe unfeeling and cold hearted without knowing what he's feeling inside is very ignorant, in my opinion. :D
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

OMG just read the transcript...some please share the videos on youtube I gotta see this ...
OMG OMG..Joe, Joe Joe I was trying so hard to understand him ...I gave up..no hope whatsoever
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I don't think people who blame AEG give Michael credit for having a mind of his own. They had nothing to gain by forcing an obviously sick or addicted person on stage and Michael was perfectly capable of knowing what he could and could not do.
Its bit more to it then that. Michael clearly want to do the 10 shows. Its the 40 added to it thats the problem. Also please read the chris apostle and corey rooney interview to get a bit of insight on how michael works and why he proabably did TII. But most importantly I think it was tohme who gave the green light for the addition of the shows without michael's consent. Also they had nothing to gain from michael? You should check out the aeg thread trish started to get a better picture on what all aeg stands to gain.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

MJ SAID IT HIMSELF HE ONLY AGREED TO DO 10SHOWS. AEG LIVE IS TO BE BLAMED! CAUSE THEY ADDED THE SHOWS WITHOUT HIS PERMISSIONS and MJ CAN'T SAY 'NO',dont ya understand? It's a difficult situation that MJ was in, no one was implying he had no brain. It's the same situation with the Neverland auction. MJ never agreed to sell those craps, this shady tohme was behind it! Use some of your braincells to think. Don't just look at things on superficial level.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I dont trust Leonard..MJ fired him...so I cant accept Leonard now coming forward ...
he should not get involved..
he has no right...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Its bit more to it then that. Michael clearly want to do the 10 shows. Its the 40 added to it thats the problem. Also please read the chris apostle and corey rooney interview to get a bit of insight on how michael works and why he proabably did TII. But most importantly I think it was tohme who gave the green light for the addition of the shows without michael's consent. Also they had nothing to gain from michael? You should check out the aeg thread trish started to get a better picture on what all aeg stands to gain.
Thank you! exactly. yeah, I wonder has hillriver read that interview?
some people thought MJ's life is as simple as theirs.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Frank Dileo should come forward and speak..he should be talking and explain what happened behind the scenes..he came back - last minute - guess why? possibly cos MJ trusted him to help him sorting out the 50 vs 10 or 31 issue...

Stop for a minute and take a good look around..the true, real friends and those who are still mourning and struggling to come to terms with what happened are not rushing to the media to get the spotlight...
everyone else does..
therefore Leonard Rowe, who was fired by MJ just 2 months ago - he has no right to speak on his behalf
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The Jackson family needs to get a hold of Joseph and prevent him from doing interviews.I don't know why he is talking to the media, he is not articulate, he dosen't come across as a grieving father and he always stirs up controversy whenever he speaks(intentionally or not). At this point, I don't think anybody takes him seriously.I am done watching anything with Joseph and that Leonard guy comes across as shady too.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

How or why is this interview (LKL) any different than the one Joe did
last week on DateLine or NightLine or whichever one it was that he was on? :ermm:
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Frank Dileo should come forward and speak..he should be talking and explain what happened behind the scenes..he came back - last minute - guess why? possibly cos MJ trusted him to help him sorting out the 50 vs 10 or 31 issue...

Stop for a minute and take a good look around..the true, real friends and those who are still mourning and struggling to come to terms with what happened are not rushing to the media to get the spotlight...
everyone else does..
therefore Leonard Rowe, who was fired by MJ just 2 months ago - he has no right to speak on his behalf
Frank shoulda come foward YESTERDAY but not about michael passing, about the ALLGood fiasco. Frank coming forward now, nah! I would say he should wait until the Tox reports. Everybody just needs to shut their traps until that report and if they really care about michael stop running to every cable news multiple times saying to same things... when most of them didn't even have recent contact with michael. Like you said the ones who cared aren't on tv.

Now about rowe he claims that michael didn't fire him that it was AEG blocking and manipulating mike to fire him. He said that he was at the meeting (which he was) and they coulda have given his letter of termination THEN yet he never got the letter from michael. He believe it's because michael didn't intend for him to get it and that decision was at the hands of aeg. Soooo who's lying?? IDK! I don't trust frank either. As soon as he got back things started going not so good for michael. I never trusted frank and still don't.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe Jackson is so full of shit! I wonder where Michael is burried?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Frank shoulda come foward YESTERDAY but not about michael passing, about the ALLGood fiasco. Frank coming forward now, nah! I would say he should wait until the Tox reports. Everybody just needs to shut their traps until that report and if they really care about michael stop running to every cable news multiple times saying to same things... when most of them didn't even have recent contact with michael. Like you said the ones who cared aren't on tv.

Now about rowe he claims that michael didn't fire him that it was AEG blocking and manipulating mike to fire him. He said that he was at the meeting (which he was) and they coulda have given his letter of termination THEN yet he never got the letter from michael. He believe it's because michael didn't intend for him to get it and that decision was at the hands of aeg. Soooo who's lying?? IDK! I don't trust frank either. As soon as he got back things started going not so good for michael. I never trusted frank and still don't.

I hear what you are saying I truly do..but remember..it wasnt Joe Jackson or Leonard Rowe at the hospital giving a hug to Jermaine after he delivered one of the worst news he has to face to the world...
where was this good old friend of 30years that Rowe is claiming himself to be?
I am old..I have been around Bad, Dangerous, History all those years...where was this Rowe guy...apologies but I might have short memory but I remember people...good people around MJ trying to do good, meaning good regardless of what situation he was in..

Frank, Bill, Yanick...etc..
so from my end and that 20years of being a fan and keeping eye on what is happening this Leonard guy I dont know who he is...he is like that Thome guy...come in this year, and of last year...and now I should believe he has been around all the way..come on...where was he during the trial? Frank was there...Bill RIP couldnt he was already gone by now...so where was this long term supporter Leonard ?

MJ fired Leonard...and he signed his name halfway across the whole A4 sheet...he did that cos he wanted to make sure it "shouts" on the letter he meant those words...:punk:and now this chap is back...whereas those people who are suffering are still silent..

remember...truth runs marathons..it will come...it will take time..:punk:
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I am soooooo frustrated and worried and torn about all these "friends" speaking...this is just wrong...

the friends, the true friends dont speak..they are suffering and are torn and are frustated and worried....

God, Bill....at least ...at least.."J" has the chance to hang out with Bill again and Bill can keep his watch on him again..at least...but at what cost??? my heart breaks..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Im not buying this manipulative crap, michael hasnt been controlled and was never controlled by anyone, look at the crap had with sony and called them right out, and now all of sudden his finances force him to be a little puppy for AEG, IM NOT BUYING IT!

Michael died because of his drug addiction or some underlying medical condition which took its tole from the stress. Michael wanted to do these shows and would not have signed anything if he didnt want to tour again.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe did what!!! BWHAHAHAA.....are u for real?!

Joe wishes he jumpstarted mike career. Im sorry but mike 's talent and his pure genius of songwriting and dancing from the heart is what made his career....not joe!

Whether anyone likes to admit it or not, Joseph Jackson DID jumpstart Michael's and his brothers' careers.
It takes two to tango. Of course Michael's talents mattered. But at the end of the day, Joe was the vehicle that GOT them all the way to Steeltown and to Motown.
Even Michael himself admits that Joe's drive and determination was crucial to how the family got out of Gary.
So yes, Joe DID jumpstart Michael's career.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

OMG, I can not watch this...this is hurting me....OMG...this Leonard saying MJ was a C addict????? OMG OMG...and JOe supporting this guy...OMG OMG...
I need help...I can stomatch lot but I cant do this....
I am gone...
OMG. Joe Jackson is the father of MJ and he has no clue what life his son had....this is .....tragedy...I am gone...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

WOW. Michael really must have hated Joe, because he had security to protect him from Joe. We have to wait for the autopsy to be ready, then we will know if MJ was addicted to drugs. Larry King WTF is he retarded he ask sol silly questions and he don't understand one of the answers he got from them. He is too old for this now.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

what interview did joe jackson say he is putting michael kids on the road? I did not here joe say that, I only herd someone say joe said that, I believed it was made up the first time i herd that. The only thing I herd joe jackson say, he was told that blanket could dance. thats all i herd!

I agree. I'm sick of this "Jackson 3" story.
Give us a quote of Joe saying he wants to put Michael's kids on the road or stop regurgitating that tabloid-sounding ish.