7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

when you think about it, it's still like day 1 even after a month (almost). We still know absolutely nothing for sure. No tox reports. No autopsy report from either the first or second autopsy.

Man, I just got a feeling if this were a standard overdose, they would have announced it and announced an on-going investigation. There's something more there. Either they saw something they weren't expecting to see in the results, or they didn't find what they were expecting to find within these results.
Whisper, I feel that the best thing that the Jackson family have done to date is to order that 2nd autopsy. I think that was a game changer.

The spin on MJ's drug use started the moment he was announced dead. Everyone and their mamas were coming out of the woodwork talking about 'MJ did this and MJ did that'. I suspect that when the initial report came out and it was inconclusive, that the plan was to use the tox reports to close the books -- MJ died of either an OD or he was doped up on prescription drugs and it eventually caused his death.

But then the family ordered independent testing and that gummed up the works. Now the LAPD is crossing every 't' and dotting every 'i' -- as they should anyway. If they don't find this diprivan in his system, but only an overload of other prescription drugs, then the question will be how much was lethal to kill him. What if there were enough drugs in him to kill a horse?

I'm just speculating here....
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I still don't get how AEG was able to get a several million dollar insurance policy on Michael with pre-existing conditions. I find that bizarre since insurance companies usually deny coverage left and right when people disclose pre-existing ailments/conditions.....

That would be like saying Mrs. Jackson only had 8 children since Michael is gone. Brandon was her son just as Michael was and he is not insignificant just because he didn't survive beyond birth. He was a child born into this world and taken home too soon, just as his brother Michael was.
Darlin', I'm not poo pooing Marlon's twin. I simply stated a point in fact and that is that MJ was the 7th surviving son.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I heard that the Lords of London certified that MJ was in good health with AEG before the 50 concernts. This is a company that will NOT certify you, if you are not well. Something happened from the time MJ left practice until they found him with a faint pulse.

The media and family should wait for the Toxicology report. The family should not speculate with the media and stir the pot.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

the only thing that is keeping me from COMPLETELY losing my mind is waiting for tox reports...
If I remember correctly remember when Michael first past Liza Minnelli said :eek:h Boy the shit is gonna hit the fan now" does anyone else recall this.

Yep, the day Michael died, Liza said on Larry King that evening that all hell was going to break loose, and since then I've believed her. When the toxicology report comes out, the s*** is gonna hit the fan. And you know what? It's gonna stink real bad.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

But then the family ordered independent testing and that gummed up the works. Now the LAPD is crossing every 't' and dotting every 'i' -- as they should anyway. If they don't find this diprivan in his system, but only an overload of other prescription drugs, then the question will be how much was lethal to kill him. What if there were enough drugs in him to kill a horse?

I'm just speculating here....
Yeah. I feel you. There are a number of possibilities:
1. What if there weren't enough prescriptions in his body to cause cardiac arrest?

2. What if only standard medication related to his lupus was found in his system and they're searching the brain for answers?

3. What if there were too many drugs in his system to be a standard overdose, meaning "drugs" were in his system which he couldn't have put there because he would have already gone into cardiac arrest by that time?

4. What if there were meds found in his house that weren't in his system? The police would want to know where they magically came from.

5. What if there is no valid/believable explanation as to what Murray was doing for 20-30 minutes before he waited to get somebody to call the paramedics?

6. What if Michael's food or drinks were being laced with something which interacted with whatever legit (or not) medication he was on?

7. What if he was taking a regular prescription that was written in a dosage much too high for someone of his weight? Or what if the doctor wrote the wrong mg number and he was taking too much not on purpose but accidentally?

8. What if diprivan is the cause of death but they're still puzzled as to why other medications were there because they weren't the primary cause of death?

9. What if there was something in his system that wasn't in the house and they don't know how it got in him?

This could go on and on and on. The police would need all this time to check out all this stuff. There are a number of possibilities.

But seriously it cannot be as cut and dry as a regular overdose because that would have been announced unless the Jackson family's autopsy report contradicts, in some way, the police's.
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Guys..I watched the interview and all, and I also think that Joe has a lot of smoke going on around him..but you guys are forgetting something very important. No matter what he did to Michael during his early years, no matter what happend between them..no matter if he gave him love or not...he is his FATHER. His son just DIED. Give the guy a break. He's trying to keep himself composed but it's obvious that he feels pain because he lost his son. And don't forget that he was with him and his mother every single day of the trial. Do you think Michael didn't appreciate that? Do you think Michael never talked to his dad? I read that around verdict day, he gave each and everyone of his family members a hug and told them that he loved them, including his parents. I know Joe isn't the best of people..but don't forget that he's 80 years old...and you could tell that he's not really focused on much of what's going on...

I agree with you. I feel bad for Joe sometimes.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I don't like Joe and what he did to Michael. I just watched it all on you tube and saw a sad old man who seems to be cut off from his family, the family that all he does is talk about to make business deals. Its all really sad :( I don't believe he didn't abuse Michael, esp after the slaves comment! What the...! Joe was not told the private autopsy results most probably because the family love him but don't trust him to say stuff wrong.

I don't trust any of them right now, Joe, Leonard, AEG... Some might be telling bits of the truth but will we ever know...

Bless you Michael what a life. I'm so glad you had your 3 lovely children to give you that unconditional love. My thoughts are with them now.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

First of all, MJ didn't die of natural cause or his cause of death would be known. Therefore,prescription drugs PROBABLY caused his death. I never said he OD. I just said hypothetically, if he did, MJ has to be held responsible not AEG or Dr. Murray. If Diprivan or anything illegal was given or contributed to his death, then someone has to be held responsible for it. WE don't know. The concert schedule doesn't have any barring on MJ cause of death. MJ was addicted to pain meds and whatever before this June 25, 2009.

I can say whatever the hell I want to say. I don't care.Just like you give your opinion, I can give mines. Sorry if I can see things without a rose colored glasses on and not lay the blame where it is ultimately on.

Alot of people has been on the record including MJ's former attorneys, Teddy Riley, and others said they NEVER saw MJ under the influence of drugs. If he was, maybe AEG wasn't aware of it either.

Oh hell no! You did not just call me on the carpet like that.
Listen small child, I know how an autopsy works. If it is a natural death we wouldn't be sitting here talking about what happened. Michael would have been buried and we would be trying to move on with our lives the best we can.
However, it has been 16 yrs since Michael had a prescription drug problem. 16 yrs. People change. He went to rehab.
I guess you'd rather listen to the media and people that haven't been close to Michael these last few yrs. Fine.
You said quote: "Alot of people has been on the record including MJ's former attorneys, Teddy Riley and others said they NEVER saw MJ under the influence of drugs. If he was, maybe AEG wasn't aware of it either."
Well sh*t. If Michael was that good at hiding his addiction from everyone, he should have been an actor. He'd have won a sh*t ton of awards. 16 yrs is a long time to have an addiction without it killing you.

You want me to blame Michael for his death?? Is that what you want? No. I don't have on rose colored glasses as you said. I don't see Michael as a "saint" or someone who can "do no wrong". I'm not blind to the fact that he had problems. On the other hand, I'm not gonna sit here and let him take all the blame for his death either.
To sum this up: Do not call me on the carpet again like that.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

All I can say is that I hope Joe had the chance to say goodbye to Michael, because he'll probably never see him again.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

When you think of interviews that should'nt have happened, this one falls in that category! Alot was said, but this point just bugged me.....

How in God's name does Joe Jackson NOT know where his son's body is? not to mention the results of the second autopsy? It seemed to me as though Joe is'nt even apart of the ungoing details of this situation. I so wish someone would make him stop talking as he's not coming off well at all.

And as far as I am concerned, EVERY DAMN BODY IS A SUSPECT TO ME!!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I agree with you Exotic Princess

I just think Joe isn't told anything by the rest of the family as he simply can't be trusted, hes a sad old man when it comes down to it.

I don't trust anyone in all of this either.

You know his mobile phone went off in the interview I bet that was someone from the family telling him to shut up! He even said Larry Phillips instead of Randy...
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Dr. Murray is the real ScapeGoat in this he had no thoughts of what was going on, just a pawn among Kings and Queens. He was HIRED for one purpose be there when he is found. I hate to say it but if he is alive this time next year he is a very Blessed Man.

uhhh.. Dr Murray could not even do the PROPER CPR procedure when he found Michael. He was doing CPR while Michael was on the BED. THEN after 25 minutes, they call 911! (WTH?) IT WAS THE 911 operator that told THEM to put Michael on the FLOOR to do PROPER CPR.

Not so sure Dr Murray was a "scapegoat" but he most definitely is a f'ing IDIOT DOCTOR that can't even PROPERLY give CPR!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I wanna know where did the video tape go that was monitoring MJ's room, and how long was Michael really dead by the time he got to the hospital. There are so many questions.

Wow! I didn't know this.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Oh hell no! You did not just call me on the carpet like that.
Listen small child, I know how an autopsy works. If it is a natural death we wouldn't be sitting here talking about what happened. Michael would have been buried and we would be trying to move on with our lives the best we can.
However, it has been 16 yrs since Michael had a prescription drug problem. 16 yrs. People change. He went to rehab.
I guess you'd rather listen to the media and people that haven't been close to Michael these last few yrs. Fine.
You said quote: "Alot of people has been on the record including MJ's former attorneys, Teddy Riley and others said they NEVER saw MJ under the influence of drugs. If he was, maybe AEG wasn't aware of it either."
Well sh*t. If Michael was that good at hiding his addiction from everyone, he should have been an actor. He'd have won a sh*t ton of awards. 16 yrs is a long time to have an addiction without it killing you.

You want me to blame Michael for his death?? Is that what you want? No. I don't have on rose colored glasses as you said. I don't see Michael as a "saint" or someone who can "do no wrong". I'm not blind to the fact that he had problems. On the other hand, I'm not gonna sit here and let him take all the blame for his death either.
To sum this up: Do not call me on the carpet again like that.

Whatever! I am a grown woman!!!! Thank you! Just because Michael went to rehab 16 years ago doesn't mean he still didn't have a problem when he died. His own friends and ex body guards, Deepak, Donny Osmond, and the list goes on STATED he had a problem this decade. Drugs were pulled from Neverland. Affadavids were made about MJ's drug use. Should licenses be pulled if he got them illegally or it was not medically appropriate, HELL YES! However, just because he didn't die sooner doesn't mean it was foul play this time. Things happen and it is possible to MJ's body had a bad reaction to the medication that caused the cardiac arrest.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

One thing I did take note of that Leonard talked about was the fact CNN had a copy there of his contract with MJ but why won't AEG prove that Michael said ok to extending the dates to 50... where is the contract for that??
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Guys. Do you REALLY think Joe is gonna tell Larry where Michael's body is? Think for a second. He knows. He just ain't telling. Along with not telling a lot of stuff. Including the family autopsy.

He shouldn't have done this interview at all knowing that he can't really say much about what's going on. I think the only reason he went on was to get word out to a media source that foul play was involved. It wasn't effective though because he seemed so inarticulate throughout the interview.

I don't fully understand Joe Jackson either but he's not a total outsider in this situation. He's the father for goodness sake!
John Lucas
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I in Joe's position wouldn't tell anyone where my son is and what the toxocoly report says. I simply would answer "I don't know" too.

Also, IF they would have found prescription drugs at Neverland I wonder why I've never heard about it during the time of the trial. The possibility is there that someone put it there. I have seen more strange things.

Could someone tell me if Joe was married to an other woman before he married Katherine? Who knows something about that, please?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I saw for the first time a man that is sad and quite distraught. I think that the media and public should relax on him for as he did lose his son (whether he was a good or bad father) and he is very old. I don't think he's very good at these interviews and public speaking.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

uhhh.. Dr Murray could not even do the PROPER CPR procedure when he found Michael. He was doing CPR while Michael was on the BED. THEN after 25 minutes, they call 911! (WTH?) IT WAS THE 911 operator that told THEM to put Michael on the FLOOR to do PROPER CPR.

Not so sure Dr Murray was a "scapegoat" but he most definitely is a f'ing IDIOT DOCTOR that can't even PROPERLY give CPR!

I didn't know this!

I heard about the videotape on HLN once or twice, why hasn't anyone else mentioned it?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

No one can tell me that someone didn't tell Joe to go easy and backtrack on the things he's said in the past about MJs kids and putting them on the road. It would jeopardize katherine's custody of the kids.. they don't live together but they are still married.
what interview did joe jackson say he is putting michael kids on the road? I did not here joe say that, I only herd someone say joe said that, I believed it was made up the first time i herd that. The only thing I herd joe jackson say, he was told that blanket could dance. thats all i herd!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

CNN has finally posted up the TRANSCRIPT of this show tonight

Interview with Joe Jackson

I recorded the 2nd run of this show but won't be able to work on sharing it (edit out commercials and convert it to upload) until tomorrow.
However, many pages back on this thread, some posted that they will provide this show -- and most likely long before I can.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

joe jackson seemed like he was under the influence of something.

he needs to quit speaking to the media. hes making his family look bad.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The links have been on youtube for four hours already...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

But they did meet for a charity dinner or something shortly before Michael's death. I heard Larry say it in a brief interview. I don't know if they have met in the past.

yes they did we posted pics of them together about a year ago.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Yep, the day Michael died, Liza said on Larry King that evening that all hell was going to break loose, and since then I've believed her. When the toxicology report comes out, the s*** is gonna hit the fan. And you know what? It's gonna stink real bad.

I never understood that quote. Were Liza and Michael still that close? Or how would she know?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

i don't think Joe is the right man to speak about Michael,simply because he didn't know him that well!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Im sorry, but if you think Michael got some good ol asswhooping and you think most of them turned out OK, did it seem to you that Michael turned out OK?? You cant compare spanking to what Joe Jackson did to his kids. Spanking/Asswhooping you got if you did something wrong or did not behave in a good manner. THATS spanking. We all got spanked, even me and Im not american/african american! We all got asswhooped, spanked or put in a corner.


What Joe Jackson did was practice his childrens dancemoves with a belt or ironcord in his hand, and he would whip them if they missed a step. He would throw them up against the wall. I'll quote Michaels words: ''He would tear you up, tear you up, I mean really get you, it was bad... It as bad''. They got abused when they tried to do something to please their father, they were civilized good behaved kids, who just wanted to please their daddy, and when their daddy was not satisfied with what he expected, he would tear them up. Real bad. Really get them.

Thats not spanking, thats fucking abuse. Thats child abuse, and on top of that, they had to go on stage and work like the rent is due tomorrow and they were just small children who could barley tie their own shoes![/quote]
I disagree with this, BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If that is the case, then Katherine Jackson is just as guilty. As the mother she allowed it to happen and continue to happen. YES LORD, HER RENT GOT PAID TOO...

Well said. I'm tired of Joe saying he just spanked them. So Michael just made it up? Why would he do that? There must have been a reason why Michael turned out to be the extremely insecure, shy guy he was, who was never satisfied with his looks. And no, it wasn't Thriller that changed him. Just look at an interview with him on YouTube from the late 70s, early 80s, he is so insecure and shy it's ridiculous. Look at this, this is a 17 year old young man, who on stage sets the world on fire, but off it.... - look at his reaction when the interviewer says he has the looks to make movies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9P9ZK8GCJg

There's no way there wasn't a reason for this behaviour and extreme insecurity! His father abusing him and mocking his looks is very probably the reason. I mean all the girls of the world between 12 and 24 were in love with MJ, yet he is not satisfied with himself. Someone really close to him must have told him that he is not good-looking. Hm, who could that have been?

So I'm tired of people defending Joe. I'm tired of hearing Joe's excuses too. Even when Michael was an adult he continued to torture him whenever he could reach him. Bruce Sweiden said that Joe would turn up in the studio just to bother Michael and Bruce and Quincy had to escort him out from the studio!

Michael was lying about some things, like his plastic surgery, but I don't think he was lying about his father.