7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I repeat. We do not KNOW with any certainty whatsoever that Michael was the one who insisted on this, particular doctor. Is there any corroboration for this other than AEG execs? Do we believe this just because AEG says so? AEG paid him. Did they select him, too? We do NOT know, but if anyone does know for certain. . do tell. . .
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I normally tape stuff about Michael so is this worth taping? sorry i didnt read this whole thread.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem is that you cannot make unsubstantiated allegations against AEG without looking like you're trying to find somebody to blame. If you know something, tell it. Don't be talking about suspicions and things like that because you may be directing that suspicion against the wrong person (people).

BTW, OT but where the hell did Tohme Tohme come from?? :ph34r:

Randy has already said a couple of inconsistent statements. At first he was adamant that MJ was doing this show for his kids but now he says MJ needed the money so he committed to 50 shows.
The two statements are not mutually exclusive.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The thing is I am hesitant to believe AEG in some matters. Too many inconsistencies. I don't trust them at all. Oh, and remember Randy said that MJ never signed the contract for Dr. Murray meaning the Dr. was working for MJ without a contract signed. But to be fair if MJ wanted a personal Dr. it was MJ's duty to make sure the Dr. was board certified etc. And it makes sense that AEG would cover the Dr. from advances from the concerts.

One of the first things that came out about Dr. Murray, after MJ's death is that he claimed AEG owed him $300,000. That's about 2 months worth of his alleged $150,000 salary. The issue is if MJ hadn't signed the contract, technically he wasn't hired by AEG just yet and couldn't get paid. I wonder if the doc ever knew MJ hadn't signed the contract...and whether MJ told him he had or not. :ph34r:
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

excellent post......and yes if it kept Michael happy they would of done just about anything i am afraid. anything to keep the Money rolling in.

AEG is not the baby sitter though. MJ has to take some blame for his actions too. I loved him, but he is the one who asked and took the medications whether he needed them or not is the question. AEG can't be blamed, period.

It is known fact that MJ tried to keep his family away.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Lily I totally, totally agree with the ultimatum talk. After hearing how SONY would push their agenda by basically telling MJ tour and we'll promote, I have no problem believing this is how AEG, Barrack and Tohme operated. So it wasn't that his family was shut out, it's that he had ultimatums given to him; people sweet talking him with a gun to his head. He became the 'yes-man'.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

And what is this i read somewhere on this thread that katerine called mj a MOTHERF**** WTF!!!??
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I repeat. We do not KNOW with any certainty whatsoever that Michael was the one who insisted on this, particular doctor. Is there any corroboration for this other than AEG execs? Do we believe this just because AEG says so? AEG paid him. Did they select him, too? We do NOT know, but if anyone does know for certain. . do tell. . .

My opinion...AEG put him on the payroll........AEG hired him.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I may be the odd one out on this thought, but I believe what Joe Jackson and Leonard Rowe have said. I think Joe Jackson is a straight shooter, he tells it like it is, not in the best way sometimes but he's straight up not taking bullshit and AEG did not like that he stood up for his son, case in point at that meeting at the Beverly Hotel when Joe said he started yelling and calling Randy Philips out about how they were gonna pay Michael for the shows. I believe Michael was kept isolated from certain people because some people felt threatened that they would be called out by people that had Michaels best interest at heart. :angry: To be quite honest I would not doubt that companies Michael was trying to do business with gave him ultimatums....like stay away from certain individuals or we won't back you by doing business with you. It truly seems some did not want the family or people that cared about Michael to interfere because they would lose their control over Michael.

Tohme being around AFTER he was dismissed just doesn't sit well with me, especially since he was at the hospital on June 25th. :mello: Didn't Joe say he has like 8 alias names? WTF, even Raymone had some serious suspicions about that guy that she wouldn't even get into on Geraldo one night.

Leonard Rowe said the contract was for 10 shows with an option for 21 more depending on demand, so 31 total, and when the promoters saw how sales were going they went to Tohme to increase it to 50 and TOHME apparently gave the ok without Michaels knowledge. :ermm: Then Michael asked for Leonards help because he knew he couldn't do that many shows, just like what the fans had been told by Michael!

Lawd have mercy I can't get my thoughts straight I'm so pissed off :mello:...everyone that loved and cared about Michael was kept away!!! He F-ING died unnecessarily AND alone with no one around him that gave a shit about HIM!!!!! :cry:

Where the hell is Dr Tohme??? He's the one who was supposedly representing MJ in this, he was with MJ at the concert announcement.
His ass is smack in the middle of this mess and could answer alot of these questions but he's the one that silent...
something is not right there..

And as far as the family's question about the executor of the will, I think those are fair questions to ask.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

And what is this i read somewhere on this thread that katerine called mj a MOTHERF**** WTF!!!??

As I said a few mins ago, that quote is from some tabloid book about MJ's life written back in the 90's. There is NO proof she ever said that.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem that AEG has is that Dr. Murray was on AEG's payroll and not MJ's. That fact alone opens AEG to litigation exposure. Any lawyer in a civil suit would make this simple analogy: if MJ has asked for a loaded gun to blow his brains out, would AEG buy the gun and the bullets and give it to him?

The point being is that AEG was paying this man a six-figure salary/month and they didn't bother to check him out? I don't care what MJ wanted -- this is not a typical request in a concert rider. Asking for a specific doctor is not like asking for having a green room decked out in white or something. AEG paid the salary of a doctor with dubious credentials at best and if he is found to be at ground zero regarding MJ's death, the family will be filing a wrongful death suit against AEG and AEG knows this. That is why they are walking a fine line right now.

Good post. This ties in with Friedman's blog post last week about Murray and that liar Kline. There are lots of questions about this doctor keeping Michael's family away...

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I am Registered Nurse, and from what I saw from clips of MJ and all the evidence on television or from CREDIBLE sources, I believe MJ was fine physically and mentally. He was not frail. Skinny? Yes! Frail? No! Frail is how we should describe a 90 year old woman, not MJ. My predicition is that either Murray shot MJ up with something that killed him or MJ died of a drug toxicity. There is nothing to suggest that MJ wasn't healthy. Sorry, a 50 year old man who isn't healthy doesn't sing and dance like that.

MJ being manipulated? Hell No! People this is Michael Jackson. He fire and hire people as he see fit. You want me to believe he was pressured into doing 50 shows or wouldn't know. MJ runs the damns show.Rowe history says he can't be trusted. The fact him and Joe Jackson are connected SCREAMS they are LIARS!

I just want to say Thank you for giving us your Profession you work with everyday mediacally I belive you know what you are talking about I know 120 or 200 pound man couldnt have lived with the amount of drugs found in Michael Jackson body at time of death they just didnt think this all the way though. All these LIARS words will come to haunt them very soon. But I do not apologize; Joe Jackson LOVED his 7th child Michael and for anyone believing Michael and Joe didnt Love each other they are in for a rude awakening. Who on here that has children and dont Love anyone of them please raise your hand. This man Joe Jackson has lost his Son and I and Many Others will support him in finding out the Truth because we already know the Truth. Everyone All this will end soon dont panic its for a Reason and The Jackson Family will prevail, this is just another lesson in Life our God is giving us since Man went and did what they wanted to against God's Law. Learn the Lesson and you too will Live. If not thats your choice too. Its all going to be alright just watch. Michael Jackson is SAFE now and more Powerful than he ever was in this Life.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem is that you cannot make unsubstantiated allegations against AEG without looking like you're trying to find somebody to blame. If you know something, tell it. Don't be talking about suspicions and things like that because you may be directing that suspicion against the wrong person (people).

BTW, OT but where the hell did Tohme Tohme come from?? :ph34r:

The two statements are not mutually exclusive.

EXACTLY! @ the bolded part. Can't agree more.

The story is that Tohme Tohme was recommended by Jermaine,...same as the Prince in Bahrain was. :ph34r: When good deeds go bad. smh Then there's another story that Michael and Tohme were "old friends"...maybe thru Jermaine...don't know. Soooo much crap to sift thru. Who knows if anyone will ever really get to the bottom of it all. :weeping:

Also, agree about the two statements not being mutually exclusive.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem is that you cannot make unsubstantiated allegations against AEG without looking like you're trying to find somebody to blame. If you know something, tell it. Don't be talking about suspicions and things like that because you may be directing that suspicion against the wrong person (people).

BTW, OT but where the hell did Tohme Tohme come from?? :ph34r:

The two statements are not mutually exclusive.

I'm sorry I wasn't being accurate with my information. Randy Phillips specifically DENIED that MJ was doing this for the money UNTIL MJ left us and then the tune was in a different key.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I just want to say Thank you for giving us your Profession you work with everyday mediacally I belive you know what you are talking about I know 120 or 200 pound man couldnt have lived with the amount of drugs found in Michael Jackson body at time of death they just didnt think this all the way though. All these LIARS words will come to haunt them very soon. But I do not apologize; Joe Jackson LOVED his 7th child Michael and for anyone believing Michael and Joe didnt Love each other they are in for a rude awakening. Who on here that has children and dont Love anyone of them please raise your hand. This man Joe Jackson has lost his Son and I and Many Others will support him in finding out the Truth because we already know the Truth. Everyone All this will end soon dont panic its for a Reason and The Jackson Family will prevail, this is just another lesson in Life our God is giving us since Man went and did what they wanted to against God's Law. Learn the Lesson and you too will Live. If not thats your choice too. Its all going to be alright just watch.

We dont'even know what was found.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

U are right. I forgot that Murray was on AEG's payroll. And he wasn't properly checked out... which further implies that this was a hurried rushed affair just so they could placate MJ give him the doctor he wanted so he could continue rehearsing and do the tour.

I hope they do file a wrongful death. I want this thing dragged out! I want someone to pay for what happened to my Michael!

My only issue with that is who would lead it? Katherine's torn up, Joe is a HOT mess... Who?
Oh I think regardless of what those tox reports say, lawsuits are going to be flying all over the place. McMillan would likely file for the mother and his children, I bet money right now that Joe will file his own separate lawsuit and hell the sibs may file separately.

This is what I don't want to happen. If this doctor is found to be criminally connected, I don't want him to be the scapegoat. I want ALL to go down. Every last one of them.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Thank you for the transcript! These shows (LKL and Anderson 350) are confusing and at this time, no one, I mean no one should be talking. Why? If anything goes to trial, all of these interviews/chats will be used as evidence against these people in a court of law if they are subpeonaed to testify. Truly where are the lawyers for these people who are talking on these shows this evening? Where are the lawyers?!!! Seriously, wherever they are, get out of bed call/text/etc. the Jackson family (specifically Joe Jackson) and tell them to take their concerns to a court of law and not to the court of public opinion. This is undignified to the memory of Michael and gives outside opponents ammunition.

I know that all family dynamics are difficult but why would Joe Jackson try to make Michael look bad and NOT protect his reputation? If Mr. Joe Jackson is not media savvy, he needs a spokesperson and should not speak for himself. The media did enough of a hatchett job on Michael in life and his own father and brother (Randy) cannot ZIP their lips in his death? Incredible! All I can is Michael was a strong man.

I will keep praying for Prince Michael I, Paris and Prince Michael II because all they have is each other and the memory of their father (the one person who loved them unconditionally).
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

AEG is not the baby sitter though. MJ has to take some blame for his actions too. I loved him, but he is the one who asked and took the medications whether he needed them or not is the question. AEG can't be blamed, period.

It is known fact that MJ tried to keep his family away.

If the case is that Michael did take a whole lot of pills,,which is still to be determined......then yes he is responsible. but if Aeg goes and gives him a full time doctor then they are just as guilty. again everyone is playing the yes game. ya dont go give an addict a blank prescription and this is what aeg did. they gave Michael his own source to use as he saw fit. Me personally I still dont see Michael as a pill popper addict. sorry I just cannot.!!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight


it seems like everybody is trying to set themselves up in whatever light they want to be perceived in...before the tox report comes out. thats why everybody keeps talking but not saying anything, guilty mofos all of them!!

Those who are truly are in pain and hurt from mjs passing are the ones who haven't said anything or very little...all this insanity, if there is one thing that gives me peace in michaels passing is the fact he no longer has to deal with this lunacy!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Oh I think regardless of what those tox reports say, lawsuits are going to be flying all over the place. McMillan would likely file for the mother and his children, I bet money right now that Joe will file his own separate lawsuit and hell the sibs may file separately.

This is what I don't want to happen. If this doctor is found to be criminally connected, I don't want him to be the scapegoat. I want ALL to go down. Every last one of them.


Completely agree.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Enough!!! Enough!!. Moth2aflame and ernestine!! Both of you have less than 20 posts. Why the hell should anyone believe anything you say?
Acting like you both have seen the tox reports. Please just shut the hell up.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

If the case is that Michael did take a whole lot of pills,,which is still to be determined......then yes he is responsible. but if Aeg goes and gives him a full time doctor then they are just as guilty. again everyone is playing the yes game. ya dont go give an addict a blank prescription and this is what aeg did. they gave Michael his own source to use as he saw fit. Me personally I still dont see Michael as a pill popper addict. sorry I just cannot.!!!

Plus the fact that, IF he was having issues with substance abuse, you can't expect him to make proper decisions either. The problem in ALL of hollywood with these things is that people stand around and see the signs, but nobody speaks up.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Oh I think regardless of what those tox reports say, lawsuits are going to be flying all over the place. McMillan would likely file for the mother and his children, I bet money right now that Joe will file his own separate lawsuit and hell the sibs may file separately.

This is what I don't want to happen. If this doctor is found to be criminally connected, I don't want him to be the scapegoat. I want ALL to go down. Every last one of them.

agreed!!!! every last one of them....
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Just wondering, but could Tohme have been the one who hired the doctor since he seems to have been making other decisions on behalf of Michael?

Whatever the final report is and whether we choose to accept what we hear or not, it doesn't changed the fact that there was and is some shady shit going on.....

Joe Jackson LOVED his 7th child Michael

Michael was the 8th child.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I just want to say Thank you for giving us your Profession you work with everyday mediacally I belive you know what you are talking about I know 120 or 200 pound man couldnt have lived with the amount of drugs found in Michael Jackson body at time of death they just didnt think this all the way though. All these LIARS words will come to haunt them very soon. But I do not apologize; Joe Jackson LOVED his 7th child Michael and for anyone believing Michael and Joe didnt Love each other they are in for a rude awakening. Who on here that has children and dont Love anyone of them please raise your hand. This man Joe Jackson has lost his Son and I and Many Others will support him in finding out the Truth because we already know the Truth. Everyone All this will end soon dont panic its for a Reason and The Jackson Family will prevail, this is just another lesson in Life our God is giving us since Man went and did what they wanted to against God's Law. Learn the Lesson and you too will Live. If not thats your choice too. Its all going to be alright just watch.

I do think MJ and Joe loved eachother. That does not excuse the fact that Joe has used Michael to get money recently and in the past now currently also. That is a fact. I don't really care for him in that regards. Alot of people said MJ didn't want to be bothered with his family at times even people who are credible.

As for MJ, we still don't know what killed him. He may have died from drug toxicity which happens when you take medications together that cause a toxic effect in the body. For example, MJ could have used Dipravan and Methadone that caused the cardiac arrest. Or it could have been a combination of things. For all we know, it could be an overdose, and Dr. Murray will be completely exonerated of anything.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Hello Everybody,

This is my first time posting on this forum although I have been following all the threads since the beginning of the year.
I watched Larry King interview with Joe Jackson and Leonard Rowe. I must say that I don't trust Joe or Lowe neithet AEG.
However, I think everybody is forgetting someone. What about Dr Tohme?
If I am not mistaken, Dr Tohme was the one who negotiated the O2 concerts with AEG on behalf of MJ. He was also the one who according to Randy Philips asks MJ if he was OK with 50 shows and he was the one who said AEG that MJ was fine with that. Another thing I thought Dr Tohme was fired recently, right? In that case, how come he was at the hospital next to Jermaine when the latter was confirming MJ's death? If he was fired, how come he was still there, lurking around? How come Frank Dileo was not upfront?

I think this Dr Tohme need to be seriously investigated, but it is like nobody even noticed, even though his name keeps coming into all those allegations.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Plus the fact that, IF he was having issues with substance abuse, you can't expect him to make proper decisions either. The problem in ALL of hollywood with these things is that people stand around and see the signs, but nobody speaks up.

Amen to this post.....you hit the nail on the head my friend!!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight


This is what I don't want to happen. If this doctor is found to be criminally connected, I don't want him to be the scapegoat. I want ALL to go down. Every last one of them.

The problem or solution to some is you cant group everyone together there are two groups of people left back here in this Earth to deal with this 1. being those who didnt care but pretending they did and everyone is giving them the benefit of doubt as having no malice intent to end this man's life. 2nd those who really cared and are humble and letting the media and forums say all manner of things against them, these are the people who truly Loved Michael and are obedient to God. Everyone will chose which side they are on from what they post and what they say in the news. This is real and everyone of us has chosen their side. We can talk about AEG, Sony, Doctors, Joe Jackson, The Children, The Executors but its all about the side we have chosen that we will be Judged ourselves. It only reveals who we really are anyway.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

One of the first things that came out about Dr. Murray, after MJ's death is that he claimed AEG owed him $300,000. That's about 2 months worth of his alleged $150,000 salary. The issue is if MJ hadn't signed the contract, technically he wasn't hired by AEG just yet and couldn't get paid. I wonder if the doc ever knew MJ hadn't signed the contract...and whether MJ told him he had or not. :ph34r:

Oh damn. Wait. Hold up. The plot thickens like a mug. I didn't know Murray said this. Interesting. If AEG tries to say, HEY! He technically wasn't on the payroll yet... then the answer would be why not... and if MJ didn't sign any contracts yet....

Doom Doom. Oh yes. Liza is sho right. All hell is about to break loose now....

Although... I find it very hard to believe that MJ didn't sign a contract after AEG had invested $20 million. Don't make sense to me, but hell, nothing much about this situation does...