7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I am not on Joes side about anything...however I dont trust EAG either.

I deffly dont trust AEG havent since thay done that online interview saying that michael was fine and healthly and the fact thay moved the dates back had to do with something else,i can read body langue and thay was lieing :( x
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

no one close cared for MJ not even his family , his own mother ( katherine ) called MJ a f***** to his face!
Where were these ppl when he needed them ?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe can't grieve his son because he lost the guy long before June 25, 2009. He's as stuck in the 1980s as some fans are. Death by celebrity, death by greed, death by tabloid. A damn shame.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Okay! They are talking about the Tito thing.. lemme type.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Is there a reason why we should just believe AEG? Their hands were in MJ's pocket pretty deep too. Randy Phillips of course is just trying to cover his a$@ too, like everyone else.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that just as Joe and Rowe and everyone else have their own version and perceptions, AEG could have been trying to distance themselves from the doctor.

It is just not easy to believe anyone these days...

I personally dont believe aeg about anything, they still have their hands in Michael's pocket..God rest his soul.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

After watching this hot mess of an interview, I don't know what the hell to believe anymore. My confused mind is reeling in so many directions.

mine too. My head hurts after that interview.
but I did learn a few things

1. Larry King needs to retire
2. Nobody is ever going to understand the relationship MJ had with his father/family. As all family dynamics are different
3. Joe Jackson needs to stop doing interviews right now. Somebody who is more articulate needs to answer these questions. And I'm sorry but he just doesn't talk about MJ as a son... what's all this superstar stuff, your child is dead.

4. Everything with MJ was so complicated its hard to know what is true and what's not when Michael's not here but I have to say I believe Rowe to a certain extent.
We have fans here who have said when they saw MJ he didn't look heathly and those same fans saying their was suspicious things going on around MJ so Rowe is not lieing about those things.
5. AEG and their control, the more I learn about their role, the more I'm suspicous
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Murray interviewed twice.. a witness NOT a suspect.

Tito thinks the dr panicked when he found MJ not breathing. If he hadn't thought he had done something wrong and waited so long to call the ambulance MJ would still be alive.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

AEG covered an accidental overdose !!!

Hmmmmm seems they knew more about this than they want us to know!!

AEG can go f*** themselves
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Murray interviewed twice.. a witness NOT a suspect.

Tito thinks the dr panicked when he found MJ not breathing. If he hadn't thought he had done something wrong and waited so long to call the ambulance MJ would still be alive.

couldnt of been a good dr then hun to panick :-( x
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I deffly dont trust AEG havent since thay done that online interview saying that michael was fine and healthly and the fact thay moved the dates back had to do with something else,i can read body langue and thay was lieing :( x

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

AEG comments to CNN...

wether MJ would be doing 1 or 50 the rehearsal prep and schedule would have been exactly the same. He always had the option to change his schedule or miss a rehearsal and did decide to miss certain days he had previously committed to. The show schedule was based on HIS schedule.

That's the response to CNN from AEG.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Guys..I watched the interview and all, and I also think that Joe has a lot of smoke going on around him..but you guys are forgetting something very important. No matter what he did to Michael during his early years, no matter what happend between them..no matter if he gave him love or not...he is his FATHER. His son just DIED. Give the guy a break. He's trying to keep himself composed but it's obvious that he feels pain because he lost his son. And don't forget that he was with him and his mother every single day of the trial. Do you think Michael didn't appreciate that? Do you think Michael never talked to his dad? I read that around verdict day, he gave each and everyone of his family members a hug and told them that he loved them, including his parents. I know Joe isn't the best of people..but don't forget that he's 80 years old...and you could tell that he's not really focused on much of what's going on...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

AEG comments to CNN...

wether MJ would be doing 1 or 50 the rehearsal prep and schedule would have been exactly the same. He always had the option to change his schedule or miss a rehearsal and did decide to miss certain days he had previously committed to. The show schedule was based on HIS schedule.

That's the response to CNN from AEG.

That seems like a weird answer, doesn't it?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

no one close cared for MJ not even his family , his own mother ( katherine ) called MJ a f***** to his face!
Where were these ppl when he needed them ?

Holy smokes!!! Say what?? I did not hear about this at all..please elaborate!!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

mine too. My head hurts after that interview.
but I did learn a few things

1. Larry King needs to retire
2. Nobody is ever going to understand the relationship MJ had with his father/family. As all family dynamics are different
3. Joe Jackson needs to stop doing interviews right now. Somebody who is more articulate needs to answer these questions
4. Everything with MJ was so complicated its hard to know what is true and what's not when Michael's not here but I have to say I believe Rowe to a certain extent.
We have fans here who have said when they saw MJ he didn't look heathly and those same fans saying their was suspicious things going on around MJ so Rowe is not lieing about those things.
5. AEG and their control, the more I learn about their role, the more I'm suspicous

AMEN to your whole post.........perfect!!!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

U guys can get mad at me but I'm on Joe side for this,I don't trust AEG 4 nothing

I don't trust them all that much either, but I think if you're going to go after someone, go after them with undisputed fact. And Joe nor Rowe put up anything of consequence tonight.

well Mr Rowe...I guess I live under a rock because it is a secret to me..... asshole.

This is what gave them both very little credibility. Too many facts were screwed up.

And I found it odd...well not really...that MJ and Joe lived in the Encino home after the Pepsi incident, yet Joe said Michael never spoke to him about it. Damn. How do you live in the house with your son after something like that and not have any clue as to what kind of pain he was going thru. I understand Michael may have purposely kept his distance from Joe, but it's so sad that even during something like that they couldn't bond. :( That doesn't happen over any spanking....Joe knows it was worse than a little pap. If anyone read Margaret Maldonado's book, she explained how Jackie broke down during the taping of the Jacksons movie cuz of the flashbacks he was having watching some of the confrontational scenes with their father. A grown arse man brought to tears watching a reinactment of his life is no joke. Joe needs to stop. Having said that, none of those boys ended up in too much trouble. The scale is balanced, but at what price?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Imo I think everyone got a lil bit of horse sh*t on the bottom of their shoe, meaning everyone has their part in this, directly or indirectly.. I am leaning towards Joe's side on this one, some of his points were valid, once you decipher is language..lol.. In the end MJ was still his son.. I feel him on wanting to remember MJ alive and not in a casket.. What parent wants to bury their on flesh and blood.

LOL@Joe checking Larry and telling him to stop cutting him off.. rofllll.. that's old school...
Um is it me or does that lady that claims to be Debbie's friend and former lawyer seem shady... Larry asked her if she was going to be in the courtroom and she said no, that was something private, but yet she is all on LK telling Debbie's business about her having sex with MJ.. Lawd, I got the feeling she isn't really friends with Debbie, she just kinda knows her..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

That seems like a weird answer, doesn't it?

IT does. It doesn't really say ANYTHING. I'm thinking they are hesitant to say a word because this could all come crashing down at any minute. It's like a stack of dominoes this whole situation.. AEG, Joe, Rowe, Murray, MJ, Doctors, just everything. It's all gonna come crashing down and the ish is gonna hit the fan. I can feel it. Wait till them toxicology reports come in...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

no one close cared for MJ not even his family , his own mother ( katherine ) called MJ a f***** to his face!
Where were these ppl when he needed them ?

GIVE ME PROOF . RIGHT NOW! if you are gonna write shit like that around here, prove it then!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

If seeing and hearing all these P.O.V.'s makes us confused, just imagined how confusing all of this must have been for Michael. On top of that, he had demanding fans wanting more and more out of him. He really just wanted to make music and spend time with his kids. Poor MJ.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I don't trust them all that much either, but I think if you're going to go after someone, go after them with undisputed fact. And Joe nor Rowe put up anything of consequence tonight.

This is what gave them both very little credibility. Too many facts were screwed up.

And I found it odd...well not really...that MJ and Joe lived in the Encino home after the Pepsi incident, yet Joe said Michael never spoke to him about it. Damn. How do you live in the house with your son after something like that and not have any clue as to what kind of pain he was going thru. I understand Michael may have purposely kept his distance from Joe, but it's so sad that even during something like that they couldn't bond. :( That doesn't happen over any spanking....Joe knows it was worse than a little pap. If anyone read Margaret Maldonado's book, she explained how Jackie broke down during the taping of the Jacksons movie cuz of the flashbacks he was having watching some of the confrontational scenes with their father. A grown arse man brought to tears watching a reinactment of his life is no joke. Joe needs to stop. Having said that, none of those boys ended up in too much trouble. The scale is balanced, but at what price?

Reading this breaks my heart. I know I'm so sad that MJ is gone but damn if I'm not happy that he no longer has to suffer anymore. I hope wherever he is he's happy and at peace.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

no one close cared for MJ not even his family , his own mother ( katherine ) called MJ a f***** to his face!
Where were these ppl when he needed them ?

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I noticed the Pepsi/Dad thing as well :( :(

How can anyone agree to go on tour without a contract? Surely they can show some kind of contract for shows. This is ridiculous.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

well now we know who's telling katherine to contest the trustees in the will....

rowe is a hot damn mess. let it be known the man is a PROVEN CROOK who swindled prince and r.kelly and had to pay back the MILLIONS he stole from them. so take what he says w/ a big damn grain. i wish it came form another source cuz honestly.

joe....*sighs* he CANNOT speak well in public. let alone live tv. answering ur phone, laughing, when talking about ur just deceased son is not good taste. THERE'S A REASON Y U HAVE A SPOKESPERSON. nappy roots. ugh

and larry king...dumb dumb diddy.

how the helldo u NOT know where ur son's body is? how the hell u not know the autopsy report info? la toya knows. either go on tv to say something or dont go on at all.

he didn't 'beat' mj....if that's what he wanted to defend, cuz honestly, he was more upset about that than anything else lk asked him, then do a SEGMENT not a whole show

omg finsilver is a fuckin' mess.....shelooks like one of them cgi fishes in nemo or whatever.

she's trying ot normalize deb...her and friedman, so whatever. so long as there's no fight and all parties are concerned about the kids but honestly...did they NOT have any foundation that could've toned her down a bit? orange ass