7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Well that was a complete waste of time....Now I'm more confused than ever. All of those people babbling at the same time and not one of them could answer any of the questions.....eck
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Iris Finsilver atty for Debbie Rowe. (this chick is botoxed out of her MIND with a HORRIBLE makeup job!!! UGH!)

She (Debbie) hasn't seen the kids. Custody hearing postponed Fam is supposed to be trying to work something out... sit down with concerns.

Debbie wants to have a relationship with her children.. doesn't know if she wants custody. When she was with MJ she wanted to have a relationship with them but thought MJ would be a better father. She says MJ is 100% the father of the children. Hopes something can be worked out.

She thinks the Jackson fam doesn't know Debbie.. Katherine and Joe have never met her. They are fearful because they don't know her.

Not in her (Debbies) character to blow up at the media but she was upset and the paparazzi is still camped out at her house.

Has known Debbie a long time. Debbie is still the same caring loving person.. she had pics of her and the kids in her house... shrine in the closet with pics because poeple would come in to her house and steal the pics.

Larry wants to know why she doesn't want them now that MJ is gone. Says she had always loved the kids. She is distraught over his death. She loved MJ.

The night she was leaving to get married in Australia...she told Debbie her life was gonna change but she wasn't trying to hear it.

Believes they broke up because she didn't like live in the public eye. Larry asks about artificial insemination. she says she doesn't know but does know that they did have sex.

She wants to stay out of the courthoom when Debbie is in there.. she is debbie's friend. Thinks that once they get to know Debbie something can be worked out.

And that's all folks.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Talk about this woman's plastic surgeries.. she is orange and her skin doesn't move..

anyway, Joe is not a superstar so he doesn't have great interviewing skills, so maybe that is why he came off rather crazy.. Even though Joe is crazy..lol.. I am sure if all of us got bombarded with questions that we couldn't really answer how we wanted to we would sound like fools..
Like I said b4 I am sure MJ and his pops made some kind of amends. In the end MJ still called Joe Jackson his father..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

It was interesting to watch the interview. Joe was much more cautious about what he says.lol

But I would also love to see the contract MJ signed for the 50 shows. I mean AEG must have secured that contract. And I do have a feeling AEG is a little shady in this. I really do.

No I don't think MJ was cut off from people especially when Leo Rowe said he spoke to him recently. It doesn't make any sense.lol.

I just think some folks are not expressing themselves well, and some are lying and some are filling in the blanks with dangerous assumptions.

I just hope we cut all the family some slack. I am just tired of the slagging of the family and all...Yes everybody wanted control of MJ (including family) but they do love him.

And I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVE that Joe told Larry to stop cutting him off.lol.

Larry also did a poor job with this interview.
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

this story about MJ not wanting to do 50 shows is growing legs.. hmm

I think some of the stuff they are saying seems believable.. Some believe AEG, so why not believe Joe??

That comment about paying MJ in USD make me wonder.. that is real foul of them to want to pay the KOP in USD and not GBP.. the USD sucks a$$ right now...
LOL@Joe liking the Earth Song

Sorry but Joe is BS.Leonard Rowe is a con artist. Hell he has been sued by NeYo and RKelly. My theory is they will eventually sue the estate to get money because he was MJ's "promoter" which is a damn lie. Rowe is setting themselves up to be exposed because they are LIARS.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

One should "NEVER" pass judgment on another UNTIL one hears ALL sides of the story..!

Bottom line...where's AEG's legal contract with Mr.Jackson..? What do they have to hide..? Do they have ANYTHING to hide..? If not, why have they NOT come forward yet..? What are they waiting for..?

If one is innocent of ANY wrong doing...? Then what is the problem/legal issue..? If they do NOT have nothing to fear, did nothing wrong...then share the truth...

So Mr.Jackson's family, the fans/admirers can put Michael Jackson to rest...in peace..!


:angel:Keep Helping Heal The World~~~
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I'm gonna keep watching.. CNN is getting in touch with AEG and may have a statement. Also they are saying they have an interview or something with Tito saying that the doctor is to blame for MJs death.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Alot of words are going to be said because the family wants someone held accountable (i don't blame them) and AEG wants to make their money back plus a profit.. So AEG can't afford to own up to this Dr. Murray guy and controlling MJ's life.. But didn't someone on MJJC post something about AEG making a comment about these concerts being a do or die situation for MJ in regards to his finances?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

One should "NEVER" pass judgment on another UNTIL one hears ALL sides of the story..!

Bottom line...where's AEG's legal contract with Mr.Jackson..? What do they have to hide..? Do they have ANYTHING to hide..? If not, why have they NOT come forward yet..? What are they waiting for..?

If one is innocent of ANY wrong doing...? Then what is the problem/legal issue..? If they do NOT have nothing to fear, did nothing wrong...then share the truth...

Mr.Jackson, his family, and the fans/admirers can put Michael Jackson to rest..!


:angel:Keep Helping Heal The World~~~

U are right.. its ALL so shady!!! AEG is shady. Joe Jackson is shady. No wonder MJ was stressed and couldn't sleep, got people pulling him in all kinda different directions. Poor baby!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

i havent read this thread yet but WOW larry king is slow, worst host ever
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Im watching Larry King Live now Joe Jackson is a Great Father I see why Michael Jackson turned out the way he did, Great Parents. All Michael Problems started when he left his Dad and Family and I believe in the end Michael realize that and his enemies kept him isolated and drugged to control him. Its totally obvious now what has happened.

Lol are you joking or are you trying to look stupid?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The thing with the beating I think was misspoken by Joe.What he was trying to say was that beating is a slave thing and he never applied that kind of beating to MJ. He doesn't express himself really well and add that to Larry King jumping all over the place and cutting off people left right and center and you get a confusing picture.

Sorry, but i was laughing alot during this interview.lol

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

AEG isn't looking too good to me right now. Especially if Leonard Rowe is telling the truth and AEG didn't even have a written contract with Michael.

Why do I feel that as soon as the judge approves the executor request of Branca and McClain, the Estate of Michael Jackson is gonna file a wrongful death lawsuit against AEG?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

i havent read this thread yet but WOW larry king is slow, worst host ever

Larry is like that with EVERYONE. I mean his disdain for Joe was clear in this interview but Larry cuts everyone off and sometimes can't remember certain names and things. He's an old man. He always interviews like that.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Thank you all so, so much for the updates! You're amazing!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

AEG isn't looking too good to me right now. Especially if Leonard Rowe is telling the truth and AEG didn't even have a written contract with Michael.

Why do I feel that as soon as the judge approves the executor request of Branca and McClain, the Estate of Michael Jackson is gonna file a wrongful death lawsuit against AEG?

Which wouldn't be a bad thing really. AEG's been shady to me from jump. I don't think MJ wanted to do the 50 shows but was pressured to do them.. maybe pumped up like "yeah come on mike you can do it!!!" He wanted to please the fans, please AEG, get his money right, show his kids what he does.. it was all too much for him I'm convinced.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I'm gonna keep watching.. CNN is getting in touch with AEG and may have a statement. Also they are saying they have an interview or something with Tito saying that the doctor is to blame for MJs death.

Yeah, I'm watching it too..Anderson Cooper 360. Didn't realize that was on right after Larry King.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Rowe - I've never seen him before but damn he seems like just the kind of slimy SOB that Joe would be hanging around. Just a shady nasty looking character. What's his story?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Well damn. I knew not to watch this trainwreck of an interview.

Great. That line will be the talk of the next month.

Maybe the LAPD can release the tox results now. No one will be paying attention. They will just be talking about Joe Jackson liking the disclipine of his children to slave masters beating slaves...

No way I can defend u on that one Joe, got DAMN. :(

With no disrespect intended, Mr.Joe Jackson did not say he beat his children, he did however, spank them, and was strict...

Believe it not...There IS a BIG difference...depending on what era/generation one grew up in..!

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I barely got here and missed most of the interview but taped it.

Coming up next on CNN 360 (if someone mentioned it then I'm sorry) is Randy Jackson who believes Michael's dr is at fault.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Oh yeah and I thought it was horrible that Michael had to practically beg to have the concerts spread out because it seemed like too much for him. This is growing more and more evil by the day.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

No one can tell me that someone didn't tell Joe to go easy and backtrack on the things he's said in the past about MJs kids and putting them on the road. It would jeopardize katherine's custody of the kids.. they don't live together but they are still married.

Yeah that's true, hadn't thought of that.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Good job Heartbreak.. ur fingers are smokin'...lol

Thanks! I type all day for work so it's easy for me... Plus I wanted you guys to know what a hot mess that interview was. UGH!