7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

AllTheLovelyFlowers;2036932And did you see how Rowe stretched his eyes when Joe tried to take credit for jumpstarting his career?[/quote said:
Joe did what!!! BWHAHAHAA.....are u for real?!

Joe wishes he jumpstarted mike career. Im sorry but mike 's talent and his pure genius of songwriting and dancing from the heart is what made his career....not joe!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry read two letters - one from Michael Jackson which stated to AEG that Leonard Rowe was in charge of Michael's business affairs that was signed by Michael. Another letter (Which Roger Friedman has) stating Leonard Rowe was fired and Frank DiLeo was the new business manager.

Leonard claims he never received that letter.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Wow....this is the has to be one of the sloppiest and most unintelligible interviews I have ever seen.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Leonard also confirmed a meeting between himself, Michael, Randy Phillips and Michael's parents at the Beverley Hotel.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

u all have to remember Joe may not feel whipping him with a belt is abuse.... what we may consider abuse may not be what Joe considers.. He may think there is nothing wrong with spanking and well i don't know what to say about the verbal jabs@MJ.

In my heart I fell that MJ and his dad may have talked about their issues, as much as they could..
You do have a true point.........
Michael got a good old fashion ass whopping just like many black kids got from their parents during that time. That's how black parents raised their kids..... And some still do.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe is not surprised he was left out of the will because that's what he wanted but its doesn't hurt him. Larry asks if he was estranged from MJ.. Joe starts talking about Katherine.

Joe says he and Katherine are still married.

Rowe - has a letter that says Rowe is my rep on my behalf. Then MJ sent him another letter saying that he DIDN'T want Rowe to represent him. Rowe says he never got that letter. Rowe says that that letter was proof that MJ was being controlled. AEG didn't want him around MJ and wanted to keep people away from him that were thinking in MJs best interest in order to control him

Joe was gonna go to the concerts even though they didn't want him there. Rowe was gonna go also because MJ hired him to do the finances (he's saying that he doesn't think MJ wanted him to get that second letter). Says he was in a meeting with MJ Randy Phillips and MJs mom.. they could have given him the letter then and they did not. MJ never said anything about breaking off ties. He says MJ told him to look after the finances but he says AEG didn't want him around because AEG had different plans for MJs money. Rowe says that MJ had a chance to give him that letter three weeks before he died and MJ never said anything about that. He was talking to AEG about ticket scalping and what not and Joe was yelling because he wanted MJ to be paid in pounds and the AEG people told him that by the time the tour was over American dollars would catch up to the Euro.

Rowe says that if ppl cared about MJ like they said they did... Larry cut him off. Break.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

wow@Joe Jackson saying they wanted 2 pay MJ in USD and not in GBP... Joe said he wanted it the other way around cuz they were trying to jip his son
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

You do have a true point.........
Michael got a good old fashion ass whopping just like many black kids got from their parents during that time. That's how black parents raised their kids..... And some still do.

Very true. I know I got spanked from time to time but there was NEVER a time where I felt fear at the sight of my dad like these kids did. I think Joe Jacksons discipline bordered on abuse...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry read two letters - one from Michael Jackson which stated to AEG that Leonard Rowe was in charge of Michael's business affairs that was signed by Michael. Another letter (Which Roger Friedman has) stating Leonard Rowe was fired and Frank DiLeo was the new business manager.

Leonard claims he never received that letter.

this just smells like Joe is trying to cash in on his son with some sort of lawsuit....

sounds like Joe tried to get Leonard in....Michael said no and hired Frank..
I see Joe in the same light I see a used car salesman...

I am thinking what all of America is thinking...........Joe, you are the cause of alot of your son's problems............

RIP Michael... you don't have to be bullied by your father anymore..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

OMG!!! Why didn't he do something if he cared soo much. Everything is we tried to talk to him during the last week but the way they talk thus was going on for awhile. Why wait until he was scheduled to leave. Also during the press conference for the memorial Randy Phillips thanks Randy jackson for his help throughout. Why would randy be so helpful if they "hurt" his brother?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I think the last segment was good. The exchange about being paid in GBP instead of USD is very interesting - and the point of from Leonard is something to be considered.... the point about the dismissal letter NOT being given to Leonard at the meeting.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Im sorry, but if you think Michael got some good ol asswhooping and you think most of them turned out OK, did it seem to you that Michael turned out OK?? You cant compare spanking to what Joe Jackson did to his kids. Spanking/Asswhooping you got if you did something wrong or did not behave in a good manner. THATS spanking. We all got spanked, even me and Im not american/african american! We all got asswhooped, spanked or put in a corner.


What Joe Jackson did was practice his childrens dancemoves with a belt or ironcord in his hand, and he would whip them if they missed a step. He would throw them up against the wall. I'll quote Michaels words: ''He would tear you up, tear you up, I mean really get you, it was bad... It as bad''. They got abused when they tried to do something to please their father, they were civilized good behaved kids, who just wanted to please their daddy, and when their daddy was not satisfied with what he expected, he would tear them up. Real bad. Really get them.

Thats not spanking, thats fucking abuse. Thats child abuse, and on top of that, they had to go on stage and work like the rent is due tomorrow and they were just small children who could barley tie their own shoes!
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

You do have a true point.........
Michael got a good old fashion ass whopping just like many black kids got from their parents during that time. That's how black parents raised their kids..... And some still do.

My mom popped me with a belt, did i like it hell no. but i turned out ok..
so true@your post...

MJJC has the pics of the meetin at the Beverly Hills hotel.. that was the same day they went to the toy store with the kids
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

How is Joe looking overall? Indifferent, sad.. smiling? Angry? Pissed?

Stern is a good word I think...they're talking about serious stuff, so that's probably why.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I think the last segment was good. The exchange about being paid in GBP instead of USD is very interesting - and the point of from Leonard is something to be considered.... the point about the dismissal letter NOT being given to Leonard at the meeting.

Wasn't that letter dated May 20th?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry read two letters - one from Michael Jackson which stated to AEG that Leonard Rowe was in charge of Michael's business affairs that was signed by Michael. Another letter (Which Roger Friedman has) stating Leonard Rowe was fired and Frank DiLeo was the new business manager.

Leonard claims he never received that letter.

AGE properly fooled mike. They properly made the letter up themselves, said here mike sign it and mike properly never even looked at it. And after mike signed it, they put in the folder...WITH THE INTENTION OF IT NEVER BEING SEEN EVER AGAIN!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe looks indifferent.

Rowe - His first convo with MJ - He only agreed to 10 shows not 50. Said he can't do them. Didn't know what is deal was and needed Rowe to straightened out. MJ wanted to stretch out the shows. 50 was against MJs wishes... he said he didn't approve of the shows.

AEG says original agreement was for 31. They only announced the first 10 and they judged the presale... Tohme said Mj was willing to do the 50 shows after AEG spoke to Tohme and Tohme spoke with MJ.

Rowe wants to know where the contract is that MJ signed for 50 shows.

Larry is asking about papers Joe was gonna sign saying that he wouldn't be involved in raising the kids. Joe has no comment. Also doesn't know if Mj was a Muslim when he died.

MJ fired the people who executed the will. No one is contesting the will.. they may contest the trustees of the will. Questions on whether MJ wanted these people who he had dismissed from his life.

Larry wants to know if Joe made any mistakes. Joe says no. MJ was raised properly didn't run the streets like other kids. Joe says Larry don't cut me off! MJ had other brothers and sisters to play with. Kids that were Mjs age aren't living now... Joe said he was never abusive.

Joe - talking about slavery days and how slaves masters beat their kids??? (JOE WTF!!!) He says lots of people in America beat their kids...


UGH! I hate Joe Jackson.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry King is making these fools look silly.I am so done with Joe Jackson.DONE! I can't believe Joe would bring Leonard on the show to say Michael didn't agree to 50 shows..what a load of BS. I hope he gets nothing because he deserves NOTHING!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I am not here to judge how someone raises their kids cuz I don't have any, but the comment about them having to work like they gotta pay the rent. I think if it was so bad he could've stopped singing somehow or another, but apparently he enjoyed what he did.. I recall MJ saying he missed his childhood but I don't recall him saying he would never have gotten into show business
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

OMG!!! Why didn't he do something if he cared soo much. Everything is we tried to talk to him during the last week but the way they talk thus was going on for awhile. Why wait until he was scheduled to leave. Also during the press conference for the memorial Randy Phillips thanks Randy jackson for his help throughout. Why would randy be so helpful if they "hurt" his brother?

you are asking good questions becuz ...right now we have to take mostly everything with a grain of salt...especially from people who were going to make big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from Michael...

any normal person would go nuts with so much things thrown at them all the time..and then they have to turn around and be creative...

it is alot of pressure..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Wasn't that letter dated May 20th?

I have no idea but I think Tohme and Rowe were "dismissed" around the same time. That LA Times article quotes DiLeo as saying Rowe *edit not Rowe but Tohme* was dismissed a month earlier.. That article came out the first week of June.
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

He did say that Katherine is taking it very hard and he's never seen her take anything so hard.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

What would you do differently Joe as far as rising Mike?

He would make sure that the media talk about ??? (Joe mumbling incoherently)... something about checks and the media stories aren't true and unfair...

He was working two jobs and was grooming the kids and it was alot to deal with.

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Damn Joe is stumbling all over the place.