7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry liked MJ. I can tell that Larry does NOT like Joe Jackson. I follow Larry King on twitter and he had a great respect for MJ. I think he's conducting his interview like this because he is NOT fond of Joe.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I love how we are all giving updates to those who can't watch. :)
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Well, this AEG thing might be true cause they had been taking care of Michael ever since he signed on to do this tour.

I'll tell ya, when Michael got out of that van and started walking towards the podium to announce the tour in London, I felt that he was been controlled then. I felt that he was doing something he had to do, not something his whole heart was in. So when he got up there and said the least words he could say, I was not surprised.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

omg I hope someone puts this online for u guys. so you can see that Joe is trying his best.. King is being a prick right now... I mean he knows damn well Joe is limited in what he can say.. he is trying to not mess it up for Katherine
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

This is completely ridiculous. I mean, seriously.

I do think something went wrong, but Rowe needs to STFU because he is not explaining himself correctly and he's going to allow any number of people to respond who allegedly has more "credibility" who will just make the both of them look stupid.

Joe's own actions is the cause of a lot of the reason why he couldn't get next to Mike. You wouldn't have been able to tear Joe away from Mike if Joe had shown the least bit of unconditional love for that man. Mike would have knocked you out if you stepped between him and his daddy if he had a daddy he could trust, because that's the way he was.

While some of the things he's saying are probably true --like the suspicious activity, foul play -- I think a whole hell of a lot of Joe's outbursts involve feelings of guilt and him trying to get attention from the other family members who may be taking care of business but leaving him (Joe) out on purpose.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe says he never abused MJ. Never have he says. He said he raised him like anyone would raise their kids.


Sure it was common back in the days that everyone would raise their kids like he raised them... But come on.. Its a bit late to deny that now.. He didnt have to give us the entire story and details of what he has done, but at least admit it... Own up to what you've done. :timer:
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry liked MJ. I can tell that Larry does NOT like Joe Jackson. I follow Larry King on twitter and he had a great respect for MJ. I think he's conducting his interview like this because he is NOT fond of Joe.

yeah, seems like Joe is getting on Larry's nerves.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

But blocked by whom? That is the important question. I can't see the show, but from the comments here, something have been going on...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry liked MJ. I can tell that Larry does NOT like Joe Jackson. I follow Larry King on twitter and he had a great respect for MJ. I think he's conducting his interview like this because he is NOT fond of Joe.

I agree..

He might also be asking certain questions cause he has MJ's dad on there and who else better to ask right?

but some things I guess you should still not ask but yeah I think Larry is digging at him cause he's not feeling Joe.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I can't believe this BS. Rowe and joe are both liars. OMG. This fool was never hired by MJ, and he is representing him? Whatever. Where is Freidman when you need him. I can't believe Larry King is allowing himself to be used. Rowe didn't know Michael at all. They tried to scam him. I am so pissed right now.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Well, Joe was also "blocked" from the will, so there might be a reason why Mike didn't want him close. Maybe he didn't want him influencing the kids, could be a million things.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry asks if he feels guilty - Joe wished he had have done more and broke the gates down and gotten past security...

Larry asking about the footage of the burn incident (they are playing it I soo don't need to see that again. :( )

Joe says it had to have some kind of damage to him.. says MJ didn't talk to him about the incident and how it affected him,

Rowe says he thinks it did affect him. MJ wouldn't even drink Coke and was against drugs and alcohol... he says that he began taking drugs in 84 and Rowe thinks he became addicted.

Larry asks if that sparked off the plastic surgery. Joe thinks that it could have.


Joe is acting CRAZY right now! UGH!!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

now he is asking about the burn accident. L.Rowe said when he first met MJ, MJ wouldn't even drink a soda let alone take drugs.. and that he was anti drugs..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe's cell phone just went off in the middle of the interview. tee hee They keep going to commercial a lot.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I agree..

He might also be asking certain questions cause he has MJ's dad on there and who else better to ask right?

but some things I guess you should still not ask but yeah I think Larry is digging at him cause he's not feeling Joe.

yeah Larry is making his distaste for Joe Jackson Known in this interview.. its hard to feel anything for that guy he's just awful. I wonder if HE is on drugs.. he mumbles half the time, then Rowe looking like someone's old southern grandpa talking nonsense... ugggghhhh!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Leonard Rowe said he found it suspicious that AEG hired people that Michel had fired years ago.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Maybe Joe and Michael had a dispute or disagreement over something and they just did not get along, Mike asked his guards not to let his father get near him or his children and leave him alone. Simple as that.. Family dispute... Only difference is that Michael had guards that would keep the people he didnt like outside his house.. aside from other normal people who cant hire guards when they want certain relatives to leave them alone.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

This interview is pathetic. Joe and Rowe are lacking in so many ways.

And did you see how Rowe stretched his eyes when Joe tried to take credit for jumpstarting his career?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I don't know who to believe. Rowe is referring to Delio when he says all of these people were hired back. Frank was back as manager & Rowe was out. I remember when Rowe was hired then the closer it got to time for hhe shows Frank was back. I don't think he would hurt Michael. I also don't think they should be doing the rounds talking about Michael being a drug addict & unprepared fir shows. Aeg has proof that he wAs fine otherwise they would be quiet about all of this tape. I think Rowe & Joe are upset because they were cut out of the show. This is set up for a lawsuit.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

u all have to remember Joe may not feel whipping him with a belt is abuse.... what we may consider abuse may not be what Joe considers.. He may think there is nothing wrong with spanking and well i don't know what to say about the verbal jabs@MJ.

In my heart I fell that MJ and his dad may have talked about their issues, as much as they could..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe's an outsider like most of these so-called "insiders" are. I doubt you can get anything useful or trustworthy out of them.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Can't wait to see this. I really hope someone puts the whole thing online SOON for those of us that don't have CNN.


I'm not against Joe or anything, and I know Larry as well as Joe can be very tough, so I can't wait to see this!!! :D
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Damn, Joe is a hot mess right now.