7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I dont understand Joe. Im really trying but I dont. Either this man is a very sensitive man with alot of emotions and feelings but is too afraid to show them to anyone, or he really is dead cold inside and really dosnt react much to tragic losses within the family. Whenever asked ''hows the family doing'' he always answers: ''they're fine, they are ok''. For once I wish they would tell the truth and tell it like it is; ''they are devestated and in such grief, they miss michael terribly'' or something...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

when asked how janet is doing he says janet is ok she just has to be janet jackson, or something like that...wtf

Let me translate what Joe Jackson was saying. He was saying she's hurt by it, but she can't just dwell on it. She has to get back to doing what she has to do (shootin a movie, for instance.) She has to be "Janet Jackson."
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Was Michael ever on Larry King?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Yes actually, I thought he would at least say something. I haven't watched Joe interviews before.

Well, I'm not surprised. Not after the "everyone is fine!" and "yeah we have lost the biggest superstar in the world... btw this is the name of my new record company!" answers he gave the press after Micahel's death.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I just started watching this interview a few minutes ago and its already a hot mess
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I'm sleepy so I might not be hearing stuff well.

The dude Leonard Rowe said that he could tell MJ was not well based on his mental, physical, movements...ETC but how can he base all that off a video and he was not with MJ. He said he knew how MJ was when he was well or not cause he knew him for 30 years but Larry king asked if he was recently with him and he say "no". I might have not caught everything. But how can he say that stuff if he had not spoke with him? not saying it's true or not but how can he make those assumptions if not around him?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Let me translate what Joe Jackson was saying. He was saying she's hurt by it, but she can't just dwell on it. She has to get back to doing what she has to do (shootin a movie, for instance.) She has to be "Janet Jackson."

ah thank you, I really was having a hard time understanding him...lol.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Larry is obsessed... he has something on about Michael since the day he died on 25Jun..

oh boy.. I still can't believe he is gone..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I dont think he ever did.

But they did meet for a charity dinner or something shortly before Michael's death. I heard Larry say it in a brief interview. I don't know if they have met in the past.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

this Leanord guy says Michael was being controlled and manipulated by AEG...says there was suspicious activity
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

It is so annoying that CNN Europe choose to NOT send Larry King tonight!!!

Thanks for the updates though.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Leonard up now...

Wasn't at the last rehearsals but was aware he had a medical problem based on his appearance, weight and mental capacity. He didn't see the MJ of the past. Has known MJ for 30 years and knows that he wasn't in good health.

Joe things he's telling the truth. Joe things he was not well. Tried to find out what was going on, but couldn't get to MJ.

Private autopsy results Joe hasn't gotten yet. Larry is like WTF? You're the father, why haven't you gotten the results? Joe didn't even ask for it (UGH!!!)

Joe things it wasnt only drugs but something else. He's thinking it was foul play. Larry ask him to explain. Joe things someone tried to harm him.

Leonard speaks - during MJ's final days there was suspicuios activity. MJs life was being controlled and manipulated. MJ was not allowed to make his own decisions and not allow to hire who he wanted and ppl were controlling him, the same people that were controlling him financially,

Larry is asking who? Leonard says it was the promotors from AEG.

Rowe is saying that there was suspicious activity. Larry wants to know why they would want to harm him if he was gonna do the tours...

Rowe - MJ at the end wasn't allowed to make decisions on his own. Larry understands but is saying that that is not fowl play. Rowe insists that ppl were brought in that MJ had dismissed in the past. He found that to be unusual. Rowe was personally hired by MJ but everyone was against that.

Rowe talking about a doctor that was put in the house with MJ. But why does someone who is healthy need a dr to take care of him 24/7. Rowe is saying MJ was addicted. Basically saying that the doctor was enabling MJ's addiction.

Joe says you don't take a doctor and have him give MJ somehting to make him rest and he doesn't wake up... implying that something went wrong obviously.

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Hoping this is gonna be in the 2000 watts section soon. Damn TV getting no CNN.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I'm typing as they talk so sorry if there are typos...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem with Rowe's theory is that AEG DID NOT hire Murray....Michael did. Michael insisted that Murray be his doctor.

And Rowe just sat there and said that Michael was an addict and everyone knew it...it's no secret.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Let me translate what Joe Jackson was saying. He was saying she's hurt by it, but she can't just dwell on it. She has to get back to doing what she has to do (shootin a movie, for instance.) She has to be "Janet Jackson."

Oh well gee ofcourse! She has to be that trademark! The show must go on, right? Her brother just died, but hey, showbusiness is more important! Typical Joe Jackson mentality... Im awaiting a Janet Jackson-breakdown anytime soon if this family isnt allowed to grieve properly and long enough... Jesus christ... :doh:
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Lawd Jesus.....

I agree Trish.. I'm sitting here like:mello: or is this just me? not saying Joe and the other dude are not doing the best they can but they really don't know what's going on and it's sad cause I wonder if Joe really even knows himself what's going on and he's not wording it right?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe says he tried to get to Michael to help him, but Michael's security cut him off
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Wow!! leonard Rowe confirms what Latoya said in her interview, that Michael was manipulated and controled. He said by AEG!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

this Leanord guy says Michael was being controlled and manipulated by AEG...says there was suspicious activity

Leonard and All Entertainment that was suing Michael is suspect...

I am guessing that Joe is trying to angle a lawsuit against AEG for money...that is just my thought... becuz he is out of the loop with the

he is riding his own horse... and not trying to think about the family...

it won't work..... AEG will pull out that medical exam so fast..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I thinks he means the security did this without Mj's knowledge
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Poor Joe. He said he was barred from seeing Michael Jackson ... wow. So he WAS blocked from Michael and now I believe the family when they say they were blocked too. Very interesting.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Joe said he didn't talk to MJ about drugs beacause he didn't get a chance. Larry wants to know WHY as his father he didn't commuicate with his son. Joe says he wasn't able to get to him because security wouldn't let him get near MJ. Larry asks what if MJ asks to see him. Larry wants to know why MJ didn't ask to see him. Joe says he doesn't know.

Joe back to talking about foul play and the fact that the doctor was unavailable for 3 days after his death.

Joe says he never abused MJ. Never have he says. He said he raised him like anyone would raise their kids.

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

ok commercial break.. L.Rowe is saying that something is fishy in the house. Why would AEG have a doctor live with MJ, but yet they had a doctor say that MJ is fine.. L Rowe said "would you put a cocaine seller in the house to live with a cocaine user" Larry then says are you saying MJ was a cocaine user.. L.Rowe was like no he was not, Larry then says well what are you trying to say.. Larry knows damn well what he meant..
Larry King is trying to start something. now the media is going to take this interview and make Joe look bad.. Joe is doing his best not to curse or say something that could be negative towards Katherine and the custody hearing but Larry king is pushing buttons.. I hope I have given you a good outline so far
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

But they did meet for a charity dinner or something shortly before Michael's death. I heard Larry say it in a brief interview. I don't know if they have met in the past.

Well i remember seeing footage on youtube and mike, larry king and some other ppl were at some event. And i think they were singing happy birthday to someone..cant remember who though.

But i dont think mike had ever been on the actual "larry king show"