7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Hmmm, I am suspicious of AEG and I think Joe made some valid points. I think he's misunderstood. Its true that some of the ways African Americans discipline their children can be traced to slavery days, a way for families to teach their kids how to stay in their place so they won't be killed. But it didn't come out right the way he said it, he was kind of rushing his thoughts. In Joe's mind, he spanked Michael - he did not beat his kids. He saying a lot of people spank their kids. Michael said he did more than spank. I think some children who are ultra sensitive like MJ could be really harmed by any kind of rough treatment. But overall, I don't think Joe is a monster, just a tough as nails, old-school kinda dude. I'm more concerned about those allegations against AEG and something does seem very wrong with the way these concerts were handled, the way the will was changed, etc. Something seems suspicious. I don't know how he could pass a physical, for instance, if he had so many chemicals in his body.
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Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

It dont matter Murder is Murder fix it how you want word it how you want. Michael Jackson is gone and this will not be swept under the rug. Who is AEG and SONY ? what have they not done. All I care about is someone took this man's life he didnt accidentally Overdose at 3am. Michael I know you see all this I cant wait to you tell them what happen. AEG and Sony is setting themselves up to expose what they have done and we say bring it on. We dont need Johnnie Cochran for this one.

AEG had nothing to do with MJ's death, PERIOD! Michael wanted Murray as his doctor. Why would they want a doctor who is NOT board certified and had other litigations against him. I am sure they could have found someone better. I am BETTING MJ wanted him to be his doctor and Murray agreed because he needed the money. Something happened between the time MJ left rehearsals and was pronounced dead. MJ didn't die of natural cause or being overworked. It that case doing 50 shows didn't matter.

Its interesting Joe knows more about MJ's finance than his burial or anything else.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

LOL deffinitely was a hot mess interview.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Oh yeah and I thought it was horrible that Michael had to practically beg to have the concerts spread out because it seemed like too much for him. This is growing more and more evil by the day.

I had heard that before.. I cheked wikipedia and the shows ended up being spaced out with like a two month break in between. I think it was two months.. lemme look.

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

this entire interviews was a MESS. joe and rowe cannot answer questions to save their lives. im going to need for them to not give public interviews. their answers were choppy and rowe kept interuptiing to get his shine in,and joe playing with his phone and smiling? i mean seriously.it went nowhere,it was filled with idks and i thinks. No confirmation on anything
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Thanks everyone for the updates, CNN here in Latin America didnt show Larry King tonight, but im watching now 360 and they are talking about the Joe interview..Theres so much information, im going nuts here!!! :S
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

AEG had nothing to do with MJ's death, PERIOD! Michael wanted Murray as his doctor. Why would they want a doctor who is NOT board certified and had other litigations against him. I am sure they could have found someone better. I am BETTING MJ wanted him to be his doctor and Murray agreed because he needed the money. Something happened between the time MJ left rehearsals and was pronounced dead. MJ didn't die of natural cause or being overworked. It that case doing 50 shows didn't matter.

Its interesting Joe knows more about MJ's finance than his burial or anything else.

I remember an interview Larry King did with one of the AEG guys. He said MJ told him that Murray was the doctor he wanted. He said he agreed with what MJ wanted because he felt that MJ knows what MJ needs better than anyone else. That wasn't AEG. That was at MJs request. That doctor administered something to him that night, I'm convinced. Can't nobody tell me different.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Im sorry, but if you think Michael got some good ol asswhooping and you think most of them turned out OK, did it seem to you that Michael turned out OK?? You cant compare spanking to what Joe Jackson did to his kids. Spanking/Asswhooping you got if you did something wrong or did not behave in a good manner. THATS spanking. We all got spanked, even me and Im not american/african american! We all got asswhooped, spanked or put in a corner.


What Joe Jackson did was practice his childrens dancemoves with a belt or ironcord in his hand, and he would whip them if they missed a step. He would throw them up against the wall. I'll quote Michaels words: ''He would tear you up, tear you up, I mean really get you, it was bad... It as bad''. They got abused when they tried to do something to please their father, they were civilized good behaved kids, who just wanted to please their daddy, and when their daddy was not satisfied with what he expected, he would tear them up. Real bad. Really get them.

Thats not spanking, thats fucking abuse. Thats child abuse, and on top of that, they had to go on stage and work like the rent is due tomorrow and they were just small children who could barley tie their own shoes![/quote]
I disagree with this, BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If that is the case, then Katherine Jackson is just as guilty. As the mother she allowed it to happen and continue to happen. YES LORD, HER RENT GOT PAID TOO...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The will wasn't changed I don't think. McClain, one of the trustees who we don't speak much about, was always in MJ's life (someone correct me if I am wrong). And yes MJ had an up and down relationship with Branca, but when push come to shove he seemed to always reach out to him for catalog advice especially.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Im sorry, but if you think Michael got some good ol asswhooping and you think most of them turned out OK, did it seem to you that Michael turned out OK?? You cant compare spanking to what Joe Jackson did to his kids. Spanking/Asswhooping you got if you did something wrong or did not behave in a good manner. THATS spanking. We all got spanked, even me and Im not american/african american! We all got asswhooped, spanked or put in a corner.


What Joe Jackson did was practice his childrens dancemoves with a belt or ironcord in his hand, and he would whip them if they missed a step. He would throw them up against the wall. I'll quote Michaels words: ''He would tear you up, tear you up, I mean really get you, it was bad... It as bad''. They got abused when they tried to do something to please their father, they were civilized good behaved kids, who just wanted to please their daddy, and when their daddy was not satisfied with what he expected, he would tear them up. Real bad. Really get them.

Thats not spanking, thats fucking abuse. Thats child abuse, and on top of that, they had to go on stage and work like the rent is due tomorrow and they were just small children who could barley tie their own shoes![/quote]
I disagree with this, BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If that is the case, then Katherine Jackson is just as guilty. As the mother she allowed it to happen and continue to happen. YES LORD, HER RENT GOT PAID TOO...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I can not begin to tell you how frustrated I am at everyone coming on TV and doing interviews saying that they know what was in Michaels head and they knew what he was going thru and they know what he would want. This all comes off as very self serving and frankly it is making me physically ill. Joe and the whole family needs to stay off the TV atleast until the autopsy results come out and we know exactly what killed Mike. Until that happens all of this is speculation.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Of course NO ONE wants to voluntarily take the responsibility for negligence...they want to put ALL the blame on the victim...

Although NO human being is perfect, we ALL have flaws including Mr.Michael Jackson...

If you think about it: Just like society always has assumed things...the 1993 False Allegations, 2005 Allegations...all the rumors about him being weird, odd, and strange...

Keep in mind...at the end of the day...

Mr.Jackson is, was, and always WILL BE a "MAJOR" HUMAN CONGLOMERATE..! People will SAY and do ANYTHING FOR MONEY...

Michael told us WHY? Years ago...don't let YOUR eyes decieve YOU..!


:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I can not begin to tell you how frustrated I am at everyone coming on TV and doing interviews saying that they know what was in Michaels head and they knew what he was going thru and they know what he would want. This all comes off as very self serving and frankly it is making me physically ill. Joe and the whole family needs to stay off the TV atleast until the autopsy results come out and we know exactly what killed Mike. Until that happens all of this is speculation.

I agree.....
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I wanna know where did the video tape go that was monitoring MJ's room, and how long was Michael really dead by the time he got to the hospital. There are so many questions.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

That slavery reference was jsut horrible. Really Joe??? UGH!

Joe had a history of coming into MJ's life unwanted and trying to bumbard his way into business deals. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case with Rowe and the letters spaced so quickly together.. one letter saying yes look after my finances.. the other letting saying no. Mj was prolly being pulled in all kinds of different directions.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I remember an interview Larry King did with one of the AEG guys. He said MJ told him that Murray was the doctor he wanted. He said he agreed with what MJ wanted because he felt that MJ knows what MJ needs better than anyone else. That wasn't AEG. That was at MJs request. That doctor administered something to him that night, I'm convinced. Can't nobody tell me different.

Is there a reason why we should just believe AEG? Their hands were in MJ's pocket pretty deep too. Randy Phillips of course is just trying to cover his a$@ too, like everyone else.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that just as Joe and Rowe and everyone else have their own version and perceptions, AEG could have been trying to distance themselves from the doctor.

It is just not easy to believe anyone these days...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

After watching this hot mess of an interview, I don't know what the hell to believe anymore. My confused mind is reeling in so many directions.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

You know what irritates me most about this mess of an interview? The media tomorrow is going to have a field day playing it over and over and analyzing everything that was said. Jane whatever her name is will be screaming about it over on HLN and Nancy Grace will be showing clips with that stupid smirk on her face......gahhhhhhh. Don't these people understand that they are just fueling the circus. I just WISH that they could shut the hell up for a minute..........
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

U are right.. its ALL so shady!!! AEG is shady. Joe Jackson is shady. No wonder MJ was stressed and couldn't sleep, got people pulling him in all kinda different directions. Poor baby!

My thinking exactly. There was some other folk stressing him, too. *ahem* They know who they are.

I remember an interview Larry King did with one of the AEG guys. He said MJ told him that Murray was the doctor he wanted. He said he agreed with what MJ wanted because he felt that MJ knows what MJ needs better than anyone else. That wasn't AEG. That was at MJs request. That doctor administered something to him that night, I'm convinced. Can't nobody tell me different.

I remember the "alleged" story about how Murray supposedly came into MJ's world, too (edit: but it wasn't from anyone associated with AEG, I think. May have been Murray's lawyer). He was involved with MJ way before Michael agreed to work with AEG. Rowe made a lot of mistatements which made it hard to give him much credibility. And Joe....what can I say? LOL! He started off really well. I was surprised. Once they hit the "foul play" allegations, it went out the window. He failed to mention that he had seen MJ at his and Katherine's anniversary dinner. If they honestly thought MJ was in some kind of trouble, why didn't they find a way to intervene then. The whole family was together. AND there was a rumor that he did have a confrontation with MJ at the anniversary dinner, but he wasn't intervening about a possible drug addiction. It was about $$$$$$!! Read it on another board from "trustworthy" fans who were around... not sure how true tho so take it with a pinch of salt.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem is that Michael was lonely..if there was atleast just ONE person who was closest to Michael at all times..he could clarify EVERYTHING about what was going through Michael's mind..what were his decisions and intentions..how he was feeling..and even what led to his death..at this point..it almost seems like NOBODY knows what happend to Mike or what was running through his mind. Maybe Kenny Ortega or Frank Dileo?? I wish someone would just come out and lay all the crap to rest. I really hate all of this stuff that's going on after Mike's death. There's almost no respect at all...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

With no disrespect intended, Mr.Joe Jackson did not say he beat his children, he did however, spank them, and was strict...

Believe it not...There IS a BIG difference...depending on what era/generation one grew up in..!

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
I'm just going by what folk here said that he said and I've read elsewhere that his statement about that was different than what was posted here.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I'm out of the loop, why is Rowe considered a con artist? Anyone want to link me to an article?

Also no FATHER calls his son big nose, throws him up against the wall (Michael said this I believe), or refuses to let his kids call him Dad. Michael just wanted a father. It's so obvious in his interactions with children. He just wanted to be loved by the one person who never loved him. It's sad.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

U guys can get mad at me but I'm on Joe side for this,I don't trust AEG 4 nothing
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Of course it was about money! That's all Joe cared about.. A way to get his name signed to something so when the money came in he could profit off of his son. Un freaking believable.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem with Rowe's theory is that AEG DID NOT hire Murray....Michael did. Michael insisted that Murray be his doctor.

And Rowe just sat there and said that Michael was an addict and everyone knew it...it's no secret.

well Mr Rowe...I guess I live under a rock because it is a secret to me..... asshole.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

U guys can get mad at me but I'm on Joe side for this,I don't trust AEG 4 nothing

It's not that I don't agree with Joe.. AEG=shade, but I ALSO think that Joe could have done more for his son, AND I think that Joe was another one with his hand out and pulling MJ in different directions when it came to those shows MJ was gonna do.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I will upload it on the multimedia section tomorrow
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I am Registered Nurse, and from what I saw from clips of MJ and all the evidence on television or from CREDIBLE sources, I believe MJ was fine physically and mentally. He was not frail. Skinny? Yes! Frail? No! Frail is how we should describe a 90 year old woman, not MJ. My predicition is that either Murray shot MJ up with something that killed him or MJ died of a drug toxicity. There is nothing to suggest that MJ wasn't healthy. Sorry, a 50 year old man who isn't healthy doesn't sing and dance like that.

MJ being manipulated? Hell No! People this is Michael Jackson. He fire and hire people as he see fit. You want me to believe he was pressured into doing 50 shows or wouldn't know. MJ runs the damns show.Rowe history says he can't be trusted. The fact him and Joe Jackson are connected SCREAMS they are LIARS!