7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

IT does. It doesn't really say ANYTHING. I'm thinking they are hesitant to say a word because this could all come crashing down at any minute. It's like a stack of dominoes this whole situation.. AEG, Joe, Rowe, Murray, MJ, Doctors, just everything. It's all gonna come crashing down and the ish is gonna hit the fan. I can feel it. Wait till them toxicology reports come in...

the only thing that is keeping me from COMPLETELY losing my mind is waiting for tox reports...
If I remember correctly remember when Michael first past Liza Minnelli said :eek:h Boy the shit is gonna hit the fan now" does anyone else recall this.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

mine too. My head hurts after that interview.
but I did learn a few things

1. Larry King needs to retire
2. Nobody is ever going to understand the relationship MJ had with his father/family. As all family dynamics are different
3. Joe Jackson needs to stop doing interviews right now. Somebody who is more articulate needs to answer these questions. And I'm sorry but he just doesn't talk about MJ as a son... what's all this superstar stuff, your child is dead.

4. Everything with MJ was so complicated its hard to know what is true and what's not when Michael's not here but I have to say I believe Rowe to a certain extent.
We have fans here who have said when they saw MJ he didn't look heathly and those same fans saying their was suspicious things going on around MJ so Rowe is not lieing about those things.
5. AEG and their control, the more I learn about their role, the more I'm suspicous

That right there is the truth....ruth...
Love it.. you hit the nail dead on the head..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Yeah, I think AEG is treading lightly now. Randy has already said a couple of inconsistent statements. At first he was adamant that MJ was doing this show for his kids but now he says MJ needed the money so he committed to 50 shows.

I think they are afraid that the 50 show agreement will be revealed as being shoved onto MJ. And they are trying to separate that from MJ's rehearsal schedule leading up to the concert saying that one show or 50 wouldn't change things. But the family can still sue them for forcing MJ.

I am leaning to believing those speaking against AEG, because SONY tried to do the very same thing.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

@stan, she was deb's lawyer for a long time. she got yelled at by deb on the stand so she's lying about deb yelling at the paps. that IS her personality. usually sweet and laid back but don't phuckw/her cuz she a pitt bull
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

If seeing and hearing all these P.O.V.'s makes us confused, just imagined how confusing all of this must have been for Michael. On top of that, he had demanding fans wanting more and more out of him. He really just wanted to make music and spend time with his kids. Poor MJ.

That is why i feel so quailty as a fan u know i wouldnt of minded if he had never done another concert again,he never had to perform again we would of still loved him so much,it so sad :( x
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I remember an interview Larry King did with one of the AEG guys. He said MJ told him that Murray was the doctor he wanted. He said he agreed with what MJ wanted because he felt that MJ knows what MJ needs better than anyone else. That wasn't AEG. That was at MJs request. That doctor administered something to him that night, I'm convinced. Can't nobody tell me different.
The problem that AEG has is that Dr. Murray was on AEG's payroll and not MJ's. That fact alone opens AEG to litigation exposure. Any lawyer in a civil suit would make this simple analogy: if MJ has asked for a loaded gun to blow his brains out, would AEG buy the gun and the bullets and give it to him?

The point being is that AEG was paying this man a six-figure salary/month and they didn't bother to check him out? I don't care what MJ wanted -- this is not a typical request in a concert rider. Asking for a specific doctor is not like asking for having a green room decked out in white or something. AEG paid the salary of a doctor with dubious credentials at best and if he is found to be at ground zero regarding MJ's death, the family will be filing a wrongful death suit against AEG and AEG knows this. That is why they are walking a fine line right now.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

That is why i feel so quailty as a fan u know i wouldnt of minded if he had never done another concert again,he never had to perform again we would of still loved him so much,it so sad :( x

Don't feel guilty. Oh.. this makes me cry. :(
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

@stan, she was deb's lawyer for a long time. she got yelled at by deb on the stand so she's lying about deb yelling at the paps. that IS her personality. usually sweet and laid back but don't phuckw/her cuz she a pitt bull

oh ok...
lol@Deb being a lil spit fire..
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

That is why i feel so quailty as a fan u know i wouldnt of minded if he had never done another concert again,he never had to perform again we would of still loved him so much,it so sad :( x

This is so true..I would rather just have Michael and no concerts...:(
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The whole situation is a joke. Joe may love his son and is hurting, but for him to let Rowe go onto television and basically say Mike was incompetent is unforgivable. I am basically done talking about this. I can't feel for Joe. He has wasted no time basically going on television and making money off of Michael.

I see why MJ distance himself from his father.

If anyone wants to read about Rowe:

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Please, where can I find a link to the full interview? We don't have cable and I desperately wanna see it :(
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem that AEG has is that Dr. Murray was on AEG's payroll and not MJ's. That fact alone opens AEG to litigation exposure. Any lawyer in a civil suit would make this simple analogy: if MJ has asked for a loaded gun to blow his brains out, would AEG buy the gun and the bullets and give it to him?

The point being is that AEG was paying this man a six-figure salary/month and they didn't bother to check him out? I don't care what MJ wanted -- this is not a typical request in a concert rider. Asking for a specific doctor is not like asking for having a green room decked out in white or something. AEG paid the salary of a doctor with dubious credentials at best and if he is found to be at ground zero regarding MJ's death, the family will be filing a wrongful death suit against AEG and AEG knows this. That is why they are walking a fine line right now.

Good logic, Mello.

One thing I hope everyone realizes is that it's only AEG saying that THIS was the doctor Michael wanted. We do not KNOW if that is the truth, now do we? Michael can't tell us, now. AEG paid the doctor. I think it's entirely possible that they also selected him specifically for Michael. If anyone cn prove differently, that he really was Michael's choice. . . please do so.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

One should "NEVER" pass judgment on another UNTIL one hears ALL sides of the story..!

Bottom line...where's AEG's legal contract with Mr.Jackson..? What do they have to hide..? Do they have ANYTHING to hide..? If not, why have they NOT come forward yet..? What are they waiting for..?

If one is innocent of ANY wrong doing...? Then what is the problem/legal issue..? If they do NOT have nothing to fear, did nothing wrong...then share the truth...

So Mr.Jackson's family, the fans/admirers can put Michael Jackson to rest...in peace..!


:angel:Keep Helping Heal The World~~~

I agree
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Don't feel guilty. Oh.. this makes me cry.

I do though and i dont know how to shake it as i feel if no concert then michael would be here as we know michael always wanted to be the best and perform to the best he could,but with me and i hope other ppl as i said i wldnt have cared if there was no more concerts or nothing,michael is michael and we loved him so so dearly,i really wish i cld stop beating myself up about this but this is how i truely feel,sorry for making u upset :( xxx
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Once the toxicology report comes back, lawsuits are going fly. The ironic thing with the MJ/Joe relationship is that Jackson became the great father to his own children that he himself never had.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem that AEG has is that Dr. Murray was on AEG's payroll and not MJ's. That fact alone opens AEG to litigation exposure. Any lawyer in a civil suit would make this simple analogy: if MJ has asked for a loaded gun to blow his brains out, would AEG buy the gun and the bullets and give it to him?

The point being is that AEG was paying this man a six-figure salary/month and they didn't bother to check him out? I don't care what MJ wanted -- this is not a typical request in a concert rider. Asking for a specific doctor is not like asking for having a green room decked out in white or something. AEG paid the salary of a doctor with dubious credentials at best and if he is found to be at ground zero regarding MJ's death, the family will be filing a wrongful death suit against AEG and AEG knows this. That is why they are walking a fine line right now.

U are right. I forgot that Murray was on AEG's payroll. And he wasn't properly checked out... which further implies that this was a hurried rushed affair just so they could placate MJ give him the doctor he wanted so he could continue rehearsing and do the tour.

I hope they do file a wrongful death. I want this thing dragged out! I want someone to pay for what happened to my Michael!

My only issue with that is who would lead it? Katherine's torn up, Joe is a HOT mess... Who?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Man how much longer til the tox reports@Soso, Trish, anybody????
I need this to be over, so he can be buried..
I think Joe played dumb about MJ's burial spot because he knew if he started up, then LK wouldn't have let up.. and then the rest of the media would've been back over to the house asking them about where MJ's body is..

So MJ didn't sign a contract, he was doing this willy nilly?? that is why they wanted to pay him USD and not Gbp
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The whole situation is a joke. Joe may love his son and is hurting, but for him to let Rowe go onto television and basically say Mike was incompetent is unforgivable. I am basically done talking about this. I can't feel for Joe. He has wasted no time basically going on television and making money off of Michael.

I see why MJ distance himself from his father.

If anyone wants to read about Rowe:


Joe has always tried to look for a money makeing opportunity at Micheal's expense. I dont feel for Joe either.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The thing is I am hesitant to believe AEG in some matters. Too many inconsistencies. I don't trust them at all. Oh, and remember Randy said that MJ never signed the contract for Dr. Murray meaning the Dr. was working for MJ without a contract signed. But to be fair if MJ wanted a personal Dr. it was MJ's duty to make sure the Dr. was board certified etc. And it makes sense that AEG would cover the Dr. from advances from the concerts.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Once the toxicology report comes back, lawsuits are going fly. The ironic thing with the MJ/Joe relationship is that Jackson became the great father to his own children that he himself never had.

I thought that when I saw Paris speak. What a loving father. I can't believe those babies will be without their daddy. :(
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Imo I think everyone got a lil bit of horse sh*t on the bottom of their shoe, meaning everyone has their part in this, directly or indirectly.. I am leaning towards Joe's side on this one, some of his points were valid, once you decipher is language..lol.. In the end MJ was still his son.. I feel him on wanting to remember MJ alive and not in a casket.. What parent wants to bury their on flesh and blood.

LOL@Joe checking Larry and telling him to stop cutting him off.. rofllll.. that's old school...
Um is it me or does that lady that claims to be Debbie's friend and former lawyer seem shady... Larry asked her if she was going to be in the courtroom and she said no, that was something private, but yet she is all on LK telling Debbie's business about her having sex with MJ.. Lawd, I got the feeling she isn't really friends with Debbie, she just kinda knows her..

The bolded part I agree with to the Nth degree. There's enuf BS and responsibility to go around, imo. Sounds like everybody had an angle before Michael died and have one now that he's dead. It's interesting how Rowe failed to mention he thought MJ was so unwell yet seemed to support Allgood Entertainment's proposal that MJ would do the Reunion concert after he finished the 50 London dates....the 50 dates he now claims Michael wasn't capable of doing in the first place. Wtf?! Too much double-talk and nonsense for me. EVERYBODY is suspicious and like you say, got ish on their shoe right now. It's a matter of whether or not we ever find out who stepped in the biggest pile of poo that led to Michael's death. Let's face it, IF Michael signed that AEG contract and wasn't clear about it, then the person who negotiated it on his behalf has some s'plaining to do just as much as AEG. If AEG made up the papers, the only way Michael was obligated is if he signed and was misinformed by HIS representative. That would be fleck up numero uno.

I'm not sure how AEG was to cancel 50 shows right after the shows sold out. If rescheduling 3 days put folks in a tizzy, can you all imagine trying to rearrange 50? That's the wrong time to find out the schedule set up for you is too much. Wrong time. I mean, Lawd! It should have been shown to him beforehand for him to approve or not. If that wasn't done, same as the auction, then I.Just. Don't. Know. :no: This was doomed before it started.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

AEG comments to CNN...

wether MJ would be doing 1 or 50 the rehearsal prep and schedule would have been exactly the same. He always had the option to change his schedule or miss a rehearsal and did decide to miss certain days he had previously committed to. The show schedule was based on HIS schedule.

That's the response to CNN from AEG.
Hmm... but it doesn't answer the allegations being thrown out there and that is that MJ didn't want to do 50 shows from the get. AEG is only talking about MJ's rehearsal schedule...

Yup. They are being coy about this. They know this thing can blow up in there faces depending on this tox report for sure...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight


It seems like everybody is trying to set themselves up in whatever light they want to be perceived in...BEFORE the tox report comes out. Thats why everybody keeps talking but not saying anything, guilty mofos ALL of them!!

Those who are truly are in pain and hurt from MJs passing are the ones who haven't said anything or very little...all this insanity, if there is one thing that gives me peace in Michaels passing is the fact he no longer has to deal with this lunacy!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem that AEG has is that Dr. Murray was on AEG's payroll and not MJ's. That fact alone opens AEG to litigation exposure. Any lawyer in a civil suit would make this simple analogy: if MJ has asked for a loaded gun to blow his brains out, would AEG buy the gun and the bullets and give it to him?

The point being is that AEG was paying this man a six-figure salary/month and they didn't bother to check him out? I don't care what MJ wanted -- this is not a typical request in a concert rider. Asking for a specific doctor is not like asking for having a green room decked out in white or something. AEG paid the salary of a doctor with dubious credentials at best and if he is found to be at ground zero regarding MJ's death, the family will be filing a wrongful death suit against AEG and AEG knows this. That is why they are walking a fine line right now.

excellent post......and yes if it kept Michael happy they would of done just about anything i am afraid. anything to keep the Money rolling in.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

GIVE ME PROOF . RIGHT NOW! if you are gonna write shit like that around here, prove it then!

That whole thing about Katherine calling MJ that is from trashy tabloid book about MJ's life. I got the book years ago for my b-day and I remember that part very well. There's no proof she ever said that.

Originally Posted by micaro7
mine too. My head hurts after that interview.
but I did learn a few things

1. Larry King needs to retire
2. Nobody is ever going to understand the relationship MJ had with his father/family. As all family dynamics are different
3. Joe Jackson needs to stop doing interviews right now. Somebody who is more articulate needs to answer these questions
4. Everything with MJ was so complicated its hard to know what is true and what's not when Michael's not here but I have to say I believe Rowe to a certain extent.
We have fans here who have said when they saw MJ he didn't look heathly and those same fans saying their was suspicious things going on around MJ so Rowe is not lieing about those things.
5. AEG and their control, the more I learn about their role, the more I'm suspicous

Excellent post!:yes:, I agree with everything you said.

This interview hasn't cleared up ANYTHING as far as i'm concerned though. There's more confusion now than ever.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I may be the odd one out on this thought, but I believe what Joe Jackson and Leonard Rowe have said. I think Joe Jackson is a straight shooter, he tells it like it is, not in the best way sometimes but he's straight up not taking bullshit and AEG did not like that he stood up for his son, case in point at that meeting at the Beverly Hotel when Joe said he started yelling and calling Randy Philips out about how they were gonna pay Michael for the shows. I believe Michael was kept isolated from certain people because some people felt threatened that they would be called out by people that had Michaels best interest at heart. :angry: To be quite honest I would not doubt that companies Michael was trying to do business with gave him ultimatums....like stay away from certain individuals or we won't back you by doing business with you. It truly seems some did not want the family or people that cared about Michael to interfere because they would lose their control over Michael.

I have no idea but I think Tohme and Rowe were "dismissed" around the same time. That LA Times article quotes DiLeo as saying Rowe *edit not Rowe but Tohme* was dismissed a month earlier.. That article came out the first week of June.

Tohme being around AFTER he was dismissed just doesn't sit well with me, especially since he was at the hospital on June 25th. :mello: Didn't Joe say he has like 8 alias names? WTF, even Raymone had some serious suspicions about that guy that she wouldn't even get into on Geraldo one night.

But I would also love to see the contract MJ signed for the 50 shows. I mean AEG must have secured that contract. And I do have a feeling AEG is a little shady in this. I really do.

Leonard Rowe said the contract was for 10 shows with an option for 21 more depending on demand, so 31 total, and when the promoters saw how sales were going they went to Tohme to increase it to 50 and TOHME apparently gave the ok without Michaels knowledge. :ermm: Then Michael asked for Leonards help because he knew he couldn't do that many shows, just like what the fans had been told by Michael!

Lawd have mercy I can't get my thoughts straight I'm so pissed off :mello:...everyone that loved and cared about Michael was kept away!!! He F-ING died unnecessarily AND alone with no one around him that gave a shit about HIM!!!!! :cry:
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I just think Joe doesn't make the right decisions or say the right things sometimes. And even though Rowe is saying MJ was an addict to pain killers (because MJ told him so), Joe denied knowing anything like that. So...these people are just different. I don't think he wants to make a buck out of MJ now (C'mon guys give him a break..he's not a hater!!) I think he wants someone to be responsible for what happened to his son that he's so proud of.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Link please???????????????
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

well now we know who's telling katherine to contest the trustees in the will....

rowe is a hot damn mess. let it be known the man is a PROVEN CROOK who swindled prince and r.kelly and had to pay back the MILLIONS he stole from them. so take what he says w/ a big damn grain. i wish it came form another source cuz honestly.

joe....*sighs* he CANNOT speak well in public. let alone live tv. answering ur phone, laughing, when talking about ur just deceased son is not good taste. THERE'S A REASON Y U HAVE A SPOKESPERSON. nappy roots. ugh

and larry king...dumb dumb diddy.

how the helldo u NOT know where ur son's body is? how the hell u not know the autopsy report info? la toya knows. either go on tv to say something or dont go on at all.

he didn't 'beat' mj....if that's what he wanted to defend, cuz honestly, he was more upset about that than anything else lk asked him, then do a SEGMENT not a whole show

omg finsilver is a fuckin' mess.....shelooks like one of them cgi fishes in nemo or whatever.

she's trying ot normalize deb...her and friedman, so whatever. so long as there's no fight and all parties are concerned about the kids but honestly...did they NOT have any foundation that could've toned her down a bit? orange ass

THANK YOU!!! Joe doesn't know anything about MJ but his money it seems. How in the hell you not know where Michael's body is at or what the autopsy says. Has he been paying attention? It is obvious that the family has told him not to speak about the kids. I am so happy Larry king wasn't oblivious how Rowe is SCAM ARTIST.

AEG couldn't control Michael. If he didn't want to perform, they were screwed period. MJ needed the money and he wanted to do it for his kids. I believe AEG all the way. I don't blame them for the death at all. Michael was obviously still having problems with prescription meds whether people want to face the problem or not.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

well now we know who's telling katherine to contest the trustees in the will....

I don't think it's them Katie. Londell McMillan is a pretty sharp cat and he was MJ's attorney before repping the mother. Everything about him has been on the up and up so far and I think his moves bares watching...