7/20/09 Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Rowe IS shady but his cocaine/cocaine dealer analogy was spoton.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Oh damn. Wait. Hold up. The plot thickens like a mug. I didn't know Murray said this. Interesting. If AEG tries to say, HEY! He technically wasn't on the payroll yet... then the answer would be why not... and if MJ didn't sign any contracts yet....

Doom Doom. Oh yes. Liza is sho right. All hell is about to break loose now....

Although... I find it very hard to believe that MJ didn't sign a contract after AEG had invested $20 million. Don't make sense to me, but hell, nothing much about this situation does...

Dr. Murray is the real ScapeGoat in this he had no thoughts of what was going on, just a pawn among Kings and Queens. He was HIRED for one purpose be there when he is found. I hate to say it but if he is alive this time next year he is a very Blessed Man.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I may be the odd one out on this thought, but I believe what Joe Jackson and Leonard Rowe have said. I think Joe Jackson is a straight shooter, he tells it like it is, not in the best way sometimes but he's straight up not taking bullshit and AEG did not like that he stood up for his son, case in point at that meeting at the Beverly Hotel when Joe said he started yelling and calling Randy Philips out about how they were gonna pay Michael for the shows. I believe Michael was kept isolated from certain people because some people felt threatened that they would be called out by people that had Michaels best interest at heart. :angry: To be quite honest I would not doubt that companies Michael was trying to do business with gave him ultimatums....like stay away from certain individuals or we won't back you by doing business with you. It truly seems some did not want the family or people that cared about Michael to interfere because they would lose their control over Michael.

Tohme being around AFTER he was dismissed just doesn't sit well with me, especially since he was at the hospital on June 25th. :mello: Didn't Joe say he has like 8 alias names? WTF, even Raymone had some serious suspicions about that guy that she wouldn't even get into on Geraldo one night.

Leonard Rowe said the contract was for 10 shows with an option for 21 more depending on demand, so 31 total, and when the promoters saw how sales were going they went to Tohme to increase it to 50 and TOHME apparently gave the ok without Michaels knowledge. :ermm: Then Michael asked for Leonards help because he knew he couldn't do that many shows, just like what the fans had been told by Michael!

Lawd have mercy I can't get my thoughts straight I'm so pissed off :mello:...everyone that loved and cared about Michael was kept away!!! He F-ING died unnecessarily AND alone with no one around him that gave a shit about HIM!!!!! :cry:

Your thoughts came out great, Lily. I'm sorta kinda on the same plane with you, too. The thing is sometimes it's hard to know when Michael was isolated becuz of others or when he was being isolated becuz he was purposely trying to avoid certain ppl and gave orders to keep certain ppl away. And if the rumor about his father badgering him about money at the anniversary party is somehow true, then it makes total sense that he would suddenly want to keep his distance and avoid that kind of harassment. See, it's hard to know things when and if ppl aren't being truthful about what they see, hear and/or know. And the only person who can tell us exactly what went on isn't here to give his side of all these versions of the truth. For me, everybody's got credibility problems at this point...so I'm trying to stay open.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

hey everyone. I kind of missed this completley does anyone have a video?
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Just wondering, but could Tohme have been the one who hired the doctor since he seems to have been making other decisions on behalf of Michael?

Whatever the final report is and whether we choose to accept what we hear or not, it doesn't changed the fact that there was and is some shady shit going on.....

Michael was the 8th child.
Michael was the 7th surviving child.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Good post. This ties in with Friedman's blog post last week about Murray and that liar Kline. There are lots of questions about this doctor keeping Michael's family away...


I just read the link....I don't know what to think other than...Michael is gone forever......

the circumstances of his death is a big hot mess......and for my own peace...sometimes I need to step away from all the overload of information and just stick with the news on the music/the artist............

I haven't watched any of those entertainment shows in weeks and no Larry King for awhile..

I need to calm it down ...when that toxicology report comes it will be a frenzy...

and I don't know why RF is being support of Michael..all of a sudden...but hope he starts writing that bogus trial and the lies
is rooted in all this
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

As I said a few mins ago, that quote is from some tabloid book about MJ's life written back in the 90's. There is NO proof she ever said that.

Thanks for claifrying that
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

The problem or solution to some is you cant group everyone together there are two groups of people left back here in this Earth to deal with this 1. being those who didnt care but pretending they did and everyone is giving them the benefit of doubt as having no malice intent to end this man's life. 2nd those who really cared and are humble and letting the media and forums say all manner of things against them, these are the people who truly Loved Michael and are obedient to God. Everyone will chose which side they are on from what they post and what they say in the news. This is real and everyone of us has chosen their side. We can talk about AEG, Sony, Doctors, Joe Jackson, The Children, The Executors but its all about the side we have chosen that we will be Judged ourselves. It only reveals who we really are anyway.
Huh????? I'm not sure what you mean.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

What bothered me about this whole interview, was Larry King himself constantly asking questions about Joe's parenting skills, whether him and Katherine are still married..etc. Just stick to the topic, don't delve into someones personal past or present. Those topics aren't important at this moment, finding out what took Michael's life is.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Enough!!! Enough!!. Moth2aflame and ernestine!! Both of you have less than 20 posts. Why the hell should anyone believe anything you say?
Acting like you both have seen the tox reports. Please just shut the hell up.

First of all, MJ didn't die of natural cause or his cause of death would be known. Therefore,prescription drugs PROBABLY caused his death. I never said he OD. I just said hypothetically, if he did, MJ has to be held responsible not AEG or Dr. Murray. If Diprivan or anything illegal was given or contributed to his death, then someone has to be held responsible for it. WE don't know. The concert schedule doesn't have any barring on MJ cause of death. MJ was addicted to pain meds and whatever before this June 25, 2009.

I can say whatever the hell I want to say. I don't care.Just like you give your opinion, I can give mines. Sorry if I can see things without a rose colored glasses on and not lay the blame where it is ultimately on.

Alot of people has been on the record including MJ's former attorneys, Teddy Riley, and others said they NEVER saw MJ under the influence of drugs. If he was, maybe AEG wasn't aware of it either.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Dr. Murray is the real ScapeGoat in this he had no thoughts of what was going on, just a pawn among Kings and Queens. He was HIRED for one purpose be there when he is found. I hate to say it but if he is alive this time next year he is a very Blessed Man.
I think I said in one of the investigation threads that I felt that Murray was very late to this dance...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Goodnite Everyone. Its just a Lesson learn from The Schoolmaster.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Your thoughts came out great, Lily. I'm sorta kinda on the same plane with you, too. The thing is sometimes it's hard to know when Michael was isolated becuz of others or when he was being isolated becuz he was purposely trying to avoid certain ppl and gave orders to keep certain ppl away. And if the rumor about his father badgering him about money at the anniversary party is somehow true, then it makes total sense that he would suddenly want to keep his distance and avoid that kind of harassment. See, it's hard to know things when and if ppl aren't being truthful about what they see, hear and/or know. And the only person who can tell us exactly whwent on isn't here to give his side of all these versions of the truth. For me, everybody's got credibility problems at this point...so I'm trying to stay open.

good point...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

some people need to accept that Mj is partly at fault for his death. regardless if he had a problem or not, he had to know death was a possibility messing with heavy drugs. unless this was homicide, Mj had the choice whether or not to put drugs into his body. lets hope the most calming results come back from the toxicology.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Dr. Murray is the real ScapeGoat in this he had no thoughts of what was going on, just a pawn among Kings and Queens. He was HIRED for one purpose be there when he is found. I hate to say it but if he is alive this time next year he is a very Blessed Man.


DAMN!!...............YO!!:bugeyed THAT IS SOME SICK SH*T RIGHT THERRR!!

That is some knee deep in sh*t stuff right there wow!! oh.my.damn...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I think I said in one of the investigation threads that I felt that Murray was very late to this dance...

He's getting caught in the crossfire tho because he was the one there the day MJ passed. I'm a little late to the party so this is the first I'm hearing of this Tohme guy, but it sounds to me that there isn't just one person or one entity to blame for this... the blame can be spread all around like jelly on toast. This is gonna get very ugly. And I for one am hoping it does. I just need someone to take the fall for this.. as far as I'm concerned it's murder.

**sigh** And as far as MJ using (abusing) drugs, I'm gonna stay in denial about that until/unless I hear otherwise from the tox reports. I just have to...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I just hope that one day we'll have all the answers :cry: Everything is such a big mist of confusion
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

Oh I think regardless of what those tox reports say, lawsuits are going to be flying all over the place. McMillan would likely file for the mother and his children, I bet money right now that Joe will file his own separate lawsuit and hell the sibs may file separately.

This is what I don't want to happen. If this doctor is found to be criminally connected, I don't want him to be the scapegoat. I want ALL to go down. Every last one of them.

The only way that's going to happen is if the doctor spills what he knows...and what he did. If he chooses to save his own arse, he may inadvertantly be saving others' butts. If he did anything illegal and AEG or anyone else connected were aware, then he needs to call them out and lighten his load.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

First of all, MJ didn't die of natural cause or his cause of death would be known. Therefore,prescription drugs PROBABLY caused his death. I never said he OD. I just said hypothetically, if he did, MJ has to be held responsible not AEG or Dr. Murray. If Diprivan or anything illegal was given or contributed to his death, then someone has to be held responsible for it. WE don't know. The concert schedule doesn't have any barring on MJ cause of death. MJ was addicted to pain meds and whatever before this June 25, 2009.

I can say whatever the hell I want to say. I don't care.Just like you give your opinion, I can give mines. Sorry if I can see things without a rose colored glasses on and not lay the blame where it is ultimately on.

Alot of people has been on the record including MJ's former attorneys, Teddy Riley, and others said they NEVER saw MJ under the influence of drugs. If he was, maybe AEG wasn't aware of it either.

I am sorry if you cannot see things through rose colored glasses either. The blame .....Dr Murry
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

First of all, MJ didn't die of natural cause or his cause of death would be known. Therefore,prescription drugs PROBABLY caused his death. I never said he OD. I just said hypothetically, if he did, MJ has to be held responsible not AEG or Dr. Murray. If Diprivan or anything illegal was given or contributed to his death, then someone has to be held responsible for it. WE don't know. The concert schedule doesn't have any barring on MJ cause of death. MJ was addicted to pain meds and whatever before this June 25, 2009.

Well, that's certainly the angle that certain people have been spinning in the mainstream media since it was announced that MJ had died. Of course if prescription drugs caused his death without OD'ing, then he wasn't healthy at all -- whether people find him solely responsible or not.

But of course a finding of MJ being solely responsible nets a nice payout for AEG from Lloyd's of London and the book is closed.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

THANK YOU!!! Joe doesn't know anything about MJ but his money it seems. How in the hell you not know where Michael's body is at or what the autopsy says. Has he been paying attention? It is obvious that the family has told him not to speak about the kids. I am so happy Larry king wasn't oblivious how Rowe is SCAM ARTIST.

AEG couldn't control Michael. If he didn't want to perform, they were screwed period. MJ needed the money and he wanted to do it for his kids. I believe AEG all the way. I don't blame them for the death at all. Michael was obviously still having problems with prescription meds whether people want to face the problem or not.

Do you work for AEG? A bit biased IMO.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

This is completely ridiculous. I mean, seriously.

I do think something went wrong, but Rowe needs to STFU because he is not explaining himself correctly and he's going to allow any number of people to respond who allegedly has more "credibility" who will just make the both of them look stupid.

Joe's own actions is the cause of a lot of the reason why he couldn't get next to Mike. You wouldn't have been able to tear Joe away from Mike if Joe had shown the least bit of unconditional love for that man. Mike would have knocked you out if you stepped between him and his daddy if he had a daddy he could trust, because that's the way he was.

While some of the things he's saying are probably true --like the suspicious activity, foul play -- I think a whole hell of a lot of Joe's outbursts involve feelings of guilt and him trying to get attention from the other family members who may be taking care of business but leaving him (Joe) out on purpose.

you hit the nail on the head for me....

I think the same thing... Joe is OUT OF THE LOOP!!
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

you hit the nail on the head for me....

I think the same thing... Joe is OUT OF THE LOOP!!

Oh I could've told you that and that is why I didn't even bother watching LKL. Joe really doesn't know anything. I wouldn't be surprised if he really didn't know where is son is buried. Since Joe insists on being a loose cannon, the only thing one can do is keep him out of the loop while the real business is being attended to...
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

when you think about it, it's still like day 1 even after a month (almost). We still know absolutely nothing for sure. No tox reports. No autopsy report from either the first or second autopsy.

Man, I just got a feeling if this were a standard overdose, they would have announced it and announced an on-going investigation. There's something more there. Either they saw something they weren't expecting to see in the results, or they didn't find what they were expecting to find within these results.

And still we're left to figure out why a global superstar dies with a doctor in the house, 6 minutes away from a hospital, and up to half an hour goes by before paramedics are called.

I am distrustful of damn near everything I'm hearing.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

when you think about it, it's still like day 1 even after a month (almost). We still know absolutely nothing for sure. No tox reports. No autopsy report from either the first or second autopsy.

Man, I just got a feeling if this were a standard overdose, they would have announced it and announced an on-going investigation. There's something more there. Either they saw something they weren't expecting to see in the results, or they didn't find what they were expecting to find within these results.

The whole thing is very puzzling. The suspense is eating me alive. But I would rather them cross their T's and dot their I's and not miss 1 important thing. Maybe they are building a case. Bring on the arrest warrants.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I still don't get how AEG was able to get a several million dollar insurance policy on Michael with pre-existing conditions. I find that bizarre since insurance companies usually deny coverage left and right when people disclose pre-existing ailments/conditions.....

Michael was the 7th surviving child.

That would be like saying Mrs. Jackson only had 8 children since Michael is gone. Brandon was her son just as Michael was and he is not insignificant just because he didn't survive beyond birth. He was a child born into this world and taken home too soon, just as his brother Michael was.
Re: Joe Jackson On Larry King tonight

I agree. If there was an od or something else, they would most likely have released that info before. Plus, there's a reason why they're are keeping one half of his brain...please forgive me for being so forward with this. Yet if they are testing the brain, you know they are testing for chemical residue. This is still so sad.