12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

You can see he isnt very happy about having his pics
taken here and he looks sad _ he may not have been
feeling well- and they have no right to follow him and
take pics at a doctors office _ and then print crap about
him (cry) I hate those Bastards when they do that
Re: New Pic of Michael

I feel like I'm violating his privacy by looking at those pictures. It's plain to see that he was at some sort of medical facility and did not want to get photographed. His facial expressions shows his discontent with the paps and it's obvious he's not feeling all that well. I wish Michael the best and I personally feel like crap after seeing those pictures.
Well said! I agree!!!

When he is feeling good, he is all smiles and he waves a lot! But this time he wanted his privacy, IT SHOWS in his face!! And still people (paps) go all over him!!

Poor Michael!! :no: AAAAWWWWWW!!

By the way, I hate TMZ! They are a bunch of people with no heart really!! I dont need to know what they said about MJ! Because I KNOW its all BS and hurtful words!!

All my love to angel Michael! :angel:
Re: New Pic of Michael

I think we shouldn't read too much into those pictures. Everyone here seems to know what he feels like based on some still images/pictures. That is ridiculous. He can be sick, annoyed, tired, bored or whatever. You can't tell that from those pictures. And if you could tell, it is not per se tied to his visit to a medical facility. So why not stop over-analysing those pictures???

i agree. there is worrying and then there's just exaggerating.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I hear that. I wonder if maybe there should be a rule for new photos...you know, ones that are obviously very private matters taken by heartless paparazzi vs. those meant to be more public. Perhaps photos should be submitted to mods for approval prior to being posted?? Cause these photos are a huge invasion of his privacy, as are MOST photos shown on TMZ. I don't know, it's just a thought. I just know it made me mad that number one, they were taken in the first place, and number two, everyone goes nuts over them and invades his privacy even more.

I agree. This obvious invasion of privacy is sick. These animals should not be allowed anywhere near the building.
Re: New Pic of Michael


There you go, I posted it for you

thanks for posting it. he looks like my hero. the hair has that effect. i'm glad he's comfy enough to look like he's comfy. he can go out in the street and treat it like he's at home. i like that. it's kinda indicative of his feeling of victory over his foes.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I agree. This obvious invasion of privacy is sick. These animals should not be allowed anywhere near the building.

yes and there are no rules for those tabloid beasts. i mean, you know the rumors about michael's health anyway,so...that's how far they go. but let's not go there.
Re: New Pic of Michael

i think if all words were eliminated and all we saw were pics, people wouldn't worry. i think it's cool to think of it that way. people get check ups all the time. it's human. commercials tell us all to do it. lol

nothing to be concerned about.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Michael's expressions are priceless:

"The hell you doin'? Leave me alone, man! Can a guy go out once in a while with a mask without you putting your camera in my face!? :no: "

:lol: I feel you, Mike... them paparazzi... :rolleyes: They ALWAYS do that.

eggzactly. now that's the most glowing thing to notice.
Re: New Pic of Michael

today i saw in the new issue of people magazine they put a photo of antonio banderas as the mask of zorro next to michaels mask picture.

they must have mean't he looked sexy then -_-
Re: New Pic of Michael

He looks cool. Just pray that he'll have a good Christmas and all, people.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I think we shouldn't read too much into those pictures. Everyone here seems to know what he feels like based on some still images/pictures. That is ridiculous. He can be sick, annoyed, tired, bored or whatever. You can't tell that from those pictures. And if you could tell, it is not per se tied to his visit to a medical facility. So why not stop over-analysing those pictures???

yes. i agree..........
Re: New Pic of Michael

Nice pic, but I'm just wondering why is it that he's in the hopstial so often these days? I hope he's okay.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Great outfit, oh, so beautiful eyes.....
Michael, hope you're happy and healthy every day.:)
Re: New Pic of Michael

geez, my cable gets knocked out for a day (along with my internet-which is attached to my cable..tee hee hee) and I miss a new pic, AND we're on page nine?!?!?!?!
oh well......
Re: New Pic of Michael

Hi, I don't wanna suppose so much... Michael looks very cute, but I don't think he looks sad, or something like that. I hope he's OK.
Re: New Pic of Michael

It's funny because I actually thought this "MJ is sick" thing was common knowledge, like not actually a surprise at all kinda thing - been going on for decades?? In particular the last ten..but anyways...

Look this story has potential legs and I'm going to reserve judgment for 2 reasons, 1. there are elements that ring true but of course i'd never know (not a popular opinion on here I'm sure) 2. Is more than likely full of ish.

Don't panic. People that are close to death aren't spending time in antique stores smiling and playing dress ups. That im sure of.
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Re: New Pic of Michael

It's funny because I actually thought this "MJ is sick" thing was common knowledge, like not actually a surprise at all kinda thing - been going on for decades?? In particular the last ten..but anyways...

Look this story has potential legs and I'm going to reserve judgment for 2 reasons, 1. there are elements that ring true but of course i'd never know (not a popular opinion on here I'm sure) 2. Is more than likely full of ish.

Don't panic. People that are close to death aren't spending time in antique stores smiling and playing dress ups. That im sure of.

:yes: :yes: :yes:
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Re: New Pic of Michael

Well, all I know is that article can suck two... nevermind.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I feel like I'm violating his privacy by looking at those pictures. It's plain to see that he was at some sort of medical facility and did not want to get photographed. His facial expressions shows his discontent with the paps and it's obvious he's not feeling all that well. I wish Michael the best and I personally feel like crap after seeing those pictures.

My feelings exactly after I saw all the pics. The line just has to be drawn somewhere.
Re: New Pic of Michael

It's funny because I actually thought this "MJ is sick" thing was common knowledge, like not actually a surprise at all kinda thing - been going on for decades?? In particular the last ten..but anyways...

Look this story has potential legs and I'm going to reserve judgment for 2 reasons, 1. there are elements that ring true but of course i'd never know (not a popular opinion on here I'm sure) 2. Is more than likely full of ish.

Don't panic. People that are close to death aren't spending time in antique stores smiling and playing dress ups. That im sure of.

Oh my god..this article is absolutely terrible news. I don't know it's validity. But I really hope that it isn't true, and if it is my prayers go out to Mike. I really hope somone can validate or discredit this information. This is very serious...
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Re: New Pic of Michael

My feelings exactly after I saw all the pics. The line just has to be drawn somewhere.
oh man, I didn't even see where it was taken
*goes off to actually read the thread*
Re: New Pic of Michael

Oh my god..this article is absolutely terrible news. I don't know it's validity. But I really hope that it isn't true, and if it is my prayers go out to Mike. I really hope somone can validate or discredit this information. This is very serious...

no..i think the poster was trying to express how the media has gone overboard for years. :)
Re: New Pic of Michael

What´s happening ? are michael near death ? is this true. kind of worring ?
Re: New Pic of Michael

no..i think the poster was trying to express how the media has gone overboard for years. :)

They definitely have, but we don't really know the validity of this article...I wish we could get some kind of response or statement considering how serious these claims are. If there is any truth to it, we could atleast lend our support, and if not, we can discredit it as we do with most articles..
Re: New Pic of Michael

I've removed the article - I do believe it is in the tabloid section if someone wishes to discuss it. But inside this thread we won't spectulate on Michael's health or post spectulations on it. Thanks.
Re: New Pic of Michael

... and they can take two in... sigh nevermind. :lol: