12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

No. There's a huge difference. REALITY and Movies are TOTALLY different. In REALITY, Michael is making himself look TERRIBLE. How could you think this is a good look for Michael? Banderas did it in Entertainment usage. You don't see Christian Bale running out his house shopping in a Batman mask. C'mon, i'm looking in Michael's best interest. I'm trying to help the man. He's suffered enough heat, dont'ya think? Why the hell should he add on to it. Michael needs a friend who will give him tough love, criticism, and keep it real with him....

Exactly..he needs a friend that will just straight up tell him about what Mike is doing that could hurt his image. Because that close friend could tell him straight in his face, you know: "Mike what the heck are you thinkin, don't do that..or are you crazy how could you go out dressed in that". I feel like Mike is very lonely and he doesnt get any feedback regarding his actions. No criticism..then only criticism he gets is from the media which he knows is trash so he doesnt buy into it. Buy I dont think any one around mike has the guts to say michael you look terrible or what you did was just stupid or you really shouldnt do or say what you're thinking. All this for the sake of public image, nothing else. Ideally mike should be himself which obviously he is doing. But for the sake of his image, he really should tailor his behavoir toward making his image a positive one. For example, in the mid 80s when he visited President Reagan, Mike was an artist who didn't drink, smoke, or do drugs. And that was his image that he portrayed which was wonderful. I have the same respect for a person who might do any or some of the above but does not portray that image to the public and does not promote any of those actions. A good example would be a smoker who criticizes a youngster that does smoke and tries not to smoke in front children or young adults. I feel like I went off on a tangent, but my point is, Mike really needs someone to give him feedback about what he does...
Re: New Pic of Michael

You know, I get where you're both coming from, but in the grand scheme of things, I don't think Michael's image, which has already taken an irreparable beating, is going to suffer any further from what it already is and also in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all if he fits in or not, or if people regard him as a freak, because the reality is that the problem is theirs for being intolorent and prejudiced. In an ideal world, Michael could dress as he does without critisism, or have the thought process he does without being attacked. The reality is, Michael doesn't need to change. It's the people who have a problem with him who do. They base their entire lives on man made rules and sociatal norms and conditions and any time they see something which differs from that, they become afraid and angry because it challenges what they think they know. All that is bullsh*t. Normal only means what is the general, accepted image and nothing more. It doesn't mean it's the right way or the wrong way. It doesn't mean anything and has no bearing on reality outside of what we create. I just think it's stupid how people can harp on and on about Michael looking like a "freak", when there are more important things. When that rumor came out that Michael was sick and it started to spread, I still saw people complaining about what he looks like and it just blew my mind at how shallow the concern is when compared to concerns about his physical and emotional and mental well being. It's people going around worried about what everyone thinks of them that causes a lot of the problems in the world. Honestly, I think we all could learn a lesson from Michael in not giving a rats ass what anyone thinks of us.

What's more is, Michael is a good person, a kind person, a generous person who is mischaracterized by gossip and by his apperance, and that's just sad. It should be like Martin Luther King said, only paraphrased, where Michael is judged by the content of his character and not by how he looks.
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Re: New Pic of Michael

I agree with you but. I think what you're saying is the general formula for the common person, like any of us for example. Yes, we should do what we think is right and not worry about what people think. In michael's case though, there art two entities. There's him, with which the above applies, bu there's also his image which is a whole separate entity. And i think that michael cares very much about that image because besides the music it is really something that he has worked so hard on sculpting, from his wardrobe, to his appearances, to the things that he says and does, to the way he had maintained a certain perception of him throughout the 80s and early 90s. Michael cares about it, it's part of his legacy. That's why I feel that I care about it as well. I love his music and short films and concert performances. But michael is about more thant that..he has a message. And for that message to come through, people have to first accept the person giving the message and atleast approve of him. Nobody's gonna give a beep about healing the world when they're too worried about michael's nose. And no it's not michael's fault. but it's not about who's to blame, it's about being productive and moving forward. If that's what it takes, michael controling his behavior and actions, than that's what he should do so people can accept him more and therefore listen to the important message he has to bring. Just watch an award show or something from the late 80s or early 90s and look at the shear silence that happens when mike begins to speak..people respected him and everyone shut up to listen to what he had to say because he was michael jackson. Now, people would probably do the same thing except, they would listen to wut he had to say in order to make fun of him when he was done..
Re: New Pic of Michael

I understand that, but see, it's people's either inability or unwillingness to listen to Michael which causes the problem in the first place. On the occassions that he's given interviews, and it's been quite a few at this point, he always comes across as highly intelligent, down to earth, extremely freindly and nice, and perceptive, both with himself and the outside world. If people would listen to him and not listen to what other people say about him, then they would know he's a great person with, as you said, an important messege, and they wouldn't care what he looks like or about trivial things like that. People talk trash about Michael but the second they meet him, any preconceived notions they had fall away and they see what an incredible person he is. If people weren't such sheep and actually allowed themselves to make their own judgements, they would listen to Michael and like him, almost every single person would. Michael tries to show people that he's not some freak or weird through his words and even through his music, but it's people not listening to him that causes the issue.
Re: New Pic of Michael

No. There's a huge difference. REALITY and Movies are TOTALLY different. In REALITY, Michael is making himself look TERRIBLE. How could you think this is a good look for Michael? Banderas did it in Entertainment usage. You don't see Christian Bale running out his house shopping in a Batman mask. C'mon, i'm looking in Michael's best interest. I'm trying to help the man. He's suffered enough heat, dont'ya think? Why the hell should he add on to it. Michael needs a friend who will give him tough love, criticism, and keep it real with him....
I can understand your sincere concern, but I think we don't have to worry too much bout what the media and some people would think and say about his looks. I feel deep down Mike is a gangsta who can do what he wants without fear, which also can mean he's an artist who likes to try different things not only in music, but in many other ways.

And I strongly agree with wannabe on people's narrow-mindedness.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I understand that, but see, it's people's either inability or unwillingness to listen to Michael which causes the problem in the first place. On the occassions that he's given interviews, and it's been quite a few at this point, he always comes across as highly intelligent, down to earth, extremely freindly and nice, and perceptive, both with himself and the outside world. If people would listen to him and not listen to what other people say about him, then they would know he's a great person with, as you said, an important messege, and they wouldn't care what he looks like or about trivial things like that. People talk trash about Michael but the second they meet him, any preconceived notions they had fall away and they see what an incredible person he is. If people weren't such sheep and actually allowed themselves to make their own judgements, they would listen to Michael and like him, almost every single person would. Michael tries to show people that he's not some freak or weird through his words and even through his music, but it's people not listening to him that causes the issue.

Once again wannabe... fantastic post :)
Always love reading ur posts
Re: New Pic of Michael

I understand that, but see, it's people's either inability or unwillingness to listen to Michael which causes the problem in the first place. On the occassions that he's given interviews, and it's been quite a few at this point, he always comes across as highly intelligent, down to earth, extremely freindly and nice, and perceptive, both with himself and the outside world. If people would listen to him and not listen to what other people say about him, then they would know he's a great person with, as you said, an important messege, and they wouldn't care what he looks like or about trivial things like that. People talk trash about Michael but the second they meet him, any preconceived notions they had fall away and they see what an incredible person he is. If people weren't such sheep and actually allowed themselves to make their own judgements, they would listen to Michael and like him, almost every single person would. Michael tries to show people that he's not some freak or weird through his words and even through his music, but it's people not listening to him that causes the issue.

Wonderful post of which I agree entirely
Re: New Pic of Michael

Just watch an award show or something from the late 80s or early 90s and look at the shear silence that happens when mike begins to speak..people respected him and everyone shut up to listen to what he had to say because he was michael jackson. Now, people would probably do the same thing except, they would listen to wut he had to say in order to make fun of him when he was done..

Do you remember the MTV Video Music awards... the "millennium award"? A witness (MTV host) said about that: Everybody felt silent, they could feel his aura, nobody dared to breathe...they were so mesmerized that they did not even notice there was no award for him. So, no matter how it turns out, people listen to Michael.
The media invent statistics to create an image, thinking that that image is going to hold things in check. You know why they always say Jackson is ill? Cause they want Jackson to be ill, not only mentally, also physically.
Re: New Pic of Michael

It's just good to know he's ok. Not worth harping on about clothing and stuff as opposed to if he were "gone". So compared to that, it's nothin'.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I understand that, but see, it's people's either inability or unwillingness to listen to Michael which causes the problem in the first place. On the occassions that he's given interviews, and it's been quite a few at this point, he always comes across as highly intelligent, down to earth, extremely freindly and nice, and perceptive, both with himself and the outside world. If people would listen to him and not listen to what other people say about him, then they would know he's a great person with, as you said, an important messege, and they wouldn't care what he looks like or about trivial things like that. People talk trash about Michael but the second they meet him, any preconceived notions they had fall away and they see what an incredible person he is. If people weren't such sheep and actually allowed themselves to make their own judgements, they would listen to Michael and like him, almost every single person would. Michael tries to show people that he's not some freak or weird through his words and even through his music, but it's people not listening to him that causes the issue.

AMEN! :angel: :angel:
Re: New Pic of Michael

OMG! He went to the doctor?!? He MUST be dying!!! :(

Re: New Pic of Michael

No one would even notice him if he were the average joe, lol. And if he were average, he probably wouldn't dress like this.
Re: New Pic of Michael

No one would even notice him if he were the average joe, lol. And if he were average, he probably wouldn't dress like this.

Thats true. Fame shaped a lot of his mindset. Is he TRYING not to be noticed as Michael Jackson? Because its honestly not working if thats the case. He trys to paint himself as this normal person, but as you said if he were "the normal, average joe" he probably wouldn't dress like this. Maybe he wants to do it for Post-trick-or-treating. Y'know he can't get enough of them Peacan Sandies....
Re: New Pic of Michael

I don't think Michael's trying not to be noticed. I just think Michael's different and that's how he want's to dress.
Re: New Pic of Michael

The mods need to change the title because eveytime I log in I think this thread is recent :D :) :doh:
He does what he wants!

That's Mike. He has always done that!
maybe he has these Uggs slippers.lol

Yeah I am so grateful Michael doesn't try to change to please other people. God, if all of us could bring out our uniqueness and embrace it rather than hide it so we can FIT IN, it would be such colorful world. Its funny how many people embraced Michael because he was different and now they seemed to have forgotten that.