12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

wow it is everywhere....the only blogger showing sympathy is perez hilton, believe it or not. one even said he bought a massive ass home in b.h......whateva whateva...i just hope the truth comes out and it'll show everyone that blogger cred is NOT credibility.

u are only as good as ur sources
Re: New Pic of Michael

in a way, it is directed at tabloids - tabloids should be banned and paparazzi tortured with no mercy.

all i am saying is - if they had the guts to go THIS FAR , then NOTHING should surprise us anymore. nor should we doubt whether it is true,what they write...

And I think it is high time Michael spoke for himself.
This is beyond borders. And the news is just spreading all around the world.

How lame are people nowadays!

Well it is my personal opinion that Michael shouldn't do a thing about this.
If tabloids would be getting this power, it's really beyond ridiculous.
I just wouldn't give in to this.
You are so right, it's going this far and that's too far... and we shouldn't as a result expect Michael to do something about it.
We will patiently sit here and wait till it's over and if this means there should happen something and we should put pressure on someone then it's the tabloids to prove their sources lol what they obviously can't.

I could imagine there are some of them already lurking here and giving a party cuz of how successfull they are spreading this.

I really don't want them to succeed... never!

If you ask me tabloids are lame and so are all ppl working this way, that's all!

But Vic is very right, we should not produce something here which could be interpreted as a threat... no... that would mean also success for them cuz they could write 'shit' about us again also.
To me tabloids can go to hell... well ok if you look carefull lol that's where they are already!

*going to check the member pic thread if there's more sweet pics about soso defs handsome little bunch of cuteness son Zac*
Re: New Pic of Michael

I haven't been checking the boards for a while because i've been busy, and i don't like talking about Michaels health, but i just want to wish him health and happiness. And i'm sure he is ok its just tabloids bull
Re: New Pic of Michael

:( now checked local news, it's everywhere here....... spreading so quickly like a virus
( just liked the comments there from ppls whishing MJ well )
Re: New Pic of Michael

will keep in mind that tabloids always writing about What They Would Like to see: MJ bankrupt & near to death...
and not the Real Truth...
Re: New Pic of Michael

wow it is everywhere....the only blogger showing sympathy is perez hilton, believe it or not. one even said he bought a massive ass home in b.h......whateva whateva...i just hope the truth comes out and it'll show everyone that blogger cred is NOT credibility.

u are only as good as ur sources

I agree. This particular story needs to be nullified. And soon IMO. It's been around for over two weeks and has been everywhere for the last two days. It's time to put it to bed. Pure and simple.
Re: New Pic of Michael

He looks so sad i wish people would leave him alone, let the guy have his peace, enough is enough
Re: New Pic of Michael

tabloids should be banned and paparazzi too :yes: this need to stop know....................................the frames people should sure them (sorry about my spelling i can't spell)
Re: New Pic of Michael

I do think that the only way this rumour is put to rest is if a statement is issued
Re: New Pic of Michael

tbh i doubt that would stop it. the story will run its cause for a few days like it does and then the media will move onto something else. after all this story has been around for a good week or so but when its a quiet news day the media decide to run with it.imomj would be better off going out somewhere dressed up and looking good. that would do far better than a statement
Re: New Pic of Michael

Yeah that would be cool, but you know that will not happen
Re: New Pic of Michael

u can always hope lol abit of xmas shopping?
Re: New Pic of Michael

At least when MJ had a spokesperson these rumours would have been put to rest by now, fans will continue to worry otherwise
Re: New Pic of Michael

Michael should have a New Years party, that would shut them up, invite loads of A Listers, you know they'd be there in a heartbeat to a party Michael was throwing! lol
Re: New Pic of Michael

Okay, I'm kinda lost here....

I get a text from my sister in the U.S. telling me that MJ is gravely ill with a genetic lung condition! I almost dropped to the floor! but I had to come here to see whats up before looking at any media reports just to make sure my blood pressure does'nt knock me out.

So given what I've read on this thread, as far as we know this is just a rumour that the media is running rampant with right?

I've got some personal ish going on right now and I just can't take any bad news at the moment.
Re: New Pic of Michael

God...when all of this gonna come to an end...

I think it is good to read this:


MJ [img]
Re: New Pic of Michael

you are right! Fact is this seems only low level tabloid stuff as there is no reliable source for all this crap.
Re: New Pic of Michael

God...when all of this gonna come to an end...

there is no real end to this. It just got a special lowest level.
We need to learn to deal with it a sensible way and not buy into just rumours too easy. If we do we're turning into a tool for tabloid work.
Re: New Pic of Michael

To be Michael, what a day that must be. Love you Mike!
Re: New Pic of Michael

Nice with new pictures.

MJ is doing FINE, he is not blind, in need of a liver or has lost his voice, as the danish press says these days! DON't BELIEVE ANY OF IT!

Let's enjoy the new pictures, be happy MJ is looking good and happy! Let's all have a nice Christmas!

BTW Merry Christmas everyone!!
Re: New Pic of Michael

Nice with new pictures.

MJ is doing FINE, he is not blind, in need of a liver or has lost his voice, as the danish press says these days! DON't BELIEVE ANY OF IT!

Let's enjoy the new pictures, be happy MJ is looking good and happy! Let's all have a nice Christmas!

BTW Merry Christmas everyone!!

:clap: its nice to stay positive!!!! Im sure MJ is just fine :yes:
Re: New Pic of Michael

Nice with new pictures.

MJ is doing FINE, he is not blind, in need of a liver or has lost his voice, as the danish press says these days! DON't BELIEVE ANY OF IT!

Let's enjoy the new pictures, be happy MJ is looking good and happy! Let's all have a nice Christmas!

BTW Merry Christmas everyone!!

Bless you!!!:punk::clapping:
Re: New Pic of Michael

even fatboy friedman is saying this story is rubbish. yet hes the one who peddles all this crap every year lol
Re: New Pic of Michael

lmao....omg im amazed he is actally saying it anit true!
wow that is just amazing lol
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Re: New Pic of Michael

well...then when antonio banderas wore the zorro mask and got paid for it, it must've been a terrible thing.

No. There's a huge difference. REALITY and Movies are TOTALLY different. In REALITY, Michael is making himself look TERRIBLE. How could you think this is a good look for Michael? Banderas did it in Entertainment usage. You don't see Christian Bale running out his house shopping in a Batman mask. C'mon, i'm looking in Michael's best interest. I'm trying to help the man. He's suffered enough heat, dont'ya think? Why the hell should he add on to it. Michael needs a friend who will give him tough love, criticism, and keep it real with him....