12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

It's not like this came from the sun or spoof.com or something..we don't know the legitimacy of this information..and unitl we do..i agree that we shouldn't take it for news, but at the same time we shouldn't completely 100% regard it as being untrue tabloid junk...
i thought it was pretty obvious as to where its come from.it comes from a tacky tabloid journo whos writing a book on mj and needs some"big" news in it in order to get some publicity. hes written tacky books about britney spear and kurt cobain to name a few.what does that tell you.
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Re: New Pic of Michael

i am sick of the fans who go out and 1.believe this bullshit 2.panic for no reason and then 3.spread the panic by opening MORE AND MORE threads about Michael's supposed illness. And that is NOT called worrying , it is called disrespect towards Michael!

Some of you really need to grow up. Believing stupid tabloids on and on...where will that bring you?!

My honest advice to the staff is to add the option of having to approve the thread first before it is posted. That way the forum will be easier to control.

Attacking other fans for their concern isn't right either and against forum rules. We don't know Michael's health status nor is it our business but one thing about Michael's fans is that they love him and care about more than just what record comes next. Their concern is real even if the rumors aren't.

Staff controls the board as it should by helping the members whos fears are out of hand or even if they just need to let it out. We invite those to join the support forum thread until the support forum is open.

Members not in this category should let them have their space and move on to a topic that interests them.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Attacking other fans for their concern isn't right either and against forum rules. We don't know Michael's health status nor is it our business but one thing about Michael's fans is that they love him and care about more than just what record comes next. Their concern is real even if the rumors aren't.

Staff controls the board as it should by helping the members whos fears are out of hand or even if they just need to let it out. We invite those to join the support forum thread until the support forum is open.

Members not in this category should let them have their space and move on to a topic that interests them.

Exaclty. Thank you very much!
Re: New Pic of Michael

i guess u r right,but over-worrying tends to create a lot of panic... :(
Re: New Pic of Michael

i am sick of the fans who go out and 1.believe this bullshit 2.panic for no reason and then 3.spread the panic by opening MORE AND MORE threads about Michael's supposed illness. And that is NOT called worrying , it is called disrespect towards Michael!

Some of you really need to grow up. Believing stupid tabloids on and on...where will that bring you?!

My honest advice to the staff is to add the option of having to approve the thread first before it is posted. That way the forum will be easier to control.

Yes completly agree with you ,God bless you
Re: New Pic of Michael

Regarding the guy beside MJ in the pic dri posted : Oh, I did not see that captioning on her work clothes. Thanks for that, you guys.
Re: New Pic of Michael

i guess u r right,but over-worrying tends to create a lot of panic... :(

Yes, at times it can. But it doesn't remove their fears by snapping rules and condemning them. Just have to respect that they have a different view and give them that space. The truth surfaces sooner or later or something new happens and everyone moves on anyway so it's not worth fretting over.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I can't believe that I believed all these stupid rumors, should know better than to trust a tabloid.

That is alright. I almost believed it as well until I connected teh dots and smelled BS.

Don't worry, Mike might even go somewhere and the pics will be posted on websites, forums and blogs and he will look good, yummy and sexy and that Ian fool's assumptions would be deem LIES!
Re: New Pic of Michael

and for one thing guys, if mike was really that sick as the media r saying..........the man wouldn't be able to stand up! Let alone to be able to go a doctor's office!

Dumb ass media! lmao
Re: New Pic of Michael

and for one thing guys, if mike was really that sick as the media r saying..........the man wouldn't be able to stand up! Let alone to be able to go a doctor's office!

Dumb ass media! lmao


THAT is what i am thinking as well. So how can some ppl be that naive, i'll never know.
Re: New Pic of Michael

it just too funny lmao!

But i hope mike is okay anyway
I do worry bout him at times and do care bout him heaps.
but like i said in a other thread, i just wish his pr ppl would say somethin bout this pathetic rumor!
Re: New Pic of Michael

I hope he's not sick

Why couldn't the doctors come to him? He has enough money for it.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Attacking other fans for their concern isn't right either and against forum rules. We don't know Michael's health status nor is it our business but one thing about Michael's fans is that they love him and care about more than just what record comes next. Their concern is real even if the rumors aren't.

Staff controls the board as it should by helping the members whos fears are out of hand or even if they just need to let it out. We invite those to join the support forum thread until the support forum is open.

Members not in this category should let them have their space and move on to a topic that interests them.
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Thank you! Big kiss to you!! :cheeky:
Re: New Pic of Michael

We still need to show each other a bit of compassion as well as pray for Michael. The support forum will be open soon and those concerned will have a place to talk while the rest can move on but until then lets be nice all the way around.

Thank you momma (hugs)

we shoudl be compasionate to other concerns
and not berate them for being concerned .. :better:
sometimes the unknown can be scary
we should all put out Love, prayers and
positive energy to Michael and think positive

I think the new forum for this purpose will be awesome :)

Very beautiful attitude of you both! :flowers:

Big Hug!!
Re: New Pic of Michael

Shannon, no one said that no compassion should be shown for Michael. All I said is that some fans here really need to think more mature, with no offense whatsoever, because in that way they harm themselves as well. Thinking of the most negative things that could happen to Michael and opening new threads and also giving analysis is ... really REALLY uncalled for.

I am 100% sure that nobody will understand my point but I really don't know how to express my opinion here, without being misunderstood...Maybe it's my bad,don't know...
Re: New Pic of Michael

i understand what ur saying compeltely
Re: New Pic of Michael

Danderous88 quote :Thinking of the most negative things that could happen to Michael and opening new threads and also giving analysis is ... really REALLY uncalled for.

Although i can understand why so many of us r thinking negatively bout it. When u hear such horrible things, of course we worry bout mike- it only natrual that we would.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Shannon, no one said that no compassion should be shown for Michael. All I said is that some fans here really need to think more mature, with no offense whatsoever, because in that way they harm themselves as well. Thinking of the most negative things that could happen to Michael and opening new threads and also giving analysis is ... really REALLY uncalled for.

I am 100% sure that nobody will understand my point but I really don't know how to express my opinion here, without being misunderstood...Maybe it's my bad,don't know...

I understand your point but I was referring to compassion for Michael's fans. They have their own concerns for him - it isn't for us to judge their maturity levels, ages or even their personal reasoning. Some fear what they don't know. Others see if for what they know it is. We can't control or force our will on the decisions of others. The new threads were spear headed almost immediately so there was not much of an issue on them. Sometimes it just is that people react before they think that's why we have the report a post feature and moderators :yes:

Let's return to the topic of the new pic though - anything else please pm me - that way we don't take this too far off topic.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Maybe we should send this pic to the press......Then we'll se what they say then!
Re: New Pic of Michael

yawn, hes not going to be coming back anytime soon
Re: New Pic of Michael

Why the hell is he wearing a damn Zorro looking mask? He is just making himself look bad, no offense. Its a bunch of BS if you ask me.
Re: New Pic of Michael

cause he felt the urge. and he looks damn cute in it
Re: New Pic of Michael

lol, i like the hat is wearing :)
Re: New Pic of Michael

Yeah, because what he looks like and what people think is so important. Some of you need to get your damn priorities straight.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Why the hell is he wearing a damn Zorro looking mask? He is just making himself look bad, no offense. Its a bunch of BS if you ask me.

well...then when antonio banderas wore the zorro mask and got paid for it, it must've been a terrible thing.
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Re: New Pic of Michael

One thing you all must understand is that with all the rumors flying around, some people actually are stressed right now. And as Shannon pointed out, there is a variety in maturity-levels here. Not just in literal maturity, but in age. Some posters are quite young, so we are asking for some compassion here.

Just because you have one viewpoint and are not stressed, doesn't mean that someone else isn't stressed. Please do not criticize the posts of others. If there is something that you think is inappropriate, use the "report" button.

Re: New Pic of Michael

That Halpern guy that all these tabloid hacks are quoting like he's the last man standing quite obviously has an agenda to push-- he's writing a MJ biography -- selling rubbish books in these times are hard and he needs something sensational. Why does no one ask how he knows all this is quite baffing (Ive seen AP and everyone and their mama now runnign with this news)-- I think this is some consolation to us and something to keep in mind -- whilst having michael in our thoughts and prayers.