12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

Not a bad thing.

Web definitions for minutia

[SIZE=-1]a small or minor detail[/SIZE]

u learn something new everyday lol

do not think that guy beside MJ is Dr. Klein. That could be a bodyguard. Who knows.
i think hes defo connected to the clinic he has one of those white nurse/doctor overalls on and it has some writing on like the name of the clinic.its some sort of uniform
Re: New Pic of Michael

are you sure? it says medical on it. cant make out the rest of the writing, opposite there, there seems to be a building that says pharmacy?
well if u click on street view it takes u to the building you previously posted. it gives u the address aswell. i presuming the second building is a different address? let me have a look
Re: New Pic of Michael

very good observation ppl. i was almost sure he visited his dermatologist. if he had anything serious he would have gone to the hospital not for a short visit to a medical clinic.
never believe the fucking tabloids ppl. they always lie. always always. period. all the BS started from a specific someone who not only has never met michael but also has no inside info whatsoever since he doesnt know a single person whos close to him. medical info is absolutely classified and there would be no way a nobody would know sh*t about it.
also if hes had this disease for years we'd know about it from the trial where everything regarding his health came out.
i hate tabloids with a passion and those sickos who write these BS should go to hell.
Re: New Pic of Michael

very good observation ppl. i was almost sure he visited his dermatologist. if he had anything serious he would have gone to the hospital not for a short visit to a medical clinic.
never believe the fucking tabloids ppl. they always lie. always always. period. all the BS started from a specific someone who not only has never met michael but also has no inside info whatsoever since he doesnt know a single person whos close to him. medical info is absolutely classified and there would be no way a nobody would know sh*t about it.
also if hes had this disease for years we'd know about it from the trial where everything regarding his health came out.
i hate tabloids with a passion and those sickos who write these BS should go to hell.

AMEN!!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
Re: New Pic of Michael

I do not think that guy beside MJ is Dr. Klein. That could be a bodyguard. Who knows.

I dont think so,Bee.Notice the in his clothes...there is something writing in the pocket but I can not see what is.


ps:Thanks mjdove for the pic of Dr.Klein!
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Re: New Pic of Michael

edit. ok startrader.

yeah re that man. he has a uniform on. typcial medical one and it prob has the name of the clinic written on it
Re: New Pic of Michael

totally out of topic..but that lady in the background seems to have the same slippers as Michael.:lol:
Re: New Pic of Michael

btw i dont think thats arnie klien that side shot is a little better than the other
Re: New Pic of Michael

[so u guys are now 100% sure he went to dr klein ?/QUOTE]
can be 100% all u can do is look at the evidence,compair the pics and decide yourself interms of the possibility.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I'm 10000000000000% for sure that MJ went to the dermatologist office.AMEN!!

I have one comment:

When we joined forces with positive thoughts and faith we have that:. THE TRUE!!!!
Congrats for you guys!!!:clapping:
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Re: New Pic of Michael

You know what! what utter BULL!! dont you have any heart at all media!!

cannot wait till Michael goes and blows this rumour out of the water with release date of all his new projects esp a tour!! DO YOU REALLY THINK HE WOULD be able to do that if he was dying!!



how can you do this to Michael??? when all he does is spread love!!

It is Christmas, are you that desperate for news??? No scandals lately arrr well tough michael please show these prats your fine, in fact the last piccs apart from ones he has had masks on, he looked super fit!!

Re: New Pic of Michael

yeah im pretty certain but then again I want it to be true so it will calm worries but yeah the building looks pretty much like his
Re: New Pic of Michael

For those that have missed this information, this info comes from an author Ian Halperin who has completed a book about Jackson’s life, which claims that the pop icon, 50, suffers from Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, a potentially fatal genetic illness, as well as emphysema and gastrointestinal bleeding.

He wants publicity for his book. Among other things...
Re: New Pic of Michael

the guy is tabloidarrellies love child
Re: New Pic of Michael

michael should def put out a statement regarding this. his fans are the ones who suffer when tabloid sh*t like this come out. i love michael more than anything but i have a serious complaint when it comes to his communication with the fan community. i think he has the ethical and moral duty to put such rumors to rest immediately. not let them float around for days and have his fans panicking and getting depressed over nothing. come on michael u know im right about this
Re: New Pic of Michael

lol...wow..u guys are scary..LOL...between u and the internet, u can probably find a stealth missle. :lol:

yes scary...give them a picture they'll give you a full raport on it :lol:
Re: New Pic of Michael

You are absolutely right Roxanne. We almost died with this frenzy but maybe he is tired of paying attention to every tabloid rumour that is spread. He has done nothing wrong and they keep on humiliating him and hurting both him and us. These rumours spread like a bad virus....
His medical condition is confidential but some monsters invade his privacy and spread lies lies lies for years. If he wants to release a denial statement it would be wise but if he doesn't I respect it equally. The tabloids won't put us down...
Re: New Pic of Michael

MJ's quote from his interview with Pharrell applies to him and us, as we speak to the media.

"i am very very very strong.."
-Michael Jackson

lol...not one very..but three. lol
Re: New Pic of Michael

So he just went to the dermatologist? Phew! I can't believe that I believed all these stupid rumors, should know better than to trust a tabloid.

And Michael probably has a rash or something, or something completely non-threatening.
Re: New Pic of Michael

yeah ai agree roxanne especially a story that is so serious and according to others A.P have picked it up now.

mj will prob just go shoping or something looking good thats what he normally does. then it makes the story writer look stupid
Re: New Pic of Michael

So he just went to the dermatologist?
well we have come to that conclusion from looking at the pics and old reports. obviously we cant say 100% but it looks that way
Re: New Pic of Michael

i am sick of the fans who go out and 1.believe this bullshit 2.panic for no reason and then 3.spread the panic by opening MORE AND MORE threads about Michael's supposed illness. And that is NOT called worrying , it is called disrespect towards Michael!

Some of you really need to grow up. Believing stupid tabloids on and on...where will that bring you?!

My honest advice to the staff is to add the option of having to approve the thread first before it is posted. That way the forum will be easier to control.
Re: New Pic of Michael

What you're saying is true, however, the truth of the matter is that we really don't know whether or not there is any truth to this information. Assuming it's tabloid junk just because it's negative or upsetting is not very smart. I think that's the only reason fans, including myself, are upset. It's not like this came from the sun or spoof.com or something..we don't know the legitimacy of this information..and unitl we do..i agree that we shouldn't take it for news, but at the same time we shouldn't completely 100% regard it as being untrue tabloid junk...