12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

"Michael's health should not be discussed" - says the staff of the forum... What are we doing here actually in ... 3 threads?

Thanks for your post, but the mods will handle the rules/threads. We have relaxed the rule about discussions of Michael's health to the extent that you can express concern/best-wishes. Please do that in the Support Forum thread.



Re: New Pic of Michael

Remember when MJ was in your dermatoligist?Well,is the same place that new pics!Look:



Then Michael HAVEN'T nothing serious!He just went to dermatoligist!
Re: New Pic of Michael

i think it's safe to say that the reason why he wears shades a lot, is because of the scared look you see in his eyes in these pics. the ferociousness of the paps has not lost itself on MJ, in all these years. and quite frankly, considering Princess Diana..i would wager that everybody could understand that. he doesn't want you to see that the paps still scare him. IMO
Re: New Pic of Michael



God I hope he is fine. It worries me alot

i think it's safe to say that the reason why he wears shades a lot, is because of the scared look you see in his eyes in these pics. the ferociousness of the paps has not lost itself on MJ, in all these years. and quite frankly, considering Princess Diana..i would wager that everybody could understand that. he doesn't want you to see that the paps still scare him. IMO

:timer:..yes..the passing of time hasn't dampened MJ's fame, nor the paps. but i still feel it's no excuse for the paps' animalistic ways. sorry to insult animals.(i meant to quote you, but i forgot..hence the double post, and quoting myself.)
Re: New Pic of Michael

I refuse to go into that site, do they get money per click? They are hateful low lives who won't get my attention.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Remember when MJ was in your dermatoligist?Well,is the same place that new pics!Look:



Then Michael HAVEN'T nothing serious!He just went to dermatoligist!

That's actually an important observation. It does look like the same office, in which case, Michael wouldn't be at the dermatologist for what those reports are saying he has.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Remember when MJ was in your dermatoligist?Well,is the same place that new pics!Look:



Then Michael HAVEN'T nothing serious!He just went to dermatoligist!

what is a dermatoligist? then its nothing , right ? just the stupied papers.
Re: New Pic of Michael

It is the same building. Look above Michael's head in both photo's, you see that same metal rod going across the ceiling.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I'm going to ask you guys, please, IF you think Michael is sick, please don't attempt to 'diagnose." (There is absolutely no information about his health/wellness on legitimate news, and tabloids are notoriously unreliable. ) "Diagnosing" is just too invasive, and please try very hard to understand that. I mean, you would want someone to do that about YOU, right?

I do understand that some people are concerned because in the photo Michael is coming out of a medical clinic. Please take those sorts of posts to the Support Forum thread. He also does not look particularly HAPPY. Well? He's just been ambushed, yet again, by paparazzi at a very private moment, and that must be so tiresome for him.

For expressions of concern and good wishes for Michael, PLEASE go here and not on this thread. That is what the Support Forum thread is for.


Please honor this request.


Re: New Pic of Michael

Great observation Dri! It is the same building? Oh, and I didn't know it was a dermatologist. :eek: Where does it say that, I'm confused. xD

But yea.. no worries much if he is at the dermatologist office. :)
Re: New Pic of Michael

Bingo! It's really the same building. But from where do you know it is a dermatologist office?
Re: New Pic of Michael



See...no need to worry people!

IMO, if Michael was really THAT ill, he wouldn't be able to STAND, so don't worry. And don't diagnose ;)
Re: New Pic of Michael

Great observation Dri! It is the same building? Oh, and I didn't know it was a dermatologist. :eek: Where does it say that, I'm confused. xD

But yea.. no worries much if he is at the dermatologist office. :)
it is also the same building where he was like 10 days ago in blue "shirt" and Zorro mask

actually in post #204 i already wrote it is the same building Michael was seen already like 4 times (also in Octobere).
Re: New Pic of Michael

i think MJ is o.k i think he just have cold just like us or he is seeing if his voice is o.k you know i what i mean right :wink: so my heart goes to him o.k :heart:

you should post the artical :yes:
Re: New Pic of Michael

good observations. and as agnes says its the same building as last week. the question is though. the pic of him there where hes wearing the body t.shirt. does anyone have a link to reports from that. was it reported at the time it was a visit to a dermotologist.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I thought Michael was at an antique store when he was wearing that Indian style shirt and zorro mask?

And yeah, if someone could find the article that went with the pictures of Michael in the body t-shirt, that would be great.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Great observation Dri! It is the same building? Oh, and I didn't know it was a dermatologist. :eek: Where does it say that, I'm confused. xD

But yea.. no worries much if he is at the dermatologist office. :)

Sasha,member when the Mj's car crashed?The media said that he went to the dermatologist office.


October 29,2008

October 27,2008

October 29,2008

The same wall...(well sorry if I'm wrong cuz i dont live in EUA)
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Re: New Pic of Michael

good observations. and as agnes says its the same building as last week. the question is though. the pic of him there where hes wearing the body t.shirt. does anyone have a link to reports from that. was it reported at the time it was a visit to a dermotologist.
i have found this


i do not know what they mean actually by "cosmetic and medical dermatology office" i mean he was in a shop, but they call the shop a medical dermatology office or it was different and he also went to a dermatology office the same day?