12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

keep wearin and doin what u want, Mike. lol :lol: :yes::clapping:

yep yep, I agree!!!

ya hear, Michael! keep on being you :)

I seriously am gonna buy a mask like that and wear it for New Years! :zorro: Now, don't steal my idea ppl :D actually, how cool would that be if all MJ fans did that for New Year? :rofl:

And I really hope Michael is ok :( I'm sure he will be, soon.
Re: New Pic of Michael

HQ pics



I'm so feeling the "morning after hair"(wishing I was the reason it looks that way):cheeky: and stubble. :wub::wub:
Re: New Pic of Michael

Aww love the coat, but it´s sad that they follow him everywhere he goes. Love you, Michael. :)
Re: New Pic of Michael

I agree the people hounding him should be ashamed of themselves. They get info on where he is and private or not they all up in his business and face. It's sad.
I want to know who in the doctor's office(if that's where he went) called and snitched on MJ telling the photogs that he had an appt. that day?? I understand the economy is tough right now and we could all use some extra $$ but ratting the man out and not letting him have a chkup or whatever it was he was doing is just WRONG.
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Re: New Pic of Michael

I want to know who in the doctor's office(if that's where he went) called and snitched on MJ telling the photogs that he had an appt. that day?? I understand the economy is tought right now and we could all use some extra $$ but ratting the man out and not letting him have a chkup or whatever it was he was doing is just WRONG.

I agree.
Re: New Pic of Michael

OK!I wake up this morning and I'm feel better!!!!!:D
Michael is fine!He is handsome,GORGEOUS in these pics and period!!!!
Oh,Lord!!!POSITIVE VIBRATION!!!:clapping:
Re: New Pic of Michael

im kind of worried acctually :( is miss bain still spokeperson for Mr. Jackson ?
Re: New Pic of Michael

That he visited the medical office several times lately, might just be an indication that it's a check up on something.

But in all honesty, these stories about his "horrible" condition are just a bunch of lies. They've been saying he's near death since the early 90's.

I want to know who in the doctor's office(if that's where he went) called and snitched on MJ telling the photogs that he had an appt. that day?? I understand the economy is tought right now and we could all use some extra $$ but ratting the man out and not letting him have a chkup or whatever it was he was doing is just WRONG.
I'm fairly sure the paparazzi was just following him as he has been at the same clinic several times before.
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Re: New Pic of Michael

over the years mj has been spotted many a time a doctors.so this is hardly anything new. this prob all stems from the prince lawsuit and obviously it was nothing major as he was due to travel.and hes been spotted out shopping and out and about a huge amount of times of the last couple of months so that hardly fits with the story. we all know that mj has had health issues over the years. and he takes medication.yet all this worry stems from a dodgy tabloid article. and lets face it we get them every year or so. wasnt mj after a new liver this time last year. my only concern is the diesease these tabs have come up with. who decided to use that disease. did they stick a pick in a medical dictionary and go with what came up first? just shows how sick these ppl can go (the journos) and i hope the get exactly what they wish on others.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Can I ask a simple question? How do we know this doctors visit is for him? It could be the pediatricians....maybe Prince, Paris or little Blankie were there to get their checkups? Anyone ever think of that? Also, just because we see his picture, we assume it's about him...he could be just doing the good Dad thing and getting his kids to the docs? And, it really isn't any of our business anyway....
Re: New Pic of Michael

well if that was the case there would be pics of the kids aswell. yet theres only ever pics of mj.
Re: New Pic of Michael

We are all smart, we watch Michael with a guardian angels protectiveness. We all noticed that he hasn't looked his strong self and though we aren't going to speculate on it, I think its safe to say that our prayers are always a good thing. He deserves our love and faith. Love you Michael.
Re: New Pic of Michael

hm but why would Mike take the kids to the doctors in the last weeks so many times?
this is the same building where he has been also photographed in November (or end of October around Halloween) and also like 10 days ago)
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Re: New Pic of Michael

^^ Maybe he has to get check ups for something?who knows. But hopefully he is ok :)
Re: New Pic of Michael

hm but why would Mike take the kids to the doctors in the last weeks so many times?
this is the same building where he has been also photographed in November (or end of October around Halloween) and also like 10 days ago)

Well, he does have 3 kids....maybe he couldn't get em all seen in one day?? Who knows? Although, I tend to think that a doctor would try to rearrange his/her schedule to accomodate him...:rofl:
Re: New Pic of Michael

Well, he does have 3 kids....maybe he couldn't get em all seen in one day?? Who knows? Although, I tend to think that a doctor would try to rearrange his/her schedule to accomodate him...:rofl:
well i think for the 3 kids it would not be hard to arrange only 1 date.....do not think one week he takes Prince, the other week Blanket. plus the kids have never been seen with him at any of these dates.
Re: New Pic of Michael

"Michael's health should not be discussed" - says the staff of the forum... What are we doing here actually in ... 3 threads?