12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

Is it really any of our business? Can Michael not go see the doc like the rest of us when he isn't feeling well without being scrutinized?

If Michael wanted to tell us his personal medical business (which he tends to avoid) he would. But as it is personal and confidential and he goes to see doctors all the time, for his own sake I would leave it alone. At least he does see doctors and gets treatment for the things that ail him, rather than constantly pop pain pills in secret and act like nothing's wrong. That's what's dangerous.

I go to the doc in my pj's too sometimes, especially if I'm feeling particularly crappy. No reason to go out of my way to change out of comfy cozies when I'm just gonna put them right back on again at home. People, cut him some slack here. The dude ain't trying to make a fashion statement. Kill the criticism and move on.

On a little happier note, whatever the reason for the visit (since it is, unfortunately, public knowledge), I hope he gets to feeling better real soon cause it's no fun being sick, especially the week of Christmas. Be comforted in that Michael has always been described as a very fast healer. :)

Michael Jackson is a public person .Your steps will be followed always.I'm concerned with Michael.But the pap's not.
The fact that I worry about him doesnt mean that I am invading his privacy.Wasnt me who took the pics.
Re: New Pic of Michael

It says, "Smoking Prohibited."

And I hope MJ is alright. :( MAN I am like.. really really worried. And knowing he was at a medical building for something, does not make it better. lol

My prayers are with Michael.:angel:
Re: New Pic of Michael

I read in Google news that Michael's having some serious problems related to his life because of lung disease and bledding. He can die >"< . Can somone please tell me that it's not true?????? I'm so so scared. Think about how he was thoses days I started to believe these papers and I'm so scared. I don't want to lose my Michael....
Re: New Pic of Michael

I read in Google news that Michael's having some serious problems related to his life because of lung disease and bledding. He can die >"< . Can somone please tell me that it's not true?????? I'm so so scared. Think about how he was thoses days I started to believe these papers and I'm so scared. I don't want to lose my Michael....

Don't be scared. It was reported by RF and others that Michael is currently ill. What we do know is that according to recent court documents, Michael is suffering from some kind of illness but nothing was identified concerning his condition.

Soon we will have a support forum on MJJC where you will be able to discuss your concerns regarding Michael's health. You will also be able to share words of encouragement expressed through poetry, art, etc.

Be patient because everything will work out for the best! :better:
Re: New Pic of Michael

There is an expression here in Brazil where we say: "Where there is smoke there is fire."
I dont want to believe in a serious disease but he can be sick but nothing serious.
Well...I dont want especulate anything.Is the God's hands!
Re: New Pic of Michael

There is an expression here in Brazil where we say: "Where there is smoke there is fire."
I dont want to believe in a serious disease but he can be sick but nothing serious.
Well...I dont want especulate anything.Is the God's hands!

yes..also...reporters have tried the smoke to fire bit with all aspects of Mj's life, and there never was any fire. :)
Re: New Pic of Michael

There is an expression here in Brazil where we say: "Where there is smoke there is fire."
I dont want to believe in a serious disease but he can be sick but nothing serious.
Well...I dont want especulate anything.Is the God's hands!

That's right it's in God's hands! All you can do is pray and offer support/encouragement to Michael and his fans. I think you will do well in the new support forum when it launches! :)
Re: New Pic of Michael

We can not let the poison of tabloids penetrate into our soul.No matter what happens we must always be positive. I will try!:D
Thank you,MJJC MOD 1 and vncwilliam!:flowers:
Re: New Pic of Michael

Isn't it annoying that some folks are flipping out over a tabloid article? We have no clue what is going on. It is clear that Mike is not feeling well. Instead of dwelling in the negative, why not used that energy in a positive way and pray for Mike? That is better than freaking out over it. I am gettiong tired of reading these comments of panic and not taking a breather and relax and pray for Mike. Enough of the negative, already. And anything RF says should be taken with a grain of salt.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Isn't it annoying that some folks are flipping out over a tabloid article? We have no clue what is going on. It is clear that Mike is not feeling well. Instead of dwelling in the negative, why not used that energy in a positive way and pray for Mike? That is better than freaking out over it. I am gettiong tired of reading these comments of panic and not taking a breather and relax and pray for Mike. Enough of the negative, already. And anything RF says should be taken with a grain of salt.

We still need to show each other a bit of compassion as well as pray for Michael. The support forum will be open soon and those concerned will have a place to talk while the rest can move on but until then lets be nice all the way around.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Thank you momma (hugs)

we shoudl be compasionate to other concerns
and not berate them for being concerned .. :better:
sometimes the unknown can be scary
we should all put out Love, prayers and
positive energy to Michael and think positive

I think the new forum for this purpose will be awesome :)
Re: New Pic of Michael

The best thing I can tell people who worry is just don't. I mean, it's not too clear what's going on, but just know that not everything printed is true. I mean, that's the best I can say, just don't believe what you hear.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I hope that michael is okay
Re: New Pic of Michael

and bleddingI read in Google news that Michael's having some serious problems related to his life because of lung disease . He can die >"< . Can somone please tell me that it's not true?????? I'm so so scared. Think about how he was thoses days I started to believe these papers and I'm so scared. I don't want to lose my Michael....

There is no news that confirms this. I understand your concern, but the "news" reported was generated from a tabloid source

Soon, the Support Forum will open and we can discuss these issues there.

Thanks for your post.

Re: New Pic of Michael

I know my heart weeps a little when I just saw those pictures....im not the one to analyse pictures or situations -- his eyes probably show his annoyance/discomfort in being photographed. I would hate to be photographed when Im under the weather...so I can only imagine what's going on in Michael's mind.

I won't believe everything I read or hear...and RF is notorious liar proved time and time again.

I know Michael has done much merit in his lifetime and he has carried such positive energy all his life and had a positive outlook on life -- I know he will overcome all ill. So for the little uneasiness I have in my heart Im going to think of him and pray he is looked after well.
Re: New Pic of Michael

It's flu season. So before we go into a worrying frenzy, let's keep that in mind. If he has that bug, he will go and see an MD. He's done it before.

Also, did anyone catch that bug that's' been going around? It got me a little while ago and both of my sons had it too. We all had pounding headaches, felt like crap, missed several days of school and work. That bug is packing a punch. Notice that MJ is holding his head?

And about that article. What makes it very hard to believe is this... It had the words "for realz" in. This is not the way to delivered bad news such as someone being terminally ill. For realz? Nahhhh. And it also has Jermaine talking to FoxNews. FoxNews? If MJ was sick all like that, it seems like someone would try to gently break the news to the fans. Gently FoxNews is not gentle.

Another thing. If MJ is truly terminally ill, a doctor never would have cleared him to fly to London for the trial involving the Prince of Bahrain. No MD is going to clear their patient to take a long flight overseas to go through something that could be highly stressful.

Mike probably has the flu bug, guys. It's going around right now.
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Re: New Pic of Michael

I'm really worried about him.
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Re: New Pic of Michael

AllForMJ - you made a lot of sense...thanks for knocking that into me. I almost brushed the flu under the rug when I myself have been with a stuffed nose and teary eyes for weeks now....it's awful. It requires some med and R & R -- good as new then.
Re: New Pic of Michael

It's flu season. So before we go into a worrying frenzy, let's keep that in mind. If he has that bug, he will go and see an MD. He's done it before.

Also, did anyone catch that bug that's' been going around? It got me a little while ago and both of my sons did too. We all hand pounding headaches, felt like crap, missed several days of school and work. That bug is packing a punch. Notice that MJ is holding his head?

And about that article. What makes it very hard to believe is this... It had the words "for realz" in. This is not the way to delivered bad news such as someone being terminally ill. For realz? Nahhhh. And it also has Jermaine talking to FoxNews. FoxNews? If MJ was sick all like that, it seems like someone would try to gently break the news to the fans. Gently FoxNews is not gentle.

Another thing. If MJ is truly terminally ill, a doctor never would have cleared him to fly to London for the trial involving the Prince of Bahrain. No MD is going to clear their patient to take a long flight overseas to go through something that could be highly stressful.

Mike probably has the flu bug, guys. It's going around right now.

Good point!!! :clap:
Re: New Pic of Michael

If Mike was terminally ill, his mother and other family members would be going to see the doctor with him. Especially, Katherine. She would not make him go through something like that alone.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I agree, AllForYou. I feel a lot better now, I'm sure that the tabloid rumors are a bunch of garbage.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Yeah, he seems like he's going to be okay. He's walking out of the building under his own strength. That's an excellent sign.

Re: New Pic of Michael

Hey guys I havent been posting much of late but if I can offer some words of wisdom from a relatively old head....

The media has exhausted all "opportunities" when it comes to MJ. Make no mistake they are clutching at straws and because of the scale and size of production MJ is attempting to achieve there will always be people who talk. The Dimonds etc of this world know wassup and we can bag them until the cows come home but they are doing their "jobs" by trying to muddy the waters.

MJ sick = "Doesn't surprise me, probably his kama"
MJ broke = "Doesnt surprise me, homeboy been living it up like a pimp f0 years
MJ not confident = "Neither would i be with that face"

The whole thing is designed for one purpose - to hurt. To continue the popular belief that MJ is a fragile aging popstar with nothing to offer. Now, put yourself in his shoes, its VERRY difficult mentally to overcome the fact that no matter what you do, you will be bagged, good or bad.

This isn't Britney Spears, this is an artist that has outsold Elvis the beatles and leona lewis in 2008. This is an artist that can sell 10 mill standing on his head and be undisputed #1 for 2009. Understand what we are dealing with here.

With regards to illness, im not gonna lie, my personal thoughts are that is does exist and that is indeed serious. However...take a photo of me on aSunday morning after a night on the booze and i will look like im dying too. Take a photo of me coming out of the doctors, chances are i wont be jumping for joy...so please...take it for what it is, one story, one beat up, one opportunity for the media to stick the knife in.

I'm telling y'all and katie and timmy will back me up no doubt. The very SAME people who were out to get mike in 93 and 03 are still waiting in the wings, they are still actively making plans, the still have the $ signs in their eyes. What michael has been doing i believe is tightening up his business in order to proceed without any breaking news but without your health you have nothing,,,and that is a fact of life for all of us.

Michael has had his fair share of trauma, such that none of us will ever know the hurt and pain nor do i think any other celebrity will ever be under the same amount of scrutiny and pressure. Its not rocket science, it takes it toll. but before we jump to conclusions we need to check the facts, listen to what michael is telling us through messages and appearances,, If there are major issues we will know, in the mean time i suggest we listen to shannon and the mods here and pray for michael, he needs our support as im sure it provides alot of faith and strength.

One thing we cant do as a community is jump to conclusions or assume the worst case scenario. I challenge each of you to review the last 15 years of michaels career and seperate rumour from god awful lies and draw your own conclusions BASED ON the success rate of the media, which is, at best, minimal.
Re: New Pic of Michael

^^ Pretty much and realize they've been doing this for 25 years. Only thing MJ can do is overcome the obstacles which he will. Yeah we can be concerned but don't let negative talk about Mike affect how you think about his current situation. I wouldn't worry about what's going on right now because I think Michael is alright and COULD be under the weather. Just don't be ticked off when stories about Michael's supposed illness come, it's almost as if they want it to happen. Like I said in that other thread, brush that dirt off your shoulder and move on. Mike will be alright. :yes:
Re: New Pic of Michael

^^ Pretty much and realize they've been doing this for 25 years. Only thing MJ can do is overcome the obstacles which he will. Yeah we can be concerned but don't let negative talk about Mike affect how you think about his current situation. I wouldn't worry about what's going on right now because I think Michael is alright and COULD be under the weather. Just don't be ticked off when stories about Michael's supposed illness come, it's almost as if they want it to happen. Like I said in that other thread, brush that dirt off your shoulder and move on. Mike will be alright. :yes:

ITA 100%:yes:
Re: New Pic of Michael

I like his p.j.s and that long black coat, but he looks very unhappy! It makes me mad to see that they kept taking pic after pic and right up in his face. I mean, we all like seeing pics of him, but that is totally unnecessary!
I hope he's okay too