12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

oh my god, my heart is breaking into pieces :no: Michael is sooo sad, he's probably sick. He didn't feel good. i feel so sad now.
Re: New Pic of Michael

He looks beautiful. I think he looks so stylish. I'm loving the coat.

Michael, I hope you are ok..
Re: New Pic of Michael


What's written on the door,please?
Re: New Pic of Michael

I feel like I'm violating his privacy by looking at those pictures. It's plain to see that he was at some sort of medical facility and did not want to get photographed. His facial expressions shows his discontent with the paps and it's obvious he's not feeling all that well. I wish Michael the best and I personally feel like crap after seeing those pictures.
Re: New Pic of Michael

maybe he looks sleepy
can u tell when it was? maybe in the morning cause he's usually sleepy in the morning.he's a night person.

thanx for the HQ pix!
Re: New Pic of Michael

My eyes are in tears...OMG,why the MJ's fans have to suffer?

OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Positive vibrations!:angel:
Re: New Pic of Michael

I feel like I'm violating his privacy by looking at those pictures. It's plain to see that he was at some sort of medical facility and did not want to get photographed. His facial expressions shows his discontent with the paps and it's obvious he's not feeling all that well. I wish Michael the best and I personally feel like crap after seeing those pictures.

I agree 100%...
Re: New Pic of Michael

I feel like I'm violating his privacy by looking at those pictures. It's plain to see that he was at some sort of medical facility and did not want to get photographed. His facial expressions shows his discontent with the paps and it's obvious he's not feeling all that well. I wish Michael the best and I personally feel like crap after seeing those pictures.

I agree the people hounding him should be ashamed of themselves. They get info on where he is and private or not they all up in his business and face. It's sad.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I agree the people hounding him should be ashamed of themselves. They get info on where he is and private or not they all up in his business and face. It's sad.

I agree all the way. I really feel sorry for Michael. He can't even go to the doctor in peace.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I think that he's just showing discomfort with having pictures taken. I am hoping and praying that he's not sick, but if he is I hope he gets well soon. :(
Re: New Pic of Michael

Aw man... I hope he is okay?? :( He looks really sad. And really tired. You can especially see it in this pic:

Re: New Pic of Michael

Why there are paps into a hospital?! it should even be fobidden to take pictures into a hospital! What the h*ll?! How did they get there?! I think MJ wears the mask baceause of them, is not usal to go with the mask for a medical visit!
Re: New Pic of Michael


What's written on the door,please?

It says, "Smoking Prohibited."

And I hope MJ is alright. :( MAN I am like.. really really worried. And knowing he was at a medical building for something, does not make it better. lol
Re: New Pic of Michael

Why there are paps into a hospital?! it should even be fobidden to take pictures into a hospital! What the h*ll?! How did they get there?! I think MJ wears the mask baceause of them, is not usal to go with the mask for a medical visit!

It's not a hospital. It says it's a Medical Clinic which may just mean a group of doctors that use the same building. Still aint right to be up in his face like that.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I don't think a medical clinic is a pubblic space anyway, where paps can show in and take pictures...
Re: New Pic of Michael

Awwwww. Get well soon, Boo. And lovin' the hair. It's so purrrrrdy.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I dont like to see Michael in hospitals. what's happening for real?:huh:


Is it really any of our business? Can Michael not go see the doc like the rest of us when he isn't feeling well without being scrutinized?

If Michael wanted to tell us his personal medical business (which he tends to avoid) he would. But as it is personal and confidential and he goes to see doctors all the time, for his own sake I would leave it alone. At least he does see doctors and gets treatment for the things that ail him, rather than constantly pop pain pills in secret and act like nothing's wrong. That's what's dangerous.

I go to the doc in my pj's too sometimes, especially if I'm feeling particularly crappy. No reason to go out of my way to change out of comfy cozies when I'm just gonna put them right back on again at home. People, cut him some slack here. The dude ain't trying to make a fashion statement. Kill the criticism and move on.

On a little happier note, whatever the reason for the visit (since it is, unfortunately, public knowledge), I hope he gets to feeling better real soon cause it's no fun being sick, especially the week of Christmas. Be comforted in that Michael has always been described as a very fast healer. :)
Re: New Pic of Michael

I feel like I'm violating his privacy by looking at those pictures. It's plain to see that he was at some sort of medical facility and did not want to get photographed. His facial expressions shows his discontent with the paps and it's obvious he's not feeling all that well. I wish Michael the best and I personally feel like crap after seeing those pictures.

I hear that. I wonder if maybe there should be a rule for new photos...you know, ones that are obviously very private matters taken by heartless paparazzi vs. those meant to be more public. Perhaps photos should be submitted to mods for approval prior to being posted?? Cause these photos are a huge invasion of his privacy, as are MOST photos shown on TMZ. I don't know, it's just a thought. I just know it made me mad that number one, they were taken in the first place, and number two, everyone goes nuts over them and invades his privacy even more.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Once again, it is a medical clinic, according to tmz.com, not a hospital.

Whatever is going on, I hope Mike feels well.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Oh GOd! Please tell me that Michael's healthy. He looks tired here. Poor Michael! By the way, his eyes are beautiful as usual and I love his bear
Re: New Pic of Michael

I think we shouldn't read too much into those pictures. Everyone here seems to know what he feels like based on some still images/pictures. That is ridiculous. He can be sick, annoyed, tired, bored or whatever. You can't tell that from those pictures. And if you could tell, it is not per se tied to his visit to a medical facility. So why not stop over-analysing those pictures???
Re: New Pic of Michael

I agree Hoofmark, its a bit annoying everytime a picture comes out everyone assumes they know how he feels. Your entitled to your opinion but a picture is one second in time, nothing more. It does not tell the whole story. We all miss him.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Thanx for posting all the pics everyone. Yeah the images don't show us the whole picture of how he's feeling at that moment, but I hope he's ok cuz we're all get a feeling that he wasn't in a good mood.